Sunday, August 28, 2011

Brahmcharya- Anna's Fast

Anna’s Fast- Brahmchary- Ayurved & Allopathy
Anna Hazare at the age of 74, undertook a fast till death, and was in control of his body & mental functions till thirteenth day when he finally agreed to break his fast. Modern allopathic science considers this impossible. In fact it prompted MP Shri Lallu Yadav ji during lok sabha debate on Jan Lok pal Bill, to ask for medical research /investigation on Annaa’s Fast. The insinuation being that it could be a fraud. He wondered, how can a human body survive just on water for such a long period?
Many years ago, Shri D.R. Karthikeyan a former Director of CBI had presented on stage in Sai auditorium Delhi, a Yogi who had accompanied Shri Karthikeyan on a Man Sarovar Yatra. This Yogi clad only in just one dhoti, barefooted completed his ManSarovar Yatra without eating any food. It was claimed that this yogi would just sit before the SUN in meditation and derive all the sustenance that his body required from solar radiations.
There are known to be living in India at present, many an ascetic with records of going without food for up 100 days at one stretch. It is also reported that with the cooperation of such Indian ascetics NASA of USA has carried out scientific studies to help with astronauts’ nutritional requirements in space travel.
Our ancient scriptures are full of anecdotes like Rishi Vamilki, who in his penance sat for such a long period, that his body was completely hidden in a mound of white ant hill that grew over his motionless fasting body.
Dr Naresh Trehan said on TV that when he expressed his anxiety about Anna ji’s health during his fast, Anna ji assured him that nothing would happen to him, as this was the power of Brahmcharya. For skeptics veracity of this statement has been amply proved by Anna’s confidence in undertaking his fast.
Western education has always thrown scorn at the Indian concept of Brahmacharya. In ancient Indian traditions in society Brahmcharya was promoted during formative years of life of a growing child by his educational atmosphere, in a gurukul. Our Indian education system based entirely on western ideas has no place even to mention the word Brahmcharya, let alone teaching and promoting it. But in the Indian psyche significance of Brahmacharya lingers on.
So called ‘modern’ life style and environments also do not make it any the easier to follow the tenets of brahmacharya.
However whatever the allopathic science may say, there is an emerging convergence of modern researches that will ultimately force modern medical science to endorse the Indian concept of Brahmcharya.
According to Vedas; ब्रह्मचर्येण तपसा देवा मृत्युपाघ्नत AV11.5.17, death is controlled by hard observance of brahmacharya . This has been demonstrated to be true beyond any doubts by Anna ji’s fast.
Famous mantra in Sandhya seeks a long life in a healthy self reliant body is found to be entirely in agreement with latest modern science researches regarding importance of ‘VITAL FLUID’ in human body.- तत्‌ -चक्षुर्देवहितं पुरस्तात्‌-शुक्रमुच्चरत्‌1| पश्येम शरद: शतं1, जीवेम शरद: शतमँ शृणुयाम शरद: शतं, प्र ब्रवाम शरद: शतम्‌-अदीना:स्याम शरद: शतं, भूयश्च शरद: शतात्‌ || Yaju 36.24.
This Ved mantra is talking about शुक्रमुच्चरत्‌- the essentiality of upwards rising of शुक्र- the Vital body fluid to ensure proper functioning of all our faculties of seeing, speaking and hearing. In yoga this is achieved by becoming ऊर्ध्वरेता.
Medical science talks about three different terms for this vital body fluid called शुक्र in Vedas. These terms are Prostaglandin, Semen and Brain Cells. For all these three Ayurved also has only one term ‘vital fluid’ शुक्र. रेतस्‌ and वीर्य are two terms used to describe different properties/ functions of शुक्र the vital fluid in human body.
But the most interesting part is the finding of modern science about chemistry of the constituents of all these three –Prostaglandins, Brain cells and Semen. DHA (Decosa Hexaenoic Acid) and EPA (Ecosa Pentaenoic Acids) are the main constituents of all these three. The constituents remain common but due to different functions in the human body they are given three different names. This shows the similarity in concepts of Ayrveda with modern medical science. The only bold step logically expected from modern science by convergence of their thoughts is to finally endorse significance of Brahmacharya.
But there happens to be a heavy burden on modern society of commercial interests in the form of media, fashion, advertising, that depend on promotion of strategies that do not promote ideas of Brahmacharya. Only a very strong public awareness and emerging will, can promote Brhmcharya in society.
Some of the latest modern researches on this subject are being cited below in support of the above presentation.
1.Prostaglandins were first discovered and isolated from human semen in the 1930s by Ulf von Euler of Sweden. Thinking they had come from the prostate gland, he named them prostaglandins. It has since been determined that they exist and are synthesised in virtually every cell of the body.( This is precisely how production in human body of शुक्र is described in Ayurveda.)

Functions of Prostaglandins - some basics

They have a variety of physiological effects on the body including:
- Activation of the inflammatory responses at the sites of damaged tissue, and production of pain and fever. When tissues are damaged, white blood cells flood the site to try to minimise tissue destruction. Prostaglandins are produced as a result.

- Blood clots form when a blood vessel is damaged. A type of prostaglandin called thromboxane stimulates constriction and clotting of platelets. Also the opposite happens and protastaglandin 12 (PG12) is produced on the walls of blood vessels where clots should not be forming. (The body is very, very clever. It knows what to do, where to do it and when.)

- Certain prostaglandins are involved with the introduction of labour and other reproductive processes, and the role of fertility. PGE2 causes uterine contractions and has been used to induce labour.

- Prostaglandins are involved in several other organs and systems such as the gastrointestinal tract, cell growth and the immune system response.
DHA, also called Docosahexaenoic acid, is a fatty acid abundantly present in the brain and in semen. Low levels of

2.Brain health /memory ;
DHA are associated with low levels of serotonin in the brain, which is thought to be an important cause of depression. Like the other ingredients in this formula, DHA is being investigated as a possible treatment for combating diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
3.Sperms affect on Eyesight
Fatty acid composition of erythrocytes and sperm, along with the functional characteristics of sperm, in patients with retinitis pigmentosa. Sperm and retinal cells share important homologies. Both are rich in the highly polyunsaturated fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6[n-3]), and both contain a structural component called the axoneme. Low concentrations of DHA in the retina of monkeys are known to cause visual impairment. Because blood levels of DHA in retinitis pigmentosa patients are less than normal, reduced DHA in the retina might contribute to the visual impairment characteristic of this disease. This study was conducted on the hypothesis that the sperm of retinitis pigmentosa patients might be abnormal and that these abnormalities might infer similar lipid and structural abnormalities of the retina. METHODS: The lipid composition of erythrocytes and sperm (fatty acids and sterols) and sperm function were analyzed in 26 patients with retinitis pigmentosa and in 8 healthy men. RESULTS: The sperm of patients with retinitis pigmentosa had a much lower DHA concentration, a lower desmosterol-to-cholesterol ratio, reduced motility, abnormal structure, and lower sperm counts compared with that in normal subjects. Usher's II patients exhibited the most pronounced reductions of DHA in sperm. Sperm DHA concentration was positively correlated to sperm motility, to sperm count, and to the desmosterol-to-cholesterol ratio. Lower erythrocyte DHA was also observed in retinitis pigmentosa patients. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that the sperm of patients with retinitis pigmentosa, particularly those with Usher's II, have an abnormal lipid composition that is associated with reduced motility. The possibility exists that these patients might have similar abnormalities in the DHA biochemistry of the retina. Sperm biochemistry and function may be a marker for this disease. A clinical trial of DHA in retinitis pigmentosa is suggested for future study.
4.Longevity- health, brain and semen

DHA, also called Docosahexaenoic acid, is a fatty acid abundantly present in the brain and in semen. Low levels of DHA are associated with low levels of serotonin in the brain, which is thought to be an important cause of depression. Like the other ingredients in this formula, DHA is being investigated as a possible treatment for combating diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
5.Intelligence and Semen correlation
A positive association between general intelligence and semen quality in male humans. Specifically, in a sample of 425 Vietnam-era veterans, we found positive correlations between a g factor (representing general intelligence, extracted from factor analysis of five well-validated cognitive tests) and three independent measures of semen quality: sperm concentration (r = 0.15, p = 0.002), sperm count (r = 0.19, p = 0.001) and sperm motility (r = 0.14, p = 0.002). None of these correlations were mediated by age, body mass index, combat experience in Vietnam, use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or hard drugs or days of sexual abstinence before collection of the semen sample. We argued that although these correlations were small in magnitude, they might be theoretically important for understanding the evolutionary genetics of human phenotypic variation.
From an adaptationist viewpoint, there is little reason to expect a correlation in functional efficiency between two such disparate traits: intelligence depends mainly on brain function and neural development, whereas semen quality depends mainly on testicular function and spermatogenesis. Nonetheless, we hypothesized that there may be pervasive positive correlations among the functional efficiencies of many organ systems because different organs are influenced by overlapping sets of genes. Since most genes are pleiotropic (affecting several traits in parallel), most mutations are likely to have pleiotropic effects in disrupting several traits in parallel. Potentially, such pleiotropic mutations could produce positive genetic correlations in the functional efficiencies of different organ systems, yielding positive phenotypic correlations in different components of fitness, such as intelligence and fertility.
However, in that paper we did not explore the specific biochemical pathways in brain and semen that might be disrupted conjointly by such pleiotropic mutations. Here we address this gap by reviewing some evolutionarily conserved processes that underlie both neuron function and sperm function, focusing especially on the roles of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), exocytosis and receptor signaling. The genetic, biochemical and physiological overlap between brain function and semen function illustrates why pleiotropic mutations may create a general ’fitness factor’ across many phenotypic traits—not only in humans, but in all organisms subject to a balance between harmful mutations and purifying selection.

Yajnas for fulfilling all desires ?

कामेष्ठि यज्ञ विषय:
Physical effects of Homa-Agnihotra on curing almost all diseases,destroying effects of pollution in atmosphere, improvements in Agriculture productivity and quality are claimed and demonstrated to be correct. A yajna is said to thus fulfill all desires.
Can the following interpretation of a Yajurved mantra be accepted as an endorsement of this claim about effectiveness of yajnas2.?
Effect of Yajnas at subtle levels remains an obscure subject. Given the present state of scientific capabilities, at best the effect of Yajnas at subtle level remains more a matter of faith.

