When did life originate
ते Sवदन् प्रथमा ब्रह्मकिल्विषे Sकूपार: सलिलो मातरिश्वा ! ऋग्वेद 10.109.1 और अथर्व वेद 5.17.1
सब से प्रथम सृष्टि के सृजनहार तत्वों अकूपार सलिल (primordial soup)और मातरिश्वा अन्तरिक्षीय वायु मे उपस्थित सूक्ष्माणु (मरुतों) ( microbe laden atmosphere) ने मन्त्रणा की.......से वेदों द्वारा सृष्टि के आरम्भ का विवरण आधुनिक विज्ञान के विचारों से मेल खाता है.
इस विषय की पुष्टि मे यजुर्वेद का मरुत देवता को सम्बोधित मन्त्र
“ अश्मन्नूर्जं पर्वते शिश्रियाणामद्भ्यSओषधीभ्यो वनस्पतिभ्योSअधिसम्भृतं पय:! तां नSइष्मूर्जं धत्त मरुत: सँरराणाSअश्मँस्ते क्षुन्मयि तSऊर्ग् यं द्विष्मतंते शुगृच्छतु” यजु17.1 कहता है कि हे मरुतो प्रवतों पर स्थित जो चट्टानें हंो उन को चकनाचूर करके वनस्पति तथा वनओषधीयों के लिए पोषन के लिए उर्वरक मृदा बनावो.
आधुनिक विज्ञान के माइक्रोब हमारे वैदिक भाषा के मरुत जिन से सारा ब्रह्मांड अच्छादित रहता है इसी प्रकार सिद्ध होते हैं.
When did life originate?
Evidence suggests that life first evolved around 3.5 billion years ago. This evidence takes the form of microfossils (fossils too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope) and ancient rock structures in South Africa and Australia called stromatolites. Stromatolites are produced by microbes (mainly photosynthesizing cyanobacteria) that form thin microbial films which trap mud; over time, layers of these mud/microbe mats can build up into a layered rock structure — the stromatolite.
Stromatolites are still produced by microbes today. These modern stromatolites are remarkably similar to the ancient stromatolites which provide evidence of some of the earliest life on Earth. Modern and ancient stromatolites have similar shapes and, when seen in cross section, both show the same fine layering produced by thin bacterial sheets. Microfossils of ancient cyanobacteria can sometimes be identified within these layers.
Modern stromatolites in Shark Bay, Australia
Cross sections of 1.8 billion year old fossil stromatolites at Great Slave Lake, Canada
Where did life originate?
A hydrothermal vent at the bottom of the ocean
Scientists are exploring several possible locations for the origin of life, including tide pools and hot springs. However, recently some scientists have narrowed in on the hypothesis that life originated near a deep sea hydrothermal vent. The chemicals found in these vents and the energy they provide could have fueled many of the chemical reactions necessary for the evolution of life. Furthermore, using the DNA sequences of modern organisms, biologists have tentatively traced the most recent common ancestor of all life to an aquatic microorganism that lived in extremely high temperatures — a likely candidate for a hydrothermal vent inhabitant! Although several lines of evidence are consistent with the hypothesis that life began near deep sea vents, it is far from certain: the investigation continues and may eventually point towards a different site for the origin of life.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Probiotic Microbes Rig Ved 1.64
Rig Ved 1.64 Marut- Devta , Rishi -Nodha Gotamah
By Subodh Kumar (subodh1934@gmail.com) 17.09.2006
वृष्णे शर्धाय सुमखाय वेधसे नोधः सुवृक्तिं प्र भरा मरुद्भ्यः
अपो न धीरो मनसा सुहस्त्यो गिरः समञ्जे विदथेष्वाभुवः RV1.64.1
O Nodhas, ( this was a lineage of wise men trained in multidiscipline and highly motivated to engage public service projects) engage in projects to overcome the enormous social problems of disease and hunger like bringing about rains with Yajyas .
ते जज्ञिरे दिव ऋष्वास उक्षणो रुद्रस्य मर्या असुरा अरेपसः |
पावकासः शुचयः सूर्या इव सत्वानो न द्रप्सिनो घोरवर्पसः || RV1.64.2
The prolife or probiotics are Maruts which descend from higher regions , they are free from diseases-pathogens- having gone through the purifying effects of sunshine, and bring to the earth life positive elements through rain water
युवानो रुद्रा अजरा अभोग्घनो ववक्षुरध्रिगावः पर्वता इव |
दृह्ळा चिद विश्वा भुवनानि पार्थिवा प्र च्यावयन्ति दिव्यानि मज्मना || RV1.64.3
These microorganisms as individuals are endowed with youthful vigor, never slowing down due to old age, they are generous and very powerful in consuming the negative forces which bring misery and sufferings-disease carrying microorganisms.
चित्रैरञ्जिभिर्वपुषे वयञ्जते वक्षस्सु रुकमाँ अधि येतिरे शुभे |
अंसेष्वेषां नि मिमृक्षुरृष्टयः साकं जज्ञिरे स्वधया दिवो नरः || RV1.64.4
The life positive army of these soldiers come decked in resplendent golden jewelry and medallions carrying their weapons. These Maruts-the micro organisms are born simultaneously with all life .
( The probiotic – healthy- microorganisms are reported to be seen in laboratories as bright decorated ornament like formations, and are believed to have taken birth at the beginning and simultaneous with all creation)
ईशानकृतो धुनयो रिशादसो वातान विद्युतस्तविषीभिरक्रत |
दुहन्त्यूधर्दिव्यानि धूतयो भूमिं पिन्वन्ति पयसापरिज्रयः ||RV1.64.5
These Maruts- microbes- help the wise men – the scientists and researchers- to lead the fight against disease and hunger, create thunder and bring down natures’ bounties through rains.
पिन्वन्त्यपो मरुतः सुदानवः पयो घृतवद विदथेष्वाभुवः |
अत्यं न मिहे वि नयन्ति वाजिनमुत्सं दुहन्ति सतनयन्तमक्षितम ||RV1.64.6
The Maruts- microbes-as benevolent change agents, provide with life giving water, milk which reduces obesity, and provide health giving nutrition through unfailing actions of rains rivers and streams. They also organize the movements of the clouds.
( The latest researches at Wisconsin and affirmed at NIH Bethesda USA have established that the milk from pasture fed cows due to its CLA- Conjugated linoleic acid content, and Omega 3 enrichment prevents and cure all human body self degenerating disease such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and so on.)
महिषासो मायिनश्चित्रभानवो गिरयो न स्वतवसो रघुष्यदः |
मृगा इव हस्तिनः खादथा वना यदारुणीषु तविषीरयुग्ध्वम || RV1.64.7
Red Fire colored Maruts-microorganisms are the most active organisms to engage in large scale of activities.
सिंहा इव नानदति प्रचेतसः पिशा इव सुपिशो विश्ववेदसः |
क्षपो जिन्वन्तः पृषतीभिर रष्टिभिः समित सबाधः शवसाहिमन्यवः || RV1.64.8
The Red Fire colored one’s are the most voracious eaters of all organic matter to consume waste products to bring about bioprotection and healing the sick.
रोदसी आ वदता गणश्रियो नृषाचः शूराः शवसाहिमन्यवः |
आ वन्धुरेष्वमतिर्न दर्शता विद्युन न तस्थौ मरुतो रथेषु वः || RV1.64.9
Because of their strength in numbers, and continuous vigorous positive action oriented attitude, these life positive microorganisms rule the entire universe to serve the life here on this planet .
विश्ववेदसो रयिभिः समोकसः सम्मिश्लासस्तविषीभिर्विरप्शिनः |
अस्तार इषुं दधिरे गभस्त्योरनन्तशुष्मा वर्षखादयो नरः || RV1.64.10
These Maruts –Microorganisms- are residents of healthy and prosperous communities. They are make loud music and are very vigorous in providing life positive protection.
हिरण्ययेभिः पविभिः पयोवृध उज्जिघ्नन्त आपथ्यो न पर्वतान I
मखा अयासः सवसृतो ध्रुवच्युतो दुधकृतो मरुतो भ्राजदृष्टयः || RV1.64.11
The powerful microorganisms with their golden chariots bring about cloud formations.
धृषुं पावकं वनिनं विचर्षणिं रुद्रस्य सूनुं हवसा गृणीमसि |
रजस्तुरं तवसं मारुतं गणं रजीषिणं वृषणं सश्चत श्रिये || RV.1.64.12
These life protecting microbes in respond to musical prayers to bring happiness to life, by causing destruction of disease carrying microorganisms
प्र नू स मर्तः शवसा जनाँ अति तस्थौ व ऊती मरुतो यमावत |
अर्वद्भिरर्वाजं भरते धना नृभिरापृच्छयंक्रतुमा क्षेति पुष्यति ||RV1.64.13
Those societies which are helped by the microorganisms, they gain strength through their men and animals and earn honor and prosperity.
चर्कृत्यं मरुतः पृत्सु दुष्टरं द्युमन्तं शुष्मं मघवत्सु धत्तन |
धनस्पृतमुक्थ्यं विश्वचर्षणिं तोकं पुष्येम तनयं शतं हिमः || RV1.64.14
Those men become invincible in battles and are endowed with great riches and long life.
नू ष्ठिरं मरुतो वीरवन्त मृतीषाहं रयिमस्मासु धत्त |
सहस्रिणं शतिनं शूशुवांसं प्रातर्मुक्षू धियावसुर्जगम्यात ||RV1.64.15
O Maruts- the microorganisms- grant us riches, durable, rich in men, defying onslaught .A hundred, thousand fold, ever increasing? May these Maruts enriched with prayers visit us soon and early.
(The Sanskrit Script has been down loaded from internet & is slightly inaccurate at some places. For this limitation sincere regret is expressed)
Rig Ved 1.64 Marut- Devta , Rishi -Nodha Gotamah
By Subodh Kumar (subodh1934@gmail.com) 17.09.2006
वृष्णे शर्धाय सुमखाय वेधसे नोधः सुवृक्तिं प्र भरा मरुद्भ्यः
अपो न धीरो मनसा सुहस्त्यो गिरः समञ्जे विदथेष्वाभुवः RV1.64.1
O Nodhas, ( this was a lineage of wise men trained in multidiscipline and highly motivated to engage public service projects) engage in projects to overcome the enormous social problems of disease and hunger like bringing about rains with Yajyas .
ते जज्ञिरे दिव ऋष्वास उक्षणो रुद्रस्य मर्या असुरा अरेपसः |
पावकासः शुचयः सूर्या इव सत्वानो न द्रप्सिनो घोरवर्पसः || RV1.64.2
The prolife or probiotics are Maruts which descend from higher regions , they are free from diseases-pathogens- having gone through the purifying effects of sunshine, and bring to the earth life positive elements through rain water
युवानो रुद्रा अजरा अभोग्घनो ववक्षुरध्रिगावः पर्वता इव |
दृह्ळा चिद विश्वा भुवनानि पार्थिवा प्र च्यावयन्ति दिव्यानि मज्मना || RV1.64.3
These microorganisms as individuals are endowed with youthful vigor, never slowing down due to old age, they are generous and very powerful in consuming the negative forces which bring misery and sufferings-disease carrying microorganisms.
चित्रैरञ्जिभिर्वपुषे वयञ्जते वक्षस्सु रुकमाँ अधि येतिरे शुभे |
अंसेष्वेषां नि मिमृक्षुरृष्टयः साकं जज्ञिरे स्वधया दिवो नरः || RV1.64.4
The life positive army of these soldiers come decked in resplendent golden jewelry and medallions carrying their weapons. These Maruts-the micro organisms are born simultaneously with all life .
( The probiotic – healthy- microorganisms are reported to be seen in laboratories as bright decorated ornament like formations, and are believed to have taken birth at the beginning and simultaneous with all creation)
ईशानकृतो धुनयो रिशादसो वातान विद्युतस्तविषीभिरक्रत |
दुहन्त्यूधर्दिव्यानि धूतयो भूमिं पिन्वन्ति पयसापरिज्रयः ||RV1.64.5
These Maruts- microbes- help the wise men – the scientists and researchers- to lead the fight against disease and hunger, create thunder and bring down natures’ bounties through rains.
पिन्वन्त्यपो मरुतः सुदानवः पयो घृतवद विदथेष्वाभुवः |
अत्यं न मिहे वि नयन्ति वाजिनमुत्सं दुहन्ति सतनयन्तमक्षितम ||RV1.64.6
The Maruts- microbes-as benevolent change agents, provide with life giving water, milk which reduces obesity, and provide health giving nutrition through unfailing actions of rains rivers and streams. They also organize the movements of the clouds.
( The latest researches at Wisconsin and affirmed at NIH Bethesda USA have established that the milk from pasture fed cows due to its CLA- Conjugated linoleic acid content, and Omega 3 enrichment prevents and cure all human body self degenerating disease such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and so on.)
महिषासो मायिनश्चित्रभानवो गिरयो न स्वतवसो रघुष्यदः |
मृगा इव हस्तिनः खादथा वना यदारुणीषु तविषीरयुग्ध्वम || RV1.64.7
Red Fire colored Maruts-microorganisms are the most active organisms to engage in large scale of activities.
सिंहा इव नानदति प्रचेतसः पिशा इव सुपिशो विश्ववेदसः |
क्षपो जिन्वन्तः पृषतीभिर रष्टिभिः समित सबाधः शवसाहिमन्यवः || RV1.64.8
The Red Fire colored one’s are the most voracious eaters of all organic matter to consume waste products to bring about bioprotection and healing the sick.
रोदसी आ वदता गणश्रियो नृषाचः शूराः शवसाहिमन्यवः |
आ वन्धुरेष्वमतिर्न दर्शता विद्युन न तस्थौ मरुतो रथेषु वः || RV1.64.9
Because of their strength in numbers, and continuous vigorous positive action oriented attitude, these life positive microorganisms rule the entire universe to serve the life here on this planet .
विश्ववेदसो रयिभिः समोकसः सम्मिश्लासस्तविषीभिर्विरप्शिनः |
अस्तार इषुं दधिरे गभस्त्योरनन्तशुष्मा वर्षखादयो नरः || RV1.64.10
These Maruts –Microorganisms- are residents of healthy and prosperous communities. They are make loud music and are very vigorous in providing life positive protection.
हिरण्ययेभिः पविभिः पयोवृध उज्जिघ्नन्त आपथ्यो न पर्वतान I
मखा अयासः सवसृतो ध्रुवच्युतो दुधकृतो मरुतो भ्राजदृष्टयः || RV1.64.11
The powerful microorganisms with their golden chariots bring about cloud formations.
धृषुं पावकं वनिनं विचर्षणिं रुद्रस्य सूनुं हवसा गृणीमसि |
रजस्तुरं तवसं मारुतं गणं रजीषिणं वृषणं सश्चत श्रिये || RV.1.64.12
These life protecting microbes in respond to musical prayers to bring happiness to life, by causing destruction of disease carrying microorganisms
प्र नू स मर्तः शवसा जनाँ अति तस्थौ व ऊती मरुतो यमावत |
अर्वद्भिरर्वाजं भरते धना नृभिरापृच्छयंक्रतुमा क्षेति पुष्यति ||RV1.64.13
Those societies which are helped by the microorganisms, they gain strength through their men and animals and earn honor and prosperity.
चर्कृत्यं मरुतः पृत्सु दुष्टरं द्युमन्तं शुष्मं मघवत्सु धत्तन |
धनस्पृतमुक्थ्यं विश्वचर्षणिं तोकं पुष्येम तनयं शतं हिमः || RV1.64.14
Those men become invincible in battles and are endowed with great riches and long life.
नू ष्ठिरं मरुतो वीरवन्त मृतीषाहं रयिमस्मासु धत्त |
सहस्रिणं शतिनं शूशुवांसं प्रातर्मुक्षू धियावसुर्जगम्यात ||RV1.64.15
O Maruts- the microorganisms- grant us riches, durable, rich in men, defying onslaught .A hundred, thousand fold, ever increasing? May these Maruts enriched with prayers visit us soon and early.
(The Sanskrit Script has been down loaded from internet & is slightly inaccurate at some places. For this limitation sincere regret is expressed)
Microbes in action Rig Ved 1.86
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 86
(Masaru Emoto of Japan has succeeded in proving that when clean pure water is offered music, prayers and good thoughts, the water gets altered physically. Japanese like us, also have a tradition of singing and praying before water bodies lakes, rivers, and holy water is formed in vessels containing good pure water for holy purposes. Emoto has taken beautiful pictures of crystals of such blessed water, which we in India call abhimantrit waters. This memory phenomenon seems to be caused by response of the Maruts the microorganisms present in this water like the rain water. These phenomena have since been validated in laboratories in Austria and other countries) Rig Vedic Rishi, seems to be pointing to the same.
Devta –Maruto, Rishi- Rahugano Gotamah
Subodh Kumar(surmil2000@gmail.com) 13th Aug 2006-09-20
1.मरुतो यस्य हि क्षये पाथा दिवो विमहसः | स सुगोपातमो जनः ||
The dwelling place, where Maruts descend with day light from Sun, is well protected by the probiotics, against disease germs.
2.यज्ञैर्वा यज्ञवाहसो विप्रस्य वा मतीनाम | मरुतः शृणुता हवम ||
The Probiotic Microorganisms, respond favorably to the sonic mantras chanted and the Agnihotra which is performed, by the wise men with intelligent efforts.
3.उत वा यस्य वाजिनोSनु विप्रमतक्षत | स गन्ता गोमतिव्रजे ||
These Probiotic microorganisms promote physically strong men and healthy cattle herds.
4.अस्य वीरस्य बर्हिषि सुतः सोमो दिविष्टिषु | उक्थं मदश्च शस्यते ||
On their fields, the daily dutifully performed photo synthetic action of day light, is gratefully appreciated by the whole community.
5.अस्य श्रोषन्त्वा भुवो विश्वा यश्चर्षणीरभि | सूरं चित सस्रुषीरिषः ||
All germs of disease are overpowered by the Probiotics, which derive their strength from the Sun.
6.पूर्वीभिर्हि ददाशिम शरद्भिर्मरुतो वयम | अवोभिश्चर्षणीनाम ||
Every year we contribute the best seeds with the blessings of the Probiotic Microorganisms, to bring bounties for the entire community.
7.सुभगः स प्रयज्यवो मरुतो अस्तु मर्त्यः | यस्य प्रयांसिपर्षथ ||
They are indeed the fortunate blessed ones whose offerings are appreciated and accepted by the Probiotic Microorganisms.
8.शशमानस्य वा नरः स्वेदस्य सत्यशवसः | विदा कामस्यवेनतः ||
The hard work by the sweat of their brow in their fields is blessed and rewarded by rich harvest.
9.यूयं तत सत्यशवस आविष कर्त महित्वना | विध्यता विद्युता रक्षः ||
O Probiotics, bless him by your protection from all calamities by your thunder bolts.
10.गूहता गुह्यं तमो वि यात विश्वमत्रिणम | ज्योतिष कर्ता यदुश्मसि ||
Destroy the pests and diseases the harbingers of darkness to bring brightness and sunshine in our lives.
(Masaru Emoto of Japan has succeeded in proving that when clean pure water is offered music, prayers and good thoughts, the water gets altered physically. Japanese like us, also have a tradition of singing and praying before water bodies lakes, rivers, and holy water is formed in vessels containing good pure water for holy purposes. Emoto has taken beautiful pictures of crystals of such blessed water, which we in India call abhimantrit waters. This memory phenomenon seems to be caused by response of the Maruts the microorganisms present in this water like the rain water. These phenomena have since been validated in laboratories in Austria and other countries) Rig Vedic Rishi, seems to be pointing to the same.
Devta –Maruto, Rishi- Rahugano Gotamah
Subodh Kumar(surmil2000@gmail.com) 13th Aug 2006-09-20
1.मरुतो यस्य हि क्षये पाथा दिवो विमहसः | स सुगोपातमो जनः ||
The dwelling place, where Maruts descend with day light from Sun, is well protected by the probiotics, against disease germs.
2.यज्ञैर्वा यज्ञवाहसो विप्रस्य वा मतीनाम | मरुतः शृणुता हवम ||
The Probiotic Microorganisms, respond favorably to the sonic mantras chanted and the Agnihotra which is performed, by the wise men with intelligent efforts.
3.उत वा यस्य वाजिनोSनु विप्रमतक्षत | स गन्ता गोमतिव्रजे ||
These Probiotic microorganisms promote physically strong men and healthy cattle herds.
4.अस्य वीरस्य बर्हिषि सुतः सोमो दिविष्टिषु | उक्थं मदश्च शस्यते ||
On their fields, the daily dutifully performed photo synthetic action of day light, is gratefully appreciated by the whole community.
5.अस्य श्रोषन्त्वा भुवो विश्वा यश्चर्षणीरभि | सूरं चित सस्रुषीरिषः ||
All germs of disease are overpowered by the Probiotics, which derive their strength from the Sun.
6.पूर्वीभिर्हि ददाशिम शरद्भिर्मरुतो वयम | अवोभिश्चर्षणीनाम ||
Every year we contribute the best seeds with the blessings of the Probiotic Microorganisms, to bring bounties for the entire community.
7.सुभगः स प्रयज्यवो मरुतो अस्तु मर्त्यः | यस्य प्रयांसिपर्षथ ||
They are indeed the fortunate blessed ones whose offerings are appreciated and accepted by the Probiotic Microorganisms.
8.शशमानस्य वा नरः स्वेदस्य सत्यशवसः | विदा कामस्यवेनतः ||
The hard work by the sweat of their brow in their fields is blessed and rewarded by rich harvest.
9.यूयं तत सत्यशवस आविष कर्त महित्वना | विध्यता विद्युता रक्षः ||
O Probiotics, bless him by your protection from all calamities by your thunder bolts.
10.गूहता गुह्यं तमो वि यात विश्वमत्रिणम | ज्योतिष कर्ता यदुश्मसि ||
Destroy the pests and diseases the harbingers of darkness to bring brightness and sunshine in our lives.
Microbe action Rig Ved 1.39
ऋग्वेद 1.39 मरुत: देवता
प्र यद इत्था परावतः शोचिर्न मानमस्यथ |
कस्य क्रत्वा मरुतः कस्य वर्पसा कं याथ कं ह धूतयः || ऋ1.39.1
O Maruts when you launch your assault from far off distances through the solar and wind energies, to shake and disperse the disease carrying enemies, what guides you to decide the targets, the direction and the purpose of your actions?
स्थिरा वः सन्त्वायुधा पराणुदे वीळू उत प्रतिष्कभे |
युष्माकम अस्तु तविषी पनीयसी मा मर्त्यस्य मायिनः || ऋ1.39.2
Your strength, & weapons, in restricting the development and growth of enemies,( the germs and infections affecting life) may always have the highest competence.
परा ह यत स्थिरं हथ नरो वर्तयथा गुरु |
वि याथन वनिनः पृथिव्या व्याशाः पर्वतानाम || ऋ1.39.3
When Maruts are engaged in destroying the very deep rooted well entrenched harmful organisms they can go around the obstacles and completely feed on to destroy all affected growing vegetation on earth.
नहि वः शत्रुर्विविदे अधि द्यवि न भूम्यां रिशादसः |
युष्माकम अस्तु तविषी तना युजा रुद्रासो नू चिदाधृषे||ऋ1.39.4
While the outer space is free from disease carrying organisms, with your support, we may grow very fast, in our capability to make this earth also free of disease carrying organisms.
प्र वेपयन्ति पर्वतान वि विञ्चन्ति वनस्पतीन |
प्रो आरत मरुतो दुर्मदा इव देवासः सर्वया विशा || ऋ1.39.5
You have the strength to move and shake the mountains and forests, let us involve you in the welfare of all with your cooperation.
उपो रथेषु पृषतीरयुग्ध्वम प्रष्टिर्वहति रोहितः |
आ वो यामाय पृथिवी चिद अश्रोदबीभयन्त मानुषाः || ऋ1.39.6
Multicolored moving with water particles your sound of movement is heard by the earth, and people get very scared on hearing that sound
आ वो मक्षू तनाय कं रुद्रा अवो वृणीमहे |
गन्ता नूनं नो ऽवसा यथा पुरेत्था कण्वाय बिभ्युषे || ऋ1.39.7
You have the capability to give protection against life annihilating forces , like the of wise counsel of concerned learned persons , please make haste to come to us for the welfare of our community.
युष्मेषितो मरुतो मर्त्येषित आ यो नो अभ्व ईषते |
वि तं युयोत शवसा व्योजसा वि युष्माकाभिरूतिभिः || ऋ1.39.8
Destroy the pollution caused by negligence, by our members by your vigor.
असामि हि प्रयज्यवः कण्वं दद प्रचेतसः |
असामिभिर्मरुत आ न ऊतिभिर्गन्ता वृष्टिं न विद्युतः || ऋ1.39.8
Intelligent planning can employ the Maruts in community welfare by providing excellent rains etc.
असाम्योजो बिभृथा सुदानवोSसामि धूतयः शवः |
ऋषिद्विषे मरुतः परिमन्यव इषुं न सृजत द्विषम || ऋ1.39.10
Effectiveness of Maruts in destroying pollutants is supreme.
ऋग्वेद 1.39 मरुत: देवता
प्र यद इत्था परावतः शोचिर्न मानमस्यथ |
कस्य क्रत्वा मरुतः कस्य वर्पसा कं याथ कं ह धूतयः || ऋ1.39.1
O Maruts when you launch your assault from far off distances through the solar and wind energies, to shake and disperse the disease carrying enemies, what guides you to decide the targets, the direction and the purpose of your actions?
स्थिरा वः सन्त्वायुधा पराणुदे वीळू उत प्रतिष्कभे |
युष्माकम अस्तु तविषी पनीयसी मा मर्त्यस्य मायिनः || ऋ1.39.2
Your strength, & weapons, in restricting the development and growth of enemies,( the germs and infections affecting life) may always have the highest competence.
परा ह यत स्थिरं हथ नरो वर्तयथा गुरु |
वि याथन वनिनः पृथिव्या व्याशाः पर्वतानाम || ऋ1.39.3
When Maruts are engaged in destroying the very deep rooted well entrenched harmful organisms they can go around the obstacles and completely feed on to destroy all affected growing vegetation on earth.
नहि वः शत्रुर्विविदे अधि द्यवि न भूम्यां रिशादसः |
युष्माकम अस्तु तविषी तना युजा रुद्रासो नू चिदाधृषे||ऋ1.39.4
While the outer space is free from disease carrying organisms, with your support, we may grow very fast, in our capability to make this earth also free of disease carrying organisms.
प्र वेपयन्ति पर्वतान वि विञ्चन्ति वनस्पतीन |
प्रो आरत मरुतो दुर्मदा इव देवासः सर्वया विशा || ऋ1.39.5
You have the strength to move and shake the mountains and forests, let us involve you in the welfare of all with your cooperation.
उपो रथेषु पृषतीरयुग्ध्वम प्रष्टिर्वहति रोहितः |
आ वो यामाय पृथिवी चिद अश्रोदबीभयन्त मानुषाः || ऋ1.39.6
Multicolored moving with water particles your sound of movement is heard by the earth, and people get very scared on hearing that sound
आ वो मक्षू तनाय कं रुद्रा अवो वृणीमहे |
गन्ता नूनं नो ऽवसा यथा पुरेत्था कण्वाय बिभ्युषे || ऋ1.39.7
You have the capability to give protection against life annihilating forces , like the of wise counsel of concerned learned persons , please make haste to come to us for the welfare of our community.
युष्मेषितो मरुतो मर्त्येषित आ यो नो अभ्व ईषते |
वि तं युयोत शवसा व्योजसा वि युष्माकाभिरूतिभिः || ऋ1.39.8
Destroy the pollution caused by negligence, by our members by your vigor.
असामि हि प्रयज्यवः कण्वं दद प्रचेतसः |
असामिभिर्मरुत आ न ऊतिभिर्गन्ता वृष्टिं न विद्युतः || ऋ1.39.8
Intelligent planning can employ the Maruts in community welfare by providing excellent rains etc.
असाम्योजो बिभृथा सुदानवोSसामि धूतयः शवः |
ऋषिद्विषे मरुतः परिमन्यव इषुं न सृजत द्विषम || ऋ1.39.10
Effectiveness of Maruts in destroying pollutants is supreme.
Microbiology / Biotechnology Rig Ved 1.37
ऋग्वेद 1.37 on Maruts Rigveda 1.37
Rig Veda 1.37.1
CNG/ Methane for transport ?
