praise of Family life
AV4.34 गृहस्थ पालन
Importance of Food
1.ब्रह्मास्य शीर्षं बृहदस्य पृष्ठं वामदेव्यमुदरमोदनस्य
छन्दांसि पक्षौ मुखमस्य सत्यं विष्टारी जातस्तपसोSधि यज्ञ: || AV4.34.1
Food for humans provides the wisdom to our head; it
provides the physical strength to our spine, to protect our interests like a
warrior defends the nation. It provides the ability to our stomach to nurture
our body like the Vaishya nurtures the community by agriculture & business
activities. On the sides our food
enables the poet in us, creative imagination to fly high with wings like
birds. It is (quality of) our food only
that endows us with articulate speech ability to spread the word of truth and
wisdom in the world.
अदनेनान्नानि- ओदन अन्न ही है . अन्न ही हमारे शीर्ष को
– मस्तिष्क को ब्रह्मत्व देता है, अन्न
ही हमारी रीढ़ को क्षत्रिय का पौरुष देता है, अन्न ही हमारे उदर को वैश्य के रूप में
समाज को कृषि , कृष्टि , व्यापार
द्वारा समाज की सेवा करने में सक्षम बनाता
है. रेतो वा ओदन: - यह अन्न ही है जो ऊर्ध्वरेता हो कर मस्तिष्क को
कल्पना की उड़ान भर कर एक पक्षी की तरह अंतरिक्ष में उड़ कर
एक कवि बन कर छन्दादि बनाता है, मुख से सत्य पर अधारित वाणी द्वारा यज्ञों के अनुष्ठान से ऊत्तम परिस्थितियों का
सृजन करता है.
On Pranayaam & Incest
2.अनस्था: पूता: पवनेन शुद्धा: शुचय: शुचिमपि
यंति लोकम् |
नैषां शिश्नं प्र दहति जातवेदा: स्वर्गे लोके बहु स्त्रैणमेषाम्
|| AV 4.34.2
By pranayam one attains purity of mind, a healthy
nervous system and better body resistance to degeneration by wear and tear of
human body. Better mind control over negative emotions l equanimous peaceful
temperament, anger, greed, and control over temptations follows from
purification of pranic air by pranayam.
Thus purified pranic, atmosphere in household will make it easier. While living in a
household with many females around other than wife, self control of carnal
desires should be exercised to avoid incest.
Cultured life
3.विष्टारिणमोदनं ये पचन्ति नैनानवर्ति:
सचते कदा चा |
आस्ते यम उप याति देवान्त्सं गन्धर्वैर्मदत्व सोम्येभि: || AV4.34.3
By following the rules of Yam and Niyam, their life
style & food provides with healthy happy living that is free from
deprivations. They devote themselves to cultivate interests and activities that
are mark of cultured society leisure activities, such as swadhyaaya- स्वाध्याय, enhancing their knowledge base, fine arts,
music, dance, poetry, sculpture etc. to enhance their enjoyment of life.
Sublimation ऊर्ध्वरेत:
4. विष्टारिमणोदनं ये पचन्ति नैनान् यम:
प्रतिमुष्णाति रेत: |
रथी ह भूत्वा रथयान ईयते पक्षी ह भूत्वाति दिव: समेति || AV 4.34.4
By properly managing their diets and life style, their
vital energy flows upwards to their brain rather than getting drained out and
wasted in lower body activities- such as over indulgence in sex and resulting
running seminal fluid to waste.
Once the vital energy rises up in human body, human
spirit takes wings like a bird to attain great heights in its rise on earth and
sky involving itself in greater cooperation and community welfare.