1.पुनस्त्वाssदित्या रुद्रा वसव: समिंधन्तां पुनर्ब्रह्मणो वसुनीथ यज्ञै: |
घृतेन त्वं तनें वर्धयस्व सत्या: सन्तु यजमानस्य कामा: || यजु 12.44

महर्षि दयानंद और स्वामी गंगेश्वरानंद यजुर्वेद भाष्याधारित्‌ चिंतन;
हे (वसुनीथ) वेदादि ज्ञान और सुवर्णादि धन प्राप्त कराने वाले, आप
(यज्ञै: )- पढ़ने पढ़ाने और कृया रूप यज्ञों से, (घृतेन) अच्छे सुंस्कृत घृत- जलादि से किये यज्ञों द्वारा , (तन्वम्‌ वर्धयस्व) हमारे भौतिक शरीर संसाधनों की वृद्धि कीजिये.
(पुनस्त्वाssदित्या रुद्रा: वसव: समिन्धतां पुनर्ब्रह्मणों) पुन: पुन: ऋत्विग्यादि के ज्ञान – औषधि विज्ञान से समिधाओं –सामग्री के चयन द्वारा यज्ञों को प्रदीप्त कर के आदित्य- radiations,वसु- यज्ञ भस्मादि भौतिक पदार्थों और रुद्र गण – रोगाणुओं को नष्ट करने के प्रभाव से ,यज्ञ द्वारा ( सत्या: संतु यजमानस्य कामा: ) अनुष्ठान करने वाले यजमान की कामनाएं सत्य में सिद्ध होती हैं.
2.Cow dung in Yajna- उपलों- गोबर के कंडो से यज्ञ
पुरीष्यासो अग्नयः प्रावणेभिः सजोषसः |
जुषन्तां यज्ञमद्रुहोsनमीवा इषो महीः ||ऋ3.22.4
(पुरीष्यासो अग्नय: ) पंचगव्य अग्नि मे ( प्रावणेभि:सजोषस: )-उत्कृष्ट साधनों का समान प्रीति रखने वाले मरुतों-सूक्ष्माणुओं- के प्राप्त कराने का साधन हैं. इन के द्वारा यज्ञ से रोगाणुओं रहित पृथ्वी और अन्न प्राप्त करो.
3.उदुम्बर –गूलर-
अथर्ववेद के अनुसार गूलर पुष्टिदायक द्रव्यों में सर्वश्रेष्ट है. बंगाली में इसे यज्ञाडुम्बुर कहते हैं. समिधा के रूप में सब से उत्तम मानी जाती है.

MSc Thesis on effects of HOMA in aagriculture.

MScThesis on Agnihotra to CSK HP Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (University),Palampur


Dr. Punam Directorate of Extension Education
Extension Specialist (Agro forestry) CSK HP Krishi Vishvavidyalaya,
Palampur-176062 (HP)INDIA

An experiment entitled “Evaluation of Environment Healing -Homa Farming “Agnihotra” activity in Organic Farm” was conducted in 3 experimental studies during 2008-09. The objective of the research work was to work out the relationship of Agnihotra timings, different base mediums, offerings and mantras with the nutrients / agrochemicals in the Agnihotra ash.
First study consisted of 24 treatments comprising of all possible combinations of activity timings and Agnihotra apparatus. Second study also consisted of 24 treatments having combinations of activity timings and Agnihotra offerings. Third study consisted of 12 treatments having combinations of activity timings and chanting of mantras. The studies were laid out in Completely Randomized Design with three replications.
Ash samples collected after every Agnihotra activity were analyzed for ash colour and chemical parameters i.e., pH, OC, S, P, K, Ca, Mg and micronutrients. The salient findings obtained from the studies have been summarized in this chapter.
6.1. Study 1-Effect of Activity Timings and Different Agnihotra Mediums on Physical and Chemical Parameters of Agnihotra Ash
1 The colour of the ash was found to be grey when dry and black when moist.

2 Agnihotra ash was alkaline in nature.

3 Nutrients / agrochemicals (P, Ca, Mg and Mn) and OC in ash were significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed at standard timings irrespective of the nature of pyramids.

4 When timings were changed w.r.t. standard time, then the effect was not significant on the concentration of nutrients / agrochemicals irrespective of the nature of pyramids in ash.

5 Significantly higher concentration of OC and nutrients / agrochemicals (K and Cu) was found in copper pyramid irrespective of activity timings.

6 When medium of the Agnihotra pyramid was changed w.r.t. standard pyramid i.e., copper then there was no significant effect on the concentration of rest of the nutrients / agrochemicals in ash irrespective of activity timings.

7 Interaction effect of activity timings and different pyramids had significant effect only on the concentrations of OC and Cu. In ash, OC was significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed at standard time in standard medium i.e., copper. The significantly higher concentration of Cu was obtained when Agnihotra was performed in copper pyramid at half an hour after standard timings.

6.2. Study 2 – Effect of Activity Timings and Different Offerings on Physical and Chemical Parameters of Agnihotra Ash
1 The colour of the ash was found to be grey in dry and black in moist ash.

2 Agnihotra ash was alkaline in nature.

3 Mg and Zn contents in ash were significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed at standard timings i.e., exact sunrise and sunset time irrespective of offerings.

4 Activity timings had no significant effect on the concentration of rest of the nutrients / agrochemicals except in Ca, Cu and OC. Significantly higher concentrations of Ca and Cu were obtained at half an hour before standard timings and in case of OC at half an hour before and after standard timings irrespective of offerings.

5 Significantly higher concentration of OC, K, P, Cu and Zn were found in ash with standard offering i.e., cow dung + ghee + rice grains irrespective of activity timings.

6 When offerings were changed w.r.t. standard offering, there was no significant effect on the concentration of rest of the nutrients / agrochemicals in ash.

7 Interaction effect of different activity timings and different offerings on the concentration of nutrients / agrochemicals in ash was not significant except in case of Cu, Zn and OC. In case of Cu, significantly highest concentration was recorded at half an hour before standard timings with cow dung + ghee offering, whereas, Zn concentration was significantly high at half an hour before standard timings with cow dung + ghee + rice grains offering. In case of OC, significantly higher concentration was obtained when Agnihotra was performed at half an hour after standard timing with standard offering i.e., cow dung + ghee + rice grains

6.3. Study 3 - Effect of Activity Timings and Chanting of Mantras on Physical and Chemical Parameters of Agnihotra Ash
1 The colour of the ash was found to be grey when dry and black when moist.

2 Agnihotra ash was alkaline in nature.

3 Concentrations of OC and nutrients / agrochemicals (Mg, Fe, Mn and Cu) in ash were significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed at standard timings irrespective of chanting of mantras.

4 When timings were changed w.r.t. standard time, then the effect was not significant on the concentration of nutrients / agrochemicals in ash irrespective of chanting of mantras.

5 Concentration of nutrients / agrochemicals (Mg, P, Fe and Cu) in ash was significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed with chanting of mantras irrespective of activity timings but in rest of the nutrients / agrochemicals and OC, effect of chanting of mantras was not significant.

6 The interaction effect of different activity timings and chanting of mantras revealed that chanting of mantras and activity timings had no significant effect on the concentration of all the nutrients / agrochemicals (except Cu) and OC in Agnihotra ash. Cu in ash was significantly higher when Agnihotra was performed at standard time with chanting of mantras.

From the present study it can be concluded that

1. When Agnihotra was performed at exact timings in copper pyramid using standard offerings, it was found that Agnihotra ash was alkaline in nature and comprised of OC(11.1 g/kg), P(17.17 g/kg), S(0.60 g/kg), K(46.15 g/kg), Ca(13.17 g/kg), Mg(0.92 g/kg), Fe(3.91 g/kg), Mn(0.96 g/kg), Cu(0.61 g/kg), Zn(0.26 g/kg).

2 When individual effect of activity timings, different mediums, different offerings and chanting of mantras was taken into account, then maximum concentration of majority of important nutrients / agrochemicals for crop and soil was obtained in Agnihotra ash at standard timings, in standard pyramid i.e., copper, in standard offering i.e., cow dung + ghee + rice grains and with chanting of mantras.

3 There was no significant relationship of activity timings, mediums, offerings and chanting of mantras with the concentrations of nutrients / agrochemicals in the Agnihotra ash.

4 In Homa farming, Agnihotra ash known for its fertilizing as well as plant protecting quality does not seem to have its effect on the soil crop exclusively because of the nutrients / agrochemicals present in it but may be because of the subtle energies entrapped in it which purify the atmosphere.


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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