क्रीळं वः शर्धो मारुतमनर्वाणं रथेशुभम | कण्वा अभि प्र गायत || ऋ1.37.1
क्रीळं – the playful ones, not fighting among themselves
शर्धो – having physical force like pressures
अनर्वाणं – inert like methane gas
रथेशुभम - as good modes of transport
कण्वा – the intellectual people paying attention to minute particles –Researchers
अभि प्र गायत- should play around with.
Let the researchers investigate the ‘shargho’ the forceful i.e. high pressure cryogenic techniques involving inert methane like gases ‘Apan Vayu’ waste gases and microorganisms which are known to be very poisonous –non supportive of organic life- but collectively work in confined enclosed spaces without fighting among themselves, and pursue researches in to engineless travel vehicles.
Rigveda Mantra 1.37.2
ये पृषतीभिऋष्टिभिः साकं वाशीभिरञ्जिभिः |अजायन्त स्वभानवः || ऋ1./37.2
पृषतीभि- multi spotted bearing clouds
ऋष्टिभिः- physical action resulting
साकं – together
वाशीभि- making loud war like noises
अरञ्जिभिः- resplendent In their armors
अजायन्त- get involved in action
स्वभानवः- by their inherent temperament/ luminosity
Team of researchers and technologists with proficiency in materials and languages should pursue studies about self luminosity aspects of the Maruts (Microbes) acting through loud noise making multihued clouds .
इहेव शृण्वं एषां कशा हस्तेषु यद वदान | नि यामञ्चित्रमृञ्जते || ऋ1.37.3
Inherently the Maruts/Microbes families have distinctive colors/appearances, and have distinctive armory to wage wars. The technologies involving microbiology and inert gas high pressure art by their chain of events and actions can provide great benefits for sustainability of all living and nonliving alike.
RigVeda Mantra 1.37.4
प्र वः शर्धाय धृष्वये त्वेषद्युम्नाय शुष्मिणे |देवत्तं ब्रह्म गायत || ऋ1.37.4
Research after regular study and work on the energy, electromagnetic and optical phenomenon involving Microbiology and cryogenic technologies can bring comfort and welfare of all.
RigVeda Mantra 1.37.5
प्र शंसा गोष्वघ्न्यं क्रीळं यच्छर्धो मारुतम | जम्भे रसस्य वावृधे || ऋ1.37.5
Let the wise and famous persons study and learn from the phenomenon of the cows chewing on their cud mixing of microorganisms in their mouth and processing that in their rumens to provide nourishing health giving milk, methane carbon dioxide inert gases .
RigVedaMantra 1.37.6
को वो वर्षिष्ठ आ नरो दिवश्च गमश्च धूतयः | यत सीमन्तं न धूनुथ || ऋ1.37.6
The microbes have the strength to shake not only the earth but entire space. Hence identify the microbes which render useful service of welfare.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.7
नि वो यामाय मानुषो दध्र उग्राय मन्यवे |जिहीत पर्वतो गिरिः || ऋ1.37.7
It is not only the humans who have to survive the wrath of microbes, Even the big mountains shake and disintegrate at their hands.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.8
येषामज्मेषु पृथिवी जुजुर्वां इव विश्पतिः |भिया यामेषु रेजते || ऋ1.37.8
By inviting the wrath of the micrograms,(spread of pollution and destruction of probiotics) the earth suffers utters desolation and loss of life and acquires the looks of a destroyed territory of a tired, defeated King.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.9
स्थिरं हि जानम एषां वयो मातुर निरेतवे | यत सीम अनु द्विता शवः!! RV1.37.9
From the soil which is not mobile and is the birth place of these microbes, they take flight like birds. Their theater of action is spread over both this earth and the space above.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.10
उदु त्ये सूनवो गिरः काष्ठा अज्मेष्वत्नत |वाश्रा अभिज्ञु यातवे || ऋ1.37.10
Extensive rains on the mountains should be managed by the king and the community to prevent floods by ensuring spread of knee deep water in waste lands.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.11
त्यं चिद् घा दीर्घम पृथुं मिहो नपाममृध्रम् |प्र च्यावयान्ति यामभिः || ऋ1.37.11
These micro organisms by their influence cause even the non raining clouds to make rain. ( this is clear directive on artificial rain making, by inoculation and seeding of the clouds by microorganisms)
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.12
मरुतो यद्ध वो बलं जनां अचुच्यवीतन | गिरींरचुच्यवीतन || ऋ1.37.12
These microorganisms by their strength not only shake the earth and the people on it but cause metamorphoses of even the mountains.
यद्ध यान्ति मरुतः सं ह बरुवते ऽधवन्न आ | शृणोति कश्चिद एषाम || ऋ1.37.13
Only very learned and devoted students can fathom the secrets involving hearing of the conversations these Maruts (Microbes) make among themselves when they move about .
प्र यात शीभमाशुभिः सन्ति कण्वेषु वो दुवः | तत्रो षु मादयाध्वै || ऋ1.37.14
Traveling vehicles based on these technologies bring great welfare and prosperity in their wake.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.15
अस्ति हि ष्मा मदाय वः स्मसि ष्मा वयम एषाम | विश्वं चिद आयुर जीवसे!! ऋ1.37.15
For the welfare of all it is necessary to study these technologies and be devoted to learning and research.
Rig Veda 1.37.1
CNG/ Methane for transport ?
क्रीळं वः शर्धो मारुतमनर्वाणं रथेशुभम | कण्वा अभि प्र गायत || ऋ1.37.1
क्रीळं – the playful ones, not fighting among themselves
शर्धो – having physical force like pressures
अनर्वाणं – inert like methane gas
रथेशुभम - as good modes of transport
कण्वा – the intellectual people paying attention to minute particles –Researchers
अभि प्र गायत- should play around with.
Let the researchers investigate the ‘shargho’ the forceful i.e. high pressure cryogenic techniques involving inert methane like gases ‘Apan Vayu’ waste gases and microorganisms which are known to be very poisonous –non supportive of organic life- but collectively work in confined enclosed spaces without fighting among themselves, and pursue researches in to engineless travel vehicles.
Rigveda Mantra 1.37.2
ये पृषतीभिऋष्टिभिः साकं वाशीभिरञ्जिभिः |अजायन्त स्वभानवः || ऋ1./37.2
पृषतीभि- multi spotted bearing clouds
ऋष्टिभिः- physical action resulting
साकं – together
वाशीभि- making loud war like noises
अरञ्जिभिः- resplendent In their armors
अजायन्त- get involved in action
स्वभानवः- by their inherent temperament/ luminosity
Team of researchers and technologists with proficiency in materials and languages should pursue studies about self luminosity aspects of the Maruts (Microbes) acting through loud noise making multihued clouds .
इहेव शृण्वं एषां कशा हस्तेषु यद वदान | नि यामञ्चित्रमृञ्जते || ऋ1.37.3
Inherently the Maruts/Microbes families have distinctive colors/appearances, and have distinctive armory to wage wars. The technologies involving microbiology and inert gas high pressure art by their chain of events and actions can provide great benefits for sustainability of all living and nonliving alike.
RigVeda Mantra 1.37.4
प्र वः शर्धाय धृष्वये त्वेषद्युम्नाय शुष्मिणे |देवत्तं ब्रह्म गायत || ऋ1.37.4
Research after regular study and work on the energy, electromagnetic and optical phenomenon involving Microbiology and cryogenic technologies can bring comfort and welfare of all.
RigVeda Mantra 1.37.5
प्र शंसा गोष्वघ्न्यं क्रीळं यच्छर्धो मारुतम | जम्भे रसस्य वावृधे || ऋ1.37.5
Let the wise and famous persons study and learn from the phenomenon of the cows chewing on their cud mixing of microorganisms in their mouth and processing that in their rumens to provide nourishing health giving milk, methane carbon dioxide inert gases .
RigVedaMantra 1.37.6
को वो वर्षिष्ठ आ नरो दिवश्च गमश्च धूतयः | यत सीमन्तं न धूनुथ || ऋ1.37.6
The microbes have the strength to shake not only the earth but entire space. Hence identify the microbes which render useful service of welfare.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.7
नि वो यामाय मानुषो दध्र उग्राय मन्यवे |जिहीत पर्वतो गिरिः || ऋ1.37.7
It is not only the humans who have to survive the wrath of microbes, Even the big mountains shake and disintegrate at their hands.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.8
येषामज्मेषु पृथिवी जुजुर्वां इव विश्पतिः |भिया यामेषु रेजते || ऋ1.37.8
By inviting the wrath of the micrograms,(spread of pollution and destruction of probiotics) the earth suffers utters desolation and loss of life and acquires the looks of a destroyed territory of a tired, defeated King.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.9
स्थिरं हि जानम एषां वयो मातुर निरेतवे | यत सीम अनु द्विता शवः!! RV1.37.9
From the soil which is not mobile and is the birth place of these microbes, they take flight like birds. Their theater of action is spread over both this earth and the space above.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.10
उदु त्ये सूनवो गिरः काष्ठा अज्मेष्वत्नत |वाश्रा अभिज्ञु यातवे || ऋ1.37.10
Extensive rains on the mountains should be managed by the king and the community to prevent floods by ensuring spread of knee deep water in waste lands.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.11
त्यं चिद् घा दीर्घम पृथुं मिहो नपाममृध्रम् |प्र च्यावयान्ति यामभिः || ऋ1.37.11
These micro organisms by their influence cause even the non raining clouds to make rain. ( this is clear directive on artificial rain making, by inoculation and seeding of the clouds by microorganisms)
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.12
मरुतो यद्ध वो बलं जनां अचुच्यवीतन | गिरींरचुच्यवीतन || ऋ1.37.12
These microorganisms by their strength not only shake the earth and the people on it but cause metamorphoses of even the mountains.
यद्ध यान्ति मरुतः सं ह बरुवते ऽधवन्न आ | शृणोति कश्चिद एषाम || ऋ1.37.13
Only very learned and devoted students can fathom the secrets involving hearing of the conversations these Maruts (Microbes) make among themselves when they move about .
प्र यात शीभमाशुभिः सन्ति कण्वेषु वो दुवः | तत्रो षु मादयाध्वै || ऋ1.37.14
Traveling vehicles based on these technologies bring great welfare and prosperity in their wake.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.15
अस्ति हि ष्मा मदाय वः स्मसि ष्मा वयम एषाम | विश्वं चिद आयुर जीवसे!! ऋ1.37.15
For the welfare of all it is necessary to study these technologies and be devoted to learning and research.
Microbiology in Rig Veda 1.85
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 85
Q1.Are the Bacteria involved in disintegration of rocks same as those causing rains? ( by ice nucleation)
प्र ये शुम्भन्ते जनयो न सप्तयो यामन रुद्रस्य सूनवःसुदंससः |
रोदसी हि मरुतश्चक्रिरे वृधे मदन्ति वीरा विदथेषु घृष्वय: !! ऋ1.85.1
दुष्टों को नष्ट करने वाले वर्षा का उत्तम कार्य करने वाले, ये वीर (मरुत गण) पृथ्वी के विस्तार के लिए पत्थरों को विदीर्ण कर के मिट्टी बनाते हैं. (मरुद्गणो को ले कर यही विषय यजुर्वेद 17/1 मे अश्मन्नूर्जे पर्वते शिश्रियाणामद्भय ओषधीभ्यो वनस्पतिभ्यो अधि सम्भृतं पय:....मे भी यह किस प्रकार मरुत पर्वतों पर स्थित पत्थरों को विदीर्ण कर के ओषधि, वनस्पतियों के लिए उर्वरक मृदा प्रदान करते हैं) आधुनिक विज्ञान के अनुसार स्यूडोमोनस सैरिंगे नाम के सूक्ष्माणु वर्षा कराते हैं , इस वेद मन्त्र से यह एक अनुसंधान का विषय दिखता है कि क्या पत्थरों को विदीर्ण करने मे भी यही स्यूडोमोनस सैरिंगे सूक्ष्माणु ही कार्य रत रहते हैं.
Fast moving orderly and highly disciplined the Maruts indeed create the earth and space. They take delight in smashing the opposition and prosper with yagyas(sacrificial fires).
According to modern science the bacteria Pseudomonas Syringe participate in nucleation of ice to initiate precipitation in clouds. Their actions are facilitated by performance of Yagyas. In this Rig Ved mantra there is also and indication that the same bacteria are instrumental in disintegration of rocks for fertile soil formation. This is one subject that may be possible to confirm by modern microbiological research.
Q2. Do these microbes born is space cause cloud precipitation? What are the other bacteria in the same functional family as Pseudomonas Syringe ?
त उक्षितासो महिमानमाशत दिवि रुद्रासो अधि चक्रिरे सदः |
अर्चन्तो अर्कं जनयन्त इन्द्रियमधि श्रियोयो दधिरे पृश्निमातरः || ऋ1.85.2
यह सूक्ष्माणु जो पृथ्वी पर उत्पन्न हो ,कर अंतरिक्ष मे विस्तार पाते हैं , आकाश मे स्थित (मेघों) पर देवताओं के पवित्र जल के मानो छींटे दे कर संसार का कल्याण (वर्षा द्वारा ) करते हैं.
These Maruts born on earth expand in to atmosphere and anoint earth with sacred water.
Q3. Are these rain precipitating microbes also Probiotics?
गोमातरो यच्छुभयन्ते अञ्जिभिस्तनूषु शुभ्रा दधिरे विरुक्मतः |
बाधन्ते विश्वमभिमातिनमप वर्त्मान्येषामनु रीयते घृतम || ऋ1.85.3
यह सूक्ष्माणु जो मेघों से वर्षा उत्पन्न कराते हैं मानव शरीर और मानसिकता के लिए स्वास्थ्य प्रद भी होते हैं.
Q4. Do these same microorganisms by playing their role as Probiotics also improve positive attitudes- remove depression.
वि ये भ्राजन्ते सुमखास ऋष्टिभिः प्रच्यावयन्तो अच्युताचिदोजसा |
मनोजुवो यन मरुतो रथेष्वा वृषव्रातासः पृषतीरयुग्ध्वम || ऋ1.85.4
यह सूक्ष्माणु कर्मठ ओजस्वी मानसिकता उत्पन्न करते हैं.
Q5. Do these Microbes also improve innovative creative temperaments?
प्र यद रथेषु पृषतीरयुग्ध्वं वाजे अद्रिं मरुतो रंहयन्तः |
उतारुषस्य वि ष्यन्ति धाराश्चर्मेवोदभिर्व्युन्दन्ति भूम || ऋ1.85.5
Q6. Does this lead to better technological advancements like reducing unhealthy environments etc. ?
आ वो वहन्तु सप्तयो रघुष्यदो रघुपत्वानः प्र जिगात बाहुभिः |
सीदता बर्हिरुरु वः सदस्कृतं मादयध्वं मरुतो मध्वो अन्धसः || ऋ1.85.6
इन सूक्ष्माणुओं ने ज्वर इत्यादि से पीडा पा रहे समाज को सुख प्रदान किया.
Q7. Do these microbes make environments inhabitable & life sustaining?
तेSवर्धन्त स्वतवसो महित्वना नाकं तस्थुरुरु चक्रिरे सदः |
विष्णुर्यद्धावद वषणं मदच्युतं वयो न सीदन्नधि बर्हिषि प्रिये || ऋ1.85.7
इन सूक्ष्माणुओं ने कारागृह जैसे गर्म प्रदेश को वातानिकूलित सुख प्रद बना दिया.
Q8. Can these microbes perform miraculous medical cures such as restoring lost eye sight limb replacements, and provide protection against life threatening disease?
शूरा इवेद्युयुधयो न जग्मयः वस्यवो न पृतनासु येतिरे |
भयन्ते विश्वा भुवना मरुद्भ्यो राजान इव त्वेषसन्दृशो नरः ||ऋ1.85.8
इन सूक्ष्माणुओं ने अंधे लंगडे लूलों को पुन: स्वस्थ बनाया. मृत्यु के मुख से रोगियों को जीवन दान दिया.
Q9. Can we learn and train in the utilization of such microbiological knowledge?
त्वष्टा यद वज्रं सुकृतं हिरण्ययं सहस्रभृष्टंस्वपा अवर्तयत |
धत्त इन्द्रो नर्यपांसि कर्तवेSहन वृत्रं निरपामौब्जदर्णवम ||ऋ1.85.9
जैसे मरुत गण सूर्य के सुनहरे स्वर्ण जैसे प्रकाश द्वारा अनेक पदार्थ पकाते हैं ,आकाश स्थित मेघों को वर्षा के लिए प्रेरित करते हैं, समुद्रों को निरंतर सरल करते हैं, उस प्रकार अवरोध रूप शतुओं को नष्ट करना सीखो.
Learn from Maruts the techniques like obtaining thousands of bounties from golden solar radiations, inducing clouds to rains, making oceans amenable to be useful, and thus vanquish your obstacles.
Q10. Maruts promote problem solving creative temperaments.
ऊर्ध्वं नुनुद्रेSवतं त ओजसा ददृहाणं चिद बिभिदुर्विपर्वतम |
धमन्तो वाणं मरुतः सुदानवो मदे सोमस्य रण्यानि चक्रिरे ||ऋ1.85.10
मरुत अपने बल और पराक्रम से द्युस्थानीय मेघों से पृथ्वी पर उत्तम साधन प्रदान कराते हैं, उसी प्रकार के अन्य आचरण द्वारा हमारे मध्य मे नानाप्रकार के धन अन्नादि साधन स्थापित हों.
Maruts with their proactive strength bring down from great heights the bounties hidden in the clouds , by similar actions obtain amidst us the bounties hidden at places above.
Q11. Maruts help in devising means to bring prosperity and make your native place provide all amenities.
जिह्मं नुनुद्रेSवतं तया दिशाSसिञ्चन्नुत्सं गोतमाय तृष्णजे |
आ गछन्तीमवसा चित्रभानवः कामं विप्रस्यतर्पयन्त धामभिः || ऋ1.85.11
स्वदेश में पृथ्वी मे जल कूप खोद कर बुद्धिमान लोग तृषा दूर कर देते हैं, उसी प्रकार भिन्न भिन्न सुंदर कार्यों से अपने जन्म स्थान को विद्वान सुरक्षित और सब कामनाओं की पूर्ति से युक्त करते हैं.
Just as wise men dig a well to quench thirst of people, Maruts help in devising techniques for obtaining all desired amenities and security at man’s native place.
Q12.Maruts promote physical health social welfare
या वः शर्म शशमानाय सन्ति त्रिधातूनि दाशुषे च्छताधि |
अस्मभ्यं तानि मरुतो वि यन्त रयिं नो धत्त वृषणः सुवीरम ||ऋ1.85.12
मरुत्गण स्वस्थ बलशाली शरीर और ओजस्वी मानसिकता
द्वारा धन समृद्धि को बढाते हैं.
Maruts provide good health body and environments, which enable generation of wealth and bring prosperity to all.
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 85
Q1.Are the Bacteria involved in disintegration of rocks same as those causing rains? ( by ice nucleation)
प्र ये शुम्भन्ते जनयो न सप्तयो यामन रुद्रस्य सूनवःसुदंससः |
रोदसी हि मरुतश्चक्रिरे वृधे मदन्ति वीरा विदथेषु घृष्वय: !! ऋ1.85.1
दुष्टों को नष्ट करने वाले वर्षा का उत्तम कार्य करने वाले, ये वीर (मरुत गण) पृथ्वी के विस्तार के लिए पत्थरों को विदीर्ण कर के मिट्टी बनाते हैं. (मरुद्गणो को ले कर यही विषय यजुर्वेद 17/1 मे अश्मन्नूर्जे पर्वते शिश्रियाणामद्भय ओषधीभ्यो वनस्पतिभ्यो अधि सम्भृतं पय:....मे भी यह किस प्रकार मरुत पर्वतों पर स्थित पत्थरों को विदीर्ण कर के ओषधि, वनस्पतियों के लिए उर्वरक मृदा प्रदान करते हैं) आधुनिक विज्ञान के अनुसार स्यूडोमोनस सैरिंगे नाम के सूक्ष्माणु वर्षा कराते हैं , इस वेद मन्त्र से यह एक अनुसंधान का विषय दिखता है कि क्या पत्थरों को विदीर्ण करने मे भी यही स्यूडोमोनस सैरिंगे सूक्ष्माणु ही कार्य रत रहते हैं.
Fast moving orderly and highly disciplined the Maruts indeed create the earth and space. They take delight in smashing the opposition and prosper with yagyas(sacrificial fires).
According to modern science the bacteria Pseudomonas Syringe participate in nucleation of ice to initiate precipitation in clouds. Their actions are facilitated by performance of Yagyas. In this Rig Ved mantra there is also and indication that the same bacteria are instrumental in disintegration of rocks for fertile soil formation. This is one subject that may be possible to confirm by modern microbiological research.
Q2. Do these microbes born is space cause cloud precipitation? What are the other bacteria in the same functional family as Pseudomonas Syringe ?
त उक्षितासो महिमानमाशत दिवि रुद्रासो अधि चक्रिरे सदः |
अर्चन्तो अर्कं जनयन्त इन्द्रियमधि श्रियोयो दधिरे पृश्निमातरः || ऋ1.85.2
यह सूक्ष्माणु जो पृथ्वी पर उत्पन्न हो ,कर अंतरिक्ष मे विस्तार पाते हैं , आकाश मे स्थित (मेघों) पर देवताओं के पवित्र जल के मानो छींटे दे कर संसार का कल्याण (वर्षा द्वारा ) करते हैं.
These Maruts born on earth expand in to atmosphere and anoint earth with sacred water.
Q3. Are these rain precipitating microbes also Probiotics?
गोमातरो यच्छुभयन्ते अञ्जिभिस्तनूषु शुभ्रा दधिरे विरुक्मतः |
बाधन्ते विश्वमभिमातिनमप वर्त्मान्येषामनु रीयते घृतम || ऋ1.85.3
यह सूक्ष्माणु जो मेघों से वर्षा उत्पन्न कराते हैं मानव शरीर और मानसिकता के लिए स्वास्थ्य प्रद भी होते हैं.
Q4. Do these same microorganisms by playing their role as Probiotics also improve positive attitudes- remove depression.
वि ये भ्राजन्ते सुमखास ऋष्टिभिः प्रच्यावयन्तो अच्युताचिदोजसा |
मनोजुवो यन मरुतो रथेष्वा वृषव्रातासः पृषतीरयुग्ध्वम || ऋ1.85.4
यह सूक्ष्माणु कर्मठ ओजस्वी मानसिकता उत्पन्न करते हैं.
Q5. Do these Microbes also improve innovative creative temperaments?
प्र यद रथेषु पृषतीरयुग्ध्वं वाजे अद्रिं मरुतो रंहयन्तः |
उतारुषस्य वि ष्यन्ति धाराश्चर्मेवोदभिर्व्युन्दन्ति भूम || ऋ1.85.5
Q6. Does this lead to better technological advancements like reducing unhealthy environments etc. ?
आ वो वहन्तु सप्तयो रघुष्यदो रघुपत्वानः प्र जिगात बाहुभिः |
सीदता बर्हिरुरु वः सदस्कृतं मादयध्वं मरुतो मध्वो अन्धसः || ऋ1.85.6
इन सूक्ष्माणुओं ने ज्वर इत्यादि से पीडा पा रहे समाज को सुख प्रदान किया.
Q7. Do these microbes make environments inhabitable & life sustaining?
तेSवर्धन्त स्वतवसो महित्वना नाकं तस्थुरुरु चक्रिरे सदः |
विष्णुर्यद्धावद वषणं मदच्युतं वयो न सीदन्नधि बर्हिषि प्रिये || ऋ1.85.7
इन सूक्ष्माणुओं ने कारागृह जैसे गर्म प्रदेश को वातानिकूलित सुख प्रद बना दिया.
Q8. Can these microbes perform miraculous medical cures such as restoring lost eye sight limb replacements, and provide protection against life threatening disease?
शूरा इवेद्युयुधयो न जग्मयः वस्यवो न पृतनासु येतिरे |
भयन्ते विश्वा भुवना मरुद्भ्यो राजान इव त्वेषसन्दृशो नरः ||ऋ1.85.8
इन सूक्ष्माणुओं ने अंधे लंगडे लूलों को पुन: स्वस्थ बनाया. मृत्यु के मुख से रोगियों को जीवन दान दिया.
Q9. Can we learn and train in the utilization of such microbiological knowledge?
त्वष्टा यद वज्रं सुकृतं हिरण्ययं सहस्रभृष्टंस्वपा अवर्तयत |
धत्त इन्द्रो नर्यपांसि कर्तवेSहन वृत्रं निरपामौब्जदर्णवम ||ऋ1.85.9
जैसे मरुत गण सूर्य के सुनहरे स्वर्ण जैसे प्रकाश द्वारा अनेक पदार्थ पकाते हैं ,आकाश स्थित मेघों को वर्षा के लिए प्रेरित करते हैं, समुद्रों को निरंतर सरल करते हैं, उस प्रकार अवरोध रूप शतुओं को नष्ट करना सीखो.
Learn from Maruts the techniques like obtaining thousands of bounties from golden solar radiations, inducing clouds to rains, making oceans amenable to be useful, and thus vanquish your obstacles.
Q10. Maruts promote problem solving creative temperaments.
ऊर्ध्वं नुनुद्रेSवतं त ओजसा ददृहाणं चिद बिभिदुर्विपर्वतम |
धमन्तो वाणं मरुतः सुदानवो मदे सोमस्य रण्यानि चक्रिरे ||ऋ1.85.10
मरुत अपने बल और पराक्रम से द्युस्थानीय मेघों से पृथ्वी पर उत्तम साधन प्रदान कराते हैं, उसी प्रकार के अन्य आचरण द्वारा हमारे मध्य मे नानाप्रकार के धन अन्नादि साधन स्थापित हों.
Maruts with their proactive strength bring down from great heights the bounties hidden in the clouds , by similar actions obtain amidst us the bounties hidden at places above.
Q11. Maruts help in devising means to bring prosperity and make your native place provide all amenities.
जिह्मं नुनुद्रेSवतं तया दिशाSसिञ्चन्नुत्सं गोतमाय तृष्णजे |
आ गछन्तीमवसा चित्रभानवः कामं विप्रस्यतर्पयन्त धामभिः || ऋ1.85.11
स्वदेश में पृथ्वी मे जल कूप खोद कर बुद्धिमान लोग तृषा दूर कर देते हैं, उसी प्रकार भिन्न भिन्न सुंदर कार्यों से अपने जन्म स्थान को विद्वान सुरक्षित और सब कामनाओं की पूर्ति से युक्त करते हैं.
Just as wise men dig a well to quench thirst of people, Maruts help in devising techniques for obtaining all desired amenities and security at man’s native place.
Q12.Maruts promote physical health social welfare
या वः शर्म शशमानाय सन्ति त्रिधातूनि दाशुषे च्छताधि |
अस्मभ्यं तानि मरुतो वि यन्त रयिं नो धत्त वृषणः सुवीरम ||ऋ1.85.12
मरुत्गण स्वस्थ बलशाली शरीर और ओजस्वी मानसिकता
द्वारा धन समृद्धि को बढाते हैं.
Maruts provide good health body and environments, which enable generation of wealth and bring prosperity to all.
Micro/nano biology
MARUT RigVed 1/19
(दयानंद भाष्य: और सायण भाष्य साथ साथ देख कर वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण से प्रेरित)
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 19
Agni Marut Devta
Rishi- Medha tithi काण्व:
RigVeda Mantra 1.19.1
प्रति त्यं चारुमध्वरं गोपीथाय पर हूयसे | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
विद्वानों की कृयाओं से , प्रत्येक भौतिक अग्नि मरुतों के साथ उत्तम यज्ञादि से अनेक प्रकार की रक्षा हेतु प्रयुक्त होते हैं.
Researches when conducted by learned persons and technological work involving joint role of microbe laden atmosphere by acts of physical combustion to provide the best sustainable strategies and results.
RigVeda Mantra 1.19.2
नहि देवो न मर्त्यो महस्तव क्रतुं परः | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
Neither mortals, nor immortals can exhaust the possible knowledge and innovations in the field of science and technology to harness all the potentials of the combination of combustion, gases and microbiology and the combined efforts to wards welfare and progress.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.19.3
ये महो रजसो विदुर्विश्वे देवासो अद्रुहः | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
The researchers who do not owe allegiance to any political or such divisive institutions (अद्रुहः) who explore the knowledge about these gases, microbes, and combustion bring great benefits and prosperity.
