In praise of Bulls For free community service AV 9.4
1.साहस्रस्त्वेष ऋषभः पयस्वान् विश्वा रुपाणि वक्षणासु विभ्रत। भद्रं दात्रे यजमानाय शिक्षन् बार्हस्पत्य उस्रियस्तन्तुमातान्।। AV9.4.1
Bull with thousands of bounties of high milk yielding healthy & beautiful progeny stored in its body is developed, engaged and set up by charitable, wise men to learn the art of breeding and stretching the line of good progeny of cows with strong healthy bodies.
2. अपां यो अग्रे प्रतिमा बभूव प्रभु: सर्वस्मै पृथिवीव देवी | पिता वत्सानां पतिरघ्न्यनां साहस्रे पोषे अपि न: कृणोतु || अथर्व 9.4.2
Waters (Primordial soup) played the primary role in creation of life. Bull performs the role of same importance as husband of cows and by fathering calves, and provides world with sustenance in thousands of forms (through agriculture and milk)
3.पुमानन्तर्वान्त्स्थविर: पयस्वान् वसो: कबन्धमृषभो विभर्ति |
तमिन्द्राय पथिभिर्देवयानैर्हुतमग्निर्वहतु जातवेदा: || अथर्व 9.4.3
Bull symbolizes Vitality of life. There is no alternative to Bull as the personified embodiment of life sustainability.
4.पिता वत्सानां पतिरघ्न्यानामथो पिता महतां गर्गराणाम्|
वत्सो जरायु: प्रतिधुक् पीयूष आमिक्ष्जा घृतं तद् वस्य रेत: ||
अथर्व 9.4.4
Bull is husband of cows, father of calves. And is creator of vast quantities of Milk (through highly productive cows). The calf, the placenta, colostrums, then milk, curds, and ghee are only different manifestations of Bull semen.
5.देवानां भाग उप्नाह एषो3पां रस ओषधीनां घृतस्य|
सोमस्य भक्षमवृणीत शक्रो बृहन्नद्रिभवद् यच्छरीरम् || अथर्व 9.4.5
Bull is storehouse of divine motivating forces. Bull is source of nutritive and curative properties present in the form of different liquids, medicines and ghee. The intellectual motivating forces of सोम that initiate all constructive activity इन्द्र on ground follow from the existence of Bulls.
6. सोमेन पूर्ण कलशं विभर्षि त्वष्टा रूपाणां जनिता पशूनाम् |
शिवास्ते सन्तु प्रजन्व इह या इमा न्यस्मभ्यं स्वधिते यच्छ या अमू: || अथर्व9.4.6
Bull is the source of all intellectual motivation force सोम. Bull alone is responsible for calves of different colors and shades. The cows that the Bull provides are source of far reaching progress, prosperity, motivational temperaments and capabilities of the society.
7. आज्यं विभर्ति घृतमस्य रेत: साहस्र: पोषमस्तमु यज्ञमाहु: |
इन्द्रस्य रूपमृषभो वसान: सो अस्मान् देवा: शिव एतु दत्त: || अथर्व9.4.7
It is the semen of Bull that is the ghee for the Yajna of life by which good healthy, right thinking progeny is born for a welfare sustainable society.
8.इन्द्रस्यौजो वरुणस्य बाहू अश्विनोरंसौ मरुतामियं ककुत् | बृहस्पतिं संभृतमेतमाहुर्ये धीरास: कवयो ये मनीषिण: || अथर्व9.4.8
Aura of vitality of Bull is provider of prestigious temperament of humans who are ‘doers’ in society of tasks with far reaching effectiveness. The hump on its back is provider of all microbiological elements of growth promoting and disease preventing bounties. Bull is the precursor of human articulate speech capability of creative minds, wise men, and poets.
9.दैवीर्विश: पयस्वाना तनोषि त्वामिंद्रं त्वां सरस्वन्त्माहु: |
सहस्रं स एकमुखा ददाति यो ब्राह्मण ऋषमाजुहोति || अथर्व 9.4.9
As provider of agriculture and Nectar of milk the nutrition sources Bull is responsible for development of a meritorious society. Bull is truly exclaimed as an ocean of prosperity and welfare. Bull by its community service produces progeny of cows that has a single track purpose in its existence –the welfare of entire creation.
10. बृहस्पति: सविता ते वयो दधौ त्वष्टुर्वायो: पर्यात्मा त आभृत: |
अन्तरिक्षे मनसा त्वाजुहोमि बर्हिष्टे द्यावापृथिवी उभे स्ताम् ||
अथर्व 9.4.10
Nature has endowed the Bull with vigor, intensity and life giving capabilities. Bull’s aura carries its creativity. With well planned and executed traditions Bull is released for free unrestricted wandering as community service. Open air and earth provide the dwellings for this Bull.
11. य इन्द्र इव दैवेषु गोष्वेति विवादत् |
तस्य ऋषभस्याङ्गनि ब्रह्मा सं स्तौतु भद्रया || अथर्व9.4.11
Indra occupies his eminent position among gods by his innumerable virtuous actions. So let us also pay our obeisance to all parts in the body of the Bull.
Symbolism associated with various body parts of a Bull is described in the following mantras;
Much more detailed study is needed to fathom this symbolism. The following correlations are very commonly known.