In praise of Family Institution

In praise of Family life
AV4.34 & AV4.35 गृहस्थ जीवन
Importance of PROPER FOOD
1.ब्रह्मास्य शीर्षं बृहदस्य पृष्ठं वामदेव्यमुदरमोदनस्य |
छन्दांसि पक्षौ मुखमस्य सत्यं विष्टारी जातस्तपसोSधि यज्ञ: || AV4.34.1
PROPER FOOD for humans provides the wisdom to our head; it provides the physical strength to our spine, to protect our interests like a warrior defends the nation. It provides the ability to our stomach to nurture our body like the Vaishya nurtures the community by agriculture & business activities. On the sides our PROPER FOOD enables the poet in us, creative imagination to fly high with wings like birds. It is (quality of) our PROPER FOOD only that endows us with articulate speech ability to spread the word of truth and wisdom in the world.
अदनेनान्नानि- ओदन अन्न ही है . अन्न ही हमारे शीर्ष को – मस्तिष्क को ब्रह्मत्व देता है, अन्न ही हमारी रीढ़ को क्षत्रिय का पौरुष देता है, अन्न ही हमारे उदर को वैश्य के रूप में समाज को कृषि , कृष्टि , व्यापार द्वारा समाज की सेवा करने में सक्षम बनाता है. रेतो वा ओदन: - यह अन्न ही है जो ऊर्ध्वरेता हो कर मस्तिष्क
कल्पना की उड़ान भर कर पक्षी की तरह अंतरिक्ष में उड़ कर एक कवि बन कर छन्दादि बनाता है, मुख से सत्य पर अधारित वाणी द्वारा यज्ञों के अनुष्ठान से ऊत्तम परिस्थितियों का सृजन करता है.
On Pranayaam & Incest
2.अनस्था: पूता: पवनेन शुद्धा: शुचय: शुचिमपि यंति लोकम्‌ |
नैषां शिश्नं प्र दहति जातवेदा: स्वर्गे लोके बहु स्त्रैणमेषाम्‌ || AV 4.34.2
By pranayam one attains purity of mind, a healthy nervous system and better body resistance to degeneration by wear and tear of human body. Better mind control over negative emotions, equanimous peaceful temperament, anger, greed, and control over temptations follows from purification of pranic air by pranayam and PROPER FOOD.
Thus purified pranic atmosphere in household will make it easier, while living in a household with many females than wife around other, to exercise self control of carnal desires and avoid incest.
हृष्ट पुष्ट शरीर-(अनस्था: - अस्थि पंजर नहीं मांसल शरीर), पवित्र वायु द्वारा शुद्ध वातावरण की शुद्धि –अग्निहोत्र द्वारा, शरीर की शुद्धि पवित्र प्राणायाम साधना द्वारा गृहस्थ के आचार और वातवरण को शुद्ध रखे ( जिस से सात्विक वृत्तियों का विकास होता है, काम,क्रोध,लोभ,)
इस शुचिता का परिवार में वास होने पर ‘मातृवत पर दारेषु’ पतिव्रत और एक पत्निव्रत वैदिक परम्परा का पालन होता है.
Cultured life
3.विष्टारिणमोदनं ये पचन्ति नैनानवर्ति: सचते कदा चा |
आस्ते यम उप याति देवान्त्सं गन्धर्वैर्मदत्व सोम्येभि: || AV4.34.3
Living by the rules of Yam and Niyam, in life style & PROPER FOOD provide with healthy happy living that is free from deprivations. They devote themselves to cultivate interests and activities that are mark of cultured society leisure activities, such as swadhyaaya- स्वाध्याय, enhancing their knowledge base, fine arts, music, dance, poetry, sculpture etc. to enhance their enjoyment of life by total harmony.
Sublimation ऊर्ध्वरेत:
4. विष्टारिमणोदनं ये पचन्ति नैनान्‌ यम: प्रतिमुष्णाति रेत: |
रथी ह भूत्वा रथयान ईयते पक्षी ह भूत्वाति दिव: समेति || AV 4.34.4
By properly managing their diets and life style with PROPER FOOD, their vital energy flows upwards to their brain rather than getting drained out and wasted in lower body activities- such as over indulgence in sex and resulting running seminal fluid to waste. Once the vital energy rises up in human body, human spirit takes wings like a bird to attain great heights in its rise on earth and sky involving itself in greater cooperation and community welfare.
(Vedic term for this is ‘oordhwreta’ ऊर्ध्वरेत:- is a very important singular Vedic concept exhorting its virtues for mankind. The modern medical science has yet to catch up with this Vedic concept. According to modern science it is accepted that all human physical faculties of sight, hearing, speech etc. depend on proper functioning of brain. The chemical composition of grey matter of brain as also prostaglandin and seminal fluid in human body is made up mostly of the same two constituents, DHA (Docosa Hexaenoic Acids) and EPA (Ecosa Pentaenoic Acids). DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid found mostly in the brain, retina, and in sperm. It plays an important role in vision. Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial because they provide fluidity to cell membranes and improve communication between brain cells. They also reduce the clotting ability of platelets, thus potentially decreasing the incidence of heart attacks and strokes. Omega3 also plays a significant role in cerebral development, especially during the crucial period of fetal development and infancy. Human body obtains its supply of these two vital invaluable substances from PROPER FOOD. Pregnant mothers transfer DHA directly to the fetus to support rapid brain and retina development. DHA is supplied to the newborn via mother's breast milk. Grass fed cow’s milk and its products like curds, butter, ghee are the only rich sources of Omega3 in vegetarian diets. DHA and EPA also lead to losses of human body fat; a nutrition partitioning effect shifted towards growth of lean tissue and loss of fat tissues; and increased insulin sensitivity. This is the scientific basis to traditional Vedic belief that a pasture fed cow’s milk is a nectar- अमृत. This is fully supported now by modern science in praise of grass fed cow’s milk.)
Family life is supreme Yajna गृहस्थाश्रम यज्ञ
5. a एष यज्ञानां विततो बहिष्ठो विष्टारिणं पक्त्वादिवमा विवेश |a
bआण्डीकं कुमुदं सं तनोति बिसं शालूकं शफको मुलाली |
एतास्त्वा धारा उप यन्तु सर्वा: स्वर्गे लोके मधुमत्‌ पिन्वमाना उप त्वा तिष्ठन्तु पुष्करिणी: समन्ता: ||b AV 4.34.5
a The institution of family , parenting and bringing up children is seen as a selfless service by bearing children and nurturing them to be good citizens, dedicated to community to ensure good future continuation of a stable civil society. Simultaneously this ensures health by good nourishment by maintenance of proper environment to the family and community. This role of a householder’s activity qualifies it to be the most expansive and supreme among the Yajnas.
b For nourishing healthy PROPER FOOD, sweet like honey vegetables like yams and tapioca asparagus growing as tubers underground, and vegetables such as lotus bulbs, stems growing in water should all include in the PROPER FOOD for a balanced diet. For the maintenance of environment house hold kitchen garden and water ponds should be part of family holdings. (Modern science confirms that vegetables growing below ground, such as tubers Asparagus, sweet potatoes and Yams are extremely rich in antioxidants. Similarly all water born vegetables are extremely rich in minerals. All highly sweet fruits and vegetables have a High Brix Number) b
Culinary enjoyments
6. घृतहृदा मधुकूला: सुरोदका: क्षीरेण पूर्णा उदकेन दध्ना |
एतास्त्वा धारा उप यंतु सर्वा: स्वर्गे लोके मदुमत्‌ पिंवमाना उप त्वा तिष्ठन्तु पुष्करिणी समन्ता: || AV4.34.6
Veda in this mantra is enumerating the wide variety of PROPER FOOD made from milk and its products such as ghee, honey, and distilled spirits and wines- सुरोदक: that is possible for eating and drinking to provide nutritious, heavenly and sweet enjoyments. उप त्वा तिष्ठन्तु- All these PROPER FOOD supplies sources should be very close to you.
(This Vedic PROPER FOOD strategy is extremely modern, and is known as concept of ‘Zero FOOD Miles’. The distance between the producer and consumer should be ‘zero’, meaning no FOOD item should require long distance transportation. This strategy not only avoids unnecessary waste of energy in transportations, but also ensures availability of fresh, unadulterated and artificially treatment to enhance shelf life of any FOOD item.)
Clever culinary art
7.चतुर: कुम्भाँश्चतुर्धा ददामि क्षीरेण पूर्णाँ उदकेन दध्ना |
एतास्त्वा धारा उप यंतु सर्वाँ स्वर्गे लोके मधुमत्‌ पिन्वमाना उप त्वा तिष्ठन्तु पुषकरिणी: समन्ता: || AV4.34.7
It is for the clever one to create PROPER FOOD from the vast store house of vessels full of milk and such products to create preparations for eating and drinking to enjoy heavenly bliss in family.
8.इममोदनं नि दधे ब्राह्मणेषु विष्टारिणं लोकजितं स्वर्गम्‌ |
स मे मा क्षेष्ट स्वधया पिन्वमानो विश्वरूपा धेनु: कामदुधा मे अस्तु || AV4.34.8
Nature has provided the great variety and bounties that can made use of as our PROPER FOOD. But it is expected of us to exercise wisdom in making our PROPER FOOD a winner of good society. We are to milk the ever flowing bounties of nature in a sustainable manner.
(Modern science has come to conclude that only vegetarian diet is justified among other things on environmental sustainability considerations)
AV 4.35
Refrain- तेनौदननेनाति तराणि मृत्युम्‌ that provides a life lived fully- with no fear of death
1.यमोदनं प्रथमजा ऋतस्य प्रजापतिस्तपसा ब्रह्मणेSपचत्‌ |
यो लोकानां विधृतिर्नाभिरेषात्‌ तेनौदननेनाति तराणि मृत्युम्‌ || अथर्व4.35.1
Creator to look after his children, in his divine wisdom, among the firsts created awareness and availability of ripe and suitable PROPER FOOD for the mortals to live a life without fear of suffering pain of death.

Healthy Disease Free Body
2. ये नातरन्‌ भूतकृतोSति मृत्यं यमन्वविन्दन्‌ तपसा श्रमेण |
यं प्रपाच ब्रह्मणे ब्रह्म पूर्वं तेनौदनेनाति तराणि मृत्युम्‌ || अथर्व 4.35.2
Those who apply themselves to intelligent hard work in accordance with laws of nature, to cultivate ripe fit for body good PROPER FOOD, live the life here without fear of suffering pain of death.
Health from Clean Environments
3.यो दाधार पृथिवीं विश्वभोजसं यो अन्तरिक्षमापृणाद्‌ रसेन |
यो अस्तभ्नाद दिवमूर्ध्वो महिम्ना तेनौदनेनाति तराणि मृत्युम्‌ || अथर्व 4.35.3
Those who realize that the earth and the atmosphere are creators sweet juices of tasty healthy PROPER FOOD ( do not damage the natural forms of environment), they get the bounties of good PROPER FOOD to live a life without fearing pain of death. Disease Free Body
4.यास्मान्मासा निर्मितास्त्रिंशदरा: संवत्सरो यस्मान्निमितो द्वादशार: |
अहोरत्रा यं परियन्तो नापुस्तेनौदनेनाति तराणि मृत्युम्‌ || अथर्व 4.35.4
These PROPER FOOD items (Like fresh vegetables) follow a three month production schedules, an annual (For Grains, pulses, Rice, oil seeds, fruits etc.) production schedule, and a daily ( Milk etc.) Production schedules. Feeding on such PROPER FOOD a man lives a life without fearing pain of death.
Optimism Positive life
5.य: प्राणद: प्राणदवान्‌ बभूव यस्मै लोक: घृत्वन्त: क्षरन्ति |
ज्योतिष्मती: प्रदिशो यस्य सर्वास्तेनौदनेनाति तराणि मृत्युम्‌ || अथर्व 4.35.5
The PROPER FOOF is provider of the very breath of life and makes it possible to work on the earth with hard labor and brightens our horizons (makes us optimists), in order that a man lives without fearing of pain of death.
Sound Mind and Sound Body
6.यस्मात्‌ पक्वादमृतं संबभूव यो गायत्र्या अधिपतिर्बभूव |
यस्मिन वेदा निहिता विश्वरूपास्तेनौदनेनाति तराणि मृत्युम्‌ || अथर्व 4.35.6
It is PROPER FOOD that establishes the Vedic wisdom in human temperament that is sought in prayer by reciting the famous Gayatri mantra- to enjoy bounties and beauty of life by fulfilling all of human duties- and thus live life without fearing pain of death.

7.अव बाधे द्विषन्तं देवपीयूं सपत्ना ये मेSप ते भवन्तु |
ब्रम्ह्मौदनं विश्वजितं पचामिशृण्वन्तु मे श्रद्दधानस्य देवा: || अथर्व 4.35.7
By offering PROPER FOOD first in sacrifice to divine gods in Yajnagni and then partaking of the Yajnashesh, भगवान को भोग लगाने के बाद ही भोजन करना – one achieves the ability to conquer all evil opposition in life and make his voice heard by all believers.

First message to Humans - Rig ved 1.1

Vedas First message to Humanity
RigVed 1.1
मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्र: । अग्नि: । गायत्री ।
ऋषि:- मधुछन्दा वैश्वामित्र: - यह वेदों के सर्वप्रथम ऋषि हैं |
मधु- छन्दस्‌ मधुर उत्तम इच्छाओं वाला यह मधुछन्दा: विश्वामित्र की संतान हैं, अर्थात विश्वामित्रों में भी विश्वामित्र हैं. किसी से भी द्वेष न करने वाले हैं. ( वेद में किसी भी भावना पर बल देने के लिए उस की संतान कहने की परिपाटी है. जो दैनिक भाषा में आज भी प्रचलित पायी जाती है. In English as they say – Child is father of Man.
मधुछंदा क्या कामनाएं करता है, इस का विशद वर्णन वेदों में निम्न प्रकार से मिलता है.
1.देवो देवेभि: आगमत्‌ . ऋ1.1.5 महान देव प्रभु के दिव्य गुण मुझे प्राप्त हों
2. नमो भरन्त एमसि . ऋ1.1.7 हम सदेव उस प्रभु को नमन के द्वारा प्राप्त हों
3. दक्षं दधाते अपसम्‌ . ऋ1.2.9 दक्षता पूर्ण किए कर्म यथायोग्य फल देते हैं
4. यज्ञं दधे सरस्वती . ऋ 1.3.11 यज्ञ से सरस्वती प्राप्त होती है
5. अस्माकमस्तु केवल:. ऋ1.7.10 केवल उस प्रभु का ही आधार है.
6. सासह्यास पृतन्यत: . ऋ 1.8.4 उस की सहायता से ही शत्रुओं पर विजय प्राप्त होती है.
7.ब्रह्म च नो वसो सचेन्द्र यज्ञं च वर्धय . ऋ 1.10.4 ब्रह्म (वेद ज्ञान) इन्द्रत्व और यज्ञ से ही समाज की उन्नति होती है.
ऋग्वेद सूक्त 1.1
1.अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम् ।
होतारं रत्नधातमम् ।| ऋ1.1.1
Earn all the bounties /riches of the world
होतारं रत्नधातमम् - विश्व के सब उत्तम पदार्थों को प्राप्त करो.

