अथर्व वेद 1/12 देवता यक्ष्मानाशन्
Wasting diseases
जरायज: प्रथम उस्रिया वृषा वात्व्रजा स्तनयन्नेति वृष्टया !
स नो मृडाति तनव ऋजगो रुजन् य एकमोजस्त्रेधा विचक्रमे !! अथर्व 1/12/1
This Ved Mantra is very interestingly describing a very modern topic
regarding the medicinal efficacy of colostrums of a new born cow. It is equally
applicable as directive in Vedas about importance of breast feeding.
Colostrums is the pre-milk fluid
produced from the mother's mammary glands during the first 72 hours after
birth. It provides life-supporting immune and growth factors that insure the
health and vitality of the newborn.
Commercial Exploitation of Colostrums of Cows for Human beings is a big
modern pharmaceutical industry.
Breastfeeding in humans as also
for new born calves provides natural "seeding" -- the initial
boost to immune and digestive systems
Loss of youth & Vigor
In western medicine which gives no importance to ब्रह्मचर्य
,it is observed that after puberty, the
amount of immunity and growth factors present in human bodies begin to decline. Human body becomes more
vulnerable to disease, its energy level and enthusiasm lessens, skin loses its elasticity, and there is gain
of unwanted weight and body
looses muscle tone. The modern humans also
live in a toxic environment, with pollutants and allergens all around us.
Research has shown that Colostrums have powerful natural immune and growth
factors that bring the body to a state of homeostasis -- its powerful, vital
natural state of health and well being. Colostrums help support healthy immune
function; & also enable us to resist the harmful effects of pollutants,
contaminants and allergens where they attack us.
Plus, the growth factors in Colostrums create many of the positive
"side-effects" of a healthy organism -- an enhanced ability to
metabolize or "burn" fat, greater ease in building lean muscle mass,
and enhanced rejuvenation of skin and muscle.
It is a very common modern medicine practice to collect colostrums from
freshly calved cows to produce medicinal products for boosting disease
resistance, and health promotion
tonics for sick and elderly humans, specifically in
debilitating diseases such as tuberculosis.
New born calves particularly males are immediately taken away for
slaughter. Cow’s Colostrums are collected for making medicines for the Pharma
industries. Calves in general are fed on an artificial feed called Milk Replacer.
References to in the above ved mantra Atharv 1.12.1- जरायुजः, उस्रिया, वृषा, स्तन्यन्नेति, वृष्टया, त्रेधा, are clear references to Colostrums - first few days milk of a cow just after
calving. Literal meaning of these vedic
words are – produce of a just calved cow which is in the process of releasing
the placenta, milk giving cow, shower of
milk from the udder and three rumens of a cow having played the important role
in giving rise to the extraordinary medicinal value of this early milk of a
cow. In this Sookt this is being promoted for curing Tuberculosis, as
the very Dewata of this sookt- यक्षमानाशन्
अङ्गे अङ्गे शोचिषा शिश्रियाणं नमस्यन्तस्त्वा हविषा विधेम !
अङ्कान्त्समङ्कान् हविषा विधेम यो अग्रभीत् पर्वास्या ग्रभीता !! अथर्व 1/12/2
हे सूर्य आप की और समीपवर्ती
देवताओं चंद्रमा, नक्षत्रादि तारादि की दीप्ति इस जगत और प्रत्येक प्राणी के अंग अंग में प्राण रूप से स्थित है. तुझ को नमस्कार करते हुवे हम हवि द्वारा तुम सब को परिचर्या
द्वारा तृप्त करते हैं.
मुञ्च शीर्षक्त्या उत कास एनं परुष्परुराविवेशा यो अस्य !
यो अभ्रजा वातजा यश्च शुष्मो वनस्पतीन्त्सचतां पर्वतांश्च !! अथर्व 1/12/3
हे सूर्य इस पुरुष को शिरोवेदना
से मुक्त करो.वह खांसी जो इस के अंग अंग (
संधिस्थलों) में घुस कर बैठा है, उस से भी मुक्त कर, जो शरीर को सुखा देने वाला पित्त विकार है उस से भी मुक्त कर, जो वर्षा काल मे श्लेष्रोग वात विकार से होता है उस से भी मुक्त कर. सब त्रिविध रोगों की निवृत्ति के लिए वन वृक्षों, वनस्पतियों द्वारा यह सब रोग दूर हों.
शं मे परस्मै गत्राय शमस्त्ववराय मे!
शं मे चतुभ्यो अङ्गेभ्य: शमस्तु तन्वे3 मम !! अथर्व 1/12/4
मेरे ऊपर के शिरोभूत अङ्ग के लिए, मेरे नीचे के शरीर के लिए, मेरे हाथ पैर ,
तन सब अङ्गों के लिए सुख हो.
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