12. पार्श्वे आस्तामनुत्या भगस्या स्तामनूवृजौ |
पार्श्वे Sides are अनुमत्या Providers of desired directions अष्ठीवन्तावब्रवीन्मित्रो ममैतौ केवलाविति || अथर्व9.4.12
†Âšüß¾Ö¬ŸÖÖî the Knees are मित्रः Protectors from evils आवृजो Flanks भगस्य Harbingers of good tidings
3.भसदादित्यानां श्रोणी आस्तां बृहस्पते: |
³ÖÃÖ¤Ëü Rumps आदित्यानाम Ground that supports all श्रोणी Thighs बृहस्पति Interceders in actions
पुच्छस्य वातस्य्देवस्य तेन धूनोत्योषधी | अथर्व 9.4.13.
¯Öã“”û´Ö Tail ¾ÖÖŸÖ Draft of air bearing medicines
14.गुदा असन्त्सिवाल्या: सूर्यायास्त्वचमब्रुवन् |
गुदाAnusसिनीवाल्या for women engaged in chores of managing cow dung, Ÿ¾Ö“ÖÖ Skin सूर्याया Daughters of SUN ( Nutrition precursors of Vitamin D linkage)
उत्थातुरब्रुवन् पद ऋषभं यदकल्पयन्|| अथर्व 9.4.14
¯Ö¤ü„ Feet ˆŸ£ÖÖŸÖã up standers providing support
15. क्रोड आसीज्जामिशंस्य सोमस्य कलशो घृत: |
क्रोड: Breasts जामिशंसस्य About sisterly affections कलश: Vessel is udder सोमस्य full of Mind motivator milk
देवा: संगत्य यत् सर्व ऋषभं व्यकल्पयन || अथर्व 9.4.15
All dewataas divine powers collaborated to bestow Bull with these attributes.
16. ते कुष्ठिका: सर्मायै कूर्मेभ्यो अदुध: शफान् |
ऊबध्य्मस्य कीटेभु: श्वर्तेभो अधारयन् || अथर्व 9.4.16
कुष्टिक: dew-claws सरमायै For Watch Dogs, शफान् hoof as Tools,‰ú¾Ö¬µÖ´Ö Dung कीट्भ्य: as insecticides
17.शृङ्गाभ्यां रक्ष ऋषत्यवर्ति हन्ति चक्षुषा |
शृणोति भद्रं कर्णाभ्यां गवां य: पतिरघ्न्य: || अथर्व 9.4.17
By his horn a bull provides protection from enemies- (This could also allude to Rudolph Steiner’s Bio Dynamic horn preparations of insecticides and plant growth promoter preparations)- And protects from famines by his observation (Satavalekar)-
By his ears Bull hears the voice of cows in heat desiring him for being their husband.
(This can be an area for research by modern veterinary science to detect estrus in cows by recognizing change in voice pattern of a cow in heat.)
18. शतयाजं स यजते नैनं दुन्वन्त्यग्नय: |
जिन्वन्ति विश्वे तं देवा यो ब्राह्मण ऋषभमाजुहोति || अथर्व 9.4.18
By donating a bull for community service, one participates in performing social services of great significance for maintaining growth of good cows. And thus protects the society from sufferings that befall a society that is not sustained by good cows.
19.ब्राह्मणेभ्य ऋषभं दत्वा वरीय: कृणुते मन: |
पुष्टिं सो अघ्न्यानां स्वे गोष्ठेपश्यते || अथर्व 9.4.19
Tradition of donating a bull for community service promotes benevolent, philanthropic, unselfish, charitable temperament in individuals and society. Growth of good cows is seen in such Community.
20.गाव: सन्तु प्रजा: सन्त्वथो अस्तु तनूबलम् |
तत् सर्वमनु मन्यन्तां देवा ऋषभदायिने || अथर्व 9.4.20
Vrishabhotsarg-वृषभोत्सर्ग tradition of releasing a Bull for community service provides means for expanding the number of good cows and ensures a healthy and prosperous society .
21. अयं पिपान इन्द्र रयिं दधातु चेतनीम् | अयं धेनुं सुदुधां नित्यवत्सां वशं दुहां विपश्चितं परो दिव: || अथर्व 9.4.21
A good strong bull ensures good cows that give plenty of milk to provide excellent nutrition and mental development, ensures good male calves for agriculture and future Bulls, provides cows of friendly temperaments . This is as if this bull is thus procuring for us divine gifts from heavens.
22. पिशङ्गरूपो नभसो वयोधा ऐंद्र: शुष्मो विश्वरूपो न आगन् |
आयुरस्मभ्यं दधत् प्रजां च रायश्च पोषैरभि न: सचताम् || अथर्व 9.4.22
The golden color of Sunshine brings (by photosynthesis) energy through growing agriculture. Bulls bring the bounties of sunshine to humans through cows (in the form of Carotenoids & Vitamin D) and bless us with good health, long life and provide vitality to our semen for having children to make the community prosperous and happy.
23. उपेहोपर्पर्चनास्मिन गोष्ठ उप पृङ्च न: |
उप ऋषभस्य यद् रेत उपेन्द्र तव वीर्यम् || अथर्व9.4.23
We pray for the Bull to be always available to us close at hand and to join with our herd for his vitality to produce progeny of cows for our welfare.
24.एतं वो युवानं प्रति दध्मो अत्र तेन क्रीडन्तीश्चरत वशां अनु| मा नो हासिष्ट जनुषा सुभागा रायश्च पोषैरभि न: सचध्वम् ||
अथर्व 9.4.24
Youth full Bull (after proper selection and with permanent identity) is released for community service among cows for their playful enjoyment and for the herd to move about as they desire. By their growth in numbers cows continue to ensure welfare of society.
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