How to earn all the riches and bounties in the world from foremost of all अग्नि ?

अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम् ।
अग्नि- Literally meaning Fire, Sanskrit meaning of word Agni is, that what propels forward- leads from the front-.
In Vedic language it represents Physical energy in all forms, External force, actual fires, solar radiations, energy in nuclear system (cohesive & kinetic energies). At inner levels, the ‘fire in the belly’ represents both the calorific energy system operating in the functioning of human body and at more subtle level the mental resolves to pick the gauntlet to fight the conceived enemies of community, national interests, as well as inner resolve to fight the enemies of sloth laziness in life and so on.
पुरोहितं देवमृत्विजम्‌- Nature has pre-endowed all entities with these innumerable forms of energy with vast capabilities for use by humans (mortal). By यज्ञ commonly people understand the performing the fire ritual only. But complete meaning of this term in Vedas involves actions performed and dedicated in selfless manner for welfare of and jointly with, participation of community. (यज्ञ- दान,देवपूजा,संगतिकरण) . देवपूजा also indicates that this effort is in tune with immutable laws of sustainability of Nature. Our actions should intentionally cause no damage to environments. For unintentional /unavoidable hurting of the environments, remedial actions become our sacred duty. The daily prescribed duty पञ्चमहायज्ञ is prescribed for this only. In using natural resources our actions should involve no violence, and also not exploit any humans or society/community. Thus if you get down to harnessing all natural forms of energy- the Solar energy, the electromagnetic energies and so on, according to Vedas, you are bound to earn all the riches and bounties from Nature in a sustainable manner. (This is big challenge to human society even in the modern world of scientific researches and advances in technology to develop these alternative renewable sources of energy. And this indeed is the message to humanity contained in the very first mantra of Vedas namely Rig Veda)
2.अग्नि: पूर्वेभिर्ऋषिभिरीडयो नूतनैरुत ।
स देवाँ एह वक्षति ।। ऋ1.1.2
Visualize how to earn these divine bounties स देवाँ एह वक्षति. (Don’t we sayओह ए दुआवां वेखदा ए in Punjabi, what Veda here is calling स देवाँ एह वक्षति)
How to develop the foresight to earn the bounties that have been talked about in the first mantra? And who qualify to have the ability to do these researches and implement them?

अग्नि: पूर्वेभिर्ऋषिभिरीडयो नूतनैरुत ।
अग्नि ईड्य:- All energy forms are fit for being pursued deeply and doing research on. पूर्वेभिर्‌ऋषि- Build further on present knowledge base of the past researches of the learned men. पूर्वेभि also carries the additional advice (पूर्वेभि= पृ पालनपूरणयो:) are those who make up their deficiencies and weaknesses, to keep themselves educated in latest researches. Also they take precautions to protect from any physical form of injuries and damage to environments. (Nuclear energy mishaps, damage to environments in some hydropower schemes are pointers to this precautions in harnessing of energy sources.) At the same time go in for नूतनैरुत=नूतन उत maintain नूतन a new healthy positive outlook उत without getting disheartened and indulge in negative thoughts. Never lose heart and get depressed.

3.अग्निना रयिमश्नवत् पोषमेव दिवेदिवे ।
यशसं वीरवत्तमम् । 1.1.3
Attain great strength and public acclaim यशसं वीरवत्तमम् (यशस्वी और अत्यधिक शक्ति सम्पन्नता प्राप्त करो)
How to attain great strengths riches? Strength here includes strength of body mind and community.
By harnessing the potentials of अग्नि as renewable sources of energy, immense riches are obtained in the form of costs of energy. (Sustainability by savings on pollution control and protection of environments from global warming by green technology are the concern of latest modern scientists. The present almost total dependence on fossil fuels is the main cause for economic hardship of communities. The wind fall riches of the petroleum producing countries are the main source of funding for the international Jehadis.)
The अग्नि in the form UVB (Ultra Violet B) solar radiations is the only natural source of Vitamin D . For this at the dawn of civilization gave the direction for yoga – early morning rising sun, the performing of Soorya Namaskar in front of the rising sun. Similarly in the present day ritual offering of water to sun in the morning is basically a reminder of the known from ancient times the science of water purification by aeration and exposure to sun for sanitizing the pathogens in water.
Sun in addition to its purification action, not only provides the direct health giving benefits such as Vitamin D, but also is responsible for photosynthesis. The photosynthesis produces green chlorophyll. Greenery in the main natural form as cattle feed, for making available to human community EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) through consuming cow’s milk. The entire disease immunity of human body, development of faculties of brain, eyesight, hearing and speech are developed by EFAs received by human body through diets that contain cow’s milk. The entire human body chemistry even the production of sperms is directly related to EFAs inhuman diets.

This is how taking complete advantages of अग्नि in the nature are obtained and provide all the riches in addition to physical and mental qualities of health.
4.अग्ने यं यज्ञमध्वरं विश्वत: परिभूरसि ।
स इद्देवेषु गच्छति ।। 1.1.4
Attain divine virtues स इद्देवेषु गच्छति
Who & how to attain divine qualities? Divine powers do not seek any
benefits or credits for themselves while performing their duties. On having achieved the worldly riches, one may tend to devote himself to public service. But it is human nature to start feeling proud of when doing such community services s charities, and seeks fame and popularity. Divine qualities teach to avoid seeking self glorification in performing these tasks. Such actions are to be performed by everybody as one’s duty. This is what अग्ने यं यज्ञं विश्वत: परिभूरसि is saying. Yagnagni in surrounding itself on all sides while performing the public service in yagna, causes harm to no one and does not take any credit or pride in rendering this community duty. This is the message humans have to learn from agni in performance of yagna. By surrounding himself all rounds in performing his duty selflessly, a human attains divinity.
5.अग्निर्होता कविक्रतु: सत्यश्चित्रश्रवस्तम: ।
देवो देवेभिरा गमत् ।। 1.1.5
When देवो देवेभिरा गमत् divine virtues come to humans, the mind is motivated to do only good and virtuous deeds. Ideas of falling to worldly temptations do not find a place in his temperament.
This is achieved by अग्निर्होता कविक्रतु: सत्यश्चित्रश्रवस्तम. One that performs yagna with fire, his actions have the most amazing reach. Affects of fire in yagna start at the minutest particle level, truly reach the amazing level of spreading to affect the infinitely large atmosphere. But yagna also has a far deeper meaning than just the ritualistic performance of lighting a fire and putting some combustible matter in the fire. Yagna also signifies actions performed according to wisest counsel, invoking supreme thoughts, selflessly without seeking any personal gain or fame, without causing harm /violence to anybody, with active willing cooperation participation of community for welfare of all. The heart and soul of people that perform Yagnas undergo change of character to develop a virtuous temperament.

6.यदंग दाशुषे त्वमग्ने भद्रं करिष्यसि ।
तवेत् तत् सत्यमङ्गिर: ।। 1.1.6
This fills you with virtuous fire in your ‘belly’ तव तत् सत्यं इत्‌ अङ्गिर:
Yagnas when performed truly fill every अङ्गिर:- part of the body with fire. The entire body is full of both physical & mental energy. Body develops immunity from disease. Mind develops positive action oriented temperament.
How this is achieved? By यदंग दाशुषे त्वमग्ने भद्रं करिष्यसि devoting whole heartedly to do yagna for welfare of all, without seeking any personal reward. And explained earlier Yagna is a Vedic term. Yagna involves actions, performed according to wisest counsel, invoking supreme thoughts, selflessly without seeking any personal gain or fame, without causing harm /violence to anybody, with active willing cooperation participation of community for welfare of all. In previous mantra RV1.1.5, the effect of performing Yagna was shown to purify heart and soul of human. In this mantra RV1.1.6 Yagna is shown to affect the physical body of the performer.

7.उप त्वाग्ने दिवेदिवे दोषावस्तर्धिया वयम् ।
नमो भरन्त एमसि ।। 1.1.7
By dedication achieve complete fulfillment नमो भरन्त एमसि
How complete fulfillment of physical riches, healthy body and virtuous mind is achieved? This is by उप त्वाग्ने दिवेदिवे दोषावस्तर्धिया वयम् .These are achieved by relentless close pursuit of अग्नि, intelligently all the time, day and night. Agni has been defined very extensively above.

8.राजन्तमध्वराणां गोपामृतस्य दीदिविम् ।
वर्धमानं स्वे दमे ।। 1.1.8
Attain self reliance वर्धमानं स्वे दमे.
How one achieves strength of self reliance/ self confidence. These are achieved by राजन्तमध्वराणां गोपामृतस्य दीदिविम्- by nation- King adopting the cooperative, nonviolent policies of sustainable life style, such as Cow agriculture based life strategy for the human society in everyday life. In this mantra is a very big message for human life style strategy, which is entirely different from the present economic growth and production models based on INDUSTRIALSM and money oriented society. An individual should aim to be self reliant to the extent possible, produce most of what is required to meet his needs.
(The form Industrialism that is being promoted as the very panacea of 21st century
has come to us, via West. It has created simultaneous social and ecological
instabilities and dehumanized life style. "Greed is Good" is the message this form of
Industrialism is spreading. Greed is at the root of all evils, social and physical ills.
Greed is also one factor, which propels the systems to aim for faster and bigger
rates of growth, called GDP. At the same time ignoring the harmful side effects.
One can already notice the signs of this instability in the global meltdown. Riots and
uprisings all over the world .
The present system is based on western model of development and lacks
sustainability, both social , physical and ecological. In Social areas there are growing
old people care problem, greater disparities caused by poverty, deprivation, Exploitation .
Education does not impart life skills. Educated youth face an uncertain future with
growing unemployabilty prospects.
Family ties are getting weak. Divorce rates are climbing high. Parents/ mothers do not
have time for inculcating life values in bringing up children that provide the future generations to society. In spite of advances in scientific fields health and old age
care are becoming big problems.
How good future civil society will evolve? On physical plane Ecological problems are the
manifestation of this form of Industrialism. We have to redefine our objectives. To ensure sustainability we have to plan for a different paradigm of Industrialism and also find a sustainable rate of growth.
By faster mass production techniques, small group of industry owner seek very fast rise in their riches. For this a large supply of cheap sweat labour is required. That in itself increases the gap between very rich but very small in numbers of industrial empire owners and vastly large sweat force of labor. Here again the system requires coexistence of immense vulgar rich and abysmally poor. Even the labour union movements are seen to be inadvertently participating in this unholy collusion. Unions in India only want to enhance the greed of the workers for higher wages, without making any attempt to enhance the skill, education base of the work force to improve their productivity to justify a larger share in their earnings. It is also like the Indian governments giving continuous pay commission awards to increase salaries of the baboos , with an eye on the next elections, with no simultaneous effort to enhance the productivity, efficiency and service elements. The ever widening gulf between poor and rich are unavoidable in the present model of growth. Accompanying higher rates of inflation, social strife, and urban white collar crimes, are a manifestation of the instability inherent in the system.)
To ensure sustainability, Vedic life style proposed rates of growth and
production commensurate with present life needs. Not mass producing large
excess of goods and services.

