Friday, October 21, 2011

Vedic literature on Good bulls and Oxes

Attributes (Breeding bulls,cows oxes)
वृषभ: सूक्त -विषय
5.3 Bulls For Breeding AV 9-4-1
Bull Pedigree, breeding soundness

साहस्रस्त्वेष ऋषभः पयस्वान् विश्वा रुपाणि वक्षणासु विभ्रत। भद्रं दात्रे यजमानाय शिक्षन् बार्हस्पत्य उस्रियस्तन्तुमातान्।।
Bull with thousands of attributes like high milk yield healthy & beautiful progeny stored in its body is developed, engaged and set up by charitable, wise men to learn the art of breeding and stretching the line of good progeny of cows with strong healthy bodies.
Visible Marks of undesirable Bulls and cows
(Paninis AshtaDhyai confirms the Parashar samhita.)
5.2 पाराशर: गोलक्षणम्
वृषभ अशुभ वृष कथनम

5.2.1(22) ºÉÉ»ÉÉÊ¤É±É रूक्षक्ष्योमूषकनयनाश्च न शुभ प्रदा गाव:। प्रचलच्चिपिट विषाणां: करटा: खर ºÉqù¶É´ÉhÉÉǶSÉ**1.22
Cow with tearful, dry or rodent look alike eyes with flat or shaking horns, waste products and garbage eating, making sounds form head? Skin ash colored like that of donkey are not expected to sire good cows.
5.2.2(23) दश सप्तचतुर्दन्त्य: प्रलम्बमुण्डानामना विनतपृष्टा श्च ह्रस्वस्थूलग्रीवा यवमधया दारितखुरा श्च
Bulls with ten, seven or four teeth, disproportionately long face, raised hind, short stocky neck, small back, and frayed hoof are not expected to give good results.
5.2.3(24) श्यावाऽतिदीर्घ जिह्वा गुल्फै रति तनुभि रति वृहाद्भि र्वा। अतिकुकुदा: कृशदेहा नेष्टा हीनाधिाकाञ्गय श्च।। (24)
Black & White colored, with long tongue, dwarf or skinny or with incomplete or excessive body parts are not good features of Bulls (Could these references and mention of white and black colored cows be seen as hinting to HF Cows?)

वृषभोऽप्येवं स्थूलातिलंबवृषण: शिराततक्रोड:।
स्थूलशिराचितगण्ड स्त्रिास्थानं महते यश्च।। ;25
Bull with stocky or very pendulous scrotum, ribs showing on stomach, varicose veins on face, oozing from three openings.
(It is confirmed that bulls and cows which swallow indigestible items like plastics keep on drooling from their mouth the undigested materials. This is also a fact that a very small surgery with local anesthesia known as
' rumenotomy' can remove such indigestible foreign matter from a cows' stomach to restore it to normal health)
5.2.5(26) मार्जारक्ष: कपिल: करटो वानशुभदो द्विजस्ये ष्ठः।कृष्णोष्टतालुजिह्व: श्वसनो यूथस्य घातकर:।। (26)
With eyes like that of a cat, brown colored, or crow colored, with black lips, pallet, tongue, short of breath bull does not bring good luck.
5.2.6(27) स्थूलशकृ न्मणिशृन्ग: सितोदर: कृष्णसार वर्णश्च। गृहजातो ऽपि त्याज्यो यूथविनाशावहो वृषभ:।। (27)
stocky anus and horns, white stomach or unusually complexioned bull should not be commissioned even if it is home born.
5.2.7(28) श्यामाक पुष्पचिताञ्गो भस्मा रूणसन्निभो विडालाक्ष:। विप्राणा मपि न शुभं करोति वृषभ: परिगृहीत:।। 28
Small limbed ash brown colored eyes like that of cats are not good as bull
5.2.8(29) ये चो द्धोरन्ति प्रादान् पञ्कादिव योजिता: कृशग्रीवा:। कातरनयना हीना: पृष्टत श्च तेन भारसहा: (29)
Bull which enjoy wallowing in mud & mire, drags his feet while walking, is short necked, small back or scary eyes is not good.

5.3 Good Bull Recognition
शुभ वृष कथनम
Traits of Good Bulls
5.3.1;30 मृदुसंहतता म्रोष्टा स्तनुस्पिफज स्ताम्रतालुजि ह्वाश्च। तनुहस्वो च श्रवण: सुकुक्षय: स्पष्टजंघांश्च।। (30)
Softly closed pinkish lips, small buttocks, pink tongue & pallet, small raised ears beautiful tummy & open thighs.

5.3.2(31) आताम्रसंहतखुरा ब्यूढोरस्का वृहत्ककुद्युक्ता:।
स्निग्धा श्लक्ष्णतनुत्व ग्रोमाण स्तुश्रिंञ्गाः।। (31)
Pinkish hoof, fleshy breast, large hump, shiny small haircoat , bronze colored small horns
5.3.3(32) तनुभूस्पृग्वालधयो रक्तान्तविलोचना मवासा:।
सिंहस्कन्धा स्तन्वल्प कंवला: पृजिता: सुगता:।। (32)
Long tail not heavy, Pink eye lines, heavy breather, small haired, of active temperament, is a good bull.

अनुडहो वृषभ: Ox bullocks for draft power

5.3.4(33) वामा वर्त्तै र्वामे दक्षिणपार्श्वे च दक्षिणावर्त्त्यैः । शुभदा भवन्त्युऽनुडुहो जञ्घाभि श्रैणकनिभाभि: (33)
Easily maneuverable to left & right & reverse, light of thighs like a deer is a good Ox
5.3.5(34) बैडूर्यमाल्लिकाबु दधुदेक्षणा: स्थूलनेत्राचर्माण:।
पार्ष्णिभि रस्फुटिताभि: शस्ता: सर्वेऽपिभारवहा:
Eyes like a cat's eye stone, a bud of Jasmine & a bubble of water & firm stable eyes, skin with firm heavy back make for good load bearing ox
5.3.6(35) घ्राणोद्देशे सवलि मार्जारमुख: सितश्च दक्षिणत:।कमलोत्पलकाभाक्ष: सुबालधिर्वाजितुल्यजव:
Ox having folds of skin on nose, eyes like a feline & a pair of lotus buds; beautiful tail is fast like a horse
5.3.7 (36) लम्बै वृषणै र्मेषो दरश्च सञ्क्षिप्तवञ्क्षणक्रोड:। ज्ञेयो भाराधवस हो जवे श्वतुल्य श्च शस्तफल:
Tall drooling scrotum, tight belly, taught shoulders make a good general purpose Ox.

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