RigVeda Mantra 1.19.4
य उग्रा अर्कमानृचुरनाधृष्टास ओजसा | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
The inert gases high pressure cryogenic technologies, microbiological interventions can produce electric and combustion energies impacting on outer space efforts. These micro particles which hold tremendous power to reach and rival the sources to provide illumination should be enlisted in our efforts
Rig Veda Mantra 1.19.5
ये शुभ्रा घोरवर्पसः सुक्षत्रासो रिशादसः | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
These microbes that bear fair colors and have powers to create nano particles that have powers to destroy diseases also. They create pure clean atmospheres like in outer space, and when physical fire combines with them they provide immense successful efforts.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.19.6
ये नाकस्याधि रोचने दिवि देवास आसते |मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
Solar energy with all its properties combines with microbiology to bring immense benefits.
RigVeda Mantra1.19.7
य ईङखयन्ति पर्वतान तिरः समुद्रमर्णवम | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
These microorganisms facilitate water in the oceans in to clouds and then disintegrate the clouds in to rains on mountain tops along with electric and fire energy to fill up the space.
RigVeda Mantra 1.19.8
आ ये तन्वन्ति रश्मिभिस्तिरः समुद्रमोजसा | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
These microbial forces reside in light rays and mighty oceans should be enlisted in Our welfare.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.19.9
अभि त्वा पूर्वपीतये सृजामि सोम्यं मधु | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
In conjunction with these microorganisms solar energy provides the avenues for nurturing with most desirable and sweet elements, and it is for our wise researchers to engage in their involvement.
(दयानंद भाष्य: और सायण भाष्य साथ साथ देख कर वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण से प्रेरित)
Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 19
Agni Marut Devta
Rishi- Medha tithi काण्व:
RigVeda Mantra 1.19.1
प्रति त्यं चारुमध्वरं गोपीथाय पर हूयसे | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
विद्वानों की कृयाओं से , प्रत्येक भौतिक अग्नि मरुतों के साथ उत्तम यज्ञादि से अनेक प्रकार की रक्षा हेतु प्रयुक्त होते हैं.
Researches when conducted by learned persons and technological work involving joint role of microbe laden atmosphere by acts of physical combustion to provide the best sustainable strategies and results.
RigVeda Mantra 1.19.2
नहि देवो न मर्त्यो महस्तव क्रतुं परः | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
Neither mortals, nor immortals can exhaust the possible knowledge and innovations in the field of science and technology to harness all the potentials of the combination of combustion, gases and microbiology and the combined efforts to wards welfare and progress.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.19.3
ये महो रजसो विदुर्विश्वे देवासो अद्रुहः | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
The researchers who do not owe allegiance to any political or such divisive institutions (अद्रुहः) who explore the knowledge about these gases, microbes, and combustion bring great benefits and prosperity.
RigVeda Mantra 1.19.4
य उग्रा अर्कमानृचुरनाधृष्टास ओजसा | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
The inert gases high pressure cryogenic technologies, microbiological interventions can produce electric and combustion energies impacting on outer space efforts. These micro particles which hold tremendous power to reach and rival the sources to provide illumination should be enlisted in our efforts
Rig Veda Mantra 1.19.5
ये शुभ्रा घोरवर्पसः सुक्षत्रासो रिशादसः | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
These microbes that bear fair colors and have powers to create nano particles that have powers to destroy diseases also. They create pure clean atmospheres like in outer space, and when physical fire combines with them they provide immense successful efforts.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.19.6
ये नाकस्याधि रोचने दिवि देवास आसते |मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
Solar energy with all its properties combines with microbiology to bring immense benefits.
RigVeda Mantra1.19.7
य ईङखयन्ति पर्वतान तिरः समुद्रमर्णवम | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
These microorganisms facilitate water in the oceans in to clouds and then disintegrate the clouds in to rains on mountain tops along with electric and fire energy to fill up the space.
RigVeda Mantra 1.19.8
आ ये तन्वन्ति रश्मिभिस्तिरः समुद्रमोजसा | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
These microbial forces reside in light rays and mighty oceans should be enlisted in Our welfare.
Rig Veda Mantra 1.19.9
अभि त्वा पूर्वपीतये सृजामि सोम्यं मधु | मरुद्भिरग्न आ गहि ||
In conjunction with these microorganisms solar energy provides the avenues for nurturing with most desirable and sweet elements, and it is for our wise researchers to engage in their involvement.
Fermentation Process- Maruts
यजु 3-44 Yajurved 3.44
प्रघासिनो हवामहे मरुतश्च रिशादस: । करम्भेण सुजोषस: ।।3।44।।
प्रघासिनो------ Voracious eaters of (cooked) food
हवामहäþ------- we exult in glorifying
मरुतश्च--------the maruts the microorganisms
रिशादस:------destroyers of enemies --killers of pathogens by antibodies to create health giving probiotics
करम्भेण------by mixture of curd with oat flour --Yeast as starter
सजोषस:-----with vigour-
In context of Grihasthashram the topic under context The mantra directly refers to the enzyme microorganisms as voracious eaters of food to create health giving contents to our food by growing more microorganisms which modern nutritive science calls as probiotics found in all fermented foods.
प्रघासिनो हवामहे मरुतश्च रिशादस: । करम्भेण सुजोषस: ।।3।44।।
प्रघासिनो------ Voracious eaters of (cooked) food
हवामहäþ------- we exult in glorifying
मरुतश्च--------the maruts the microorganisms
रिशादस:------destroyers of enemies --killers of pathogens by antibodies to create health giving probiotics
करम्भेण------by mixture of curd with oat flour --Yeast as starter
सजोषस:-----with vigour-
In context of Grihasthashram the topic under context The mantra directly refers to the enzyme microorganisms as voracious eaters of food to create health giving contents to our food by growing more microorganisms which modern nutritive science calls as probiotics found in all fermented foods.
Maruts- Human digestive intestinal microflora
यजु 25।07 Yajurved 25.07
पूषणं वनिष्ठुनाऽन्धाहीन्त्स्थूलगुदया सर्पान्गुदाभिर्विह्रुत आन्त्रैरपो वस्तिना वृषणमाण्डाभ्यां वाजिनं शेपेन प्रजां रेतसा चाषान् पित्तेन प्रदरान् पायुना कूश्माञ्छकपिण्डे:।।यजु 25.07
पूषणं ---------------The healthy digestive system
वनिष्ठुना स्थूल गुदया----intestine work to produce well formed stools
अन्धाहीन सर्पान गुदाभिर्विह्वत आन्त्रैरपोवस्तिना----from intestines producing watery stools, exit blind snake like creatures
वृषणमाण्डाभ्यां वाजिनं शेपेन रेतसा प्रजां------From well formed healthy testicles through male organ the sperms produce good progeny
चाषान---------- from various foods
प्रदरान----------in the stomachs
पायुना-----------intestinal digestive processes
शकपिण्डै: कूश्मान---------produce a healthy body which should be a continuous subject of study and research.
The mantra extolls the role played by the microorganisms in processing our food and how healthy body is reflected in the proper functioning of our digestive system, and its role in maintaining the sperm counts to ensure good healthy progeny, and the healthy body to provide the frame work for a mind to devote itself to study and research.
पूषणं वनिष्ठुनाऽन्धाहीन्त्स्थूलगुदया सर्पान्गुदाभिर्विह्रुत आन्त्रैरपो वस्तिना वृषणमाण्डाभ्यां वाजिनं शेपेन प्रजां रेतसा चाषान् पित्तेन प्रदरान् पायुना कूश्माञ्छकपिण्डे:।।यजु 25.07
पूषणं ---------------The healthy digestive system
वनिष्ठुना स्थूल गुदया----intestine work to produce well formed stools
अन्धाहीन सर्पान गुदाभिर्विह्वत आन्त्रैरपोवस्तिना----from intestines producing watery stools, exit blind snake like creatures
वृषणमाण्डाभ्यां वाजिनं शेपेन रेतसा प्रजां------From well formed healthy testicles through male organ the sperms produce good progeny
चाषान---------- from various foods
प्रदरान----------in the stomachs
पायुना-----------intestinal digestive processes
शकपिण्डै: कूश्मान---------produce a healthy body which should be a continuous subject of study and research.
The mantra extolls the role played by the microorganisms in processing our food and how healthy body is reflected in the proper functioning of our digestive system, and its role in maintaining the sperm counts to ensure good healthy progeny, and the healthy body to provide the frame work for a mind to devote itself to study and research.
Maruts- Grey water purification
Yaju17.6 Grey Water Purification
उपज्मन्नुप वेतसेऽवतर नदीष्वा । अग्ने पित्तमपामसि मण्डूकि ताभिरागहि सेमं नो यज्ञं पावकावर्णं शिवं कृधि।।यजु 17।6।।
अग्ने पित्तं आपसि------ pitta and agni is fever in water i,e, polluted water
मण्डूकि ताभिरागहि-----marine life like frogs & fish family, get at that
उपज्म उपन्न वेतसेऽवतर नदीष्वा-----growing plants of cane reed family which are secondary crops ( crops not fit for human consumption, but use as biomass and if fit cattle fodder etc.) in the beds of streams of such water .
सा इमं अस्माभि यज्ञं पावकवर्णं शिव: भव-----may provide us with means to purify the polluted water for our welfare.
This happens to be the most recent modern strategy to treat sewage and polluted waters The Polluted water is run in to ponds with frogs, fish like marine life, and then this marine life treated water is run in to streams. On the beds of these streams plants of cane & reed family are grown. The final run off water is clean water.
This technology has been known as 'root zone treatment' and was first promoted by NASA scientists, and is described in his book "Growing Clean Waters "by the NASA scientist Dr Wolverton.
Modern science is also growing special plants in polluted waters, for harvesting to extract specific minerals, as a very cost effective strategy, to not only purify polluted waters but also extract the dissolved minerals.
उपज्मन्नुप वेतसेऽवतर नदीष्वा । अग्ने पित्तमपामसि मण्डूकि ताभिरागहि सेमं नो यज्ञं पावकावर्णं शिवं कृधि।।यजु 17।6।।
अग्ने पित्तं आपसि------ pitta and agni is fever in water i,e, polluted water
मण्डूकि ताभिरागहि-----marine life like frogs & fish family, get at that
उपज्म उपन्न वेतसेऽवतर नदीष्वा-----growing plants of cane reed family which are secondary crops ( crops not fit for human consumption, but use as biomass and if fit cattle fodder etc.) in the beds of streams of such water .
सा इमं अस्माभि यज्ञं पावकवर्णं शिव: भव-----may provide us with means to purify the polluted water for our welfare.
This happens to be the most recent modern strategy to treat sewage and polluted waters The Polluted water is run in to ponds with frogs, fish like marine life, and then this marine life treated water is run in to streams. On the beds of these streams plants of cane & reed family are grown. The final run off water is clean water.
This technology has been known as 'root zone treatment' and was first promoted by NASA scientists, and is described in his book "Growing Clean Waters "by the NASA scientist Dr Wolverton.
Modern science is also growing special plants in polluted waters, for harvesting to extract specific minerals, as a very cost effective strategy, to not only purify polluted waters but also extract the dissolved minerals.
Maruts as low temperature microbes
Y17.5 Sub Zero Temperatures
Psychrophiles - low temperature microbes
यजु 17-5,
हिमस्य त्वा जरायुणाग्ने परिव्ययामसि । पावको ऽ अस्मभ्यं शिवो भव।।Y-17।5
.When fully buried under deep snow in cold regions of the earth, all fallen plants and dead bodies, and organic substances, get preserved. The unhealthy malevolent microorganisms of death,decay and diseases, which may have been in them, get destroyed, as if the death of pathogens is caused by sheer old age starvation, and burning by fire.
(Veda is here talking about the phenomenon of preservation at low temperatures, Freeze drying for preservation and cold storage, may not be after all, such modern techniques, when understood and appreciated in Vedic context)
Psychrophiles - low temperature microbes
Bacteria which live in cold conditions are known as psychrophiles. Since so much of our planet is generally cold, i.e. below 5°C, it is not surprising that they are very common amongst a wide variety of habitats. To enable them to survive and grow in cold environments, psychrophilic bacteria have evolved a complex range of adaptations to all of their cellular components, including their membranes, energy-generating systems, protein synthesis machinery, biodegradative enzymes and the components responsible for nutrient uptake. Whilst such a systems approach to the topic has its advantages, all of the changes can be described in terms of adaptive alterations in the proteins and lipids of the bacterial cell. The present review adopts the latter approach and, following a brief consideration of the definition of psychrophiles and description of their habitats, focuses on those adaptive changes in proteins and lipids, especially those which are either currently being explored for their biotechnological potential or might be so in the future. Such applications for proteins range from the use of cold-active enzymes in the detergent and food industries, in specific biotransformations and environmental bioremediations, to specialized uses in contact lens cleaning fluids and reducing the lactose content of milk; ice-nucleating proteins have potential uses in the manufacture of ice cream or artificial snow; for lipids, the uses include dietary supplements in the form of polyunsaturated fatty acids from some Antarctic marine psychrophiles
Psychrophiles - low temperature microbes
यजु 17-5,
हिमस्य त्वा जरायुणाग्ने परिव्ययामसि । पावको ऽ अस्मभ्यं शिवो भव।।Y-17।5
.When fully buried under deep snow in cold regions of the earth, all fallen plants and dead bodies, and organic substances, get preserved. The unhealthy malevolent microorganisms of death,decay and diseases, which may have been in them, get destroyed, as if the death of pathogens is caused by sheer old age starvation, and burning by fire.
(Veda is here talking about the phenomenon of preservation at low temperatures, Freeze drying for preservation and cold storage, may not be after all, such modern techniques, when understood and appreciated in Vedic context)
Psychrophiles - low temperature microbes
Bacteria which live in cold conditions are known as psychrophiles. Since so much of our planet is generally cold, i.e. below 5°C, it is not surprising that they are very common amongst a wide variety of habitats. To enable them to survive and grow in cold environments, psychrophilic bacteria have evolved a complex range of adaptations to all of their cellular components, including their membranes, energy-generating systems, protein synthesis machinery, biodegradative enzymes and the components responsible for nutrient uptake. Whilst such a systems approach to the topic has its advantages, all of the changes can be described in terms of adaptive alterations in the proteins and lipids of the bacterial cell. The present review adopts the latter approach and, following a brief consideration of the definition of psychrophiles and description of their habitats, focuses on those adaptive changes in proteins and lipids, especially those which are either currently being explored for their biotechnological potential or might be so in the future. Such applications for proteins range from the use of cold-active enzymes in the detergent and food industries, in specific biotransformations and environmental bioremediations, to specialized uses in contact lens cleaning fluids and reducing the lactose content of milk; ice-nucleating proteins have potential uses in the manufacture of ice cream or artificial snow; for lipids, the uses include dietary supplements in the form of polyunsaturated fatty acids from some Antarctic marine psychrophiles
Maruts - Oceanic Microbial cleansing action
Y17.4 Oceanic Microbial action
यजु 17।4
समुद्रस्य त्वावकयाग्ने परि व्ययामसि । पावकोऽअस्मभ्यं शिवो भव ।।
Modern science of geochemistry in rhizosphere, is investigating how the microbes in the roots of plants in marshes and under sea, act upon the soil to release oxygen, to pick up various mineral elements from the sludge and sediments, to harvest and store them in the plants and thus leave the soil clean and free of polluting minerals. In fact sea weeds are the primary source of the modern day precious element Magnesium.
The oceans by their overpowering all enclosing actions through clouds, winds, marine life, algae , corals, krill, fish, minerals and immense inexhaustible source of such known and unknown bounties proceed to clean our ecosystem of pollutants, and provide fertility and nutritive rich rain water for the welfare of humanity.
Modern science of microbiology has traced microorganisms signatures in the snowflakes, being carried from the oceans from where the specific clouds had originated. These microorganism play the principle role in enriching the soil and vegetation by the rains they bring with them selves. The electricity charges carried with the microorganisms by the snow flakes, give rise to atmospheric thunder, which again has a big role in enriching the food cycle, creating nitrogen fixation, and destruction of atmospheric pathogen pollutants by the ozone and UV radiation resulting from thunder & lightning..
It is also noted that only the useful 'probiotics' microorganisms appear to leave the oceans with the pure water in the clouds forming there. In fact there are Rig Ved Mantras which talk about learning to distinguish good microorganisms from 'bad' ones. This is an area for modern microbiology to yet attempt to explore.
The polluting materials in the oceans are digested by the microorganisms in the oceanic 'soup' to fix as edible forms of algae, corals, krills and marine life, and harvest the polluting metals from the sewage waters.
This is how microorganisms work for our welfare in actualising vedic direction of SHIVO BHAV.
यजु 17।4
समुद्रस्य त्वावकयाग्ने परि व्ययामसि । पावकोऽअस्मभ्यं शिवो भव ।।
Modern science of geochemistry in rhizosphere, is investigating how the microbes in the roots of plants in marshes and under sea, act upon the soil to release oxygen, to pick up various mineral elements from the sludge and sediments, to harvest and store them in the plants and thus leave the soil clean and free of polluting minerals. In fact sea weeds are the primary source of the modern day precious element Magnesium.
The oceans by their overpowering all enclosing actions through clouds, winds, marine life, algae , corals, krill, fish, minerals and immense inexhaustible source of such known and unknown bounties proceed to clean our ecosystem of pollutants, and provide fertility and nutritive rich rain water for the welfare of humanity.
Modern science of microbiology has traced microorganisms signatures in the snowflakes, being carried from the oceans from where the specific clouds had originated. These microorganism play the principle role in enriching the soil and vegetation by the rains they bring with them selves. The electricity charges carried with the microorganisms by the snow flakes, give rise to atmospheric thunder, which again has a big role in enriching the food cycle, creating nitrogen fixation, and destruction of atmospheric pathogen pollutants by the ozone and UV radiation resulting from thunder & lightning..
It is also noted that only the useful 'probiotics' microorganisms appear to leave the oceans with the pure water in the clouds forming there. In fact there are Rig Ved Mantras which talk about learning to distinguish good microorganisms from 'bad' ones. This is an area for modern microbiology to yet attempt to explore.
The polluting materials in the oceans are digested by the microorganisms in the oceanic 'soup' to fix as edible forms of algae, corals, krills and marine life, and harvest the polluting metals from the sewage waters.
This is how microorganisms work for our welfare in actualising vedic direction of SHIVO BHAV.
Maruts- Probiotic Microbes
यजु 17।3 Yajurved 17.3
ऋतव:स्थऽऋतावृधऽऋतुष्ठा: स्थऽऋतावृध:। घृतश्च्यतो मधुश्च्यतो विरजो नाम कामदुधाऽक्षीयमाणा:।।
ऋतवृध: ऋतव: स्थ-----Stable system of season wise provision
ऋतावृध: ऋतिष्ठा:------attaining their growth according to the seasons
घृतच्युत: मधुश्चुत: विराज: नाम कामदुधा: अक्षीयमाणा: स्थ ----providing the sweetness and nutritive bounties like a cow fulfilling all our desires and not causing any harms to us.
These are the working of microorganisms in providing fruits, vegetables and cereals of nutritive quality, sweetness and flavours according to seasons by working through soil, irrigation and atmospheric actions
Thus these useful microorganisms perform the functions of the proverbial cow KAMDHENU by working through vegetative worlds to meet all our desires.
Lest there is an impression given by this mantra, that these microbes function only in the botanical world, there are ample reference in Vedas, to the functioning of the microbes by the action of enzymes in the production of milk in cows by the action in rumens and the digestive assimilation of our food through our intestines in working of fermentation in food products in human body etc.
ऋतव:स्थऽऋतावृधऽऋतुष्ठा: स्थऽऋतावृध:। घृतश्च्यतो मधुश्च्यतो विरजो नाम कामदुधाऽक्षीयमाणा:।।
ऋतवृध: ऋतव: स्थ-----Stable system of season wise provision
ऋतावृध: ऋतिष्ठा:------attaining their growth according to the seasons
घृतच्युत: मधुश्चुत: विराज: नाम कामदुधा: अक्षीयमाणा: स्थ ----providing the sweetness and nutritive bounties like a cow fulfilling all our desires and not causing any harms to us.
These are the working of microorganisms in providing fruits, vegetables and cereals of nutritive quality, sweetness and flavours according to seasons by working through soil, irrigation and atmospheric actions
Thus these useful microorganisms perform the functions of the proverbial cow KAMDHENU by working through vegetative worlds to meet all our desires.
Lest there is an impression given by this mantra, that these microbes function only in the botanical world, there are ample reference in Vedas, to the functioning of the microbes by the action of enzymes in the production of milk in cows by the action in rumens and the digestive assimilation of our food through our intestines in working of fermentation in food products in human body etc.
Maruts - Probiotic Microbes in Vedas
यजु 17।3 Yajurved 17.3
ऋतव:स्थऽऋतावृधऽऋतुष्ठा: स्थऽऋतावृध:। घृतश्च्यतो मधुश्च्यतो विरजो नाम कामदुधाऽक्षीयमाणा:।।
ऋतवृध: ऋतव: स्थ-----Stable system of season wise provision
ऋतावृध: ऋतिष्ठा:------attaining their growth according to the seasons
घृतच्युत: मधुश्चुत: विराज: नाम कामदुधा: अक्षीयमाणा: स्थ ----providing the sweetness and nutritive bounties like a cow fulfilling all our desires and not causing any harms to us.
These are the working of microorganisms in providing fruits, vegetables and cereals of nutritive quality, sweetness and flavours according to seasons by working through soil, irrigation and atmospheric actions
Thus these useful microorganisms perform the functions of the proverbial cow KAMDHENU by working through vegetative worlds to meet all our desires.
Lest there is an impression given by this mantra, that these microbes function only in the botanical world, there are ample reference in Vedas, to the functioning of the microbes by the action of enzymes in the production of milk in cows by the action in rumens and the digestive assimilation of our food through our intestines in working of fermentation in food products in human body etc.
ऋतव:स्थऽऋतावृधऽऋतुष्ठा: स्थऽऋतावृध:। घृतश्च्यतो मधुश्च्यतो विरजो नाम कामदुधाऽक्षीयमाणा:।।
ऋतवृध: ऋतव: स्थ-----Stable system of season wise provision
ऋतावृध: ऋतिष्ठा:------attaining their growth according to the seasons
घृतच्युत: मधुश्चुत: विराज: नाम कामदुधा: अक्षीयमाणा: स्थ ----providing the sweetness and nutritive bounties like a cow fulfilling all our desires and not causing any harms to us.
These are the working of microorganisms in providing fruits, vegetables and cereals of nutritive quality, sweetness and flavours according to seasons by working through soil, irrigation and atmospheric actions
Thus these useful microorganisms perform the functions of the proverbial cow KAMDHENU by working through vegetative worlds to meet all our desires.
Lest there is an impression given by this mantra, that these microbes function only in the botanical world, there are ample reference in Vedas, to the functioning of the microbes by the action of enzymes in the production of milk in cows by the action in rumens and the digestive assimilation of our food through our intestines in working of fermentation in food products in human body etc.
Microbes -The building blocks of universe- Vedic Numbers
Yajurved17.2 Numbers Nomenclature ( Coming just after the first Yajurved Mantra that described soil formation the microbes- Veda is indicating the vast numbers of microbes the building blocks of the universe)
इमा मे ऽअग्न ऽइष्टका धेनव: सन्त्वेका च दशच दश च शतं च शतं च सहस्रं च सहस्रं चायुतं चायुतं च नियुतं च नियुतं च प्रयुतं चार्बुदं च न्यर्बुदं च समुद्रश्च मध्यं चान्तश्च परार्द्धश्चैता मेऽ अग्नऽ इष्टका धेनव:सन्त्वमुत्रामुष्मिल्लोके।।यजु ।।17।2
अग्ने इमा: इष्टका: मे धेनव: सन्तु ----The above building blocks may be like cows to me
सन्त्वेका च दश like one to ten च दश ten tens=100 शतं च शतं च सहस्रं ie=10,000=104 ten thousands( here it may kindly be noted that according to this Yajurved mantra Sahasra is ten thousand and not one thousand as normally taken in popular arithmetic)च सहस्रं च सहस्रं चायुतं=108 चायुतंच नियुतं= 1016च नियुतं च प्रयुतं=1032चार्बुदÆù = 1064 च न्यर्बुदं =10128 च समुद्रश्च=10256 मध्यं being the mid ocean चान्तश्च=10512 परार्ध्द्श्चैता to outer space.
ऎता: इष्ट: अमुत्र च अमुश्मिन्नलोके मे धेनव:सन्तु So many of these building blocks from this world and outer space, may be like cows to fulfill my needs
Microbiology is indeed a very new science. According to ASM American Society of Microbiology in Frontiers of microbiology BSCS2006"The sheer number of microbes on earth is staggering. It has been estimated that we share the planet with 5X10 31 microbes, which weigh more than 50 million quadrillion tons, constituting nearly 90% of earth's mass.
The various properties of maruts ie being live organisms, having many
different colours, shapes, sizes, being sensitive to optics, sonic and electromagnetic fields, capable of gene transfer, and voracious eaters, growing in numbers exponentially, being probiotic and pathological ie disease bearing and also antibiotic in character are properties associated with maruts in vedas.The large numbers of these ishtakas that Vedas are saying could be related to the microbes in the entire universes.
This second mantra is the key to the suggestion that maruts are indeed related to microorganisms of all kinds, which the modern science is yet in the process of identifying and studying.
Note. The Vedic system of numbers is a very clear strategy to use squares after ten, ten tens ie hundred, hundred hundreds ie Sahasra again Sahasra Sahasras ie squared and then the resulting number is called AYUTAM. An Ayuta is a square and so on. Thus the Vedic system deals with numbers far beyond the concepts of modern number systems.
इमा मे ऽअग्न ऽइष्टका धेनव: सन्त्वेका च दशच दश च शतं च शतं च सहस्रं च सहस्रं चायुतं चायुतं च नियुतं च नियुतं च प्रयुतं चार्बुदं च न्यर्बुदं च समुद्रश्च मध्यं चान्तश्च परार्द्धश्चैता मेऽ अग्नऽ इष्टका धेनव:सन्त्वमुत्रामुष्मिल्लोके।।यजु ।।17।2
अग्ने इमा: इष्टका: मे धेनव: सन्तु ----The above building blocks may be like cows to me
सन्त्वेका च दश like one to ten च दश ten tens=100 शतं च शतं च सहस्रं ie=10,000=104 ten thousands( here it may kindly be noted that according to this Yajurved mantra Sahasra is ten thousand and not one thousand as normally taken in popular arithmetic)च सहस्रं च सहस्रं चायुतं=108 चायुतंच नियुतं= 1016च नियुतं च प्रयुतं=1032चार्बुदÆù = 1064 च न्यर्बुदं =10128 च समुद्रश्च=10256 मध्यं being the mid ocean चान्तश्च=10512 परार्ध्द्श्चैता to outer space.
ऎता: इष्ट: अमुत्र च अमुश्मिन्नलोके मे धेनव:सन्तु So many of these building blocks from this world and outer space, may be like cows to fulfill my needs
Microbiology is indeed a very new science. According to ASM American Society of Microbiology in Frontiers of microbiology BSCS2006"The sheer number of microbes on earth is staggering. It has been estimated that we share the planet with 5X10 31 microbes, which weigh more than 50 million quadrillion tons, constituting nearly 90% of earth's mass.
The various properties of maruts ie being live organisms, having many
different colours, shapes, sizes, being sensitive to optics, sonic and electromagnetic fields, capable of gene transfer, and voracious eaters, growing in numbers exponentially, being probiotic and pathological ie disease bearing and also antibiotic in character are properties associated with maruts in vedas.The large numbers of these ishtakas that Vedas are saying could be related to the microbes in the entire universes.
This second mantra is the key to the suggestion that maruts are indeed related to microorganisms of all kinds, which the modern science is yet in the process of identifying and studying.
Note. The Vedic system of numbers is a very clear strategy to use squares after ten, ten tens ie hundred, hundred hundreds ie Sahasra again Sahasra Sahasras ie squared and then the resulting number is called AYUTAM. An Ayuta is a square and so on. Thus the Vedic system deals with numbers far beyond the concepts of modern number systems.