(Vedic term for this is ‘oordhwreta’ ऊर्ध्वरेत:.This is a
very important singular Vedic concept exhorting its virtues for mankind. The
modern medical science has yet to catch up with this Vedic concept. According to modern science it is accepted
that all human physical faculties of sight, hearing, speech etc. depend on
proper functioning of brain. The
chemical composition of grey matter of brain as also prostaglandin and seminal
fluid in human body is made up mostly of the same two constituents, DHA (Docosa
Hexaenoic Acids) and EPA (Ecosa Pentaenoic Acids). DHA
is an omega-3 fatty acid found mostly in the brain, retina, and in sperm. It
plays an important role in vision. Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial because
they provide fluidity to cell membranes and improve communication between brain
cells. They also reduce the clotting ability of platelets, thus potentially
decreasing the incidence of heart attacks and strokes. It also plays a
significant role in cerebral development, especially during the crucial period
of fetal development and infancy. Human body obtains its supply of these two
vital invaluable substances from food. Pregnant mothers transfer DHA
directly to the fetus to support rapid brain and retina development. DHA is
supplied to the newborn via mother's breast milk.
Grass fed cow’s milk and its products like curds, butter, ghee are the
only rich sources of Omega3 in vegetarian diets. DHA and EPA also lead to
losses of human body fat; a nutrition partitioning effect shifted towards
growth of lean tissue and loss of fat tissues; and increased insulin
sensitivity. This is the scientific
basis to traditional Vedic belief that a pasture fed cow’s milk is a nectar- अमृत. This is fully supported now by
modern science in praise of grass fed cow’s
Family life is
supreme Yagna गृहस्थाश्रम यज्ञ
5. a एष यज्ञानां विततो बहिष्ठो विष्टारिणं पक्त्वादिवमा विवेश |a
bआण्डीकं कुमुदं सं तनोति बिसं शालूकं शफको मुलाली |
धारा उप यन्तु सर्वा: स्वर्गे लोके मधुमत्
पिन्वमाना उप त्वा तिष्ठन्तु पुष्करिणी: समन्ता: ||b
AV 4.34.5
a The institution of family , parenting and
bringing up children is seen as a selfless service dedicated to community to
ensure good for future continuation of a stable civil society, by bearing
children and nurturing them to be good citizens. Simultaneously ensuring health by good
nourishment and maintenance of the environment
to the family and community. This
role of a householder’s activity qualifies it to be the most expansive and supreme among the
b For nourishing healthy food, sweet like honey vegetables like yams and tapioca asparagus growing as tubers underground, and
vegetables such as lotus bulbs, stems growing in water should all include in
the food for a balanced diet. For the
maintenance of environment house hold kitchen garden and water ponds should be
part of family holdings. (Modern science confirms that vegetables growing below
ground, such as tubers Asparagus, sweet
potatoes and Yams are extremely rich in antioxidants. Similarly all water born
vegetables are extremely rich in minerals.
All highly sweet fruits and vegetables have a High Brix Number) b
Culinary enjoyments
6. घृतहृदा मधुकूला:
सुरोदका: क्षीरेण पूर्णा उदकेन दध्ना |
धारा उप यंतु सर्वा: स्वर्गे लोके मदुमत् पिंवमाना उप त्वा तिष्ठन्तु पुष्करिणी समन्ता: || AV4.34.6
Veda in this mantra is enumerating the wide variety of food made from milk
and its products such as ghee, honey, and distilled spirits and wines- सुरोदक: that are possible for eating and drinking to provide
nutritious, heavenly and sweet enjoyments .
Clever culinary art
7.चतुर: कुम्भाँश्चतुर्धा
ददामि क्षीरेण पूर्णाँ उदकेन दध्ना |
धारा उप यंतु सर्वाँ स्वर्गे लोके मधुमत् पिन्वमाना उप त्वा तिष्ठन्तु पुषकरिणी: समन्ता:
It is for the clever one to create from the vast store house of vessels
full of milk and such products to create preparations for eating and drinking
to enjoy heavenly bliss in family.
Our Food
8.इममोदनं नि
दधे ब्राह्मणेषु विष्टारिणं लोकजितं स्वर्गम् |
स मे मा
क्षेष्ट स्वधया पिन्वमानो विश्वरूपा धेनु: कामदुधा मे अस्तु || AV4.34.8
Nature has provided the great variety and bounties that can made use of as
our food. But it is expected of us to
exercise wisdom in making our food a winner of good society. We are to milk the ever flowing bounties of
nature in a sustainable manner. ( Modern science has come to conclude that only
vegetarian diet is justified on
environmental sustainability considerations)
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