9. स न: पितेव सूनवेऽग्ने सूपायनो भव ।
सचस्वा न: स्वस्तये ।। 1.1.9
Attain wellbeing by community participation सचस्वा न: स्वस्तये
How to achieve all round wellbeing? It is by स न: पितेव सूनवेऽग्ने सूपायनो भव. By obtaining the blessings of Nature as a father’ blessings are always available to son for welfare.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Choice of vocation : Nurturing of different talents

RV9.112 Nurturing of Talents
शिशुराङ्गिरस: । पवमान: सोम: । पंक्ति: ।
Refrain line is:इन्द्रायेन्दो परि स्रव Natural Talents may flower; प्राकृतिक प्रतिभाओं का विकास हो.

Different temperaments;

नानानं वा उ नो धियो वि व्रतानि जनानाम् ।
तक्षा रिष्टं रुतं भिषग् ब्रह्मा सुन्वन्तमिच्छतीन्द्रायेन्दो परि स्रव ।। 9.112.1
Humans manifest different traits.
1. Work with Physical Objects; One has an inclination to be skilled with physical objects and techniques.
2. Work with living Objects; One wants to become a healer, a doctor to bring comfort by cure to others.
3. Work on Minds; One wants to be a learned person interested in bringing bounties of wisdom to others.
The motivating force in humans manifests in various forms, and needs to be nurtured accordingly. Natural Talents may flower

मनुष्य भिन्न भिन्न प्रकृति के हैं. कोई शिल्पकार – वस्तुओं के स्वरूप को सुधारने वाला बनना चाहता है; तो कोई वैद्य- भिषक बन कर प्राणियों के स्वास्थ्य मे सुधार लाना चाहता है; तो अन्य ज्ञान का विस्तार कर के समाज में दिव्यता की उपलब्धियों के लिए शिक्षा यज्ञादि अनुष्ठान कराना चाहता है.
इन सब प्रकार की वृत्तियों के विकास के अवसर उपलब्ध कराने चाहिएं. प्राकृतिक प्रतिभाओं का विकास हो.
Set up Different Avenues of Education

जरतीभिरोषधीभि: पर्णेभि: शकुनानाम् ।
कार्मारो अश्मभिर्द्युभिर्हिरण्यवन्तमिच्छतीन्द्रायेन्दो परि स्रव ।। 9.112.2
1. Different herbs, products from other living beings like feathers of a bird and such materials have medicinal properties; Set up avenues to study and teach about them.
2. Technologies can provide opportunities to generate wealth by intelligent working with minerals etc.; set up institutions for nurturing these talents.

1. भिन्न भिन्न जड़ी बूटियों, भिन्न भिन्न प्राणियों के अवयवों से अनेक ओषधियां प्राप्त होती हैं. इन के प्रशिक्षण अनुसंधान के साधन उत्पन्न करो.
2. खनिज पदार्थों इत्यादि से ज्ञान कौशल द्वारा धनोपार्जन सम्भव होता है. इन विषयों पर प्रशिक्षण अनुसंधान के साधन उपलब्ध कराओ.

Different Vocations

कारुरहं ततो भिषगुपलप्रक्षिणी नना ।
नानाधियोवसूयवोऽनु गा इव तस्थिमन्द्रायेन्दो परि स्रव ।। 9.112.3
I am a musician, my family (father& Son) are medical practioners healing diseases, my mother grinds corn to make our food. We all perform our duties to make our contribution to sustain the society, like a cow sustains us all.
मैं संगीतज्ञ हूं, मेरे पिता वैद्य हैं, मेरी माता अनाज को पीसती है. हम सब इस समाज के पोषण में एक गौ की भांति अपना अपनाअपना योगदान करते हैं.
Different predilections- भिन्न भिन्न रुचि

अश्वो वोळहा सुखं रथं हसनामुपमन्त्रिण: ।
शेपो रोमण्वन्तौ भेदौ वारिन्मण्डूक इच्छतीन्द्रायेन्दो परि स्रव ।। 9.112.4
A routine worker like a horse drawing a laden cart with good
master is contended. Another person wants to spend time among friends making merry. Yet another one has high libido and seeks female company. But natural talents must be developed to find opportunities for community development.
साधारण व्यक्ति एक घोड़े की भान्ति एक संवेदनशील स्वामी की सेवा में अपना भार वहन करने में सन्तुष्ट है. अन्य व्यक्ति मित्र मंडलि में बैठ कर हंसी मज़ाक में सुख पाता है. अन्य व्यक्ति अधिक कामुक है और स्त्री सुख की अधिक इच्छ करता है.
भिन्न भिन्न व्यक्तियों की भिन्न भिन्न वृत्तियां होती हैं. परंतु समज में अपना दायित्व निभाने के लिए सब की प्रतिभाओं का विकास करना चाहिए.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Human Rights and Causes

Human Rights and Causes
All over the world it is a mark of being an enlightened liberated person to talk HUMAN RIGHTS. But one hardly ever hears about Human Duties.
It is hallmark of modern western society to promote agitational activism by developing awareness of ‘Rights’, be it human rights, or rights of women to equality with men, rights of civil society, May Day rights of labor and so on.
Total neglect of ‘Human Duties’, results in all ills that the human society suffers from in modern times, since it is not populist to talk about duties. Out of these sufferings due to nonperformance of human duties emanate a plethora of ‘causes’.
Like the chicken and egg syndrome, one can go on arguing as to what comes first; The Human rights or Human Duties.
But one never hears about Human Duties. One has to be conscious of his duties as a human being, learn about his duties on being human and then perform these duties.
Modern western intellectuals emphasizes that Man has a ‘free will’. Human ‘Free will’ allows freedom in the personal world of a man. But that does not make a man in human society free to act as he pleases.
Ancient Indian/oriental wisdom talked about ‘Human Duties’ first on being born a human. One born as human finds himself born in debts. These are the debts he owes to the society. These are four debts.
1. Debt to the Almighty for his bounties of Nature, to be paid by looking after His creation – the environment. Environments and bounties of nature are taken for granted , without our responsibility towards not causing any damage to them.
2. Debt towards our Parents. To be paid by bearing children, nurturing and providing for them to become good future citizens, and looking after our elderly parents. A joint family system provided grand children opportunity to grow in constant loving company of grandparents. This provided excellent role models for the children. The grand parents also benefitted by the company of growing grandchildren. The oldies never suffered from loneliness and consequent modern diseases like Alzheimer. This is the responsibility of गृहस्थ आश्रम. Society will not be burdened with taking care of Unwed Mothers and Old people care homes as an instance.
3. Debt towards our Teachers and providers of wisdom. To be paid by all experienced wise men- Kings, leaders, learned researchers, teachers, athletes, sportsmen, skilled artisans; musicians and so on to share educate and train to pass on all their life time experiences and knowledge to the younger generations. This was the responsibility to be met in the वानप्रस्थ आश्रम.
4. Debt to the Society. We are indebted to our society for all our riches, wealth and position in life. It thus becomes our duty to repay this debt to society to share in all our prosperity. Man has to work to ensure and share in his comfort and happiness with society. This was responsibility of both the गृहस्थी and वानप्रस्थी.
It is submitted that well wishers of society pay attention to incorporate in our education systems to bring about awareness to the four social debts that a human being is born with.
“ऋणँ ह वै जायते यो Sस्ति | स जायमान एव देवेभ्य: ऋषिभ्य: पितृभ्यो मनुष्येभ्य: || माध्यांदिन शत्‌पथ1.6.2.1”.
“देवऋण, ऋषिऋण, पितृऋण and समाजऋण”.
In a very distinct manner this is a departure from the modern western hedonistic concept driving human society in modern times.
Thanks to modern educational curricula, that is teaching everything except the importance of being Human.
A person is still insolvent as long he does not pay all his debts. Western society particularly Americans are very sensitive towards financial solvency in their life time and work hard to protect their credit. Modern society will be very benefitted in many ways, if its concept of financial solvency embraced the Indian concept of social insolvency also.
Aim of life is considered just 'eat drink and be merry'. There is no time to consider responsibilities as human beings- towards our family, parents, elderly, society, country and environments. But are we moving in the right direction? Is it not time that something is done about this rot before it proceeds too far?
Is talking about ‘RIGHTS’ first and then going on a binge to recruit society for ‘CAUSES’ not putting the cart before the horse?
Of course to atone for neglect of our human duties, It becomes very necessary to work whole heartedly and support all the ‘causes’.
But a simultaneous campaign to train and develop awareness to ‘HUMAN DUTIES’ cannot be neglected. Otherwise Human society will be doomed to fight the constant battle of ‘CAUSES’ with a begging bowl.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

veterinary services in Vedas

Veterinary service in Vedas

In praise of domesticated cow, वशा - गौ सूक्त, ऋषि-कश्यप
AV 10.10.1
नमस्ते जायमानायै जाताया उत ते नमः ।
बालेभ्यः शफेभ्यो रूपायाघ्न्ये ते नमः ।। अथर्व 10-10-1
Homage to cow while it is being born, and homage to cow after it is born, homage all your beautiful physical form including hair in the tail and the hoofs.
प्रसवकाल में गौ को प्रणाम।
गौ के सुन्दर रूपवान शरीर, सुन्दर पून्छ, सुन्दर खुरों,को प्रणाम।।
10.10.2 Qualities of a Veterinary expert गौ चिकित्सा विशेषज्ञ के गुण
यो विद्यात् सप्त प्रवतः सप्त विद्यात् परावतः ।
शिरो यज्ञ्यस्य यो विद्यत् स वशां प्रति गृह्णीयात् ।। अथर्व 10-10-2
Those who have the knowledge about functioning of the seven parts of the physical body ( two hands, two feet, anus/urethra, vulva and rumen systems that relate to internal functions , and the seven parts (mouth, eyes, ears, skin, udders, dung and urine) which are related to the bounties that are bestowed by cows, those educated wise persons who can relate intellectually in their mind, the role cow plays in the everyday life, only such learned persons are fit to take complete charge of domesticated cows.
AV 10-10-3
वेदाहं सप्त प्रवतः सप्त वेद परावतः।
शिरो यज्ञ्यस्याहं वेडा सोंं चास्यां विचक्षणम् ।। अथर्व 10-10-3
The competent person to take charge of matters connected with cows is skilled with cow care functions, is also aware of the role that cow plays in performance of various yagyas, and thus in promoting virtuous intellectual ecological qualities of society
यया द्यौर्यया पृथिवी ययापो गुपिता इमाः ।
वशां सहस्रधारां ब्रह्मणाच्छावदामसि ।। अथर्व 10-10-4
The domesticated cows provide thousands of bounties for protecting the environments impacting the soil, water and the atmosphere. It is for learned people to intelligently make use of all these possibilities in reality.
गौ समस्त द्यौ,पृथ्वी, जलों को संरक्षण प्रदान करती है। परमेश्वर की वेद वाणी से दिए सह्स्रों विद्याओं का उपदेश बुद्धि मान जन ग्रहण कर के लाभान्वित हों।

