Home जया होम (हिरण्यकेषी
गृहसूक्त से)
जया होम की
13 आहुतियां विवाह संस्कार में दी जाती हैं .
इन आहुतियों के महत्व को देखते हुए इन का भी एक यज्ञ किया जा सकता है को किसी भी यज्ञ में दिया
जा सकता है. यह भी देखा जा सकता है इन में देवताओं के लिए आहुतियां नहीं दी जातीं.
ॐ चित्तं च
स्वाहा । इदम चित्ताय इदन्न मम ॥ Chitt
stands for Mind, Inclinations, temperament
.It is prayed that I should have
good mind.- I do not seek this for my
person only but I seek it for the entire
community and environments.
ॐ चित्तिश्च
स्वाहा । इदम चित्यै इदन्न मम ॥
And it is prayed that my entire inclinations in life should be for the best. I do not seek this for my
person only but I seek it for the entire community and environments.
ॐ आकूतं च
स्वाहा । इदमाकूतय इदन्न मम ॥
And also my resolves for action should
be good. I do not seek this for my person only, but I seek it for the entire
community and environments.
ॐ आकूतिश्च
स्वाहा। इदमाकूत्यै इदन्न मम ॥ And
all my resolves for actions in life
should be good. I do not seek this for my person only, but I seek it for
the entire community and environments.
ॐ विज्ञातं
च स्वाहा । इदं विज्ञातय इदन्न मम्॥ And
I should be blessed with excellent ability to put physical sciences to work by
technological skills. I do not seek this for my person only , but I seek it for the entire community and
विज्ञातिश्च स्वाहा । इदं विज्ञात्यै इदन्न मम्॥ And all my technological abilities should be
excellent. I do not seek this for my person only, but I seek it for the entire
community and environments.
ॐ मनश्च
स्वाहा । इदं मनसे इदन्न मम ॥
And my perception of comfort and hardship should be blessed. I do not seek this
for my person only, but I seek it for the entire community and environments.
शक्वरीश्च स्वाहा । इदं शक्वरीभ्य: इदन्न मम ॥ My inner strength to stand for and implement
my convictions should be blessed. I do not seek this for my person only, but I seek it for the entire community and
ॐ दर्शश्च
स्वाहा । इदं दर्षाय इदन्न मम ॥ And I should be blessed to able
to take cognizance of of the current environments / ecosystem . I do not seek
this for my person only, but I seek it
for the entire community and environments.
पौर्णमासं च स्वाहा। इदं पौर्णमासाय इदन्न मम ॥ And I should be blessed with ability to learn
from wisdom of my elders . I do not seek this for my person only, but I seek it for the entire community and
ॐ बृहच्च
स्वाहा । इदं बृहते इदन्न मम ॥ And I seek blessings from
the cosmos. I do not seek this for my
person only, but I seek it for the entire community and environments.
ॐ रथरन्तरं
च स्वाहा । इदं रथन्तराय इदन्न मम ॥ And I seek the entire infinite cosmos to be
blessed. I do not seek this for my person only, but I seek it for the entire
community and environments.
प्रजापतिर्जयानिन्द्राय वृष्णो प्रायच्छदुग्र: प्रतना जयेषु ।
तस्मै विश:
समनमन्त सर्वा: स उग्र: स इ हव्यो बभूव स्वाहा ॥ इदं प्रजापतये जयानिंद्राय इदन्न मम॥
who seek such wishes (as above) to be fulfilled for
all-round prosperity and peace by their strong devoted, resolves, actions and commitments to their cause by
overcoming all the obstacles in their path are nurtured and granted success in
their efforts by GOD . They do not seek this for their person only, but
seek it for the entire community and environments.
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