Soil Science in Vedas
यजु17/1 Yajurved 17.1 ( Maruts here correspond to what modern science calls MICROBES)
अश्मन्नूर्जं पर्वते शिश्रियाणामद्भ्यsओषधीभ्यो वनस्पतिभ्यो S अधि सम्भृतं पय:!तां न Sइषमूर्जं धत्त मरुत: सॅरराणा Sअश्मॅस्ते क्षुन्मयि तSऊर्ग्यं द्विष्मस्तं ते शुगृच्छतु !!यजु17/1
मरुत: संरराणा : O Maruts, providers of bounties of food etc in plenty मरुत जो सब पौष्टिक आहार आदि का प्रबन्ध कराते हैं
अश्मन्नूर्जं पर्वते : Minerals held by cohesive forces in rocks on the mountains. आंतरिक आकर्षण शक्ति से आपस में बन्ध कर पत्थर जो चट्टानो के रूप मे पर्वतों पर विद्यमान हैं
शिश्रियाणामद्भ्य: Disintegrate them in to constituting particles ( to chelate them in to liquids)
ओषधीभ्य: वनस्पतिभ्य: For herbs and vegetation ( medicines and food) ओषधि वनस्पति आहार
अधि सम्भ्रतं पय: The liquids and waters to provide nourishment like cow's milk अधिकता से सम्यकता से समान रूप से सब को पोषन देने वाला पय(गोदुग्ध जैसा पान करने हेतु)
तां इषं ऊर्जं न: धत्त: Provide for our food and energy हमें अधिकता से अन्न, बल, पराक्रम की ऊर्जा प्रदान करने वाले पदार्थ
अश्मन् ऊर्कं मयि ते क्षुत् All consuming fire may satisfy its hunger so मेघॉं से भी वर्षा के (वनस्पतियो की उन्नति के लिए जो रस मिलताहै) हमारी भूख मिटाएं
ते शुक् तं यं द्विष्म: your wrath may consume the enemies, the pathogens तुम्हारा रोष हमारे शत्रुओं को नष्ट करे. ( हमारे आहार के विष तत्व रूपि हमारे शत्रुओं से सुरक्षा)
O Maruts disintegrate the rocks on the mountains in to their particles( which are held to gather by cohesive energy in the stones) to 'chelate them in to liquids for the enrichment of waters, vegetation and herbs, like the nutrient providing milk from a cow. The 'havi' provided is for the fire to consume, to provide its essence through Maruts to us, and for destroying the 'germs' inimical to us, ie desease and pests of the crops.
Disintegration of rocks on the mountains is known to be caused by the microorganisms by their penetrating the rocks. The broken down 'dust' of the rocks forms the alluvial soil, which is brought down by the streams and rivers from the mountains in to the plains as ever replenished fertile new soil, in which all the vegetation grows.
The mineral particles in the soil are further acted upon by the microorganisms present in the soil and the water particularly the rain waters, when used for irrigation, 'chelates' converts the mineral particles of soil in to liquid for for the root system of the vegetation to receive the nutrition for the growth of vegetation. All organically grown product is immune to pests and desease. This also incidently applies to those who consume organic products.
अश्मन्नूर्जं पर्वते शिश्रियाणामद्भ्यsओषधीभ्यो वनस्पतिभ्यो S अधि सम्भृतं पय:!तां न Sइषमूर्जं धत्त मरुत: सॅरराणा Sअश्मॅस्ते क्षुन्मयि तSऊर्ग्यं द्विष्मस्तं ते शुगृच्छतु !!यजु17/1
मरुत: संरराणा : O Maruts, providers of bounties of food etc in plenty मरुत जो सब पौष्टिक आहार आदि का प्रबन्ध कराते हैं
अश्मन्नूर्जं पर्वते : Minerals held by cohesive forces in rocks on the mountains. आंतरिक आकर्षण शक्ति से आपस में बन्ध कर पत्थर जो चट्टानो के रूप मे पर्वतों पर विद्यमान हैं
शिश्रियाणामद्भ्य: Disintegrate them in to constituting particles ( to chelate them in to liquids)
ओषधीभ्य: वनस्पतिभ्य: For herbs and vegetation ( medicines and food) ओषधि वनस्पति आहार
अधि सम्भ्रतं पय: The liquids and waters to provide nourishment like cow's milk अधिकता से सम्यकता से समान रूप से सब को पोषन देने वाला पय(गोदुग्ध जैसा पान करने हेतु)
तां इषं ऊर्जं न: धत्त: Provide for our food and energy हमें अधिकता से अन्न, बल, पराक्रम की ऊर्जा प्रदान करने वाले पदार्थ
अश्मन् ऊर्कं मयि ते क्षुत् All consuming fire may satisfy its hunger so मेघॉं से भी वर्षा के (वनस्पतियो की उन्नति के लिए जो रस मिलताहै) हमारी भूख मिटाएं
ते शुक् तं यं द्विष्म: your wrath may consume the enemies, the pathogens तुम्हारा रोष हमारे शत्रुओं को नष्ट करे. ( हमारे आहार के विष तत्व रूपि हमारे शत्रुओं से सुरक्षा)
O Maruts disintegrate the rocks on the mountains in to their particles( which are held to gather by cohesive energy in the stones) to 'chelate them in to liquids for the enrichment of waters, vegetation and herbs, like the nutrient providing milk from a cow. The 'havi' provided is for the fire to consume, to provide its essence through Maruts to us, and for destroying the 'germs' inimical to us, ie desease and pests of the crops.
Disintegration of rocks on the mountains is known to be caused by the microorganisms by their penetrating the rocks. The broken down 'dust' of the rocks forms the alluvial soil, which is brought down by the streams and rivers from the mountains in to the plains as ever replenished fertile new soil, in which all the vegetation grows.
The mineral particles in the soil are further acted upon by the microorganisms present in the soil and the water particularly the rain waters, when used for irrigation, 'chelates' converts the mineral particles of soil in to liquid for for the root system of the vegetation to receive the nutrition for the growth of vegetation. All organically grown product is immune to pests and desease. This also incidently applies to those who consume organic products.
Friday, July 29, 2011
यज्ञ का महत्व जीवन में
RV10.9 Water
Source of Energy
आपो हि ष्ठा मयोभुवस्ता न ऊर्जे दधातन |
महेरणाय चक्षसे || ऋ10.9.1, अथर्व 1.5.1
Water has the potential to provide with energy to bring beauty to this world .
हे जलों क्योंकि आप सुखों के उत्पादक हो,हमें ऊर्जा के साधनों से बलशाली बना कर महान रमणीय जावन का साक्षात्कार करो.
Nutritional Value
यो वः शिवतमो रसस्तस्य भाजयतेह नः |
उशतीरिवमातरः || ऋ10.9.2,अथर्व 1.5.2
Most important contents in water provide nutrition like that provided by mother to newly born.
तुम्हारा जो अतिकल्याण कारी रस है हमें उस से तृप्त करो, जैसे माता अपनी संतान को करती है.
Living Water
तस्मा अरं गमाम वो यस्य क्षयाय जिन्वथ |
आपोजनयथा च नः ||ऋ10.9.3, अथर्व 1.5.3
Hidden contents in living water enhance human Vitality/ Fertility.
आप में जो चेतन तत्व है उस के द्वारा हमारी जनन शक्ति को पुष्ट करो.
Divine Qualities of Water
शं नो देवीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये |
शं योरभि सरवन्तु नः || ऋ10.9.4, अथर्व 1.6.1
May the divine qualities of waters endow us with peace and prosperity. Cure us of our ailments and protect us from diseases.
दिव्य गुणों वाले जल हमारी सुख समृद्धि के साधन प्रदान करें. हमारे रोगों को नष्ट करें और भविष्य मे सम्भावित रोगोंसे सुरक्षा प्रदान करें.
Water is Medicine
ईशाना वार्याणां कषयन्तीश्चर्षणीनाम |
अपोयाचामि भेषजम || ऋ10.9.5, अथर्व 1.5.4
Water provides cure for many diseases. Let us be familiar with its values.
जलों की रोग निवारण शक्ति की हमें जानकारी प्राप्त हो.
Electro chemical nature of Water
अप्सु मे सोमो अब्रवीदन्तर्विश्वानि भेषजा |
अग्निं चविश्वशम्भुवम ||ऋ10.9.6 अथर्व 1.6.2
Som –Research informs that waters have cures for all diseases, and also the energy that can provide all the comforts.
जलों मे सब रोगों की ओषधी स्थित है. और जलों में ही सब सुख प्रदानकरने वाली ऊर्जा शक्ति भी स्थित है.
आपः पृणीत भेषजं वरूथं तन्वे मम |
ज्योक चसूर्यं दृशे || ऋ10.9.7, अथर्व 1.6.3
Waters have the ability to provide immunity from diseases to ensure long life.
जलों वह रोग निरोधक शक्ति है जिस से मनुष्य दीर्घायु हो सकता है.
FROM YAJYRVED on Drinking Water
श्वात्रा: पीता भवत यूयमापो अस्माकमान्तरुदरे सुशेवा: |
ता अस्मभ्यमयक्ष्मा अनमीवा अनागस: स्वदन्तु देवीरमृता ऋतावृध: || यजु: 4.12
After drinking in my stomach, provide immediate vigor for my wellbeing.
What I drink should rid me of any diseases, refresh me, should be pleasant in taste to enhance my virtues.
पेय उदर में जा कर तुरंत शक्ति वर्धक हो, रोगादि से मुक्त करे, स्फूर्ति आनन्द दायक , स्वादु , अमृत तुल्य दैवीय गुणयुक्त हो.
On Water Pollution
इदमापः प्र वहत यत किं च दुरितं मयि |
यद्वाहमभिदुद्रोह यद व शेप उतानृतम || ऋ10.9.8, AV 7.89.3
The flowing /running water may clear it of all the pollutants and undesirable dirt that I have added to it by my wrong behavior.
दुर्बुद्धि से हम ने जो भी मल इत्यादि से जलों का प्रदूषनकिया है उसे जल का बहाव सुधार करे
आपो अद्यान्वचारिषं रसेन समगस्महि |
पयस्वानग्ना गहि तं मा सं सृज वर्चसा ||ऋ10.9.9
Pasteurize water to clean it from disease bearing organisms.
जल के प्रदूषनकारी तत्वों को जलों में अग्नि स्थित कर के दूर करें.
RV10.9 Water
Source of Energy
आपो हि ष्ठा मयोभुवस्ता न ऊर्जे दधातन |
महेरणाय चक्षसे || ऋ10.9.1, अथर्व 1.5.1
Water has the potential to provide with energy to bring beauty to this world .
हे जलों क्योंकि आप सुखों के उत्पादक हो,हमें ऊर्जा के साधनों से बलशाली बना कर महान रमणीय जावन का साक्षात्कार करो.
Nutritional Value
यो वः शिवतमो रसस्तस्य भाजयतेह नः |
उशतीरिवमातरः || ऋ10.9.2,अथर्व 1.5.2
Most important contents in water provide nutrition like that provided by mother to newly born.
तुम्हारा जो अतिकल्याण कारी रस है हमें उस से तृप्त करो, जैसे माता अपनी संतान को करती है.
Living Water
तस्मा अरं गमाम वो यस्य क्षयाय जिन्वथ |
आपोजनयथा च नः ||ऋ10.9.3, अथर्व 1.5.3
Hidden contents in living water enhance human Vitality/ Fertility.
आप में जो चेतन तत्व है उस के द्वारा हमारी जनन शक्ति को पुष्ट करो.
Divine Qualities of Water
शं नो देवीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये |
शं योरभि सरवन्तु नः || ऋ10.9.4, अथर्व 1.6.1
May the divine qualities of waters endow us with peace and prosperity. Cure us of our ailments and protect us from diseases.
दिव्य गुणों वाले जल हमारी सुख समृद्धि के साधन प्रदान करें. हमारे रोगों को नष्ट करें और भविष्य मे सम्भावित रोगोंसे सुरक्षा प्रदान करें.
Water is Medicine
ईशाना वार्याणां कषयन्तीश्चर्षणीनाम |
अपोयाचामि भेषजम || ऋ10.9.5, अथर्व 1.5.4
Water provides cure for many diseases. Let us be familiar with its values.
जलों की रोग निवारण शक्ति की हमें जानकारी प्राप्त हो.
Electro chemical nature of Water
अप्सु मे सोमो अब्रवीदन्तर्विश्वानि भेषजा |
अग्निं चविश्वशम्भुवम ||ऋ10.9.6 अथर्व 1.6.2
Som –Research informs that waters have cures for all diseases, and also the energy that can provide all the comforts.
जलों मे सब रोगों की ओषधी स्थित है. और जलों में ही सब सुख प्रदानकरने वाली ऊर्जा शक्ति भी स्थित है.
आपः पृणीत भेषजं वरूथं तन्वे मम |
ज्योक चसूर्यं दृशे || ऋ10.9.7, अथर्व 1.6.3
Waters have the ability to provide immunity from diseases to ensure long life.
जलों वह रोग निरोधक शक्ति है जिस से मनुष्य दीर्घायु हो सकता है.
FROM YAJYRVED on Drinking Water
श्वात्रा: पीता भवत यूयमापो अस्माकमान्तरुदरे सुशेवा: |
ता अस्मभ्यमयक्ष्मा अनमीवा अनागस: स्वदन्तु देवीरमृता ऋतावृध: || यजु: 4.12
After drinking in my stomach, provide immediate vigor for my wellbeing.
What I drink should rid me of any diseases, refresh me, should be pleasant in taste to enhance my virtues.
पेय उदर में जा कर तुरंत शक्ति वर्धक हो, रोगादि से मुक्त करे, स्फूर्ति आनन्द दायक , स्वादु , अमृत तुल्य दैवीय गुणयुक्त हो.
On Water Pollution
इदमापः प्र वहत यत किं च दुरितं मयि |
यद्वाहमभिदुद्रोह यद व शेप उतानृतम || ऋ10.9.8, AV 7.89.3
The flowing /running water may clear it of all the pollutants and undesirable dirt that I have added to it by my wrong behavior.
दुर्बुद्धि से हम ने जो भी मल इत्यादि से जलों का प्रदूषनकिया है उसे जल का बहाव सुधार करे
आपो अद्यान्वचारिषं रसेन समगस्महि |
पयस्वानग्ना गहि तं मा सं सृज वर्चसा ||ऋ10.9.9
Pasteurize water to clean it from disease bearing organisms.
जल के प्रदूषनकारी तत्वों को जलों में अग्नि स्थित कर के दूर करें.
Water in Vedas
RV10.9 Water
Source of Energy
आपो हि ष्ठा मयोभुवस्ता न ऊर्जे दधातन |
महेरणाय चक्षसे || ऋ10.9.1, अथर्व 1.5.1
Water has the potential to provide with energy to bring beauty to this world .
हे जलों क्योंकि आप सुखों के उत्पादक हो,हमें ऊर्जा के साधनों से बलशाली बना कर महान रमणीय जावन का साक्षात्कार करो.
Nutritional Value
यो वः शिवतमो रसस्तस्य भाजयतेह नः |
उशतीरिवमातरः || ऋ10.9.2,अथर्व 1.5.2
Most important contents in water provide nutrition like that provided by mother to newly born.
तुम्हारा जो अतिकल्याण कारी रस है हमें उस से तृप्त करो, जैसे माता अपनी संतान को करती है.
Living Water
तस्मा अरं गमाम वो यस्य क्षयाय जिन्वथ |
आपोजनयथा च नः ||ऋ10.9.3, अथर्व 1.5.3
Hidden contents in living water enhance human Vitality/ Fertility.
आप में जो चेतन तत्व है उस के द्वारा हमारी जनन शक्ति को पुष्ट करो.
Divine Qualities of Water
शं नो देवीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये |
शं योरभि सरवन्तु नः || ऋ10.9.4, अथर्व 1.6.1
May the divine qualities of waters endow us with peace and prosperity. Cure us of our ailments and protect us from diseases.
दिव्य गुणों वाले जल हमारी सुख समृद्धि के साधन प्रदान करें. हमारे रोगों को नष्ट करें और भविष्य मे सम्भावित रोगोंसे सुरक्षा प्रदान करें.
Water is Medicine
ईशाना वार्याणां कषयन्तीश्चर्षणीनाम |
अपोयाचामि भेषजम || ऋ10.9.5, अथर्व 1.5.4
Water provides cure for many diseases. Let us be familiar with its values.
जलों की रोग निवारण शक्ति की हमें जानकारी प्राप्त हो.
Electro chemical nature of Water
अप्सु मे सोमो अब्रवीदन्तर्विश्वानि भेषजा |
अग्निं चविश्वशम्भुवम ||ऋ10.9.6 अथर्व 1.6.2
Som –Research informs that waters have cures for all diseases, and also the energy that can provide all the comforts.
जलों मे सब रोगों की ओषधी स्थित है. और जलों में ही सब सुख प्रदानकरने वाली ऊर्जा शक्ति भी स्थित है.
आपः पृणीत भेषजं वरूथं तन्वे मम |
ज्योक चसूर्यं दृशे || ऋ10.9.7, अथर्व 1.6.3
Waters have the ability to provide immunity from diseases to ensure long life.
जलों वह रोग निरोधक शक्ति है जिस से मनुष्य दीर्घायु हो सकता है.
FROM YAJYRVED on Drinking Water
श्वात्रा: पीता भवत यूयमापो अस्माकमान्तरुदरे सुशेवा: |
ता अस्मभ्यमयक्ष्मा अनमीवा अनागस: स्वदन्तु देवीरमृता ऋतावृध: || यजु: 4.12
After drinking in my stomach, provide immediate vigor for my wellbeing.
What I drink should rid me of any diseases, refresh me, should be pleasant in taste to enhance my virtues.
पेय उदर में जा कर तुरंत शक्ति वर्धक हो, रोगादि से मुक्त करे, स्फूर्ति आनन्द दायक , स्वादु , अमृत तुल्य दैवीय गुणयुक्त हो.
On Water Pollution
इदमापः प्र वहत यत किं च दुरितं मयि |
यद्वाहमभिदुद्रोह यद व शेप उतानृतम || ऋ10.9.8, AV 7.89.3
The flowing /running water may clear it of all the pollutants and undesirable dirt that I have added to it by my wrong behavior.
दुर्बुद्धि से हम ने जो भी मल इत्यादि से जलों का प्रदूषनकिया है उसे जल का बहाव सुधार करे
आपो अद्यान्वचारिषं रसेन समगस्महि |
पयस्वानग्ना गहि तं मा सं सृज वर्चसा ||ऋ10.9.9
Pasteurize water to clean it from disease bearing organisms.
जल के प्रदूषनकारी तत्वों को जलों में अग्नि स्थित कर के दूर करें.
RV10.9 Water
Source of Energy
आपो हि ष्ठा मयोभुवस्ता न ऊर्जे दधातन |
महेरणाय चक्षसे || ऋ10.9.1, अथर्व 1.5.1
Water has the potential to provide with energy to bring beauty to this world .
हे जलों क्योंकि आप सुखों के उत्पादक हो,हमें ऊर्जा के साधनों से बलशाली बना कर महान रमणीय जावन का साक्षात्कार करो.
Nutritional Value
यो वः शिवतमो रसस्तस्य भाजयतेह नः |
उशतीरिवमातरः || ऋ10.9.2,अथर्व 1.5.2
Most important contents in water provide nutrition like that provided by mother to newly born.
तुम्हारा जो अतिकल्याण कारी रस है हमें उस से तृप्त करो, जैसे माता अपनी संतान को करती है.
Living Water
तस्मा अरं गमाम वो यस्य क्षयाय जिन्वथ |
आपोजनयथा च नः ||ऋ10.9.3, अथर्व 1.5.3
Hidden contents in living water enhance human Vitality/ Fertility.
आप में जो चेतन तत्व है उस के द्वारा हमारी जनन शक्ति को पुष्ट करो.
Divine Qualities of Water
शं नो देवीरभिष्टय आपो भवन्तु पीतये |
शं योरभि सरवन्तु नः || ऋ10.9.4, अथर्व 1.6.1
May the divine qualities of waters endow us with peace and prosperity. Cure us of our ailments and protect us from diseases.
दिव्य गुणों वाले जल हमारी सुख समृद्धि के साधन प्रदान करें. हमारे रोगों को नष्ट करें और भविष्य मे सम्भावित रोगोंसे सुरक्षा प्रदान करें.
Water is Medicine
ईशाना वार्याणां कषयन्तीश्चर्षणीनाम |
अपोयाचामि भेषजम || ऋ10.9.5, अथर्व 1.5.4
Water provides cure for many diseases. Let us be familiar with its values.
जलों की रोग निवारण शक्ति की हमें जानकारी प्राप्त हो.
Electro chemical nature of Water
अप्सु मे सोमो अब्रवीदन्तर्विश्वानि भेषजा |
अग्निं चविश्वशम्भुवम ||ऋ10.9.6 अथर्व 1.6.2
Som –Research informs that waters have cures for all diseases, and also the energy that can provide all the comforts.
जलों मे सब रोगों की ओषधी स्थित है. और जलों में ही सब सुख प्रदानकरने वाली ऊर्जा शक्ति भी स्थित है.
आपः पृणीत भेषजं वरूथं तन्वे मम |
ज्योक चसूर्यं दृशे || ऋ10.9.7, अथर्व 1.6.3
Waters have the ability to provide immunity from diseases to ensure long life.
जलों वह रोग निरोधक शक्ति है जिस से मनुष्य दीर्घायु हो सकता है.
FROM YAJYRVED on Drinking Water
श्वात्रा: पीता भवत यूयमापो अस्माकमान्तरुदरे सुशेवा: |
ता अस्मभ्यमयक्ष्मा अनमीवा अनागस: स्वदन्तु देवीरमृता ऋतावृध: || यजु: 4.12
After drinking in my stomach, provide immediate vigor for my wellbeing.
What I drink should rid me of any diseases, refresh me, should be pleasant in taste to enhance my virtues.
पेय उदर में जा कर तुरंत शक्ति वर्धक हो, रोगादि से मुक्त करे, स्फूर्ति आनन्द दायक , स्वादु , अमृत तुल्य दैवीय गुणयुक्त हो.
On Water Pollution
इदमापः प्र वहत यत किं च दुरितं मयि |
यद्वाहमभिदुद्रोह यद व शेप उतानृतम || ऋ10.9.8, AV 7.89.3
The flowing /running water may clear it of all the pollutants and undesirable dirt that I have added to it by my wrong behavior.
दुर्बुद्धि से हम ने जो भी मल इत्यादि से जलों का प्रदूषनकिया है उसे जल का बहाव सुधार करे
आपो अद्यान्वचारिषं रसेन समगस्महि |
पयस्वानग्ना गहि तं मा सं सृज वर्चसा ||ऋ10.9.9
Pasteurize water to clean it from disease bearing organisms.
जल के प्रदूषनकारी तत्वों को जलों में अग्नि स्थित कर के दूर करें.
Post Retirement duties
राजा का वानप्रस्थगुरुकुल प्रशिक्षण की आधारभूत वैदिक योजना Retirement of Politicians, expert sportsmen, Academicians etc.
ऋ10.4ऋषि:-त्रित आप्त्य:, देवता- अग्निRig Veda Book 10 Hymn 4
(वेदार्थ - दीपक निरुक्त भाष्याधरित- भाष्यकार श्री चंद्र्मणि विद्यालंकार पालीरत्न , के आधार पर)सूक्त का देवता 'अग्नि:' है.अग्नि से यहां अभिप्राय वनस्थ आश्रमी है, जिस को प्रत्न राजन् कह कर सम्बोधित किया है . (प्रत्न राजन्) वृद्ध राजन् वनस्थ; क्योंकि वह वनस्थ अग्नि-प्रधान होता है. वह गृहस्थ के अन्य सब सामान छोड कर यज्ञोपकरणो को ले कर ही वन में जाता है ,वहां पांचों, यज्ञ तथा अन्य पक्षेष्टि याग आदि करता है. अत: वनी को 'अग्नि' कहा गया.समाज के वरिष्ट विद्वान वानप्रस्थ आश्रम का निर्वाह वनों मे आवास स्थापित कर के अपने जीवन के बहुमूल्य अनुभव और ज्ञान को समाज, राष्ट्र, पर्यावरण, के लिए किस प्रकार समाज को उपलब्ध कराते थे यह इस ऋग्वेदीय उपदेश का विषय है वानप्रस्थी राजा. समाज के अनुभवी वरिष्ट-नेतागण, शिक्षाविद ,भिन्न भिन्न क्षेत्रों में निपुण- गृहस्थाश्रम निवृत्त जनों का वानप्रस्थ आश्रम धारण करके गुरुकुल जैसी शिक्षा प्रणाली में कैसे योगदान होता है यह इस वेद सूक्त का विषय है.
1.प्र ते यक्षि प्र त इयर्मि मन्म भुवो यथा वन्द्यो नोहवेषु |
धन्वन्निव प्रपा असि त्वमग्न इयक्षवे पूरवे प्रत्न राजन ||ऋ10.4.1
हे वनस्थ में तेरी संगति करता हूं, और तेरे मन को प्राप्त करता हूं.जिस से आप हे वंदनीय वृद्ध राजन स्वाध्याय शिक्षा यज्ञ. यागादि से इस ( आप का इस वनांचल में आवास समाज, पर्यावरण राष्ट्र के लिए) मरु भूमि मे एक जल के स्रोत जैसे हों.
Summer camps for specialized multidiscipline knowledge, sports academies, think tanks.
2.यं त्वा जनासो अभि संचरन्ति गाव उष्णमिव व्रजं यविष्ठ |
दूतो देवानामसि मर्त्यानामन्तर्महाँश्चरसि रोचनेन ||RV10.4.2
हे ज्ञान प्रापक तथा अज्ञान नाशक वनस्थ जैसे शीत-काल के समय गर्म गोशाला में गायें आ कर रहती हैं वैसे ही आप के पास अविद्या से बचने के लिए विद्यार्थी लोग आ कर रहते हैं , आप खिलाडी युवाजनों को दुष्कर्मों से निवारण करने वाले हो. आप के महान सानिद्यमें दीप्तिऔर प्रीति के साथ युवा विद्यार्थी रहते हैं. -
3.शिशुं न त्वा जेन्यं वर्धयन्ती माता बिभर्तिसचनस्यमाना |
धनोरधि प्रवता यासि हर्यञ जिगीषसे पशुरिवावसृष्ट: ||RV10.4.3
जैसे माता अपने बच्चे की वृद्धि करते हुए उसे पालती है, उसी प्रकार हे वनस्थ अपने चित्त वृत्तियों पर जितेंद्रिय हो कर वेद ज्ञान में संयुक्त हो कर समाज की उन्नति के लिए समाज के भविष्य का निर्माण करें.
4.मूरा अमूर न वयं चिकित्वो महित्वमग्ने त्वमङग वित्से |
शये वव्रिश्चरति जिह्वयादन रेरिह्यते युवतिंविश्पतिः सन् ||RV10.4.4
हम साधरण लोग मूढ हैं, आप वनस्थ संसार का अनुभव प्राप्त करके अमूढ है, और अपने ज्ञान का महत्व समझते हैं, अपनी वाणी द्वारा शिक्षा देते हुए अपने वनस्थ आश्रममे विचरते हो. प्रजा पालक
होते हुए आप स्वयं ब्रह्मसे मिलाने वाली ब्रह्मविद्या का निरंतर आस्वादन करते हो.
5.कूचिज्जायते सनयासु नव्यो वने तस्थौ पलितो धूमकेतुः |
अस्नातापो वृषभो न प्र वेति सचेतसो यं प्रणयन्त मर्ताः || RV10.4.5
जब किसी के पुत्र के पुत्र का जन्म हो जाए, उस के बाल पक कर सफेद हो जाएं, तब उस का वनस्थ आश्रम में निवास उचित है. तब वांप्रस्थियों को समान चित्त वाले विद्यार्थी उपलब्ध कराये जाएं. जिस से वे उन विद्यार्थियों को अशुद्ध कर्मों के त्याग कर शुद्ध आचरण धारण करके वीर्यवान ब्रह्मचारी बनाए.
6.तनूत्यजेव तस्करा वनर्गु रशनाभिर्दशभिरभ्यधीताम् |
इयं ते अग्ने नव्यसी मनीषा युक्ष्वा रथंन शुचयद्भिरङ्गै: ||RV10.4.6
हे वनस्थ ! अपने शारीरिक सुख की परवाह किये बिना आप के पवित्र हाथ यज्ञ कर्मों को भली भांति धारण करने की मानसिक इच्छा से आप के संकल्प की पूर्ति के लिए इस रथ रूपी शरीर को इस पुण्य कार्य में सन्युक्त करें.
7.ब्रह्म च ते जातवेदो नमश्चेयं च गीः सदमिद्वर्धनी भूत् |
रक्षा णो अग्ने तनयानि तोका रक्षोत नस्तन्वो: अप्रयुच्छन ||RV10.4.7
हे विद्वान् वनस्थ ! परमेश्वरार्चन, नम्रता और यह वेद वाणी आप को सदैव वृद्धि देनेवाले हों. आप प्रमाद रहित हो कर हमारे पुत्र तथा पौत्रों की के विद्या दान द्वारा समाज की रक्षा कीजिये.
