Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First message to Humans - Rig ved 1.1

Vedas First message to Humanity
RigVed 1.1
मधुच्छन्दा वैश्वामित्र: । अग्नि: । गायत्री ।
ऋषि:- मधुछन्दा वैश्वामित्र: - यह वेदों के सर्वप्रथम ऋषि हैं |
मधु- छन्दस्‌ मधुर उत्तम इच्छाओं वाला यह मधुछन्दा: विश्वामित्र की संतान हैं, अर्थात विश्वामित्रों में भी विश्वामित्र हैं. किसी से भी द्वेष न करने वाले हैं. ( वेद में किसी भी भावना पर बल देने के लिए उस की संतान कहने की परिपाटी है. जो दैनिक भाषा में आज भी प्रचलित पायी जाती है. In English as they say – Child is father of Man.
मधुछंदा क्या कामनाएं करता है, इस का विशद वर्णन वेदों में निम्न प्रकार से मिलता है.
1.देवो देवेभि: आगमत्‌ . ऋ1.1.5 महान देव प्रभु के दिव्य गुण मुझे प्राप्त हों
2. नमो भरन्त एमसि . ऋ1.1.7 हम सदेव उस प्रभु को नमन के द्वारा प्राप्त हों
3. दक्षं दधाते अपसम्‌ . ऋ1.2.9 दक्षता पूर्ण किए कर्म यथायोग्य फल देते हैं
4. यज्ञं दधे सरस्वती . ऋ 1.3.11 यज्ञ से सरस्वती प्राप्त होती है
5. अस्माकमस्तु केवल:. ऋ1.7.10 केवल उस प्रभु का ही आधार है.
6. सासह्यास पृतन्यत: . ऋ 1.8.4 उस की सहायता से ही शत्रुओं पर विजय प्राप्त होती है.
7.ब्रह्म च नो वसो सचेन्द्र यज्ञं च वर्धय . ऋ 1.10.4 ब्रह्म (वेद ज्ञान) इन्द्रत्व और यज्ञ से ही समाज की उन्नति होती है.
ऋग्वेद सूक्त 1.1
1.अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम् ।
होतारं रत्नधातमम् ।| ऋ1.1.1
Earn all the bounties /riches of the world
होतारं रत्नधातमम् - विश्व के सब उत्तम पदार्थों को प्राप्त करो.

How to earn all the riches and bounties in the world from foremost of all अग्नि ?

अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम् ।
अग्नि- Literally meaning Fire, Sanskrit meaning of word Agni is, that what propels forward- leads from the front-.
In Vedic language it represents Physical energy in all forms, External force, actual fires, solar radiations, energy in nuclear system (cohesive & kinetic energies). At inner levels, the ‘fire in the belly’ represents both the calorific energy system operating in the functioning of human body and at more subtle level the mental resolves to pick the gauntlet to fight the conceived enemies of community, national interests, as well as inner resolve to fight the enemies of sloth laziness in life and so on.
पुरोहितं देवमृत्विजम्‌- Nature has pre-endowed all entities with these innumerable forms of energy with vast capabilities for use by humans (mortal). By यज्ञ commonly people understand the performing the fire ritual only. But complete meaning of this term in Vedas involves actions performed and dedicated in selfless manner for welfare of and jointly with, participation of community. (यज्ञ- दान,देवपूजा,संगतिकरण) . देवपूजा also indicates that this effort is in tune with immutable laws of sustainability of Nature. Our actions should intentionally cause no damage to environments. For unintentional /unavoidable hurting of the environments, remedial actions become our sacred duty. The daily prescribed duty पञ्चमहायज्ञ is prescribed for this only. In using natural resources our actions should involve no violence, and also not exploit any humans or society/community. Thus if you get down to harnessing all natural forms of energy- the Solar energy, the electromagnetic energies and so on, according to Vedas, you are bound to earn all the riches and bounties from Nature in a sustainable manner. (This is big challenge to human society even in the modern world of scientific researches and advances in technology to develop these alternative renewable sources of energy. And this indeed is the message to humanity contained in the very first mantra of Vedas namely Rig Veda)
2.अग्नि: पूर्वेभिर्ऋषिभिरीडयो नूतनैरुत ।
स देवाँ एह वक्षति ।। ऋ1.1.2
Visualize how to earn these divine bounties स देवाँ एह वक्षति. (Don’t we sayओह ए दुआवां वेखदा ए in Punjabi, what Veda here is calling स देवाँ एह वक्षति)
How to develop the foresight to earn the bounties that have been talked about in the first mantra? And who qualify to have the ability to do these researches and implement them?