शतं कंसाः शतं दोग्धारः शतं गोप्तारो अधि पृष्ठे अस्याः।
ये देवास्तस्यां प्राणन्ति ते वशां विदुरेकधा ।। अथर्व 10-10-5
Hundreds of persons engage in welfare of the cows, hundreds of persons engaging in care of cows like milking, protecting and providing for the cows and the learned persons who devote themselves to matters connected with cows, (for the welfare of the entire community and environments) serve the society.
गो सेवा से जुड़े सेंकड़ों लोग, उत्तम पात्रों में दुग्ध दोहन, गोसेवा, गोरक्षा से समाज को जीवन दे कर गौ के महत्व को समझते हैं।
Sam Veda 626 High milk yielding Cows. दुग्ध उत्पादन को बढाना
सहर्षभा: सहवत्सा उदेत विश्वा रूपाणि विभ्रती द्वर्यूधनी:। उरु: पृथुरयं वो अस्तु लोक इमा आप: सुप्रपाणा इह स्त ।
Cohabiting with bulls and calves as family high productivity cows of double size milk yielding udders bring immense shine all round to brighten the world, Oh cows come to us. This wide world with running waters be yours for comforts..
हर्षसे, वृषभ गौ वत्स परिवार (नसल सुधार से) दुगनी बड़ी उधनी वाली बन कर प्रचुर मात्रा में दुग्ध प्रदान कर के समाज को सुख रूप गुण युक्त बनाएं। हमारे सब स्वच्छ जल भूमि (गोचर) इत्यादि साधन गौ को समर्पित हों।

garbage control Municipal services

अथर्व 3.29
Municipal Service नगरपालिका सेवा विषय
(देवता 1से 6 शितिपाद अवि:/ हवि: ,7 काम: देवता,8 भूमि: देवता.
शितिपात्‌ अथवा शितिपाद्‌ -शुभ्रगतिक, सूर्य की श्वेत किरणों जैसे दुर्गुणों, पापियों,राक्षसों , रोगाणुओं से स्वच्छता प्रदान करने वाला| शितिपाद – शितय: श्वेतवर्णा: पादा किरणा: यस्य स:- मेष संक्रांति के समय सूर्य की किरणें विशेषतया श्वेत भासती हैं. उग्र अग्नि को भी अंग्रेज़ी में White Hot कहते हैं. पौराणिक धारणा है कि इस समय सूर्य के उद्देष्य से दान दी गई वस्तु इष्टापूर्ति से अधिक बलवती होती हैं. यही मकरसंक्रान्ति इष्टापूर्तं यज्ञ / दान महत्व कहा जाता है.)
अथर्व वेद 3.29
Local self Govt: नागरिक प्रशासन व्यवस्था
1.यद्राजानो विभजन्त इष्टापूर्तस्य षोडशं यमस्यामी सभासद:!
अविस्त्समात्प्र मुञ्चति दत्त: शितिपास्त्वधा !!AV3.29.1
आमदनी (को दो प्रकार का - इष्टा: और पूर्ति: - बता कर उस) के सोलहवें भाग को कर के रूप में ग्रहण कर के नागरिक प्रशासन तंत्र द्वारा प्रजा को पर्यावरण स्वच्छता प्रदान सेवा इस मंत्र का विषय है.
Civic authorities may levy a tax amounting to sixteenth part of the income of individuals to render municipal services.
(Here Veda is describing two sources of the income of individual.
1. An individual according to his calling may devote himself to live by his contribution of knowledge, skills and labor.
2. The individual may live by bounties of Nature provided by his elders like fruits from trees planted long before, agriculture produce of his elders or mineral and such resources.)
(इष्टापूर्त: - इष्ट- वह जो मनुष्य अपनी इच्छानुसार अभीष्ट व्यवहार से अर्थोपार्जन करते हैं. इस में उद्योग, शिल्प और कर्त्ता की सत्ता का समावेश होता है | पूर्त:- इस में पूर्वजों,पितरों, प्रकृति के आशीर्वाद से सम्भरण पूर्ति के साधन प्राप्त होते हैं. जैसे पहले से बढ़े हुवे वृक्षों से फलादि का प्राप्त होना. कृषि इत्यादि से धान्य इत्यादि प्राप्त करना, सौर ऊर्जा से, जल प्रपातों नदियों से, भूमि गत खनिज पदार्थों इत्यादि से अर्थोपार्जन करना)
2.सर्वान्कामान्पूरयत्याभवन्प्रभवन्भवन्‌ !
आकूतिप्रोSविर्दत्त: शितिपान्नोप दस्यति !! AV3.29.2
This tax is meant to give satisfaction to the community by providing environments free from garbage and protect from infections and pests.
यह दिया हुवा भाग संकल्पों को पूर्ण करने वाला, हिंसकों को दबाने वाला, प्रजा का संरक्षण करने वाला प्रभावशाली विस्तार का साधन हो. कहीं पर विनाश नहीं करता.
3. यो ददाति शितिपादमर्वि लोकेन संमितम्‌ !
स नाकमभ्यारोहति यत्र शुल्को नक्रियते अबलेन बलीयते !! AV3.29.3
Those who participate by contributing willingly their share in the effort for civic duties, duly get recognition in the community (to participate) for widening the scope of public welfare. And less well to do are not burdened by any taxes.
जो लोग इस प्रकार समाज की अवनति हिंसा आदि से संरक्षण के साधनों मे अपना भाग, दान समझ कर देते हैं, वे समाज में सम्मनित होते हैं. तथा निर्बल मनुष्यों को बलवान के लिए धन नहीं देना पड़ता.
4. पञ्चापूपं श्तिपादमवि लोकेन संमितम्‌!
प्रदातोप जीवति पितृणां लोकेSक्षितम्‌ !! AV3.29.4
Create sustainable systems for protecting the community from human waste and garbage disposal. Such systems sets a traditional strategy established by the elders for the community.
पञ्चपूप का अर्थ पांचों इंद्रियों के मल है. इस मल से प्रजा को सम्यक प्रकार से जांच कर रक्षा करने वाला अक्षितम्‌- कभी नष्ट न होने वाली परिस्थिति प्रदान करा के पूर्वजों की सभा में प्रतिष्ठा पाता है .

5. पञ्चापूपं शितिपादमवि लोकेन संमितम्‌ !
प्रदातोपा जीवति सूर्यामासयोरक्षितम्‌ !!AV3.29.5
Provide the community protection from Human waste. Make full use of Solar energy methods (for garbage disposal). Human waste and garbage disposal is a round the clock activity. These activities should never be forgotten.
मानव के मल इत्यादि के दिन रात निर्मल करने की व्यवस्था से इस व्यवस्था करने वाले का नाम विश्रुत रहता है.
इरेव नोप दस्यति समुद्र इव पयो मह्त्‌ !
देवौ सवासिनाविव शितिपान्नोप दस्यति !! AV 3.29.6
Cleaning of human waste and garbage on regular continuous basis ensures permanent undiminishing resource of clean soil and water for healthy food that is both health giving and also a medicine.
मानव की मल इत्यादि के दिन रात निर्मल करने की व्यवस्था से पर्यावरण की स्वच्छता से भूमि और जल की निर्मलता समुद्र की तरह कभी क्षीण नहीं होते. इस के द्वारा पौष्टिक ओषधी रूप अन्न प्राप्त होता है.
क इदं कस्मा अदात्‌ काम: कामायादात्‌ | कामो दाता काम: प्रतिग्रहीता काम: समुद्रमाविवेश | कामेन त्वा प्रति गृह्णामि कमैतत्‌ ते || AV3.29.7
What is all this about? Who gives this assignment -wok? It is individual’s desire (for cleanliness) that assigns this. The ocean in the heart entertains this desire in every individual (to seek cleanliness). Every individual should be self motivated to accept his duty (to ensure cleanliness) in community work.
यह (स्वच्छता की) इच्छा सब की है. यही सब को निज कार्य (स्वच्छता) के लिए प्रेरित करती है. यह सब के हृदय में स्थापित हो और सब इस इच्छा की पूर्ति अपना अपना दायित्व भी समझें.
भूमिष्ट्‌वा प्रति गृह्णात्वन्तरिक्षमिदं महत्‌|
माहं प्राणेन मात्मना मा प्रजया प्रतिगृह्य वि राधिषि || AV 3.29.8
We must be alive to our duty for ensuring clean environment –the soil and atmosphere. Otherwise by getting unsuitable victuals (food and its preparations), we may be calling the death knell of the society.

हम इस भूमि और महान अंतरिक्ष (सम्पूर्ण पर्यावरण ) के प्रति अपना दायित्व समझें.अन्यथा अनउपयुक्त भोजनादि के पोषण से समाज अपने प्राण न खो बैठे.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Relevance of Vedas in Modern Times

Vedas' Relevance in Modern Times
( Subodh Kumar Email
In popular conception Vedas are held to be religious books of Hindus. The fact is that Vedas are repositories of eternal knowledge applying to the entire creation. The wisdom of Vedas is valid, relevant and applicable for the humanity without admitting any national, ideological, historical and social barriers of time and geography.
Human language and speech undergo changes of natural evolution with time and geography. But to ensure purity of text, tradition has frozen the language of Vedas, in its prehistoric past. Vedas had already become difficult to understand as early as the time of Mahabharat.
Yask in his Nirukt very clearly explains that “The ancient Rishis (the one’s who visualized and vocalized the individual Suktas of Vedas) had grasp of the multidiscipline knowledge, and those men, who do not have knowledge of all the Vedang, are not able to understand the Vedas, and blame the Vedic language for it.” But while Yask’s Nirukta is perhaps the only available oldest key to study Vedas, we also have to bear in our mind that Yask belongs to Post Mahabharat times. We had already suffered a great loss of sciences and technologies by that time. Thus Yask is also of not great help in finding linkages to scientific secrets in Vedas.
( Vedang and UpVedas, consist of लौकिक विद्या current knowledge, and encompass all areas of current human knowledge. These are describe as कल्प,छन्द,ज्योतिष,निरुक्त, व्याकरण,शिक्षा,आयुर्वेद,धनुर्वेद,वास्तु,यान्त्रिकी, and दर्शन शास्त्र- न्याय, सान्ख्य,वैशेषिक,योग,मीमॉसा।)

In this context for any one person to study and understand Vedas will appear to be physically an impossible mission. Starting from the ancient Rishis themselves to MaxMuller in modern times this fact is well acknowledged.
Vedas offer a vast scholastic area of enquiry and call for good expertise and general awareness in social , political , physical sciences and technology. Interest and knowledge in at least one specific scientific/technological discipline is necessary, for any individual to attempt the study, to explore scientific and technological knowledge from Vedas. No wonder later day, traditions of Vedic interpretations, starting with Sayan leave more questions than answers about Vedas.
Response from educated scientific community due to lack of interest in our heritage for exploration of Vedas is practically nonexistent. It needs a conviction & dedication in Vedas with self motivation. Experts in the management field, Social, and environmental sustainability areas have been more active in discovering relevance of Vedic Wisdom to modern times.
With the benefit of an engineering science background, after developing interest in Cows, Agriculture, Nutrition and Ecological issues, I have been involving myself in study of Vedas for many years. It has been possible for me to open a very small window for myself to look for guidance from Vedas in these areas.
In this continuing study, I have been able to learn that Vedas give the most modern up-to-date knowledge of sciences with linkages to agriculture, nutrition and ecology. Vedic guidance has also been the base on which we are making use of modern veterinary science with spectacular success, in the running, of Maharishi Dayanand Gosamwardhan Kendra in Ghazipur Delhi-96. We are also very actively sharing our experience and ideas with other sister Goshalas .
In this note attempt is made here to show how Vedas can guide the Humanity in finding directions in some of the most modern perplexing, social and community situations, and provide highly enlightened relevant insights in to these problem areas.