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 146
ऋषिः ऐरम्भदो देवमुनि, देवता अरण्यानी (निरुक्त-पृ. 595)
वानप्रस्थ आश्रम-मुनि ऋषि- ऐरम्मद देवमुनि -स्वाभाविकतया इडाजन्य (भूमिजन्य) अन्न -कंद मूल फल फूल इत्यादि -पर संतुष्ट रहने वाला वनस्थ अरण्यानी से अभिप्राय- वनस्थ पुरुष( मुनि), सहचारिणी वनस्था और वन यह ग्राम या नगर से दूर होता है.
इस सूक्त में वानप्रस्थ आश्रम ग्रहण करने के इच्छुक पति और उस की सहचारिणी पत्नी के सम्वाद द्वारा वानप्रस्थ आश्रम की समाज में स्थिति को दर्शाया गया है. पहले मंत्र में पति अपने साथ वन में जाने की अभिलाषा प्रकट करने वाली पत्नि को निर्जन वन तथा वहां भूमिजन्य अन्न- कंदमूल पर निर्वाह की कठिनाइयों को बता कर अपनी पत्नि को वन में जाने से असम्मति प्रकट करता है. अगले पांचमंत्रों में पत्नी वन जीवन की शोभा का वर्णन करती है. इस विषय पर मनुस्मृति के वचन " संत्यज्य ग्राम्यमाहारं सर्वं चैव परिच्छदम् ! पुत्रेषु भार्यां निक्षिप्य वनं गच्छेत्सहैव वा !! मनु 6.3 –“ सब ग्राम के आहार और वस्त्र आदि सब उत्तमोत्तम पदाथों को छोड कर पुत्रों के पास स्त्री को रख अथवा अपने साथ लेके वन में निवास करे.
( सत्यार्थ प्रकाश से) एतद् यह सिद्धांत स्थापित किया है कि वनस्थ की पत्नी यथारुचि अपने पुत्र के साथ नगर में, या पति के साथ वन में,कहीं भी रह सकती है.
1.अरण्यान्यरण्यान्यसौ या परेव नश्यसि |
कथाग्रामं न पर्छसि न तवा भीरिव विन्दती3 ||RV10.146.1
हे वनस्थ- पत्नी यह जो तू ग्राम से पराङ्मुख होती हुई वनों की ओर जाती है, सो ग्राम में रहने के लिए मेरी अनुमति क्यों नहीं लेती ? क्या तुझे वहां (वन में) जाने में कुछ भी भय नहीं लगता?
2.वृषारवाय वदते यदुपावति चिच्चिकः |
आघाटिभिरिवधावयन्नरण्यानिर्महीयते || RV10.146.2
(उत्तर में स्त्री कहती है ) अरण्य में वनस्पतियों के स्वर गान में सम्मिलित सूक्ष्म जन्तुओं (झींगुर इत्यादि के) स्वर ऐसे कण्ठप्रिय लगते हैं जैसे विविध गायक सस्वर गायन कर रहे हों.
3.उत गाव इवादन्त्युत वेश्मेव दर्श्यते |
उतो अरण्यानिःसायं शकटीरिव सर्जति || RV10.146.3
गौवों के समानअन्य वन पशु भी अरण्य में चरते दिखाए देते हैं, घनी लताओं की बनावट सुंदर घरों जैसी प्रतीत होती हैं, सायंकाल मे चारे ईंधनसे लदी गाड़ियां वन से निकलती ऐसे लगती हैं जैसे वन्य देवता उन्हें अपने घर को विदा कर रहे हैं.
4.गामङगैष आ ह्वयति दार्वङगैषो अपावधीत |
वसन्नरण्यान्यां सायमक्रुक्षदिति मन्यते || RV10.146.4
(वनस्थ पुरुष कहता है) अरण्य में स्थित (दिन में) एक पुरुष गाय को बुला रहा है, दूसरा लकड़ी काट रहा है, रात्रि में नानाविध के शब्द सुन कर भयभीत हो कर पुकारता है.
5.न वा अरण्यानिर्हन्त्यन्यश्चेन नाभिगछति |
स्वादोःफलस्य जग्ध्वाय यथाकामं नि पद्यते || RV10.146.5
(स्त्री कहती है) अरण्य कभी किसी की हिंसा नहीं करता . और अन्य भी यदि उस पर आक्रमण नहीं करता, तब अरण्य उसे मधुर कंद मूल फलों को प्रदान कर के उस के सुखानुसार व्यवस्था करता है.
6.आञ्जनगन्धिं सुरभिं बह्वन्नामक्र्षीवलाम |
पराहमृगाणां मातरमरण्यानिमशंसिषम || RV10.146.6
बिना कृषि के विपुल फलमूल भक्ष्य अन्नादि प्रदान करने और सुगंधि युक्त कस्तूरी मृग की माता रूपि अरन्य की हमें स्तुति करनी उचित है.
सुबोध कुमार
राजा का वानप्रस्थगुरुकुल प्रशिक्षण की आधारभूत वैदिक योजना Retirement of Politicians, expert sportsmen, Academicians etc.
ऋ10.4ऋषि:-त्रित आप्त्य:, देवता- अग्निRig Veda Book 10 Hymn 4
(वेदार्थ - दीपक निरुक्त भाष्याधरित- भाष्यकार श्री चंद्र्मणि विद्यालंकार पालीरत्न , के आधार पर)सूक्त का देवता 'अग्नि:' है.अग्नि से यहां अभिप्राय वनस्थ आश्रमी है, जिस को प्रत्न राजन् कह कर सम्बोधित किया है . (प्रत्न राजन्) वृद्ध राजन् वनस्थ; क्योंकि वह वनस्थ अग्नि-प्रधान होता है. वह गृहस्थ के अन्य सब सामान छोड कर यज्ञोपकरणो को ले कर ही वन में जाता है ,वहां पांचों, यज्ञ तथा अन्य पक्षेष्टि याग आदि करता है. अत: वनी को 'अग्नि' कहा गया.समाज के वरिष्ट विद्वान वानप्रस्थ आश्रम का निर्वाह वनों मे आवास स्थापित कर के अपने जीवन के बहुमूल्य अनुभव और ज्ञान को समाज, राष्ट्र, पर्यावरण, के लिए किस प्रकार समाज को उपलब्ध कराते थे यह इस ऋग्वेदीय उपदेश का विषय है वानप्रस्थी राजा. समाज के अनुभवी वरिष्ट-नेतागण, शिक्षाविद ,भिन्न भिन्न क्षेत्रों में निपुण- गृहस्थाश्रम निवृत्त जनों का वानप्रस्थ आश्रम धारण करके गुरुकुल जैसी शिक्षा प्रणाली में कैसे योगदान होता है यह इस वेद सूक्त का विषय है.
1.प्र ते यक्षि प्र त इयर्मि मन्म भुवो यथा वन्द्यो नोहवेषु |
धन्वन्निव प्रपा असि त्वमग्न इयक्षवे पूरवे प्रत्न राजन ||ऋ10.4.1
हे वनस्थ में तेरी संगति करता हूं, और तेरे मन को प्राप्त करता हूं.जिस से आप हे वंदनीय वृद्ध राजन स्वाध्याय शिक्षा यज्ञ. यागादि से इस ( आप का इस वनांचल में आवास समाज, पर्यावरण राष्ट्र के लिए) मरु भूमि मे एक जल के स्रोत जैसे हों.
Summer camps for specialized multidiscipline knowledge, sports academies, think tanks.
2.यं त्वा जनासो अभि संचरन्ति गाव उष्णमिव व्रजं यविष्ठ |
दूतो देवानामसि मर्त्यानामन्तर्महाँश्चरसि रोचनेन ||RV10.4.2
हे ज्ञान प्रापक तथा अज्ञान नाशक वनस्थ जैसे शीत-काल के समय गर्म गोशाला में गायें आ कर रहती हैं वैसे ही आप के पास अविद्या से बचने के लिए विद्यार्थी लोग आ कर रहते हैं , आप खिलाडी युवाजनों को दुष्कर्मों से निवारण करने वाले हो. आप के महान सानिद्यमें दीप्तिऔर प्रीति के साथ युवा विद्यार्थी रहते हैं. -
3.शिशुं न त्वा जेन्यं वर्धयन्ती माता बिभर्तिसचनस्यमाना |
धनोरधि प्रवता यासि हर्यञ जिगीषसे पशुरिवावसृष्ट: ||RV10.4.3
जैसे माता अपने बच्चे की वृद्धि करते हुए उसे पालती है, उसी प्रकार हे वनस्थ अपने चित्त वृत्तियों पर जितेंद्रिय हो कर वेद ज्ञान में संयुक्त हो कर समाज की उन्नति के लिए समाज के भविष्य का निर्माण करें.
4.मूरा अमूर न वयं चिकित्वो महित्वमग्ने त्वमङग वित्से |
शये वव्रिश्चरति जिह्वयादन रेरिह्यते युवतिंविश्पतिः सन् ||RV10.4.4
हम साधरण लोग मूढ हैं, आप वनस्थ संसार का अनुभव प्राप्त करके अमूढ है, और अपने ज्ञान का महत्व समझते हैं, अपनी वाणी द्वारा शिक्षा देते हुए अपने वनस्थ आश्रममे विचरते हो. प्रजा पालक
होते हुए आप स्वयं ब्रह्मसे मिलाने वाली ब्रह्मविद्या का निरंतर आस्वादन करते हो.
5.कूचिज्जायते सनयासु नव्यो वने तस्थौ पलितो धूमकेतुः |
अस्नातापो वृषभो न प्र वेति सचेतसो यं प्रणयन्त मर्ताः || RV10.4.5
जब किसी के पुत्र के पुत्र का जन्म हो जाए, उस के बाल पक कर सफेद हो जाएं, तब उस का वनस्थ आश्रम में निवास उचित है. तब वांप्रस्थियों को समान चित्त वाले विद्यार्थी उपलब्ध कराये जाएं. जिस से वे उन विद्यार्थियों को अशुद्ध कर्मों के त्याग कर शुद्ध आचरण धारण करके वीर्यवान ब्रह्मचारी बनाए.
6.तनूत्यजेव तस्करा वनर्गु रशनाभिर्दशभिरभ्यधीताम् |
इयं ते अग्ने नव्यसी मनीषा युक्ष्वा रथंन शुचयद्भिरङ्गै: ||RV10.4.6
हे वनस्थ ! अपने शारीरिक सुख की परवाह किये बिना आप के पवित्र हाथ यज्ञ कर्मों को भली भांति धारण करने की मानसिक इच्छा से आप के संकल्प की पूर्ति के लिए इस रथ रूपी शरीर को इस पुण्य कार्य में सन्युक्त करें.
7.ब्रह्म च ते जातवेदो नमश्चेयं च गीः सदमिद्वर्धनी भूत् |
रक्षा णो अग्ने तनयानि तोका रक्षोत नस्तन्वो: अप्रयुच्छन ||RV10.4.7
हे विद्वान् वनस्थ ! परमेश्वरार्चन, नम्रता और यह वेद वाणी आप को सदैव वृद्धि देनेवाले हों. आप प्रमाद रहित हो कर हमारे पुत्र तथा पौत्रों की के विद्या दान द्वारा समाज की रक्षा कीजिये.
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 146
ऋषिः ऐरम्भदो देवमुनि, देवता अरण्यानी (निरुक्त-पृ. 595)
वानप्रस्थ आश्रम-मुनि ऋषि- ऐरम्मद देवमुनि -स्वाभाविकतया इडाजन्य (भूमिजन्य) अन्न -कंद मूल फल फूल इत्यादि -पर संतुष्ट रहने वाला वनस्थ अरण्यानी से अभिप्राय- वनस्थ पुरुष( मुनि), सहचारिणी वनस्था और वन यह ग्राम या नगर से दूर होता है.
इस सूक्त में वानप्रस्थ आश्रम ग्रहण करने के इच्छुक पति और उस की सहचारिणी पत्नी के सम्वाद द्वारा वानप्रस्थ आश्रम की समाज में स्थिति को दर्शाया गया है. पहले मंत्र में पति अपने साथ वन में जाने की अभिलाषा प्रकट करने वाली पत्नि को निर्जन वन तथा वहां भूमिजन्य अन्न- कंदमूल पर निर्वाह की कठिनाइयों को बता कर अपनी पत्नि को वन में जाने से असम्मति प्रकट करता है. अगले पांचमंत्रों में पत्नी वन जीवन की शोभा का वर्णन करती है. इस विषय पर मनुस्मृति के वचन " संत्यज्य ग्राम्यमाहारं सर्वं चैव परिच्छदम् ! पुत्रेषु भार्यां निक्षिप्य वनं गच्छेत्सहैव वा !! मनु 6.3 –“ सब ग्राम के आहार और वस्त्र आदि सब उत्तमोत्तम पदाथों को छोड कर पुत्रों के पास स्त्री को रख अथवा अपने साथ लेके वन में निवास करे.
( सत्यार्थ प्रकाश से) एतद् यह सिद्धांत स्थापित किया है कि वनस्थ की पत्नी यथारुचि अपने पुत्र के साथ नगर में, या पति के साथ वन में,कहीं भी रह सकती है.
1.अरण्यान्यरण्यान्यसौ या परेव नश्यसि |
कथाग्रामं न पर्छसि न तवा भीरिव विन्दती3 ||RV10.146.1
हे वनस्थ- पत्नी यह जो तू ग्राम से पराङ्मुख होती हुई वनों की ओर जाती है, सो ग्राम में रहने के लिए मेरी अनुमति क्यों नहीं लेती ? क्या तुझे वहां (वन में) जाने में कुछ भी भय नहीं लगता?
2.वृषारवाय वदते यदुपावति चिच्चिकः |
आघाटिभिरिवधावयन्नरण्यानिर्महीयते || RV10.146.2
(उत्तर में स्त्री कहती है ) अरण्य में वनस्पतियों के स्वर गान में सम्मिलित सूक्ष्म जन्तुओं (झींगुर इत्यादि के) स्वर ऐसे कण्ठप्रिय लगते हैं जैसे विविध गायक सस्वर गायन कर रहे हों.
3.उत गाव इवादन्त्युत वेश्मेव दर्श्यते |
उतो अरण्यानिःसायं शकटीरिव सर्जति || RV10.146.3
गौवों के समानअन्य वन पशु भी अरण्य में चरते दिखाए देते हैं, घनी लताओं की बनावट सुंदर घरों जैसी प्रतीत होती हैं, सायंकाल मे चारे ईंधनसे लदी गाड़ियां वन से निकलती ऐसे लगती हैं जैसे वन्य देवता उन्हें अपने घर को विदा कर रहे हैं.
4.गामङगैष आ ह्वयति दार्वङगैषो अपावधीत |
वसन्नरण्यान्यां सायमक्रुक्षदिति मन्यते || RV10.146.4
(वनस्थ पुरुष कहता है) अरण्य में स्थित (दिन में) एक पुरुष गाय को बुला रहा है, दूसरा लकड़ी काट रहा है, रात्रि में नानाविध के शब्द सुन कर भयभीत हो कर पुकारता है.
5.न वा अरण्यानिर्हन्त्यन्यश्चेन नाभिगछति |
स्वादोःफलस्य जग्ध्वाय यथाकामं नि पद्यते || RV10.146.5
(स्त्री कहती है) अरण्य कभी किसी की हिंसा नहीं करता . और अन्य भी यदि उस पर आक्रमण नहीं करता, तब अरण्य उसे मधुर कंद मूल फलों को प्रदान कर के उस के सुखानुसार व्यवस्था करता है.
6.आञ्जनगन्धिं सुरभिं बह्वन्नामक्र्षीवलाम |
पराहमृगाणां मातरमरण्यानिमशंसिषम || RV10.146.6
बिना कृषि के विपुल फलमूल भक्ष्य अन्नादि प्रदान करने और सुगंधि युक्त कस्तूरी मृग की माता रूपि अरन्य की हमें स्तुति करनी उचित है.
सुबोध कुमार
Sustainable Prosperity in Vedas
वैकुण्ठ सम्पन्नता का मार्ग दर्शन
ऋग्वेद 10.47 में आठ मंत्र हैं. इन की ध्रुव पंक्ति ( refrain line of the 8 mantras of this sookta) अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
इन 8 वेद मंत्रं में क्रमिक रूप से अक्षय सम्पन्नता को प्राप्त करने का मार्ग दर्शन मिलता है. (Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity)
8 mantras this sookta Chapter of Veda provides in order of priority the Vedic road map for sustainable prosperity.
#1 वरीयता First Priority
RV10.47.1 गोकृषि ( milk /organic food security through Cows)
जगृम्भा ते दक्षिणमिन्द्र हस्तं वसुवयो वसुपते वसुनाम !
विद्मा हि त्वा गोपतिं शूर गोनाम Sस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/1
विद्मा यह हमारी जानकारी मे है It is our knowledge,
हि त्वा - कि केवल आप ही that You alone are,
गोपतिं गोनाम- इस सब के स्वामी हो owner/husband/governor of all गो से अभिप्राय भौतिक गौ और उस के द्वारा उपलब्ध सब अन्न, ऊर्जा, मानसिक चेतना से ज्ञानेंद्रियों का संचालन stands for all physical cows that ensures energy, enlightenment, Speech -communication faculties through spoken words, शूर: शूरवीर most chivalrous,
अस्मभ्यं- हम सब को for us all
चित्रं अप्रत्याशित beyond imagination
दा: दीजिये, उप्लब्ध कराइये give us/enable to obtain,
वृषणं- भारी वर्षा की तरह like heavy rain fall
रयिं- सम्पन्नता ,धन जो सदैव गति मे रहता है wealth that remains constantly in operation to render service for welfare of all
वसुपते वसुनाम- (वसु- represent the material/physical means that enable our sustenance/ existence in this world.)
वसुपति is thus that Almighty invisible entity which governs all these वसुनाम -physical /material means.
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए ,
चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर ,
रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,
वृषणं की वर्षा ,
दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#2 वरीयता, Second priority
RV 10.47.2 (On food security)
स्वायुधं स्ववसं सुनीथं चतु:समुद्रं धरुणं रयीणम् !
चकृत्यं शस्यं भूरिमस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:!! ऋग्वेद 10/47/2
स्वायुधम्-सुंदर उपयोगी शिल्पी यंत्रो के द्वारा (उत्तम कृषि हेतु) self equipped with
all the required means to win -all agriculture implements
स्ववसम् - उत्तम सुरक्षा हेतु for (food/nutritional) security
सुनीथम् - उत्तम नीति से प्रेरित having excellent strategies
चतु: समुद्रम् चारों क्षेत्रों में (पृथ्वी के नीचे समुद्र में, पृथ्वी पर, पृथ्वी के ऊपर,
आकाश/अन्तरिक्ष में) for all the four oceans -on land, under water,
above ground, and in the outer space.
धरुणम् - यश से व्याप्त all encompassing, embracing / holding all
रयीणाम् - समस्त धनों से all the riches
चर्कृत्यम् - फसल चक्र जैसी प्रणाली से engaging in cyclically creative actions
such as performing crop rotations
शस्यम् - लाभकारी खाद्यान्न like growing desirable praise worthy food
भूरिवारम् - बारम्बार प्रचुर मात्रा में repeatedly / in abundance
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:…
अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए ,
चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर ,
रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,
वृषणं की वर्षा ,
दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#3 प्राथमिकता- Third priority
RV 10.47.3 शिक्षा प्रशिक्षण अनुसंधान (On skill &
intellectual base)
सुब्राह्नणं देववन्तं बृहन्तमुरुं गभीरं पृथुबुधमिन्द्रü !
श्रुतऋषि मुग्रम्भिमातिशाह्मस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/4
सुब्राह्नणं - विस्तृत ज्ञान के विद्वत्जन Equipped with excellent wide
knowledge base
देववन्तं - विद्वानो के संरक्षक Serving , protecting and promoting the
Intellectual community
बृहन्तमुरुं -दूरदृष्टा, अनुसंधान कर्ता providers of great Insights,
enlightend researchers
गभीरं - प्रभावशील effective
पृथुबुधमिन्द्रü -उत्तम ज्ञान से प्रेरित intellectually highly disciplined
श्रुतऋषि - वैदिक ज्ञान के आधार पर अग्रसर होने वाले building further
on the earlier knowledge base wisdom of Vedic Rishis)
मुग्रम्भिमातिशाह्म - सब समस्याओं का समाधान करें ntensely occupied able to
resolve all the problems and obstacles
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#4 प्राथमिकता -Fourth Priority
RV 10.47.4 सत्य अहिंसा आधारित नीति (Transparent Competency)
साद्वाजं विप्रवीरं तरुत्रं धनस्पृतं शूशुवासं सुदक्षम् !
दस्युहनं पूर्भिदमि न्द्र सत्यमभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/4
×¾Ö¯ÖϾÖ߸Óü - कुशल कार्य कर्ताओं द्वारा qualified operators
ŸÖ¹ý¡ÖÓ - सफल व्यक्तियों से achievers
¿Öæ¿Öã¾ÖÖÃÖÓ - आर्थिक सामर्थ्य सम्पन्नता financially sound
ÃÖã¤üÖ´ÖË - प्रशिक्षित दक्षता well trained
¤üõÖãÆü¬Ö´ÖË - विघ्नकारियों पर विजय पाने वाले overcoming disruptive forces
¯Öæ„ ×³Ö¤ü´ÖË - विघ्नकर्ताओं के भेद पा कर by reaching the roots of such wrong
ÃÖŸµÖÓ - पारदर्शी सत्याचरण से by transparent means
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#5 प्राथमिकता Next Priority
RV 10.47.5 मार्ग, ऊर्जा, परिवहन, संसाधन
(Full Infrastructural facilities- Transport)
अश्वावन्तं रथिनं वीरवन्तं सहस्रिणं शतिनं वाजमिन्द्र !
भद्र वातं विप्रवीरं स्वर्षामस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/5
अश्वावन्तं रथिनं – समाज के लिए यातायात के उचित साधन well engineered
energy efficient means of transport
वीरवन्तं - कुशल स्वप्रेरित कर्मठ कार्य कर्ता excellent workforce
सहस्रिणं शतिनं – बहुत सारे thousands of
वाजमिन्द्र - सक्षम backed by strength of
भद्र वातं – समाज हितैषी do-gooders
विप्रवीरं - प्रशिक्षित शिल्पजीवी intelligent qualified work force
स्वर्षा – सेवाएं प्रदान करने वाले service providers
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#6 प्राथमिकता Sixth priority
RV 10.47.6 (Environmentally sustainable)
प्र सप्तगुमृतधीतिं सुमेधां बृहस्पतिं मतिरच्छा जिगाति !
य आङ्गिरसो नमसोपद्यो Sस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/6
प्रसप्तगुमृतधीतिं सुमेधा- (समाज में) सप्त मर्यादा पालक उत्तम बुद्धिजन्य वृत्ति
की परिभाषा सप्त मर्यादाओं
ब्रह्महत्या सुरापा¬नं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गागमः ।
महान्ति पातका¬यहुः ससर्गंश्चापि तैः सह ॥ मनु:11-54 )
सात पाप हैं, 1-चोरी,2-ब्रह्महत्या-गुरू ,विद्वा¬न बुद्धिजीवी की हत्या (भावनाओं की अवहेलना) ,3-व्यभिचार, 4- गोहत्या ,5-सुरापा¬न , 6- बुरे कामों को बार बार कर¬ना,7- पाप करके पु¬न: झूट बोल¬ना ।
सप्त मर्यादा पालन करने वाले,
बृहस्पति- विद्वत्ता युक्त संभाषण करने मे कुशल good articulate skills
मतिरच्छा जिगाति - सद्विचार जागृत करने वाले invokes good common sense
ऐसे प्रजाजन समाज को स्थायित्व प्रदान करते हैं. इस प्रकार
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#7 प्राथमिकता Priority
RV 10.47.7 (Moral dedication in communication/media)
वनीवानो मम दूतस इन्द्रं स्तोमाश्चरन्ति सुमतीरियाना:!
हृदिस्पृशो मनसा वच्यमाना अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/7
वनीवान: मम दूतस: स्तोमा - interactions communicating friendly
concerns and entreaties.
सुमति: इयाना: इन्द्रं चरन्ति - well intentioned good guidance to act
हृदिस्पर्शा: मनसा वच्यमाना:- conceived with sincere heart touching motives
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
RV 10.47.8 (grandeur of the bounties)
यत् त्वा यामि दद्धि तन्न इन्द्र बृहतं क्षयमसमं जनानाम् !
अभि तद् द्यावापृथिवी गृणीता मस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/8
त्वा यत् यामि हम उस की इच्छा करते हैं that we seek
बृहतं क्षयं जनानां असमम्- विशाल आवास गृह जो समस्त विश्व में श्रेष्ठ होंspacious dwellings and accommodations very best for every body
तत् द्यावापृथिवी अभि गृणीताम्- इस भूमि पर तथा अंतरिक्ष में available on ground and outer space
ऋग्वेद 10.47 में आठ मंत्र हैं. इन की ध्रुव पंक्ति ( refrain line of the 8 mantras of this sookta) अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
इन 8 वेद मंत्रं में क्रमिक रूप से अक्षय सम्पन्नता को प्राप्त करने का मार्ग दर्शन मिलता है. (Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity)
8 mantras this sookta Chapter of Veda provides in order of priority the Vedic road map for sustainable prosperity.
#1 वरीयता First Priority
RV10.47.1 गोकृषि ( milk /organic food security through Cows)
जगृम्भा ते दक्षिणमिन्द्र हस्तं वसुवयो वसुपते वसुनाम !
विद्मा हि त्वा गोपतिं शूर गोनाम Sस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/1
विद्मा यह हमारी जानकारी मे है It is our knowledge,
हि त्वा - कि केवल आप ही that You alone are,
गोपतिं गोनाम- इस सब के स्वामी हो owner/husband/governor of all गो से अभिप्राय भौतिक गौ और उस के द्वारा उपलब्ध सब अन्न, ऊर्जा, मानसिक चेतना से ज्ञानेंद्रियों का संचालन stands for all physical cows that ensures energy, enlightenment, Speech -communication faculties through spoken words, शूर: शूरवीर most chivalrous,
अस्मभ्यं- हम सब को for us all
चित्रं अप्रत्याशित beyond imagination
दा: दीजिये, उप्लब्ध कराइये give us/enable to obtain,
वृषणं- भारी वर्षा की तरह like heavy rain fall
रयिं- सम्पन्नता ,धन जो सदैव गति मे रहता है wealth that remains constantly in operation to render service for welfare of all
वसुपते वसुनाम- (वसु- represent the material/physical means that enable our sustenance/ existence in this world.)
वसुपति is thus that Almighty invisible entity which governs all these वसुनाम -physical /material means.
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए ,
चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर ,
रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,
वृषणं की वर्षा ,
दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#2 वरीयता, Second priority
RV 10.47.2 (On food security)
स्वायुधं स्ववसं सुनीथं चतु:समुद्रं धरुणं रयीणम् !
चकृत्यं शस्यं भूरिमस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:!! ऋग्वेद 10/47/2
स्वायुधम्-सुंदर उपयोगी शिल्पी यंत्रो के द्वारा (उत्तम कृषि हेतु) self equipped with
all the required means to win -all agriculture implements
स्ववसम् - उत्तम सुरक्षा हेतु for (food/nutritional) security
सुनीथम् - उत्तम नीति से प्रेरित having excellent strategies
चतु: समुद्रम् चारों क्षेत्रों में (पृथ्वी के नीचे समुद्र में, पृथ्वी पर, पृथ्वी के ऊपर,
आकाश/अन्तरिक्ष में) for all the four oceans -on land, under water,
above ground, and in the outer space.
धरुणम् - यश से व्याप्त all encompassing, embracing / holding all
रयीणाम् - समस्त धनों से all the riches
चर्कृत्यम् - फसल चक्र जैसी प्रणाली से engaging in cyclically creative actions
such as performing crop rotations
शस्यम् - लाभकारी खाद्यान्न like growing desirable praise worthy food
भूरिवारम् - बारम्बार प्रचुर मात्रा में repeatedly / in abundance
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:…
अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए ,
चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर ,
रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,
वृषणं की वर्षा ,
दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#3 प्राथमिकता- Third priority
RV 10.47.3 शिक्षा प्रशिक्षण अनुसंधान (On skill &
intellectual base)
सुब्राह्नणं देववन्तं बृहन्तमुरुं गभीरं पृथुबुधमिन्द्रü !