अग्नि: पूर्वेभिर्ऋषिभिरीडयो नूतनैरुत ।
अग्नि ईड्य:- All energy forms are fit for being pursued deeply and doing research on. पूर्वेभिर्‌ऋषि- Build further on present knowledge base of the past researches of the learned men. पूर्वेभि also carries the additional advice (पूर्वेभि= पृ पालनपूरणयो:) are those who make up their deficiencies and weaknesses, to keep themselves educated in latest researches. Also they take precautions to protect from any physical form of injuries and damage to environments. (Nuclear energy mishaps, damage to environments in some hydropower schemes are pointers to this precautions in harnessing of energy sources.) At the same time go in for नूतनैरुत=नूतन उत maintain नूतन a new healthy positive outlook उत without getting disheartened and indulge in negative thoughts. Never lose heart and get depressed.

3.अग्निना रयिमश्नवत् पोषमेव दिवेदिवे ।
यशसं वीरवत्तमम् । 1.1.3
Attain great strength and public acclaim यशसं वीरवत्तमम् (यशस्वी और अत्यधिक शक्ति सम्पन्नता प्राप्त करो)
How to attain great strengths riches? Strength here includes strength of body mind and community.
By harnessing the potentials of अग्नि as renewable sources of energy, immense riches are obtained in the form of costs of energy. (Sustainability by savings on pollution control and protection of environments from global warming by green technology are the concern of latest modern scientists. The present almost total dependence on fossil fuels is the main cause for economic hardship of communities. The wind fall riches of the petroleum producing countries are the main source of funding for the international Jehadis.)
The अग्नि in the form UVB (Ultra Violet B) solar radiations is the only natural source of Vitamin D . For this at the dawn of civilization gave the direction for yoga – early morning rising sun, the performing of Soorya Namaskar in front of the rising sun. Similarly in the present day ritual offering of water to sun in the morning is basically a reminder of the known from ancient times the science of water purification by aeration and exposure to sun for sanitizing the pathogens in water.
Sun in addition to its purification action, not only provides the direct health giving benefits such as Vitamin D, but also is responsible for photosynthesis. The photosynthesis produces green chlorophyll. Greenery in the main natural form as cattle feed, for making available to human community EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) through consuming cow’s milk. The entire disease immunity of human body, development of faculties of brain, eyesight, hearing and speech are developed by EFAs received by human body through diets that contain cow’s milk. The entire human body chemistry even the production of sperms is directly related to EFAs inhuman diets.

This is how taking complete advantages of अग्नि in the nature are obtained and provide all the riches in addition to physical and mental qualities of health.
4.अग्ने यं यज्ञमध्वरं विश्वत: परिभूरसि ।
स इद्देवेषु गच्छति ।। 1.1.4
Attain divine virtues स इद्देवेषु गच्छति
Who & how to attain divine qualities? Divine powers do not seek any
benefits or credits for themselves while performing their duties. On having achieved the worldly riches, one may tend to devote himself to public service. But it is human nature to start feeling proud of when doing such community services s charities, and seeks fame and popularity. Divine qualities teach to avoid seeking self glorification in performing these tasks. Such actions are to be performed by everybody as one’s duty. This is what अग्ने यं यज्ञं विश्वत: परिभूरसि is saying. Yagnagni in surrounding itself on all sides while performing the public service in yagna, causes harm to no one and does not take any credit or pride in rendering this community duty. This is the message humans have to learn from agni in performance of yagna. By surrounding himself all rounds in performing his duty selflessly, a human attains divinity.
5.अग्निर्होता कविक्रतु: सत्यश्चित्रश्रवस्तम: ।
देवो देवेभिरा गमत् ।। 1.1.5
When देवो देवेभिरा गमत् divine virtues come to humans, the mind is motivated to do only good and virtuous deeds. Ideas of falling to worldly temptations do not find a place in his temperament.
This is achieved by अग्निर्होता कविक्रतु: सत्यश्चित्रश्रवस्तम. One that performs yagna with fire, his actions have the most amazing reach. Affects of fire in yagna start at the minutest particle level, truly reach the amazing level of spreading to affect the infinitely large atmosphere. But yagna also has a far deeper meaning than just the ritualistic performance of lighting a fire and putting some combustible matter in the fire. Yagna also signifies actions performed according to wisest counsel, invoking supreme thoughts, selflessly without seeking any personal gain or fame, without causing harm /violence to anybody, with active willing cooperation participation of community for welfare of all. The heart and soul of people that perform Yagnas undergo change of character to develop a virtuous temperament.