On being born a Human
Is human being a free man?
Modern western life style emphasizes that Man has a ‘free will’. But that does not make a man free.
Ancient Indian/oriental wisdom explained “ऋणँ ह वै जायते यो Sस्ति | स जायमान एव देवेभ्य: ऋषिभ्य: पितृभ्यो मनुष्येभ्य: || माध्यांदिन शत्‌पथ1.6.2.1”.
In our tradition, one born finds himself born in debts. These are
“देवऋण, ऋषिऋण, पितृऋण and समाजऋण”. In a very distinct manner this is a departure from the modern western hedonistic concept driving our society in India also. Thanks to modern educational curricula, that is teaching everything except the importance of being Human.
A person is still insolvent as long he does not pay all his debts. Western society particularly Americans are very sensitive towards financial solvency in their life time and work hard to protect their credit. Modern society will be very benefitted in many ways, if its concept of solvency embraced the Indian concept of social insolvency also.
A person born as human is said to be born with four debts.
1. Debt to the Almighty for his bounties of Nature, to be paid by looking after His creation – the environment.
2. Debt towards our Teachers and providers of wisdom. To be paid by sharing and imparting all our life time experiences and knowledge with the younger generations. This was responsibility to be met in the वानप्रस्थ आश्रम.
3. Debt towards our Parents. To be paid by having next generation of children, nurturing and providing for them to become good future citizens, and looking after our elderly parents. A joint family system provided grand children opportunity to grow in constant loving company of grandparents. This provided excellent role models for the children. The grand parents also benefitted by the company of growing grandchildren. The oldies never suffered from loneliness and consequent modern diseases like Alzheimer. This is the responsibility of गृहस्थ आश्रम. Society will not be burdened with taking care of Unwed Mothers and Old people care homes as an instance.
4. Debt to the Society. We are indebted to our society for all our riches, wealth and position in life. It thus becomes our duty to repay this debt to society to share in all our prosperity. Man has to work to ensure and share in his comfort and happiness with society. This was responsibility of both the गृहस्थी and वानप्रस्थी.
It is submitted that well wishers of society pay attention to incorporate in our education systems to bring about awareness to the four social debts that a human being is born with.
Do our modern public school educated metropolitan youth have any time to reflect on this? The entire Indian 'modern' education is producing a 'charwak' generation. I suggest we oldies spend some time to study the ‘page 3’ youth in big cities, and reflect upon its consequences in the long run.
Aim of life is considered just 'eat drink and be merry'. There is no time to consider responsibilities as human beings- towards our family, parents, elderly, society, country. Trend is blindly aping the west – ‘have no children- do not marry at all in the first place’-. Why marry?
This is modern opulent rich, doing well by business standards, praised by media as successful society role models, Metrosexual generation. 'Planners' also praise zero population growth.
But are we moving in the right direction? Is it not time that some thing is done about this rot before it proceeds too far?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cow and daily Yagna in homes

Vedic Life Agnihotra and cows
AV7.73 – मनुष्यकर्तव्योपदेश:अग्निहोत्र और गोपालन
1-5 अश्विनौ; 6,7 सविता, 8,11 अघ्न्या; 9,10 अग्निर्देवता
1.समिधो अग्निर्वृषणा रथी दिवस्तप्तो घर्मो वामिषे मधु |
वयं हि वां पुरुदमासो अश्विना हवामहे सधमादेषु कारव: || अथर्व 7.73.1
प्रात:कालीन प्रकाश के रथ पर प्रकट सूर्योदय और यज्ञ से दिंचर्या आरम्भ कर के, हम दोनो ( पति पत्नि) गौओं के धारोष्ण अमृत को दुह कर दोनो (पति पत्नि) की इच्छापूर्ति और प्रदूषण के दमन के दोनो पुण्य कार्यों में हर्षित होते हैं.
With the dawn of the day heralded by the chariot of light and our offerings in fire for the morning agnihotra, we the twins (Husband and wife) actively participate in milking the warm nectar of cows, for fulfilling our desires and thus performing our duty.
2.समिद्धो अग्निरश्विना तप्तो वां घर्मं आ गतम्‌ |
दुह्यंते नूनं वृषणेह धेनवो दस्रा मदंति वेधस: || अथर्व 7.73.2
इन दोनो शुभ कार्यों (अग्नि होत्र और गोदोहन) के द्वारा प्रदीप्त तेजस्वी ऐश्वर्ययुक्त दोनो पराक्रमी (पति पत्नि) के द्वारा रोगनाशक पर्यावरण और गोदोहन में बुद्धिमान जन हर्षित होते हैं.
By the two actions of (Agnihotra in the morning and milking of the cows here) you are bringing to all the warmth of well being (nutritive food from cow) and clean environment (by performing Agnihotra).
3. स्वाहाकृत: शुचिर्देवेषु यज्ञो यो अश्विनोश्चमसो द्वपान: |
तमु विश्वे अमृतासु जुषाणा गन्धर्वस्य प्रत्यास्म्ना रिहन्ति || अथर्व 7.73.3
दोनो चतुर ( पतिपत्नि) के आलस्य त्याग कर स्वाहाकृत सुंदर स्वच्छता प्रदान करने वाला यज्ञ मेघ और मुख द्वारा ग्रहण करने योग्य अमृत प्रदान करता है जो दोनो रक्षणीय और प्रशंसनीय हैं.
These two morning actions Agnihotra and milking the Cows by you two ( the husband wife team) by giving up your laziness, bring delight to the perceptive folk (Gandharwas of world) by helping rain clouds ( by Agnihotra) and providing food (through Cows).
4.यदुस्रियास्वाहुतं घृतं पयोSयं स वामश्विना भाग आ गतम्‌ |
माध्वी धर्तारा विदथस्य सत्पती तप्तं घर्मं पिबतं रोचने दिव: || अथर्व 7.73.4
जैसे गौओं से प्राप्त दोनो दुग्ध और घृत, दोनो चतुर पति पत्नि के पराक्रम से प्राप्त हो रहा है, वै से ही सत्पुरुषों की रक्षा के लिए मधुविद्या (वेदों का सब समाज मे सामंजस्य स्थापित कर के आपसी व्यवहार का उपदेश) जानने योग्य है. इन दोनो का सूर्य के प्रकाश में ऐश्वर्ययुक्त और प्रकाशमान जीवन प्राप्त करो.
Just as the twins of milk and ghee are made available from cows, by the efforts of this clever twin (the team of husband and wife) for the preservation of society the wisdom of Vedas that teaches all to live together in peace and harmony, bask in glory of the twins of prosperity and an open free society and enlightened life.
5.तप्तो वा घर्मो नक्षतु स्वहोता प्र वामध्वर्युश्चरतु पयस्वान्‌ |
मघोर्दुग्धस्याश्विना तनाया वीतं पातं पयस उस्रियाया: || अथर्व 7.73.5

चतुर दोनो (पति पत्नि) ऐश्वर्ययुक्त हिंसा रहित प्रकाशमान (वैदिक याज्ञिक जीवन शैलि का उपदेश) गोदुग्ध गरम दुग्ध और तपाया हुवा गोघृत दोनो स्वास्थ्य और यज्ञ युक्त जीवन शैलि दोनो से ईश्वर ज्ञान और समाज की रक्षा दोनो को प्राप्त करो.
The clever twins (team of husband wife) lead a life of love and peace in society. Twin strategy of Vedic life style of agnihotras and wisdom for seeking blessings of Divine and protection of environment are provided by Cow enabled twins of warm milk and heat clarified ghee.
6.उप द्रव पयसा गोधुगोषमा घर्मे सिञ्च पय उस्रियाया: |
वि नाकमख्यत्स्वविता वरेण्योSनुप्रयाणमुषसो वि राजति || अथर्व 7.73.6
इस प्रात: कालीन वेला में सविता देव ने वरणीय सूर्य द्वारा अंधकार रहित प्रकाश से स्वर्ग स्थापित कर दिया है. हे गोधुक्‌ गौ को दोहने वाले, तुम शीघ्र आकर धारोष्ण गोदुग्ध प्रदान करो.
By the grace of Savita Dev, morning sun has banished the darkness of night and established the glory of day light. O care taker of Cows, hurry up to provide us with fresh from cow’s udder raw warm milk
7. उप ह्व्ये सुदुधां धेनुमेतां सुहस्तो गोधुगुत दोहदेनाम्‌ |
श्रेष्ठं सवं सविता साविषन्नोSभीद्धो घर्मस्तदु षु प्र वोचत्‌ || अथर्व 7.73.7
सुख से दुहाने वाली इस गौ को बुलाता हूं. सधे हुए कुशल हाथों से गौ का दोहन हो. सब को उत्तम प्रेरणा देने वाली वृत्तियों से धारोष्ण दुग्धादि पदार्थ हमें उपलब्ध हों.
We reckon with cows of friendly temperaments. Trained skilled hands are employed to milk the cows. All round wisdom and cooperation in the efforts of maintaining good cow ensure healthy clean raw milk to the community.
8. हिङ्कृण्वती वसुपत्नी वसूनां वत्समिच्छन्ती मनसा न्यागन्‌ |
दुहामश्विभ्यां पयो अघ्न्येयं सा वर्धतां महते सौभगाय || अथर्व7.73.8
(पञ्च्गव्य द्वारा) श्रेष्ठ धनों को पुष्ट करने वाली गौ, हृदय से बछड़े की कामना करती हुई रंभाति हुई हमारे महान सौभाग्य के लिए हमारे (घर में) नित्य विराजमान हो.
Best riches in life are provided by panchgavy( Five products from cow namely Milk, curds, butter, Urine and Dung). We pray that for our good luck and well being cow may always stay in our home.
9.जुष्टो दमूमा अतिथिर्दुरोण इमं नो यज्ञमुप याहि विद्वान्‌ |
विश्वा अग्ने अभियुजो विहत्य शत्रूयतामा भरा भोजनानि || अथर्व 7.73.9
विद्वान यज्ञाग्नि का प्रिय अतिथि की तरह प्रेम पूर्वक पोषण और सत्कार करते हैं. जिस से वह हमारे (पर्यावरण प्रदूषण) रूपि शत्रुओं का विनाश करती है.
For protect themselves from harm causing environments and negative mental attitudes, wise men nurture , love and feed the Agnihotra fire like welcome guest.
10. अग्ने शर्घ महते सौभगाय तव द्युम्नान्युत्तमानि संतु|
सं जास्पत्यं सुययमा कृणुष्व शत्रूययतामभि तिष्ठा महांसि || अथर्व 7.73.10
यज्ञाग्नि हम दोनों (पति पत्नि) महान सौभाग्य के हेतु, हमें तेजस्वी, उत्साहवान और सुदृढ़ बना कर शत्रुता पूर्ण आचरण करने वालो को हमारे मुकाबले में शिथिल करे.
Fire of Yagnas brings all the best bounties in life and provides with cheerful positive temperaments. Yagnas also weaken the forces opposing our wellbeing.
11 सूयवसाद्भभगवती हि भूया अधा वयं भगवंत: स्याम|
अद्धि तृणमघ्नये विश्वदानी पिबं शुद्धमुहकमाचरंती || अथर्व 7.73.11
(हमारी गौमाता) सुंदर यवादि खाती हुई भाग्यवती हो जिस से हम भाग्यशाली बनें. हमार गौ सदा (गोचर में) तृणादि खाती और शुद्ध जल का पान कर के विचरे.
Our cow may always self feed in pasture to get green nutrition, and get excellent water to drink to bring good luck to our life.