श्रुतऋषि मुग्रम्भिमातिशाह्मस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/4
सुब्राह्नणं - विस्तृत ज्ञान के विद्वत्जन Equipped with excellent wide
knowledge base
देववन्तं - विद्वानो के संरक्षक Serving , protecting and promoting the
Intellectual community
बृहन्तमुरुं -दूरदृष्टा, अनुसंधान कर्ता providers of great Insights,
enlightend researchers
गभीरं - प्रभावशील effective
पृथुबुधमिन्द्रü -उत्तम ज्ञान से प्रेरित intellectually highly disciplined
श्रुतऋषि - वैदिक ज्ञान के आधार पर अग्रसर होने वाले building further
on the earlier knowledge base wisdom of Vedic Rishis)
मुग्रम्भिमातिशाह्म - सब समस्याओं का समाधान करें ntensely occupied able to
resolve all the problems and obstacles
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#4 प्राथमिकता -Fourth Priority
RV 10.47.4 सत्य अहिंसा आधारित नीति (Transparent Competency)
साद्वाजं विप्रवीरं तरुत्रं धनस्पृतं शूशुवासं सुदक्षम् !
दस्युहनं पूर्भिदमि न्द्र सत्यमभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/4
×¾Ö¯ÖϾÖ߸Óü - कुशल कार्य कर्ताओं द्वारा qualified operators
ŸÖ¹ý¡ÖÓ - सफल व्यक्तियों से achievers
¿Öæ¿Öã¾ÖÖÃÖÓ - आर्थिक सामर्थ्य सम्पन्नता financially sound
ÃÖã¤üÖ´ÖË - प्रशिक्षित दक्षता well trained
¤üõÖãÆü¬Ö´ÖË - विघ्नकारियों पर विजय पाने वाले overcoming disruptive forces
¯Öæ„ ×³Ö¤ü´ÖË - विघ्नकर्ताओं के भेद पा कर by reaching the roots of such wrong
ÃÖŸµÖÓ - पारदर्शी सत्याचरण से by transparent means
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#5 प्राथमिकता Next Priority
RV 10.47.5 मार्ग, ऊर्जा, परिवहन, संसाधन
(Full Infrastructural facilities- Transport)
अश्वावन्तं रथिनं वीरवन्तं सहस्रिणं शतिनं वाजमिन्द्र !
भद्र वातं विप्रवीरं स्वर्षामस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/5
अश्वावन्तं रथिनं – समाज के लिए यातायात के उचित साधन well engineered
energy efficient means of transport
वीरवन्तं - कुशल स्वप्रेरित कर्मठ कार्य कर्ता excellent workforce
सहस्रिणं शतिनं – बहुत सारे thousands of
वाजमिन्द्र - सक्षम backed by strength of
भद्र वातं – समाज हितैषी do-gooders
विप्रवीरं - प्रशिक्षित शिल्पजीवी intelligent qualified work force
स्वर्षा – सेवाएं प्रदान करने वाले service providers
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#6 प्राथमिकता Sixth priority
RV 10.47.6 (Environmentally sustainable)
प्र सप्तगुमृतधीतिं सुमेधां बृहस्पतिं मतिरच्छा जिगाति !
य आङ्गिरसो नमसोपद्यो Sस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/6
प्रसप्तगुमृतधीतिं सुमेधा- (समाज में) सप्त मर्यादा पालक उत्तम बुद्धिजन्य वृत्ति
की परिभाषा सप्त मर्यादाओं
ब्रह्महत्या सुरापा¬नं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गागमः ।
महान्ति पातका¬यहुः ससर्गंश्चापि तैः सह ॥ मनु:11-54 )
सात पाप हैं, 1-चोरी,2-ब्रह्महत्या-गुरू ,विद्वा¬न बुद्धिजीवी की हत्या (भावनाओं की अवहेलना) ,3-व्यभिचार, 4- गोहत्या ,5-सुरापा¬न , 6- बुरे कामों को बार बार कर¬ना,7- पाप करके पु¬न: झूट बोल¬ना ।
सप्त मर्यादा पालन करने वाले,
बृहस्पति- विद्वत्ता युक्त संभाषण करने मे कुशल good articulate skills
मतिरच्छा जिगाति - सद्विचार जागृत करने वाले invokes good common sense
ऐसे प्रजाजन समाज को स्थायित्व प्रदान करते हैं. इस प्रकार
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
#7 प्राथमिकता Priority
RV 10.47.7 (Moral dedication in communication/media)
वनीवानो मम दूतस इन्द्रं स्तोमाश्चरन्ति सुमतीरियाना:!
हृदिस्पृशो मनसा वच्यमाना अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/7
वनीवान: मम दूतस: स्तोमा - interactions communicating friendly
concerns and entreaties.
सुमति: इयाना: इन्द्रं चरन्ति - well intentioned good guidance to act
हृदिस्पर्शा: मनसा वच्यमाना:- conceived with sincere heart touching motives
अस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणं रयिं दा:… अस्मभ्यं हमारे लिए , चित्रं विस्मयकारी प्रचुर , रयिं धन धान्य सम्पन्नता सफलता ,वृषणं की वर्षा ,दा: उपलब्ध हो. दीजिए.
Provide us with abundant wealth of prosperity
RV 10.47.8 (grandeur of the bounties)
यत् त्वा यामि दद्धि तन्न इन्द्र बृहतं क्षयमसमं जनानाम् !
अभि तद् द्यावापृथिवी गृणीता मस्मभ्यं चित्रं वृषणंरयिं दा: !! ऋग्वेद 10/47/8
त्वा यत् यामि हम उस की इच्छा करते हैं that we seek
बृहतं क्षयं जनानां असमम्- विशाल आवास गृह जो समस्त विश्व में श्रेष्ठ होंspacious dwellings and accommodations very best for every body
तत् द्यावापृथिवी अभि गृणीताम्- इस भूमि पर तथा अंतरिक्ष में available on ground and outer space
Education to empower in Vedas
RV10.42_AV20.89 Higher Learning
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 42 उच्च शिक्षा विषय
उत्तम वाणी Language Communication
अस्तेव सु प्रतरं लायमस्यन् भूषन्निव प्र भरा स्तोममस्मै |
वाचा विप्रास्तरत वाचमर्यो नि रामय जरितः सोम इन्द्रम || ऋ10.42.1,अथर्व20.89.1
Develop language communication skills to understand your adversary and direct your words to reach their targets just as sharp arrows reach their targets.
उत्तम ज्ञान द्वारा अपने प्रतिद्वंदि की वाणी( नीति) को समझ कर अपनी वाणी रूपी नीति को सुसज्जित कर के लक्ष्य तक पहुंचने वाले बाणों जैसा बना.
गुरु जनों के सखा make friends with teachers
दोहेन गामुप शिक्षा सखायं प्र बोधय जरितर्जारमिन्द्रम |
कोशं न पूर्णं वसुना न्यृष्टमा च्यावय मघदेयाय शूरम || ऋ10.42.2,अथर्व 20.89.2
Great scholars are humble as they are weighted down by their knowledge, wisdom and honors they have received for their life time’s achievements, develop friendly devotion to them to partake of their wisdom. .
भारी ज्ञान के कोष के बोझ से झुके हुवे गुरु को उत्तम शिक्षा पाने के लिए अपना मित्र बना.
शिक्षा का लक्ष्य Objective of Knowledge
किमङग त्वा मघवन् भोजमाहुः शिशीहि मा शिशयं त्वा शृणोमि |
अपनस्वति मम धीरस्तु शक्र वसुविदं भगमिन्द्र भरा नः !!ऋ10.42.3,अथर्व 20.89.3
Advance resources and enthusiasm by nutrition, health, welfare of all.
ज्ञान विद्या का लक्ष्य सब मानव को धन धान्य सुख समृद्धि का लाभ पहुंचाना
कार्य क्षेत्र Assignments
त्वां जना ममसत्येष्विन्द्र संतस्थाना वि ह्वयंते समीके !
अत्रा युजं कृणुते यो हविष्मान् नासुन्वता सख्यं वष्टि शूरः!!ऋ10.42.4, अथर्व 20.89.4
Calling of the learned is to help with welfare projects with their technical knowledge, expertise in proper management of all resources.
समाजिक उन्नति और समृद्धि के कार्य मे अपने विद्या ज्ञान और कार्यकौशल द्वारा योगदान विद्वत्जनों का दायित्व बनता है
उच्च शिक्षा संस्थान Higher Learning Institutions
धनं न स्पन्द्रं बहुलं यो अस्मै तीव्रान् त्सोमाँ आसुनोति प्रयस्वान्!
तस्मै शत्रून् त्सुतुकान् प्रातरह्नो नि स्वष्ट्रान् युवति हंति वृत्रम् हन्ति वृत्रम् ||ऋ10.42.5,अथर्व 20.89.5
Allocation of funds and resources to enable deep researches and learning destroys enemies of progress of society.
धन इत्यादि से समर्थ अनुसंधान शिक्षा सन्स्थान सामाजिक उन्नति के बाधक तत्वों को नष्ट कराती हैं. कुशल समय और साधनों के प्रबन्ध से सब विघ्न नष्ट हो जाते हैं
शिक्षा का परिणाम Managers’ Role
यस्मिन् वयं दधिमा शंसमिन्द्रे यः शिश्राय मघवा काममस्मे |
आराच्चित् सन् भयतामस्य शत्रुर्न्य स्मै द्युम्ना जन्या नमन्ताम् || ऋ10.42.6,अथर्व 20.89.6
Negative elements are overwhelmed by positive leadership of competent managers in the cause of public welfare.
उत्तम समर्थ कर्मठ नेतृत्व से सब विघ्नकारी शक्तियां भयभीत हो कर जन हित की नीतियों के सामने झुकें.
वैकुंठ सुख Sustainable prosperity
अस्मे आराच्छत्रुमप बाधस्व दूरमुग्रो यः शम्बःपुरुहूत तेन |
धेहि यवमद गोमदिन्द्र कर्धी धियंजरित्रे वाजरत्नाम || ऋ10.42.7,अथर्व 20.89.7
Wisdom establishes sustainable prosperity by decentralized systems based on domesticated cows.
समाज में सद्बुद्धि से गौ आधारित समृद्धि स्थापित हो, समाज धनवान हो, समीप और दूर की सब बाधाएं नष्ट हों.
शुद्ध ज्ञान प्रगति स्रोत्र R&d Links Progress
प्र यमन्तवृषसवासो अग्मन् तीव्राः सोमा बहुलान्तास इन्द्रम |
नाह दामानं मघवा नि यंसन नि सुन्वते वहति भूरि वामम || ऋ10.42.8,अथर्व 20.89.8
Material Progress is linked to environment that creates strong urge for knowledge, wisdom and deep research.
जिस समाज में ज्ञान, शिक्षा, अनुसंधान के प्रति प्रबल पिपासा होती है वह उद्यमी में शक्ति प्रद ज्ञान द्वारा अक्षय समृद्धि प्राप्त करता है.
असफलता से शिक्षा Failures are teachers
उत प्रहामतिदीव्या जयाति कर्तं यच्छ्वघ्नी विचिनोति काले |
यो देवकामो न धना रुणद्धि समित तं रायास्र्जति सवधावान || ऋ10.42.9.अथर्व 20.89.9
Failures and set backs are to be utilized for making improvements in management practices to provide excellent sustainable prosperity.
असफलताओं से शिक्षा ले कर अपनी नीतियों में सुधार करने से अपूर्व सफलता मिलती है.
गौ आधारित समाज Cow based Society
गोभिष्टरेमामतिं दुरेवां यवेन क्षुधं पुरुहूतविश्वाम् |
वयं राजभिः प्रथमा धनान्यस्माकेन वृजनेना जयेम || ऋ10.42.10,अथर्व 20.89.10
अमति जन्य दुर्बुद्धि से उत्पन्न दारिद्र्य का विकल्प गो इत्यादि पशुपालन है. इस से यथेष्ठ अन्न द्वारा
समाज में (दरिद्रों का भी) पोषण होता है. व्यक्तिगत क्षुधा नष्ट हो कर पोषित समाज में आर्थिक सम्पन्नता प्राप्त होती है. समाज के असन्तुष्ट एवं विध्वंसक तत्वों पर विजय प्राप्त होती है.
वैकुंठ इंद्र Eco Friendly prosperity
बृहस्पतिर्नः परि पातु पश्चादुतोत्तरस्मादधरादघायोः |
इद्रः पुरस्तादुत मध्यतो नः सखा सखिभ्योवरिवः कृणोतु !!ऋ10.42.11,अथर्व 20.89.11
बृहस्प्तति जगत की पालक शक्तियां हमारी वाणी द्वारा चारों दिशाओं से पापाचारी विरोद्धाम्तक शक्तियों से हमारा संरक्षण प्रदान करें. ( हम सब कुछ सोच समझ कर बोलें बिना हिंसा के ), पूर्व दिशा सूर्य और मध्यस्थानीय अंतरिक्ष और पृथ्वी हमें इंद्र जैसी उद्यमशीलता से सब को प्रिय समृद्धि पाप्त कराएं .
May we be blessed with speech facility to protect our interest from all four sides by democratic means , utilize the bounties of Sun, Atmosphere and Earth to generate wealth that is friends with every one.
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 42 उच्च शिक्षा विषय
उत्तम वाणी Language Communication
अस्तेव सु प्रतरं लायमस्यन् भूषन्निव प्र भरा स्तोममस्मै |
वाचा विप्रास्तरत वाचमर्यो नि रामय जरितः सोम इन्द्रम || ऋ10.42.1,अथर्व20.89.1
Develop language communication skills to understand your adversary and direct your words to reach their targets just as sharp arrows reach their targets.
उत्तम ज्ञान द्वारा अपने प्रतिद्वंदि की वाणी( नीति) को समझ कर अपनी वाणी रूपी नीति को सुसज्जित कर के लक्ष्य तक पहुंचने वाले बाणों जैसा बना.
गुरु जनों के सखा make friends with teachers
दोहेन गामुप शिक्षा सखायं प्र बोधय जरितर्जारमिन्द्रम |
कोशं न पूर्णं वसुना न्यृष्टमा च्यावय मघदेयाय शूरम || ऋ10.42.2,अथर्व 20.89.2
Great scholars are humble as they are weighted down by their knowledge, wisdom and honors they have received for their life time’s achievements, develop friendly devotion to them to partake of their wisdom. .
भारी ज्ञान के कोष के बोझ से झुके हुवे गुरु को उत्तम शिक्षा पाने के लिए अपना मित्र बना.
शिक्षा का लक्ष्य Objective of Knowledge
किमङग त्वा मघवन् भोजमाहुः शिशीहि मा शिशयं त्वा शृणोमि |
अपनस्वति मम धीरस्तु शक्र वसुविदं भगमिन्द्र भरा नः !!ऋ10.42.3,अथर्व 20.89.3
Advance resources and enthusiasm by nutrition, health, welfare of all.
ज्ञान विद्या का लक्ष्य सब मानव को धन धान्य सुख समृद्धि का लाभ पहुंचाना
कार्य क्षेत्र Assignments
त्वां जना ममसत्येष्विन्द्र संतस्थाना वि ह्वयंते समीके !
अत्रा युजं कृणुते यो हविष्मान् नासुन्वता सख्यं वष्टि शूरः!!ऋ10.42.4, अथर्व 20.89.4
Calling of the learned is to help with welfare projects with their technical knowledge, expertise in proper management of all resources.
समाजिक उन्नति और समृद्धि के कार्य मे अपने विद्या ज्ञान और कार्यकौशल द्वारा योगदान विद्वत्जनों का दायित्व बनता है
उच्च शिक्षा संस्थान Higher Learning Institutions
धनं न स्पन्द्रं बहुलं यो अस्मै तीव्रान् त्सोमाँ आसुनोति प्रयस्वान्!
तस्मै शत्रून् त्सुतुकान् प्रातरह्नो नि स्वष्ट्रान् युवति हंति वृत्रम् हन्ति वृत्रम् ||ऋ10.42.5,अथर्व 20.89.5
Allocation of funds and resources to enable deep researches and learning destroys enemies of progress of society.
धन इत्यादि से समर्थ अनुसंधान शिक्षा सन्स्थान सामाजिक उन्नति के बाधक तत्वों को नष्ट कराती हैं. कुशल समय और साधनों के प्रबन्ध से सब विघ्न नष्ट हो जाते हैं
शिक्षा का परिणाम Managers’ Role
यस्मिन् वयं दधिमा शंसमिन्द्रे यः शिश्राय मघवा काममस्मे |
आराच्चित् सन् भयतामस्य शत्रुर्न्य स्मै द्युम्ना जन्या नमन्ताम् || ऋ10.42.6,अथर्व 20.89.6
Negative elements are overwhelmed by positive leadership of competent managers in the cause of public welfare.
उत्तम समर्थ कर्मठ नेतृत्व से सब विघ्नकारी शक्तियां भयभीत हो कर जन हित की नीतियों के सामने झुकें.
वैकुंठ सुख Sustainable prosperity
अस्मे आराच्छत्रुमप बाधस्व दूरमुग्रो यः शम्बःपुरुहूत तेन |
धेहि यवमद गोमदिन्द्र कर्धी धियंजरित्रे वाजरत्नाम || ऋ10.42.7,अथर्व 20.89.7
Wisdom establishes sustainable prosperity by decentralized systems based on domesticated cows.
समाज में सद्बुद्धि से गौ आधारित समृद्धि स्थापित हो, समाज धनवान हो, समीप और दूर की सब बाधाएं नष्ट हों.
शुद्ध ज्ञान प्रगति स्रोत्र R&d Links Progress
प्र यमन्तवृषसवासो अग्मन् तीव्राः सोमा बहुलान्तास इन्द्रम |
नाह दामानं मघवा नि यंसन नि सुन्वते वहति भूरि वामम || ऋ10.42.8,अथर्व 20.89.8
Material Progress is linked to environment that creates strong urge for knowledge, wisdom and deep research.
जिस समाज में ज्ञान, शिक्षा, अनुसंधान के प्रति प्रबल पिपासा होती है वह उद्यमी में शक्ति प्रद ज्ञान द्वारा अक्षय समृद्धि प्राप्त करता है.
असफलता से शिक्षा Failures are teachers
उत प्रहामतिदीव्या जयाति कर्तं यच्छ्वघ्नी विचिनोति काले |
यो देवकामो न धना रुणद्धि समित तं रायास्र्जति सवधावान || ऋ10.42.9.अथर्व 20.89.9
Failures and set backs are to be utilized for making improvements in management practices to provide excellent sustainable prosperity.
असफलताओं से शिक्षा ले कर अपनी नीतियों में सुधार करने से अपूर्व सफलता मिलती है.
गौ आधारित समाज Cow based Society
गोभिष्टरेमामतिं दुरेवां यवेन क्षुधं पुरुहूतविश्वाम् |
वयं राजभिः प्रथमा धनान्यस्माकेन वृजनेना जयेम || ऋ10.42.10,अथर्व 20.89.10
अमति जन्य दुर्बुद्धि से उत्पन्न दारिद्र्य का विकल्प गो इत्यादि पशुपालन है. इस से यथेष्ठ अन्न द्वारा
समाज में (दरिद्रों का भी) पोषण होता है. व्यक्तिगत क्षुधा नष्ट हो कर पोषित समाज में आर्थिक सम्पन्नता प्राप्त होती है. समाज के असन्तुष्ट एवं विध्वंसक तत्वों पर विजय प्राप्त होती है.
वैकुंठ इंद्र Eco Friendly prosperity
बृहस्पतिर्नः परि पातु पश्चादुतोत्तरस्मादधरादघायोः |
इद्रः पुरस्तादुत मध्यतो नः सखा सखिभ्योवरिवः कृणोतु !!ऋ10.42.11,अथर्व 20.89.11
बृहस्प्तति जगत की पालक शक्तियां हमारी वाणी द्वारा चारों दिशाओं से पापाचारी विरोद्धाम्तक शक्तियों से हमारा संरक्षण प्रदान करें. ( हम सब कुछ सोच समझ कर बोलें बिना हिंसा के ), पूर्व दिशा सूर्य और मध्यस्थानीय अंतरिक्ष और पृथ्वी हमें इंद्र जैसी उद्यमशीलता से सब को प्रिय समृद्धि पाप्त कराएं .
May we be blessed with speech facility to protect our interest from all four sides by democratic means , utilize the bounties of Sun, Atmosphere and Earth to generate wealth that is friends with every one.
SOMA- Pawmaani in Vedas
Knowledge based on R& D is Mind Motivator called SOMA
(Subodh Kumar, Email-subodh1934@gmail.com),1st June 2007
On Soma: What it is and what it does
Monier Williams (in his great Sanskrit English Dictionary) interprets SOMA only at physical level as a -juice, extract,(esp.)the juice of Soma plant, (also) the Soma plant itself,(said to be a climbing plant) the stalks, an अंशु anshu of which is pressed between stones by the priests, then sprinkled with water , and purified in a strainer to get Soma. Anshu अंशु however is translated by MW as a filament(especially of Soma plant);thread; end of a thread, a minute particle; a point, end;..
There is an obvious incongruity in this interpretation of Soma. It will be physically a difficult / impractical task to press the thread, end of thread, a minute particle, a point of Soma plant. The entire concept of an already minute particle, to be pressed between stones, sprinkled with water and purified in a strainer is more in the realm of an imagined process and not physically feasible .
Thus in popular perception SOMA is a kind of herbal preparation, which is consumed for exhilarating/ stimulating benefits. But Soma is a lot more than a mere stimulating herbal concoction. The entire 9th chapter (Mandal) on Pavmani Soma of Rig Veda appears to have escaped notice of MW in giving this highly limiting interpretation of Soma. Pavmani Soma signifies a non physical entity that provides the stimulant for physical action for welfare and benefit of entire creation. A popular perception about SOM is that it is some kind of a herbal preparation, which is consumed for exhilarating benefits. However it is very clearly stipulated in Vedas-“what persons regard as Soma cannot be eaten or drunk.” RV (10.85.3) i.e., Soma is not a mere herb. Again RV10.85.2 adds, -The sun is strong by Soma, the earth is vast by Soma,…..”. The whole of RV Mandal 9 is about Soma, and clearly indicates the non physical nature of SOM.
Basically Soma represents a talent, capacity and quality which is at the root of all motivations which make possible innumerable constructive, beneficial tasks & actions, for welfare of the world.
वेदों में सोम के दो रूप दिखाइ पड्ते हैं। पावमानी सोम व सोम। पावमानि सोम चित्त को पवित्र कर्म मे प्रेरित करता है। इस से भिन्न सोम एक ज्ञान भी है जो अनुसंधान के प्रयास सेे उत्पन्न होता है।
ऋग्वेद नवां मंडल पूरा पावमानि सोम का बखान करता है। परन्तु ज्ञान का सोम कैसे उत्पन्न होता है इस के लिये ऋग्वेद10।11।4, से मार्ग दर्शन प्राप्त होता है।
यह वेदमंत्र आधुनिक विज्ञान के अनुसन्धान के बारे मे एक विलक्षण व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत करता है
How Som is created is found in Rig Veda 10.11.4
अध त्यं द्रप्सं विभ्वं विचक्षणं विराभरिदिषितः श्येनो अध्वरे।
यदी विशो वृणते दस्ममार्या अग्निं होतारमध धीरजायत।। ऋ 10.11.4
द्रप्सं साधारण दही की लस्सी indicating a very ordinarily met fluid,
विभ्वं when Looked in to by concentrating on its important aspects विचक्षणं brings to light विराभरदिषितः as if the researcher pulls out of fire, श्येनो as a hawk eyed observer taking in his notice from very high position a total perception, अध्वरे the hard intelligent worker.यदी विशो if ordinary common persons वृणते adopt such strategies of scientific enquiry दस्म they आर्या become virtuous अग्निं होतरमध by performing yagna- to get fired in to action धी: thus Som in intellect thus gets जायत born
(Newton discovered the force of gravity by deep perception and observation of a very common every day event of an apple falling from a tree. This is the phenomenon Veda is saying in above Mantra.)
2 What Som Does
What Som Does and what is the effect of Som on a person who has got “Drunk” on Som is beautifully described in the thirteen mantras of Rig Veda 10.119 and may indeed look extremely futuristic even in context of present day modern world, by people brought up in western thinking who swear by the Darwin’s theory of evolution and really believe that older civilizations of our ancestors, were very primitive and did indeed live in caves before evolving from monkeys.
This Sukta says that a person who is drunk with Soma, is
1. Impelled in to action to provide for community service to look after all the living beings and cows and horses
2. Is bubbling with enthusiasm for self motivated positive action
3. As if he is always riding on high horses
4. Has his wits always around him, like a mother cow bellowing close to her calf
5. With dedication he brings glory to his seat of action
6. Nothing escapes his keen perception
7. Has good measure of the realities on ground and in space
8. Excels in area of his action
9. Can scale up his theater of action from earth to outer space
10. Can control and transfer heat, light and energy from one place to another as per his needs
11. Can make his establishments on earth as well as in space
Have in his command energy sources comparable to Sun.
1. इति वा इति मे मनो गामश्वं सनुयामिति ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119/1
When drunk on Soma (knowledge), one is impelled in to action to provide for community the services to look after the welfare of all the living beings particularly cows and horses (as symbols of food and energy).
2. प्र वाताइव दोधत उन्मा पीता अयंसत ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119 /2
When drunk on Soma (knowledge) one is bubbling with enthusiasm for self motivated positive action
3. उन्मा पीता अयंसत रथमश्वाइवाशव: ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !!
ऋग्वेद 10/119/3
When drunk with Soma (knowledge) one is highly motivated as if he is always riding on high horses
4. उप मा मातरिस्थित वाश्रा पुत्रमिव प्रियम् ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !!
ऋग्वेद 10/119 /4
When drunk with Soma (knowledge) one has his wits always around him, like a mother cow bellowing close to her calf
5. अहं तष्टेव वन्धुरं पर्यचामि हृदा मातिम ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !!
ऋग्वेद 10/119/5
With dedication it brings glory to his seat of action
6. नहि मे अक्षिपच्चना अच्छांत्सु: पञ्च कृष्टय: ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119/6
Nothing in all the community, escapes his keen perception
7. नहि मे रोदसी उभे अन्यं पक्षं चन प्रति ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !!
ऋग्वेद 10/119 /7
Has good measure of the realities on ground and in space
8.अभि द्यां भहिना भुवमभी3मां पृथिवीं महीम् ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119 /8
His influence Excels in all area of his action on the vast earth and space
9. हन्ताहं पृथिवीमिमां नि दधानीहा वेह वा ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119/9
Scales up theater of man's action from earth to outer space (makes outer space his habitat)
10. ओषमित्पृथिवीमहं जङ्घननीह वेह वा ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119/10
He learns to control and transfer heat, light and energy from one place to another as per needs.
11- दिवि मे अन्य: पक्षो3धो अन्यमचीकृषम ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119 /11
He has one foot on earth and the other in Space
12.अहमस्मि महामहोअभिनभ्यमुदीषित: ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119/12
He has in his command sources of energy comparable to Sun in the sky.
13. गृहो याम्यरङ्कृतो देवेभ्यो हव्यवाहन: ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119 /13
Such a resourceful person by fully imbibing SOMA, is decorated and empowered to deliver like Indra.
Vedic Soma
सोमेनादित्या बलिन: सोमेना पृथिवी मही !
अथो नक्षत्राणामेषामुपस्थे सोम आहित: !! ऋग्वेद 10/85/2
Solar radiations, the greatness of earth and all the planets in the sky that support life, derive their abilities from the SOMA that is established in them.
सोमं मन्यते पपिवान्यत्संपिंषंत्योषधिम् !
सोमं यं ब्रह्माणो विदुर्न तस्याश्नाति कश्चन !! ऋग्वेद 10/85/3
Yask translates this mantra by saying-" Some chemists crush soma and then drink it, and think that they have drunk soma. This is not correct, because that is not true soma."
The Soma that Learned, Scientists, Intellectuals, know of is not an edible product.
आच्छद्विधानैर्गुपितो बार्हते सोम रक्षित: !
ग्राव्णामिच्छृएवन्तिष्ठसि नते अश्नाति पार्थिव: !! ऋग्वेद 10/85/4
It is covers and protects by well regulated non material laws governing the material world.
Soma cannot be physically consumed by a living being.
Soma in Vedic tradition thus represents essentially a non physical mind stimulant, and motivator. This motivating force for intellect is also the store of scientific knowledge from researches that are source of capability as an enabler of actions for the welfare of the society.
Language of Vedas is often highly poetical, and does not lend to literal translations. Most of the time there is reference to soma as a medicinal creeper, to be crushed under stones and then the juices strained through sieves woven from grey woolen threads. The person who finally finds this preparation of 'SOMA' gets drunk on it.