6.यदंग दाशुषे त्वमग्ने भद्रं करिष्यसि ।
तवेत् तत् सत्यमङ्गिर: ।। 1.1.6
This fills you with virtuous fire in your ‘belly’ तव तत् सत्यं इत्‌ अङ्गिर:
Yagnas when performed truly fill every अङ्गिर:- part of the body with fire. The entire body is full of both physical & mental energy. Body develops immunity from disease. Mind develops positive action oriented temperament.
How this is achieved? By यदंग दाशुषे त्वमग्ने भद्रं करिष्यसि devoting whole heartedly to do yagna for welfare of all, without seeking any personal reward. And explained earlier Yagna is a Vedic term. Yagna involves actions, performed according to wisest counsel, invoking supreme thoughts, selflessly without seeking any personal gain or fame, without causing harm /violence to anybody, with active willing cooperation participation of community for welfare of all. In previous mantra RV1.1.5, the effect of performing Yagna was shown to purify heart and soul of human. In this mantra RV1.1.6 Yagna is shown to affect the physical body of the performer.

7.उप त्वाग्ने दिवेदिवे दोषावस्तर्धिया वयम् ।
नमो भरन्त एमसि ।। 1.1.7
By dedication achieve complete fulfillment नमो भरन्त एमसि
How complete fulfillment of physical riches, healthy body and virtuous mind is achieved? This is by उप त्वाग्ने दिवेदिवे दोषावस्तर्धिया वयम् .These are achieved by relentless close pursuit of अग्नि, intelligently all the time, day and night. Agni has been defined very extensively above.

8.राजन्तमध्वराणां गोपामृतस्य दीदिविम् ।
वर्धमानं स्वे दमे ।। 1.1.8
Attain self reliance वर्धमानं स्वे दमे.
How one achieves strength of self reliance/ self confidence. These are achieved by राजन्तमध्वराणां गोपामृतस्य दीदिविम्- by nation- King adopting the cooperative, nonviolent policies of sustainable life style, such as Cow agriculture based life strategy for the human society in everyday life. In this mantra is a very big message for human life style strategy, which is entirely different from the present economic growth and production models based on INDUSTRIALSM and money oriented society. An individual should aim to be self reliant to the extent possible, produce most of what is required to meet his needs.
(The form Industrialism that is being promoted as the very panacea of 21st century
has come to us, via West. It has created simultaneous social and ecological
instabilities and dehumanized life style. "Greed is Good" is the message this form of
Industrialism is spreading. Greed is at the root of all evils, social and physical ills.
Greed is also one factor, which propels the systems to aim for faster and bigger
rates of growth, called GDP. At the same time ignoring the harmful side effects.
One can already notice the signs of this instability in the global meltdown. Riots and
uprisings all over the world .
The present system is based on western model of development and lacks
sustainability, both social , physical and ecological. In Social areas there are growing
old people care problem, greater disparities caused by poverty, deprivation, Exploitation .
Education does not impart life skills. Educated youth face an uncertain future with
growing unemployabilty prospects.
Family ties are getting weak. Divorce rates are climbing high. Parents/ mothers do not
have time for inculcating life values in bringing up children that provide the future generations to society. In spite of advances in scientific fields health and old age
care are becoming big problems.
How good future civil society will evolve? On physical plane Ecological problems are the
manifestation of this form of Industrialism. We have to redefine our objectives. To ensure sustainability we have to plan for a different paradigm of Industrialism and also find a sustainable rate of growth.
By faster mass production techniques, small group of industry owner seek very fast rise in their riches. For this a large supply of cheap sweat labour is required. That in itself increases the gap between very rich but very small in numbers of industrial empire owners and vastly large sweat force of labor. Here again the system requires coexistence of immense vulgar rich and abysmally poor. Even the labour union movements are seen to be inadvertently participating in this unholy collusion. Unions in India only want to enhance the greed of the workers for higher wages, without making any attempt to enhance the skill, education base of the work force to improve their productivity to justify a larger share in their earnings. It is also like the Indian governments giving continuous pay commission awards to increase salaries of the baboos , with an eye on the next elections, with no simultaneous effort to enhance the productivity, efficiency and service elements. The ever widening gulf between poor and rich are unavoidable in the present model of growth. Accompanying higher rates of inflation, social strife, and urban white collar crimes, are a manifestation of the instability inherent in the system.)
To ensure sustainability, Vedic life style proposed rates of growth and
production commensurate with present life needs. Not mass producing large
excess of goods and services.

9. स न: पितेव सूनवेऽग्ने सूपायनो भव ।
सचस्वा न: स्वस्तये ।। 1.1.9
Attain wellbeing by community participation सचस्वा न: स्वस्तये
How to achieve all round wellbeing? It is by स न: पितेव सूनवेऽग्ने सूपायनो भव. By obtaining the blessings of Nature as a father’ blessings are always available to son for welfare.

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