Safety of females is King’s Duty
in society is as important as protecting the nation from external enemies.
हस्तेनैव ग्राह्यआधिरस्या
ब्रह्मजायेयमिति चेदवोचन् ।
न दूताय प्रह्ये तस्थ एषा तथा
राष्ट्रं गुपितं क्षत्रियस्य॥ ऋ 10-109-3अथर्व 5-17-3
To prevent the young females from being led astray
forcibly, their protection is the duty of the state and just as important as
providing protection of national territory from external enemies.
Dealing with Sex offenders
नपुंसक करने का उपाय – neutering
ऋषि:- क्लीवकर्तुकामोsथर्वा:, देवता:- वनस्पति
वीरुधां श्रेष्ठतमाभिश्रुतास्योषधे ।
इमं मे अद्य पूरुषं क्लीबं ओपशिनं कृधि । ।AV6.138.1
Administer the sex
pervert male the fast acting herb that renders him impotent. Further make
visible marks on him to distinguish him from normal males.
कृध्योपशिनं अथो कुरीरिणं कृधि ।
अथास्येन्द्रो ग्रावभ्यां उभे
भिनत्त्वाण्ड्यौ । । AV6.138.2
Alternatively king should ensure to crush the
testicles of such sex perverts and make them impotent. Further such persons should wear female
attire and display permanent visible marks that they have been made impotent.
3. क्लीब क्लीबं त्वाकरं वध्रे वध्रिं त्वाकरं
अरसारसं त्वाकरं ।
कुरीरं अस्य शीर्षणि कुम्बं चाधिनिदध्मसि । । AV6.138.3
Both methods of neutering, by medicine or by
crushing the testicles and permanent visual identification of such persons
should be implemented.
ते नाद्यौ देवकृते ययोस्तिष्ठति वृष्ण्यं ।
ते ते भिनद्मि शम्ययामुष्या अधि मुष्कयोः । । AV6.138.4
There are two veins to testicles operating as
passages of sperms from testicles. Surgically by a needle these veins should be
punctured to render a person unproductive.
5. आनृत्यत: शिखण्डिनो गन्धर्वस्याप्सरापते: |
भिनद्मि मुष्कावपि यामि: शेष: ||
अथर्व 4.37.7
Dancing around,
sporting long hair, wearing lot of perfumes, by multi partner sex activities
spread lot of sexually transmitted diseases. Either their testicles should be
crushed, their organs surgically dealt to render them incapable of spreading
disease or having any progeny.
6. श्वेवैक:
कपिरिवैक: कुमार सर्वकेशक:|
प्रियो द्रिश
इव भूत्वा गन्धर्व: सचते स्त्रियस्तिमितो
नाशयामसि ब्रह्मणा वीर्यार्वता || अथर्व 4.37.11
They wear long hair;
wearing perfumes try to look young and attractive, behaving like dogs or monkeys approach the
females, and spread disease. They should be dealt with by proper counseling and
नडं कशिपुने स्त्रियो भिन्दन्त्यश्मना ।
भिनद्मि ते शेपोऽमुष्या अधि मुष्कयोः । । AV6.138.5
Even ladies perform these operations on such
delinquent men.
In Vaidhika Nyaaya Shaastra which is lakhs of years old, there are no references of these kind of cruel punishments. Those mantras are not intended for the purpose mentioned. The nonhuman punishments were started in India only after the Mughal invasion. What is crime? It is a weakness of the mind, so all Bhaaratiya Shikshaa Neetis were based on this fact & the punishments were formulated to purify the mind, thereby helping the accused to overcome that inferior state to make him really Human. Meanwhile the punishments were such that it would impact on society also & the crime rates can be reduced. There is no death sentence any where is Vaidhika Nyaaya Shaastra. It says that if a judicial system incorporates the cruel punishments & death sentences, psychologically it will reverse impact the society and the crime rates grow up. This can be practically seen now a days in the Countries where Cutter kind of policy is there ever for a small mistake! E.g., The terrorists, human bombers & many more who don't care about their death!
ReplyDeleteSimilar is the case of Rapists, it is the result of Ati-Kaamukataa again an utterly bad state of mind. Vedas are more towards precautionary & preventive measures. Social Psychology based awareness should play a role here.
The present IPC's are purely by British! So the interpretation of Vedas based on present judicial laws & present mindset is not proper. If real Vaidhika Nyaaya Shaastra comes to implementation there is no requirement of High Court or Supreme Courts, all the cases originate locally & will be solved locally by the Panchaas in the Graama Vyavastaa, this is one of the agendas in Grama-Swaraajya which is nothing but Raama-Raajya.