In analytical research a learned competent person follows the creeper of knowledge that has grown out of seeds planted by a problem. Experts engage in efforts to find solution /explanation to that problem. Researchers pursue the minute threads and filaments from the creeper of the existing body of researches & human knowledge, from studies and observations in nature. The topics of research problem can be in any field connected with welfare /progress of the society in social, medicinal, physical sciences. The efforts and knowledge pooled by the earlier researchers, is likened to the medicinal creeper that has grown to solve/cure the problem. The learned experts take cognizance of the accumulated knowledge of research efforts made thus far. Further research work proceeds by following the leads of the shoots and particles of the creeper of existing research work. This is like breaking one's head on stone of ignorance and crushing the minute particles अंशु of this medicinal creeper to find the 'juices'. New scientists sift and screen the data of earlier researches. This is likened to a sieve woven out of the grey hair of experience and used for straining the juices of the inference arrived at so far. The scientist who strains these 'Juices' and assimilates them in his intellect is obviously exhilarated at his findings, and is said to be intoxicated with his knowledge find.
Thus term Soma will mainly represent a knowledge, talent, capacity , quality and may also be considered to include any medicinal stimulants by uneducated people, the herbs that provide strength and stimulate motivations which make possible innumerable constructive, beneficial tasks & actions, for welfare of the world.
Knowledge based on R& D is SOMA
Knowledge based on R& D is Mind Motivator called SOMA
(Subodh Kumar, Email-subodh1934@gmail.com),1st June 2007
On Soma: What it is and what it does
Monier Williams (in his great Sanskrit English Dictionary) interprets SOMA only at physical level as a -juice, extract,(esp.)the juice of Soma plant, (also) the Soma plant itself,(said to be a climbing plant) the stalks, an अंशु anshu of which is pressed between stones by the priests, then sprinkled with water , and purified in a strainer to get Soma. Anshu अंशु however is translated by MW as a filament(especially of Soma plant);thread; end of a thread, a minute particle; a point, end;..
There is an obvious incongruity in this interpretation of Soma. It will be physically a difficult / impractical task to press the thread, end of thread, a minute particle, a point of Soma plant. The entire concept of an already minute particle, to be pressed between stones, sprinkled with water and purified in a strainer is more in the realm of an imagined process and not physically feasible .
Thus in popular perception SOMA is a kind of herbal preparation, which is consumed for exhilarating/ stimulating benefits. But Soma is a lot more than a mere stimulating herbal concoction. The entire 9th chapter (Mandal) on Pavmani Soma of Rig Veda appears to have escaped notice of MW in giving this highly limiting interpretation of Soma. Pavmani Soma signifies a non physical entity that provides the stimulant for physical action for welfare and benefit of entire creation. A popular perception about SOM is that it is some kind of a herbal preparation, which is consumed for exhilarating benefits. However it is very clearly stipulated in Vedas-“what persons regard as Soma cannot be eaten or drunk.” RV (10.85.3) i.e., Soma is not a mere herb. Again RV10.85.2 adds, -The sun is strong by Soma, the earth is vast by Soma,…..”. The whole of RV Mandal 9 is about Soma, and clearly indicates the non physical nature of SOM.
Basically Soma represents a talent, capacity and quality which is at the root of all motivations which make possible innumerable constructive, beneficial tasks & actions, for welfare of the world.
वेदों में सोम के दो रूप दिखाइ पड्ते हैं। पावमानी सोम व सोम। पावमानि सोम चित्त को पवित्र कर्म मे प्रेरित करता है। इस से भिन्न सोम एक ज्ञान भी है जो अनुसंधान के प्रयास सेे उत्पन्न होता है।
ऋग्वेद नवां मंडल पूरा पावमानि सोम का बखान करता है। परन्तु ज्ञान का सोम कैसे उत्पन्न होता है इस के लिये ऋग्वेद10।11।4, से मार्ग दर्शन प्राप्त होता है।
यह वेदमंत्र आधुनिक विज्ञान के अनुसन्धान के बारे मे एक विलक्षण व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत करता है
How Som is created is found in Rig Veda 10.11.4
अध त्यं द्रप्सं विभ्वं विचक्षणं विराभरिदिषितः श्येनो अध्वरे।
यदी विशो वृणते दस्ममार्या अग्निं होतारमध धीरजायत।। ऋ 10.11.4
द्रप्सं साधारण दही की लस्सी indicating a very ordinarily met fluid,
विभ्वं when Looked in to by concentrating on its important aspects विचक्षणं brings to light विराभरदिषितः as if the researcher pulls out of fire, श्येनो as a hawk eyed observer taking in his notice from very high position a total perception, अध्वरे the hard intelligent worker.यदी विशो if ordinary common persons वृणते adopt such strategies of scientific enquiry दस्म they आर्या become virtuous अग्निं होतरमध by performing yagna- to get fired in to action धी: thus Som in intellect thus gets जायत born
(Newton discovered the force of gravity by deep perception and observation of a very common every day event of an apple falling from a tree. This is the phenomenon Veda is saying in above Mantra.)
2 What Som Does
What Som Does and what is the effect of Som on a person who has got “Drunk” on Som is beautifully described in the thirteen mantras of Rig Veda 10.119 and may indeed look extremely futuristic even in context of present day modern world, by people brought up in western thinking who swear by the Darwin’s theory of evolution and really believe that older civilizations of our ancestors, were very primitive and did indeed live in caves before evolving from monkeys.
This Sukta says that a person who is drunk with Soma, is
1. Impelled in to action to provide for community service to look after all the living beings and cows and horses
2. Is bubbling with enthusiasm for self motivated positive action
3. As if he is always riding on high horses
4. Has his wits always around him, like a mother cow bellowing close to her calf
5. With dedication he brings glory to his seat of action
6. Nothing escapes his keen perception
7. Has good measure of the realities on ground and in space
8. Excels in area of his action
9. Can scale up his theater of action from earth to outer space
10. Can control and transfer heat, light and energy from one place to another as per his needs
11. Can make his establishments on earth as well as in space
Have in his command energy sources comparable to Sun.
1. इति वा इति मे मनो गामश्वं सनुयामिति ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119/1
When drunk on Soma (knowledge), one is impelled in to action to provide for community the services to look after the welfare of all the living beings particularly cows and horses (as symbols of food and energy).
2. प्र वाताइव दोधत उन्मा पीता अयंसत ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119 /2
When drunk on Soma (knowledge) one is bubbling with enthusiasm for self motivated positive action
3. उन्मा पीता अयंसत रथमश्वाइवाशव: ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !!
ऋग्वेद 10/119/3
When drunk with Soma (knowledge) one is highly motivated as if he is always riding on high horses
4. उप मा मातरिस्थित वाश्रा पुत्रमिव प्रियम् ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !!
ऋग्वेद 10/119 /4
When drunk with Soma (knowledge) one has his wits always around him, like a mother cow bellowing close to her calf
5. अहं तष्टेव वन्धुरं पर्यचामि हृदा मातिम ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !!
ऋग्वेद 10/119/5
With dedication it brings glory to his seat of action
6. नहि मे अक्षिपच्चना अच्छांत्सु: पञ्च कृष्टय: ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119/6
Nothing in all the community, escapes his keen perception
7. नहि मे रोदसी उभे अन्यं पक्षं चन प्रति ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !!
ऋग्वेद 10/119 /7
Has good measure of the realities on ground and in space
8.अभि द्यां भहिना भुवमभी3मां पृथिवीं महीम् ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119 /8
His influence Excels in all area of his action on the vast earth and space
9. हन्ताहं पृथिवीमिमां नि दधानीहा वेह वा ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119/9
Scales up theater of man's action from earth to outer space (makes outer space his habitat)
10. ओषमित्पृथिवीमहं जङ्घननीह वेह वा ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119/10
He learns to control and transfer heat, light and energy from one place to another as per needs.
11- दिवि मे अन्य: पक्षो3धो अन्यमचीकृषम ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119 /11
He has one foot on earth and the other in Space
12.अहमस्मि महामहोअभिनभ्यमुदीषित: ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119/12
He has in his command sources of energy comparable to Sun in the sky.
13. गृहो याम्यरङ्कृतो देवेभ्यो हव्यवाहन: ! कुवितसोमस्यापामिति !! ऋग्वेद 10/119 /13
Such a resourceful person by fully imbibing SOMA, is decorated and empowered to deliver like Indra.
Vedic Soma
सोमेनादित्या बलिन: सोमेना पृथिवी मही !
अथो नक्षत्राणामेषामुपस्थे सोम आहित: !! ऋग्वेद 10/85/2
Solar radiations, the greatness of earth and all the planets in the sky that support life, derive their abilities from the SOMA that is established in them.
सोमं मन्यते पपिवान्यत्संपिंषंत्योषधिम् !
सोमं यं ब्रह्माणो विदुर्न तस्याश्नाति कश्चन !! ऋग्वेद 10/85/3
Yask translates this mantra by saying-" Some chemists crush soma and then drink it, and think that they have drunk soma. This is not correct, because that is not true soma."
The Soma that Learned, Scientists, Intellectuals, know of is not an edible product.
आच्छद्विधानैर्गुपितो बार्हते सोम रक्षित: !
ग्राव्णामिच्छृएवन्तिष्ठसि नते अश्नाति पार्थिव: !! ऋग्वेद 10/85/4
It is covers and protects by well regulated non material laws governing the material world.
Soma cannot be physically consumed by a living being.
Soma in Vedic tradition thus represents essentially a non physical mind stimulant, and motivator. This motivating force for intellect is also the store of scientific knowledge from researches that are source of capability as an enabler of actions for the welfare of the society.
Language of Vedas is often highly poetical, and does not lend to literal translations. Most of the time there is reference to soma as a medicinal creeper, to be crushed under stones and then the juices strained through sieves woven from grey woolen threads. The person who finally finds this preparation of 'SOMA' gets drunk on it.
In analytical research a learned competent person follows the creeper of knowledge that has grown out of seeds planted by a problem. Experts engage in efforts to find solution /explanation to that problem. Researchers pursue the minute threads and filaments from the creeper of the existing body of researches & human knowledge, from studies and observations in nature. The topics of research problem can be in any field connected with welfare /progress of the society in social, medicinal, physical sciences. The efforts and knowledge pooled by the earlier researchers, is likened to the medicinal creeper that has grown to solve/cure the problem. The learned experts take cognizance of the accumulated knowledge of research efforts made thus far. Further research work proceeds by following the leads of the shoots and particles of the creeper of existing research work. This is like breaking one's head on stone of ignorance and crushing the minute particles अंशु of this medicinal creeper to find the 'juices'. New scientists sift and screen the data of earlier researches. This is likened to a sieve woven out of the grey hair of experience and used for straining the juices of the inference arrived at so far. The scientist who strains these 'Juices' and assimilates them in his intellect is obviously exhilarated at his findings, and is said to be intoxicated with his knowledge find.
Thus term Soma will mainly represent a knowledge, talent, capacity , quality and may also be considered to include any medicinal stimulants by uneducated people, the herbs that provide strength and stimulate motivations which make possible innumerable constructive, beneficial tasks & actions, for welfare of the world.
Knowledge based on R& D is SOMA
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Good Food in Vedas
About FOOD
ऋषिः अगस्त्यो मैत्रावरुणि-।-देवता -अन्नम्
Annam RV Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 187
पितुं नु स्तोषं महो धर्माणं तविषीम |
यस्य त्रितो वयोजसा वृत्रं विपर्वमर्दयत् ||ऋ1/187/1
(यस्य) जिस का(त्रित:) मन वचन कर्म से (वि,ओजसा)विविध प्रकार के पराक्रम तथा उपाय से (विपर्वम)अङ्ग उपाङ्गों से पूर्ण जैसे काट, छांट, बीन, छील, पीस कर(वृत्रम) स्वीकार करने योग्य धन, यहां पर धन से अन्न के सन्दर्भ मे तात्पर्य लें, खाने के योग्य (अर्दयत) प्राप्त करे, (नु) शीघ्र अन्न के संदर्भ मे ताज़ा,जैसे दुग्ध के संदर्भ मे धारोष्ण बासी पुराना रखा हुवा नही (पितुम) ओषधि रूप अन्न(मह:) बहुत (धर्माणम) गुणकारी स्वभाव वाले अन्न होते हैं (तविषीम) जिन के गुणों की (स्तोषम) प्रशंसा करते हैं.( Freshly harvested- not artificially treated for extended shelf life)
स्वादो पितो मधो पितो वयं त्वाववृमहे |
अस्माकमविता भव || ऋ1/187/2
(स्वादो) स्वादु(पितो)पान करने योग्य जलादि पदार्थ (मधो) मधु के समान (High Brix number)( त्वा) ऐसे पेय पदार्थों को (वयम) हम सब (ववृमहे) ग्रहण करें(अस्माकम) इस अन्नपान के दान से (अविता) हमारे शरीर, मस्तिष्क की सुरक्षा, वृद्धि (भव) सम्भव हो.
उप नः पितवा चर शिवः शिवाभिरूतिभिः |
मयोभुरद्विषेण्यः सखा सुशेवो अद्वयाः || ऋ1/187/3
(पितो)अन्न व्यापक कराने वाला परमात्मन(मयोभू: )सुख की भावना कराने वाले (अद्विषेण्य) किसी से द्वेष न करने वाले, सब को एक जैसा अन्न उपलब्ध करवाने वालेवाले,हमारे लिए (सुशेव:)सुंदर और सुख युक्त (अद्वया:) जिस मे द्वंद्व भाव न रखने वाला (सखा) वह मित्र आप, हे परमात्मन (शिवाभि:) सुखकारिणी वह अन्न (ऊतिभि:)रक्षा , तृप्ति, वृद्धि, तेज (न:) हम लोगो के लिए (शिव:) सुखकारी (उप, आ, चर) समीप अच्छे प्रकार से प्राप्त कराइये,( Zero Food Miles)
तव त्ये पितो रस रजांस्यनु विष्ठिताः |
दिवि वाता इव श्रिताः || ऋ1/187/4
(पितो)अन्नव्यापिन परमात्मा (तव ) उस अन्न के बीच जो (रसा: ) स्वादु खट्टा मीठा तीखा चरपरा आदि छह (मीठा,खट्टा,लवण,कटु चरपरा,तिक्त कडुवा और कषाय कसैला) (दिवि) अंतरिक्षा मे (वाताइव) पवनों के समान (श्रिता) आश्रय को प्राप्त हो रहे हैं (त्ये) वे
(रजांसि)लोकलोकांतरों को ( अनु, विष्ठिता: ) पीछे प्रविष्ट होते हैं.( Diet should consist of all natural tastes and colors of eatables)
तव त्ये पितो ददतस्तव स्वादिष्ठ ते पितो |
प्र स्वाद्मानो रसानां तुविग्रीवाइवेरते ||ऋ1/187/5
(पितो) अन्नव्यापौ पालक परमात्मन (ददत)देतेहुवे (तव) आप के जो अन्न वा(त्ये) वे पूर्वोक्त रस हैं (स्वादिष्ट)अतीव स्वादुयुक्त(पितो)पालक अन्नव्यापक परमात्मन (तव)आप के उस अन्न के सहित (ते) वे रस (रसानाम)मधुरादि रसों के बीच (स्वाद्मान:)अतीव स्वादु(तुविग्रौवाइव)जिन का प्रबल गला (develops good vocal faculties) उन जीवो के समान (प्रेरते)प्रेरणा देते अर्थात जीवों को प्रीति उत्पन्न कराते हैं.
त्वे पितो महानां देवानां मनो हितम् |
अकारि चारु केतुना तवाहिमवसावधीत् ||ऋ1/187/6
(पितो) अन्नव्यापी पालनहार परमेश्वर (तव) जिस आप की (अवसा) कृपा से सूर्य (अहिम)मेघ को (अबधीत) हन्ता है (केतुना)विज्ञान से जो (चारु)श्रेष्ठ तर (अकारि)किया जाता है वह (महानाम)महात्मा पूज्य (मन)मन(त्वे)आप में (हितम) धरा है,प्रसन्न है ( Suggesting possible artificial rains)
यददो पितो अजगनविवस्व पर्वतानाम् |
अत्रा चिन्नो मधो पितोSरं भक्षाय गम्याः ||ऋ1/187/7
(पितो) हमारा पोषण करने वाला (यत) जब यह (अद:) अन्न(अजगन) प्राप्त होता है (विवस्व) गुणवान(मघोपितो) स्वादिष्ट अन्न (अत्र,चित)(पर्वतानाम) पर्वतों से उर्वरकता युक्त (न: भक्षायअरमगम्या) हमारे खाने के लिए उप्लब्ध हो
यदपामोषधीनां परिंशमारिशामहे |
वातपे पीव इद्भव || ऋ1/187/8
(वातापे) भौतिक शरीर (अपाम ओषधीनाम्) तरल जल ओषधी पदार्थ इत्यादि (यतआरिशामहे पीब:) जो हम खाते हैं पी कर (इत भव) स्वस्थ हृष्ट पुष्ट करें.
यत्ते सोम गवाशिरो यवाशिरो भजामहे |
वातापे प्पेब इद्भव || ऋ1/187/9
(सोम) बुद्धि पूर्वक (गवाशिर: यवाशिर: भजामहे) गौ दुग्ध यव वनस्पति इत्यादि का भोजन जब हम गृहण करते हैं(ते) से (यत वातापे पीब: इत भव) जो हम पी कर गृहण करते हैं (खाना भी पी कर गृहण होता है)हमारे शरीर को स्वस्थ ह्रष्ट पुष्ट करे.
करम्भ ओषधे भव पीवो वृक्क उदारथिः |
वातापे पीब इद्भव || ऋ1/187/10
(ओषधे)(करम्भ: ) (उदारथि: )( वृक्क: )(पीब: ) (भव)
( वातापे) (पीब: ) (इत) (भव) जठराग्नि को प्रदीप्त करने और पवन आदि से मुक्ति प्राप्त हो.
तं त्वा वयं पितो वचोभिर्गावो न हव्या सुषूदिम |
देवेभ्यस्त्वा सधमादमस्मभ्यं त्वा सधमादम् ||ऋ1/187/11
(पितो) (तम) (त्वा) (वचोभि: ) (गाव: )(न) (वयम) (हव्या) (सषूदिम)(देवेभ्य: )( सधमादम) (त्वा) (अस्मभ्यम)(सदमाधम) (त्वा) जैसे गौ इत्यादि तृण घास खा कर रस दूध देती हैं उसी प्रकार अन्नदि से श्रेष्ठ भाग ग्रहण करा के आनन्द से सब रहें.
ऋषिः अगस्त्यो मैत्रावरुणि-।-देवता -अन्नम्
Annam RV Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 187
पितुं नु स्तोषं महो धर्माणं तविषीम |
यस्य त्रितो वयोजसा वृत्रं विपर्वमर्दयत् ||ऋ1/187/1
(यस्य) जिस का(त्रित:) मन वचन कर्म से (वि,ओजसा)विविध प्रकार के पराक्रम तथा उपाय से (विपर्वम)अङ्ग उपाङ्गों से पूर्ण जैसे काट, छांट, बीन, छील, पीस कर(वृत्रम) स्वीकार करने योग्य धन, यहां पर धन से अन्न के सन्दर्भ मे तात्पर्य लें, खाने के योग्य (अर्दयत) प्राप्त करे, (नु) शीघ्र अन्न के संदर्भ मे ताज़ा,जैसे दुग्ध के संदर्भ मे धारोष्ण बासी पुराना रखा हुवा नही (पितुम) ओषधि रूप अन्न(मह:) बहुत (धर्माणम) गुणकारी स्वभाव वाले अन्न होते हैं (तविषीम) जिन के गुणों की (स्तोषम) प्रशंसा करते हैं.( Freshly harvested- not artificially treated for extended shelf life)
स्वादो पितो मधो पितो वयं त्वाववृमहे |
अस्माकमविता भव || ऋ1/187/2
(स्वादो) स्वादु(पितो)पान करने योग्य जलादि पदार्थ (मधो) मधु के समान (High Brix number)( त्वा) ऐसे पेय पदार्थों को (वयम) हम सब (ववृमहे) ग्रहण करें(अस्माकम) इस अन्नपान के दान से (अविता) हमारे शरीर, मस्तिष्क की सुरक्षा, वृद्धि (भव) सम्भव हो.
उप नः पितवा चर शिवः शिवाभिरूतिभिः |
मयोभुरद्विषेण्यः सखा सुशेवो अद्वयाः || ऋ1/187/3
(पितो)अन्न व्यापक कराने वाला परमात्मन(मयोभू: )सुख की भावना कराने वाले (अद्विषेण्य) किसी से द्वेष न करने वाले, सब को एक जैसा अन्न उपलब्ध करवाने वालेवाले,हमारे लिए (सुशेव:)सुंदर और सुख युक्त (अद्वया:) जिस मे द्वंद्व भाव न रखने वाला (सखा) वह मित्र आप, हे परमात्मन (शिवाभि:) सुखकारिणी वह अन्न (ऊतिभि:)रक्षा , तृप्ति, वृद्धि, तेज (न:) हम लोगो के लिए (शिव:) सुखकारी (उप, आ, चर) समीप अच्छे प्रकार से प्राप्त कराइये,( Zero Food Miles)
तव त्ये पितो रस रजांस्यनु विष्ठिताः |
दिवि वाता इव श्रिताः || ऋ1/187/4
(पितो)अन्नव्यापिन परमात्मा (तव ) उस अन्न के बीच जो (रसा: ) स्वादु खट्टा मीठा तीखा चरपरा आदि छह (मीठा,खट्टा,लवण,कटु चरपरा,तिक्त कडुवा और कषाय कसैला) (दिवि) अंतरिक्षा मे (वाताइव) पवनों के समान (श्रिता) आश्रय को प्राप्त हो रहे हैं (त्ये) वे
(रजांसि)लोकलोकांतरों को ( अनु, विष्ठिता: ) पीछे प्रविष्ट होते हैं.( Diet should consist of all natural tastes and colors of eatables)
तव त्ये पितो ददतस्तव स्वादिष्ठ ते पितो |
प्र स्वाद्मानो रसानां तुविग्रीवाइवेरते ||ऋ1/187/5
(पितो) अन्नव्यापौ पालक परमात्मन (ददत)देतेहुवे (तव) आप के जो अन्न वा(त्ये) वे पूर्वोक्त रस हैं (स्वादिष्ट)अतीव स्वादुयुक्त(पितो)पालक अन्नव्यापक परमात्मन (तव)आप के उस अन्न के सहित (ते) वे रस (रसानाम)मधुरादि रसों के बीच (स्वाद्मान:)अतीव स्वादु(तुविग्रौवाइव)जिन का प्रबल गला (develops good vocal faculties) उन जीवो के समान (प्रेरते)प्रेरणा देते अर्थात जीवों को प्रीति उत्पन्न कराते हैं.
त्वे पितो महानां देवानां मनो हितम् |
अकारि चारु केतुना तवाहिमवसावधीत् ||ऋ1/187/6
(पितो) अन्नव्यापी पालनहार परमेश्वर (तव) जिस आप की (अवसा) कृपा से सूर्य (अहिम)मेघ को (अबधीत) हन्ता है (केतुना)विज्ञान से जो (चारु)श्रेष्ठ तर (अकारि)किया जाता है वह (महानाम)महात्मा पूज्य (मन)मन(त्वे)आप में (हितम) धरा है,प्रसन्न है ( Suggesting possible artificial rains)
यददो पितो अजगनविवस्व पर्वतानाम् |
अत्रा चिन्नो मधो पितोSरं भक्षाय गम्याः ||ऋ1/187/7
(पितो) हमारा पोषण करने वाला (यत) जब यह (अद:) अन्न(अजगन) प्राप्त होता है (विवस्व) गुणवान(मघोपितो) स्वादिष्ट अन्न (अत्र,चित)(पर्वतानाम) पर्वतों से उर्वरकता युक्त (न: भक्षायअरमगम्या) हमारे खाने के लिए उप्लब्ध हो
यदपामोषधीनां परिंशमारिशामहे |
वातपे पीव इद्भव || ऋ1/187/8
(वातापे) भौतिक शरीर (अपाम ओषधीनाम्) तरल जल ओषधी पदार्थ इत्यादि (यतआरिशामहे पीब:) जो हम खाते हैं पी कर (इत भव) स्वस्थ हृष्ट पुष्ट करें.
यत्ते सोम गवाशिरो यवाशिरो भजामहे |
वातापे प्पेब इद्भव || ऋ1/187/9
(सोम) बुद्धि पूर्वक (गवाशिर: यवाशिर: भजामहे) गौ दुग्ध यव वनस्पति इत्यादि का भोजन जब हम गृहण करते हैं(ते) से (यत वातापे पीब: इत भव) जो हम पी कर गृहण करते हैं (खाना भी पी कर गृहण होता है)हमारे शरीर को स्वस्थ ह्रष्ट पुष्ट करे.
करम्भ ओषधे भव पीवो वृक्क उदारथिः |
वातापे पीब इद्भव || ऋ1/187/10
(ओषधे)(करम्भ: ) (उदारथि: )( वृक्क: )(पीब: ) (भव)
( वातापे) (पीब: ) (इत) (भव) जठराग्नि को प्रदीप्त करने और पवन आदि से मुक्ति प्राप्त हो.
तं त्वा वयं पितो वचोभिर्गावो न हव्या सुषूदिम |
देवेभ्यस्त्वा सधमादमस्मभ्यं त्वा सधमादम् ||ऋ1/187/11
(पितो) (तम) (त्वा) (वचोभि: ) (गाव: )(न) (वयम) (हव्या) (सषूदिम)(देवेभ्य: )( सधमादम) (त्वा) (अस्मभ्यम)(सदमाधम) (त्वा) जैसे गौ इत्यादि तृण घास खा कर रस दूध देती हैं उसी प्रकार अन्नदि से श्रेष्ठ भाग ग्रहण करा के आनन्द से सब रहें.
Good Nutrition in Vedas
Rishi: Gritasamad, Devta SomaPushano
ऋ 2-40
ऋषिः गृत्समद् भार्गवः शौनकः देवताः सोमापूषणौः
( Note: The Rishi of this Sukta-Chapter- is Gritsamad- The Intelligent one who wants to bring cheerfulness around. The Devta- Topic- is SomaPushna- intelligent Nutritional Strategies i.e. the science of Nutrition )
सोमापूषणा जनना रयीणां जनना दिवो जनना पृथिव्याः।
जातौ विश्वस्य भुवनस्य गोपौ देवा अकृण्वन्नमृतस्य नाभिः ।। ऋ 2-40-1
Nutritionists are the generators of 'wealth' through Nutritive food. From good food comes intellect that generate riches and activities on the earth and outer space. From its very inception they are the guardians of sustainability of this earth.
अथ सौम्यम् ।अन्नं वै सोमोऽन्नेनैव तत्प्रजापतिः पुनरात्मानमाप्याययतान्नमेनमुपसमावर्ततान्नमनुक्रमात्मनोऽकुरुतान्नेनोऽ एवैष एतदाप्यायते ऽन्नमेनमुपसमावर्तते ऽन्नमनुकमात्मनः कुरुते। शतपथ 3।9।1।8
तद्यत्सारस्वतमनु भवति । वाग्वै सरस्वत्यन्नं सोमस्तस्माद्यो वाचा पसाम्यन्नादो हैव भवति। शतपथ 3।9।1।9
इमाव देवौ जायमानौ जुषन्ते -मौ तमांसि गूहतामजुष्टा ।
आभ्यामिन्द्रः पक्वामामास्वन्तः सोमापूषभ्यां जनदुस्रियासु ।। ऋ 2-40-2
In their very beginning the gloom of lack of nutrition is dispelled by emergence of milk in young immature females. (Mothers, Cows, and rains from clouds)
सोमापूस्हाणा रजसो विमानं सप्तचक्रं रथमविश्वमिन्वम् ।
विषूवृतं मनसा युज्यमानं तं जिन्वमथो वृषणा पञ्चरश्मिम् ।। ऋ 2-40-3
( Human body is likened to a chariot with five controlling reins- the five PrAAnas पञ्च प्राण- अपान,व्यान,उदान, समान और मन) Nutrition makes a strong performing creative person ( likened to a वृषभ a performing bull), who manages the available resources to enable movements on this earth and beyond ( Outer Space) ( There is reference to a possible space vehicle equipped with seven wheels or perhaps booster rockets?
दिव्यन्यः सदनं चक्र उच्चा पृथिव्यामन्यो अध्यन्तरिक्षे ।
तावस्मभ्यं पुरुवारं पुरुक्षं रायस्पोषं वि ष्यतां नाभिमस्मे ।। ऋ 2-40-4
The resulting activities from good nutrition give rise to desirable and much sought after health, wealth , fame and progeny on this earth and for control over outer space.