Consumerism Avoidance

Consumerism avoidance
Hedonistic life style, loss of family values, vulgar display of opulence, leading to jealousy and unrest in society, artificial life style living indoors with more diseases are seen as topics in this Sookt
15मंत्र- देवता - 1 क: (प्रजापति:), 2 अग्नि:, 3-5 सविता, 5 भगो वा, 6-15 वरुण:। 1,2,6-5 त्रिष्टुप्, 3-5 गायत्री ।
ऋषि:- आजीगर्ति: - आजीविका के लिए गड्ढे में गिरने को तैयार, शुन:शेप:- सांसारिक भोग विलासों से स्पर्श का इच्छुक, स कृत्रिमो विश्वामित्रो देवरात – देवताओं के धन के स्वार्थ वश उपभोग की कृत्रिम जीवन शैलि से अपने को बचा कर विश्व का मित्र बनने वाला

1.कस्य नूनं कतमस्यामृतानां मनामहे चारु देवस्य नाम ।
को नो महया अदितये पुनर्दात् पितरं च दृशेयं मातरं च ।। ऋ1.24.1

What is that desirable guidance for living a healthy beautiful life for 100 years? अमृत – पूर्ण सौ वर्ष की आयु, ‘ स नह्यस्वामृताय कम्‌’ अथर्व 14.1.42 , चारु-चरण शील – चलने वाला |
That will (after this life) bless me again with my elders- father and beautiful to hold my mother.
वह कौन सी उत्तम जीवन पद्धति है, जिस के चलते मैं अपनी मनोकामनाओं को सिद्ध करके पूर्ण सौ वर्ष की आयु को प्राप्त कर सकूं ? जिस के बाद भी मुझे पुन: अपने पितर और वात्सल्यमयी मां प्राप्त हो.

अग्ने: वयं प्रथमस्य अमृतानां मनामहे चारु देवस्य नाम ।
स नो महया अदितये पुनर्दात् पितरं च दृशेयं मातरं च ।। ऋ1.24.2
First of all we need to take lessons from अग्नि: the ever performing fire energy forms (harnessing, utilizing, conserving all energy forms) for living a zest full life in accordance with laws of Nature to fulfill our desires as expressed above.
सब से प्रथम हमें अग्नि देव से जीवनमें आंतरिक और बाह्य ऊर्जा का सदुपयोग, और संरक्षण करने की प्रेरणा ले कर देवताओं के अनुकूल अपना जीवन बनाना होग. वे हमें इस जीवन मेंअपना निर्धारित लक्ष्य प्राप्त कराएंगे. ( इस मंत्र में ऊर्जा के अग्नि तथा सौर इत्यदि स्रोतों के सदुपयोग के साथ आंतरिक ऊर्जा इन्द्रिय निग्रह ब्रह्मचर्य , जितेंद्रिय होने का उपदेश सफल जीवन के लिए प्राप्त होता है)

अभि त्वा देव सवितरीशानं वार्याणाम् ।
सदावन् भागर्मीमहे ।। ऋ 1.24.3
We also need to remind ourselves here that all the material blessings that come to us are only our allocated share.
हमारे उपभोग के लिए केवल हमारा भाग ही सविता देव की कृपा से हमें प्राप्त होता है.
This is also stated यजु 40.1 “ईषा वास्यमिदं सर्व यत्किं च जगत्यां जगत्‌ |
तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधा कस्यस्विधनम्‌ ||

यश्चिध्दि त इत्था भग: शशमान: पुरा निद: ।
अद्वेष्ररे हस्तयोर्दधे ।। ऋ 1.24.4
Hard well earned money does not lead to vulgar lavish life style, does not provoke jealousy and maintains friendly feelings in society.
दोनो हाथों से पुरुषार्थ से प्राप्त धन कभी निंदित नहीं होता. (उस धन का निन्ध्य प्रकार से व्यय भी नहीं होता) ऐसे धन के कारण लोक निन्दा नहीं होती , प्रस्पर प्रीति में कमी भी नहीं आती.

भगभक्तस्य ते वयमुदशेम तवावसा ।
मूर्धानं राय आरभे ।। ऋ 1.24.5
May I reach the heights of earning riches as justified by my actions, but these riches may not get to my head. (I am only the custodian in this act of wealth generation)
मेरे भाग्य में जिस धन की प्राप्ति द्वारा मुझे जीवन में उन्नति के शिखर पर पहुंचना है वह मेरी बुद्धि को सद्दिशा प्रदान करे. ( लक्ष्मी प्राप्त कर के उल्लू मेरा वाहन न बन जाए)

About Consumerist strategies

6.न हि ते क्षत्रं न सहो न मन्युं वयश्चनामी पतयन्त आपु: ।
नेमा आपो अनिमिषं चरन्तीर्न ये वातस्य प्रमिनत्न्यभ्वम् ।। ऋ 1.24.6
Individual in his pursuit of wealth becomes uncontrollable, goes wild, like
space flight of birds, or wild undisciplined movement of winds or waters.
धनों के प्राप्त करने के संकल्प किसी क्षेत्र की सीमाओं, मर्यादा से नहीं बंधते. आकाश में
पक्षियों की उड़ान, वायु और जल प्रपातों की अबाध हिंसक गति के समान ये निर्बाध
गतिमान होत हैं.

7.अबुध्ने राजा वरुणो वनस्योर्ध्वं स्तूपं ददते पूतदक्ष: ।
नीचीना: स्थुरुपरि बुध्न एषामस्मे अन्तर्निहिता: केतव: स्यु: ।। ऋ 1.24.7
Sun like an omnipresent king- Varun- placed high above with its search beam like arrays of light targets us down below to purify environments provide, vegetation, health, energy, bright positive temperaments.
सूर्य , एक राजा की तरह संसार को पवित्रता और बल द्वारा व्यवस्था मे चलाने के लिए अपनी रश्मियों को नीचे की ओर पृथ्वी लोक पर छोड़ता है. पृथ्वी पर स्वच्छता, वन सम्पदा, और पवित्र मानसिक स्थिति का जन्माधार है.

8.उरुं हि राजावरुणश्चकार सूर्याय पन्थामन्वेतवा उ।
अपदे पादा प्रति धातवेऽक: उतापवक्ता हृदयाविधश्चित् ।। ऋ 1.24.8
Sun is established in large cyclic orbit in space that does not entertain human foot falls. But the elements run fast to kill all the germs and diseases that afflict hearts.
सूर्य अपनी चक्राकार कक्षा मे चलता है जिस में कोइ अपने पांव नहीं रखता. परन्तु अपने ताप के प्रभाव से मानव हृदय को कष्ट देने वाले तत्वों रोगाणुओं का विनाश करता है.

9.शतं ते राजन् भिषज: सहस्रमुर्वी गभीरा सुमतिष्टे अस्तु ।
बाधस्व दूरे निऋृतिं पराचै: कृतं चिदेन: प्रमुमुग्ध्यस्मत् ।। ऋ 1.24.9
That Divine physician has created in nature innumerable, widely distributed, very effective preventives and cures to remove the diseases provided we conduct ourselves wisely.
प्रभु सहस्रों जीवन देने वाली ओषधियों को प्रदान करके हमें कष्ट से मुक्ति दिलाता है, जिस से हम दुर्गति से बचें.

10.अमी य ऋक्षा निहितास उच्चा नक्तं ददृश्रे कुहचित् दिवेयु: ।
अदब्धानि वरुणस्य व्रतानि विचाकशच्चन्द्रमा नक्तमेति ।। ऋ 1.24.10
All these stars positioned high above and the moon are visible during nights. Where do they disappear to again show up in a cyclic order?
यह आकाशीय तारा गण चंद्रमा जो रात को दिखते हैं, कैसा व्रत है कि फिर कहीं चले जाते हैं ?

11.तत् त्वा यामि ब्रह्मणा वन्दमानस् तदा शास्ते यजमानो हविर्भि: ।
अहेळमानो वरुणेह बोध्युरुशंस मा न आयु: प्रमोषी: ।। ऋ 1.24.11
Let us pray by offerings of havi in yajna, for grant of the bounties of Nature to enable us to continue to perform our right duties by being lead actors in this world order, in order that our lives do not get discounted.
हम यज्ञ मे हवि द्वारा यह प्रार्थना करते हैं कि हमारे लिए अनुकूल प्ररिस्थिति बनी रहें, और हमारा जीवन अल्पायु न हो

12.तदिन्नक्तं तद् दिवा महयमाहुस् तदयं केतो हृद आ वि चष्टे ।
शुन:शेपो यंमह्वद् गृभीत: सो अस्मान् राजा वरुणो मुमोक्तु ।। ऋ 1.24.12
In my inner heart I hear the voice advising me to live an orderly life, by giving up hedonistic ways. I seek the blessing to lead a life in tune with order of Nature.
रात और दिन सब समय हृदय में अंतरात्मा संसारिक बंधनों से मुक्त हो कर प्रकृति की लय मे चलने का परामर्श देता है. ( हम उस अंतरात्मा को सुनें)
13.शुन:शेपो हयह्वद् गृभीत: त्रिष्वादित्यं द्रुपदेषु बध्द: ।
अवैनं राजा वरुण: ससृज्यात् विद्वान् अदब्धो विमुमोक्तु पाशान् ।। ऋ 1.24.13
The hedonist is bounded by the triple worldly forces. (तृष्णा-पुत्रेष्णा, वित्तेष्ण,लोकेष्णा ) Wise counsel accompanied by Grace will unshackle him.
संसारिक भोगवाद में मानव तृष्णा के बंधनों से जकड़ा रहता है. बुद्धिमान उसे इन पाशों से मुक्त होने की सलाह देते हैं.

14.अव ते हेळो वरुण नमोभिरव यज्ञेभिरीमहे हविर्भि: ।
क्षयन्नस्मभ्यमसुर प्रचेता राजन्नेनांसि शिश्रथ: कृतानि ।। ऋ 1.24.14
We want to undo the wrath of nature that we have brought upon ourselves (by our neglect of our duties) now by performing Yagnas and offering of havis in the Yagnas. ( Yagnas are defined as triple action consisting of charity, community participation and humble prayerful actions by offering of havis in to fire. Offering of havi in to fire is offerings for entire community, atmosphere and living creatures, not in pursuit of personal selfish ends.
हम सब बंधनों के निवारण और सब पापों से मुक्त होनेके लिए यज्ञ (देवपूजा,संगतिकरण और दान) द्वारा हवि दान वृत्ति से इन पापों को शिथिल करें
15.उदुत्तमं वरुण पाशमस्मदवाधमं वि मध्यमं श्रथाय ।
अथा वयमादित्य व्रते तवानागस: अदितये स्याम ।। ऋ 1.24.15
May we break the strong shackles that bind us to pursue a virtuous path in life.
जिन दृढ़ पाशों से हम बंध कर अपने को पाते हैं, उन को तोड़ कर हम निरपराधी हो कर सुख के लिए व्रत लें.