विश्वान्यन्यो भुवना जजान विश्वमन्यो अभिचक्षाण एति ।
सोमापूषणाववतं धियं मे युवाभ्यां विश्वाः पृतनः जयेम ।। ऋ2-40-5
While on one hand it has a role in creating the existing situations in life, on the other hand it is guided by its wisdom to take measures for correcting any unbalances, to defeat destructive forces.
धियं पूषा जिन्वतु विश्वमिन्वो रयि सोमो रयिपतिर्दधातु ।
अवतु देव्यदितिरनर्वा बृहद् वदेम विदथे सुवीरः ।। ऋ 2-40-6
May the supreme nutrition provider पूषा-†ÖפüŸµÖ- Sun, feed our intellects ( Can we see a link with Omega3 and solar radiation for brain development ?), and give us wisdom to have health wealth, wisdom, progeny and shun unsustainable activities to bring welfare to the entire society.
ऋ 2-40
ऋषिः गृत्समद् भार्गवः शौनकः देवताः सोमापूषणौः
( Note: The Rishi of this Sukta-Chapter- is Gritsamad- The Intelligent one who wants to bring cheerfulness around. The Devta- Topic- is SomaPushna- intelligent Nutritional Strategies i.e. the science of Nutrition )
सोमापूषणा जनना रयीणां जनना दिवो जनना पृथिव्याः।
जातौ विश्वस्य भुवनस्य गोपौ देवा अकृण्वन्नमृतस्य नाभिः ।। ऋ 2-40-1
Nutritionists are the generators of 'wealth' through Nutritive food. From good food comes intellect that generate riches and activities on the earth and outer space. From its very inception they are the guardians of sustainability of this earth.
अथ सौम्यम् ।अन्नं वै सोमोऽन्नेनैव तत्प्रजापतिः पुनरात्मानमाप्याययतान्नमेनमुपसमावर्ततान्नमनुक्रमात्मनोऽकुरुतान्नेनोऽ एवैष एतदाप्यायते ऽन्नमेनमुपसमावर्तते ऽन्नमनुकमात्मनः कुरुते। शतपथ 3।9।1।8
तद्यत्सारस्वतमनु भवति । वाग्वै सरस्वत्यन्नं सोमस्तस्माद्यो वाचा पसाम्यन्नादो हैव भवति। शतपथ 3।9।1।9
इमाव देवौ जायमानौ जुषन्ते -मौ तमांसि गूहतामजुष्टा ।
आभ्यामिन्द्रः पक्वामामास्वन्तः सोमापूषभ्यां जनदुस्रियासु ।। ऋ 2-40-2
In their very beginning the gloom of lack of nutrition is dispelled by emergence of milk in young immature females. (Mothers, Cows, and rains from clouds)
सोमापूस्हाणा रजसो विमानं सप्तचक्रं रथमविश्वमिन्वम् ।
विषूवृतं मनसा युज्यमानं तं जिन्वमथो वृषणा पञ्चरश्मिम् ।। ऋ 2-40-3
( Human body is likened to a chariot with five controlling reins- the five PrAAnas पञ्च प्राण- अपान,व्यान,उदान, समान और मन) Nutrition makes a strong performing creative person ( likened to a वृषभ a performing bull), who manages the available resources to enable movements on this earth and beyond ( Outer Space) ( There is reference to a possible space vehicle equipped with seven wheels or perhaps booster rockets?
दिव्यन्यः सदनं चक्र उच्चा पृथिव्यामन्यो अध्यन्तरिक्षे ।
तावस्मभ्यं पुरुवारं पुरुक्षं रायस्पोषं वि ष्यतां नाभिमस्मे ।। ऋ 2-40-4
The resulting activities from good nutrition give rise to desirable and much sought after health, wealth , fame and progeny on this earth and for control over outer space.
विश्वान्यन्यो भुवना जजान विश्वमन्यो अभिचक्षाण एति ।
सोमापूषणाववतं धियं मे युवाभ्यां विश्वाः पृतनः जयेम ।। ऋ2-40-5
While on one hand it has a role in creating the existing situations in life, on the other hand it is guided by its wisdom to take measures for correcting any unbalances, to defeat destructive forces.
धियं पूषा जिन्वतु विश्वमिन्वो रयि सोमो रयिपतिर्दधातु ।
अवतु देव्यदितिरनर्वा बृहद् वदेम विदथे सुवीरः ।। ऋ 2-40-6
May the supreme nutrition provider पूषा-†ÖפüŸµÖ- Sun, feed our intellects ( Can we see a link with Omega3 and solar radiation for brain development ?), and give us wisdom to have health wealth, wisdom, progeny and shun unsustainable activities to bring welfare to the entire society.
national Planning in Vedas
National Planning RV 2/11
ऋषि:- गृत्समद: आंगिरस: शौनहोत्र:, पश्चाद् भार्गव: शौनक:
गृत्समद: -(गृणाति इति गृत्स:, माद्यतीति मद:) गृणाति अर्चति- प्रभु की स्तुति करता है और सदा प्रसन्न रहता है- is close to Divine thus is never depressed- always in good cheer.)
आंगिरस: - अंगों से शक्ति सम्पन्न है- is physically strong and empowered
शौनहोत्र:- (शुनं सुखं जुहोति) लोक सुख के लिए अपने सुख की आहुति देता है.- He is dedicated to public welfare.
पश्चाद् भार्गव: शौनक: -One achieves this character after one is भार्गव:- भृगु पुत्र अर्थात पहले अत्यन्त तपस्वी जीवन तथा शौनक (शुन् गतौ) खूब क्रियाशील कर्मठ जीवन- ब्रह्मचर्याश्रम के पश्चात वर्तमान गृहस्थ जीवन में इस परिस्थिति को प्राप्त
Addressed to Indra
the Line function Head
(राजधर्म) National Planning
Plan for higher levels of Prosperity
श्रुधी हवमिन्द्र मा रिशण्यः स्याम ते दावने वसूनाम |
इमा हि त्वामूर्जो वर्धयन्ति वसूयवः सिन्धवो न क्षरन्तः || ऋ2/11/1
O Indra listen to our planning for achieving much higher production levels of energy, food stuff, wealth generation and achieving much higher levels of strength. Financial outlay has been earmarked to attain levels as vast as Oceans. Do not panic at the enormity of the plans.
Develop excellent Communication and publicity
for public involvement in your plans
Top priority is water resource conservation
सृजो महीरिन्द्र या अपिन्वः परिष्ठिता अहिना शूर पूर्वीः |
अमर्त्यं चिद्दासं मन्यमानमवाभिनदुक्थैर्वावृधानः ||
First priority is managing Water resources. Action proceeds on three levels.
i. Taking stock of total water situation (Water Foot Print)- Wherever water source is not potable and useful or water is not utilized in most sustainable manner, bring about public awareness and involvement by communication / education/ research and technology.
ii. Explore potential /hidden water sources.
iii. Meet the requirements of all for appropriate quality and needs of water.
Transparency and Public acceptance of all plans
उक्थेष्विन्नु शूर येषु चाकन्स्तोमेष्विन्द्र रुद्रियेषु च |
तुभ्येदेता यासु मन्दसानः प्र वायवे सिस्रते न शुभ्राः ||
All initiatives should be for enlightenment by spreading and sharing knowledge of community , and made freely available like sunshine, which dispels darkness and provides healthy life without discrimination, at all times.
Community participation in Forest resource
शुभ्रं नु ते शुष्मं वर्धयन्तः शुभ्रं वज्रं बाह्वोर्दधानाः |
शुभ्रस्त्वमिन्द्र वावृनो अस्मे दासीर्विशः सूर्येण सह्याः || ऋ2/11/4
(Having developed water resource management) Proceed on a fast pace, to expand the wealth of the forests and make it free of criminal activities, by using bright and effective administration.
Locate Hidden Water Resources & Rain Making
गुहा हितं गुह्यं गूळ्हमप्स्वपीवृतं मायिनं क्षियन्तम् |
उतो अपो द्यां तस्तभ्वांसमहन्नहिं शूर वीर्येण ||ऋ2/11/5
Locate hidden underground water sources and establish aggressive systems/technology of extracting water from clouds.
Develop Solar technologies
स्त्वा नु त इन्द्र पूर्व्या महान्युत सतवाम नूतना कृतानि |
स्त्वा वज्रं बाह्वोरुशन्तं स्त्वा हरी सूर्यस्य केतू ||ऋ2/11/6
Record of the excellent works executed by you in past has guided us in formulation of the present projects.
Develop Hydroelectric Power/Irrigation Systems
हरी नु त इन्द्र वाजयन्ता घृतश्चुतं सवारमस्वार्ष्टाम |
वि समना भूमिरप्रथिष्टारंस्त पर्वतश्चित सरिष्यन् || ऋ2/11/7
Work has to proceed on fast pace to make the soil fertile and prevent inundation of forests by ensuring timely and proper release of water by rain bearing clouds.
Constant Education R&D efforts
नि पर्वतः साद्यप्रयुच्छन्त्सं मातृभिर्वावशानो अक्रान् |
दूरे पारे वाणीं वर्धयन्त इन्द्रेषितां धमनिं पप्रथन्नि || ऋ2/11/8
Clouds keep roaming aimlessly in the sky. People only hear those making loud sounds. The impact of these rain bearing clouds has to be made more widespread and useful.
Make Nation Feel Secure
इन्द्रो महां सिन्धुमाशयानं मायाविनं वृत्रमस्फुरन्नि: |
अरेजेतां रोदसी भियाने कनिक्रदतो वृष्णो अस्य वज्रात ||ऋ2/11/9
Sleeping treacherous clouds (Dark evil forces) have to be made fearful of our strength to make them part with the waters imprisoned by them.
Dispel Negative thoughts
अरोरवीदवृष्णो अस्य वज्रोSमानुषं यन मानुषो निजूर्वात |
नि मायिनो दानवस्य माया अपादयत पपिवान सुतस्य ||ऋ2/11/10
It is in the interest of public welfare that forces like dark clouds that only scare by their loud noises (avoid negative thinking), and are inimical to good rains have to be dealt with on the strength of good research and technology.
Develop Natural Herbal Health Care
पिबा-पिबेदिन्द्र शूर सोमं मन्दन्तु त्वा मन्दिनः सुतासः |
पृणन्तस्ते कुक्षी वर्धयन्त्वित्था सुतः पौर इन्द्रमाव ||ऋ2/11/11
It is of utmost importance to undertake research and implementation of the technology in this area.
Provide excellent health Care
त्वे इन्द्राप्यभूम विप्रा धियं वनेम ऋतया सपन्तः |
अवस्यवो धीमहि प्रशस्तिं सद्यस्ते रायो दावने स्याम || ऋ2/11/12
All intellectuals in the community should be attracted to this effort. And there shall be no shortage of support by finance also for such projects.
Make Budgetary allocations
स्याम ते त इन्द्र ये त ऊती अवस्यव ऊर्जं वर्द्धयन्तः |
शुष्मिन्तमं यं चाकनाम देवास्मे रयिं रासि वीरवन्तम् || ऋ2/11/13
To build up our welfare state in perpetuity, take up projects to enhance the enthusiasm and strength of participants by providing strong financial backing.
Enlist support of Probiotic Microbial Forces
रासि क्षयं रासि मित्रमस्मे रासि शर्द्ध इन्द्र मारुतं नः |
सजोषसो ये च मन्दसानाः प्रवायवः पान्त्यग्रणीतिम ||ऋ2/11/14
Build an ecosystem rich in life promoting microbes (pollution free) environment that ensure healthy living conditions for all.
Promote Knowledge based Entrepreneurships
व्यन्त्विन्नु येषु मन्दसानस्तृपत्सोमं पाहि द्रह्यदिन्द्र |
अस्मान सु पृत्स्वा तरुत्रावर्धयो द्यां बृहद्भिरर्कैः || ऋ2/11/15
Just as bright sunshine dispels darkness, take up researches to remove gaps in knowledge to enhance welfare and prosperity for all.
Provide Excellent Infrastructure/Housing
बृहन्त इन्नु ये ते तरुत्रोक्थेभिर्वा सुम्नमाविवासान् |
स्तृणानासो बर्हिः पस्त्यावत्वोता इदिन्द्र वाजमग्मन् ||ऋ2/11/16
Take up planning for building huge infrastructure to provide comfortable housing and good food supply chain for comforts of all.
Ensure good Happiness
उग्रेष्विन्नु शूर मन्दसानस्त्रिकद्रुकेषु पाहि सोममिन्द्र |
प्रदोधुवच्छ्मश्रुषु प्रीणानो याहि हरिभ्यां सुतस्य पीतिम् ||ऋ2/11/17
Provide knowledge and education base for people to achieve health, positive attitudes and peace of mind, devote good energy and resources to achieve these .
Destroy Forces of Darkness and Evil
धिष्वा शवः शूर येन वृत्रमवाभिनद्दानुमौर्णवाभम् |
अपावृणोर्ज्योतिरार्य्याय नि सव्यतः सादि दस्युरिन्द्र ||ऋ2/11/18
Like Sun that dispels darkness and despair, provide strength to the deprived and needy to get them justice and hope .
Strengthen the Positive Forces
सनेम ये त ऊतिभिस्तरन्तो विश्वा स्पृध आर्येण दस्यून् |
अस्मभ्यं तत्त्वाष्ट्रं विश्वरूपमरन्धयः साख्यस्य त्रिताय ||ऋ2/11/19
Strengthen Positive forces to provide happiness at the three levels Physical , intellectual and moral
Full Resource employment in all dimensions
अस्य सुवानस्य मन्दिनस्त्रितस्य न्यर्बुदं वावृधानो अस्तः |
अवर्तयत्सूर्यो न चक्रं भिनद् बलमिन्द्रो अङगिरस्वान् ||ऋ2/11/20
Resources should be employed in all the three dimensions
Provide finances for good schemes
नूनं सा ते प्रति वरं जरित्रे दुहीयदिन्द्र दक्षिणा मघोनी |
शिक्षा सतोतृभ्यो माति धग्भगो नो बृहद्वदेम विदथे सुवीरा:!!
Finances spent on good schemes bear excellent returns
ऋषि:- गृत्समद: आंगिरस: शौनहोत्र:, पश्चाद् भार्गव: शौनक:
गृत्समद: -(गृणाति इति गृत्स:, माद्यतीति मद:) गृणाति अर्चति- प्रभु की स्तुति करता है और सदा प्रसन्न रहता है- is close to Divine thus is never depressed- always in good cheer.)
आंगिरस: - अंगों से शक्ति सम्पन्न है- is physically strong and empowered
शौनहोत्र:- (शुनं सुखं जुहोति) लोक सुख के लिए अपने सुख की आहुति देता है.- He is dedicated to public welfare.
पश्चाद् भार्गव: शौनक: -One achieves this character after one is भार्गव:- भृगु पुत्र अर्थात पहले अत्यन्त तपस्वी जीवन तथा शौनक (शुन् गतौ) खूब क्रियाशील कर्मठ जीवन- ब्रह्मचर्याश्रम के पश्चात वर्तमान गृहस्थ जीवन में इस परिस्थिति को प्राप्त
Addressed to Indra
the Line function Head
(राजधर्म) National Planning
Plan for higher levels of Prosperity
श्रुधी हवमिन्द्र मा रिशण्यः स्याम ते दावने वसूनाम |
इमा हि त्वामूर्जो वर्धयन्ति वसूयवः सिन्धवो न क्षरन्तः || ऋ2/11/1
O Indra listen to our planning for achieving much higher production levels of energy, food stuff, wealth generation and achieving much higher levels of strength. Financial outlay has been earmarked to attain levels as vast as Oceans. Do not panic at the enormity of the plans.
Develop excellent Communication and publicity
for public involvement in your plans
Top priority is water resource conservation
सृजो महीरिन्द्र या अपिन्वः परिष्ठिता अहिना शूर पूर्वीः |
अमर्त्यं चिद्दासं मन्यमानमवाभिनदुक्थैर्वावृधानः ||
First priority is managing Water resources. Action proceeds on three levels.
i. Taking stock of total water situation (Water Foot Print)- Wherever water source is not potable and useful or water is not utilized in most sustainable manner, bring about public awareness and involvement by communication / education/ research and technology.
ii. Explore potential /hidden water sources.
iii. Meet the requirements of all for appropriate quality and needs of water.
Transparency and Public acceptance of all plans
उक्थेष्विन्नु शूर येषु चाकन्स्तोमेष्विन्द्र रुद्रियेषु च |
तुभ्येदेता यासु मन्दसानः प्र वायवे सिस्रते न शुभ्राः ||
All initiatives should be for enlightenment by spreading and sharing knowledge of community , and made freely available like sunshine, which dispels darkness and provides healthy life without discrimination, at all times.
Community participation in Forest resource
शुभ्रं नु ते शुष्मं वर्धयन्तः शुभ्रं वज्रं बाह्वोर्दधानाः |
शुभ्रस्त्वमिन्द्र वावृनो अस्मे दासीर्विशः सूर्येण सह्याः || ऋ2/11/4
(Having developed water resource management) Proceed on a fast pace, to expand the wealth of the forests and make it free of criminal activities, by using bright and effective administration.
Locate Hidden Water Resources & Rain Making
गुहा हितं गुह्यं गूळ्हमप्स्वपीवृतं मायिनं क्षियन्तम् |
उतो अपो द्यां तस्तभ्वांसमहन्नहिं शूर वीर्येण ||ऋ2/11/5
Locate hidden underground water sources and establish aggressive systems/technology of extracting water from clouds.
Develop Solar technologies
स्त्वा नु त इन्द्र पूर्व्या महान्युत सतवाम नूतना कृतानि |
स्त्वा वज्रं बाह्वोरुशन्तं स्त्वा हरी सूर्यस्य केतू ||ऋ2/11/6
Record of the excellent works executed by you in past has guided us in formulation of the present projects.
Develop Hydroelectric Power/Irrigation Systems
हरी नु त इन्द्र वाजयन्ता घृतश्चुतं सवारमस्वार्ष्टाम |
वि समना भूमिरप्रथिष्टारंस्त पर्वतश्चित सरिष्यन् || ऋ2/11/7
Work has to proceed on fast pace to make the soil fertile and prevent inundation of forests by ensuring timely and proper release of water by rain bearing clouds.
Constant Education R&D efforts
नि पर्वतः साद्यप्रयुच्छन्त्सं मातृभिर्वावशानो अक्रान् |
दूरे पारे वाणीं वर्धयन्त इन्द्रेषितां धमनिं पप्रथन्नि || ऋ2/11/8
Clouds keep roaming aimlessly in the sky. People only hear those making loud sounds. The impact of these rain bearing clouds has to be made more widespread and useful.
Make Nation Feel Secure
इन्द्रो महां सिन्धुमाशयानं मायाविनं वृत्रमस्फुरन्नि: |
अरेजेतां रोदसी भियाने कनिक्रदतो वृष्णो अस्य वज्रात ||ऋ2/11/9
Sleeping treacherous clouds (Dark evil forces) have to be made fearful of our strength to make them part with the waters imprisoned by them.
Dispel Negative thoughts
अरोरवीदवृष्णो अस्य वज्रोSमानुषं यन मानुषो निजूर्वात |
नि मायिनो दानवस्य माया अपादयत पपिवान सुतस्य ||ऋ2/11/10
It is in the interest of public welfare that forces like dark clouds that only scare by their loud noises (avoid negative thinking), and are inimical to good rains have to be dealt with on the strength of good research and technology.
Develop Natural Herbal Health Care
पिबा-पिबेदिन्द्र शूर सोमं मन्दन्तु त्वा मन्दिनः सुतासः |
पृणन्तस्ते कुक्षी वर्धयन्त्वित्था सुतः पौर इन्द्रमाव ||ऋ2/11/11
It is of utmost importance to undertake research and implementation of the technology in this area.
Provide excellent health Care
त्वे इन्द्राप्यभूम विप्रा धियं वनेम ऋतया सपन्तः |
अवस्यवो धीमहि प्रशस्तिं सद्यस्ते रायो दावने स्याम || ऋ2/11/12
All intellectuals in the community should be attracted to this effort. And there shall be no shortage of support by finance also for such projects.
Make Budgetary allocations
स्याम ते त इन्द्र ये त ऊती अवस्यव ऊर्जं वर्द्धयन्तः |
शुष्मिन्तमं यं चाकनाम देवास्मे रयिं रासि वीरवन्तम् || ऋ2/11/13
To build up our welfare state in perpetuity, take up projects to enhance the enthusiasm and strength of participants by providing strong financial backing.
Enlist support of Probiotic Microbial Forces
रासि क्षयं रासि मित्रमस्मे रासि शर्द्ध इन्द्र मारुतं नः |
सजोषसो ये च मन्दसानाः प्रवायवः पान्त्यग्रणीतिम ||ऋ2/11/14
Build an ecosystem rich in life promoting microbes (pollution free) environment that ensure healthy living conditions for all.
Promote Knowledge based Entrepreneurships
व्यन्त्विन्नु येषु मन्दसानस्तृपत्सोमं पाहि द्रह्यदिन्द्र |
अस्मान सु पृत्स्वा तरुत्रावर्धयो द्यां बृहद्भिरर्कैः || ऋ2/11/15
Just as bright sunshine dispels darkness, take up researches to remove gaps in knowledge to enhance welfare and prosperity for all.
Provide Excellent Infrastructure/Housing
बृहन्त इन्नु ये ते तरुत्रोक्थेभिर्वा सुम्नमाविवासान् |
स्तृणानासो बर्हिः पस्त्यावत्वोता इदिन्द्र वाजमग्मन् ||ऋ2/11/16
Take up planning for building huge infrastructure to provide comfortable housing and good food supply chain for comforts of all.
Ensure good Happiness
उग्रेष्विन्नु शूर मन्दसानस्त्रिकद्रुकेषु पाहि सोममिन्द्र |
प्रदोधुवच्छ्मश्रुषु प्रीणानो याहि हरिभ्यां सुतस्य पीतिम् ||ऋ2/11/17
Provide knowledge and education base for people to achieve health, positive attitudes and peace of mind, devote good energy and resources to achieve these .
Destroy Forces of Darkness and Evil
धिष्वा शवः शूर येन वृत्रमवाभिनद्दानुमौर्णवाभम् |
अपावृणोर्ज्योतिरार्य्याय नि सव्यतः सादि दस्युरिन्द्र ||ऋ2/11/18
Like Sun that dispels darkness and despair, provide strength to the deprived and needy to get them justice and hope .
Strengthen the Positive Forces
सनेम ये त ऊतिभिस्तरन्तो विश्वा स्पृध आर्येण दस्यून् |
अस्मभ्यं तत्त्वाष्ट्रं विश्वरूपमरन्धयः साख्यस्य त्रिताय ||ऋ2/11/19
Strengthen Positive forces to provide happiness at the three levels Physical , intellectual and moral
Full Resource employment in all dimensions
अस्य सुवानस्य मन्दिनस्त्रितस्य न्यर्बुदं वावृधानो अस्तः |
अवर्तयत्सूर्यो न चक्रं भिनद् बलमिन्द्रो अङगिरस्वान् ||ऋ2/11/20
Resources should be employed in all the three dimensions
Provide finances for good schemes
नूनं सा ते प्रति वरं जरित्रे दुहीयदिन्द्र दक्षिणा मघोनी |
शिक्षा सतोतृभ्यो माति धग्भगो नो बृहद्वदेम विदथे सुवीरा:!!
Finances spent on good schemes bear excellent returns
National Growth in Vedas
National Growth RV10.120, AV5.2
ऋषि:- आथर्वणो बृहद्दिव: , आथर्वण is one who never disheartens, बृहद्दिव is one who attains to great heights
By देवता- इन्द्र: tireless entrepreneurship
Stable Infrastructure
Growth Oriented Policy
Vocational Training R&D
Disruptors – corrupt officials
ऋ10/120, अथर्व 5/2
Importance of Sun
तदिदास भुवनेषु ज्येष्ठं यतो जज्ञ उग्रस्त्वेषनृम्ण: !
सद्यो जज्ञानो नि रिणाति शत्रुननु यं विश्वे मदंत्यूमा: !! ऋ10/120/1, अथर्व 5/2/1
उसी समस्त लोक मे सब से बडे पराक्रमी (ब्रह्म द्वारा) द्वारा , सब से उग्र तेजोबलशाली सूर्य उत्पन्न हुव, जिस ने तत्काल से ही सारे (भौतिक मानसिक)अंधकार तथा हानिकारक (नकारात्मक विशादमयी मानसिकता, भौतिक कीटाणु रूप )शत्रुओं को नष्ट कर के प्रगति से आनंद प्रदान किया
Sun provides Leadership Inspiration
वावृधान: शएअसा भूर्योजा:शत्रुर्दासाय भियसं दधाति !
अव्यनश्च व्यनश्च सस्नि सं ते नवन्तु प्रभृता मदेषु !!
ऋ10/120/2, अथर्व 5/2/2
बल बढाता हुआ,महा ओजस्वी,(सूर्य) नकारात्मकता और आलस्य का शत्रु है, स्थावर जंगम सब में वृद्धि को प्राप्त कराता है. वही सब की पुष्टि को धारण कराता है.
Entrepreneurs Enrich Society
त्वे क्रतुमपि वृञ्जन्ति विश्वे द्विर्यदेते त्रिर्भवंत्यूमा: !
स्वादे स्वादीय:स्वादुना सृजा समद:सु मधु मधुनाभि योधी: !! ऋ 10/120/3, अथर्व 5/2/3
जब ये उद्यमशील प्रजाजन, अनेक अपने को प्रकार के यज्ञों के प्रति समर्पित हो जाते हैं , तब वे दो से तीन हो उत्पादन में वृद्धि कर के समाज की प्रगति द्वारा प्राणिमात्र के रक्षक हो जाते हैं,
Stable Entrepreneur friendly Policy
इति चिद्धि त्वा धना जयन्तं मदेमदे अनुमदन्ति विप्रा:!ओजीयो धृष्णो स्थिरमा तनुष्व मा त्वा दभन् यातुधाना दुरेवा: !! ऋ10/120/4
जब (विप्राः) प्रतिभावान जन (रणे रणे)अपने संघर्षों ( उद्योगों इत्यादि ) के द्वारा (धना जयंतं त्वा) समाज को समृधि प्राप्त कराते हैं (नु अनुमदंति) तब निश्चय ही सब आनंद पाते हैं . तब उन्हें (स्थिरम् ओजीय) स्थिर बल प्रदान करो. (दुरेवासः) दुष्ट दुराचारी (कशोकाः) सुख मे दुःख उत्पन्न करने वाले (त्वा)समाज को उन को (मा दभन्) व्यथित न करे.
यहां वेद राष्ट्रीय योजनाओं उद्योगों इत्यादि के लिए एक स्थिर सहयोग नीति और इन आयोजनों की सफलता मे हानि करने वाले तत्वों से सुरक्षा का वातावरण बनाने का उपदेश दे रहा है.
Technology training R&D
त्वया वयं शाशद्महे रणेषु प्रपश्यन्तो युधेन्यानि भूरि |
चोदयामि त आयुधा वचोभिः सं ते शिशामिब्रह्मणा वयांसि || ऋ10.120.5 अथर्व 5.2.5
इन आयोजनों के समृद्धिदायक परिणामों से उत्साहित हो कर अपनी कौशलता और ज्ञान में वृद्धि से और अधिक उन्नति के लिए अपने शस्तास्त्रों ( मशीनों इत्यादि) को और अधिक उन्नत बनावें.
Standardize all work and Technology
स्तुषेय्यं पुरुवर्पसमृभ्वमिनतममाप्त्यमाप्त्यानाम् |
आ दर्षते शवसा सप्त दानून् प्र साक्षते प्रतिमानानिभूरि ||ऋ10.120.6
स्तुष्व वर्ष्मन् पुरुवर्त्मानंसमृभ्वमिनतममाप्त्यमाप्त्यानाम् !
आ दर्शति भूर्योजाः प्र सक्षति प्रतिमानं पृथिव्याः !! अथर्व 5.2,7
ज्ञान और कार्यकुशलता से हम अपने अपने क्षेत्रों में समृद्धि प्राप्त करने के सफल साधनों को जान कर उत्साहित हो कर, उन के द्वारा सप्त दानव जो समाज की प्रगति में बाधक बनते हैं उन पर विजय पाएं. और उत्तम कार्य शैलि के मानक बना कर चलें.
All to work like a family
नि तद दद्दिषेSवरं परं च यस्मिन्नाविथावसा दुरोणे |
आ मातरा स्थापयसे जिगत्नू अत इनोषि कर्वरा पुरूणि || ऋ10.120.7अथर्व 5.2.6
हमारे सब आयोजनों (उद्योगों में) भाग लेने वाले बिना ऊंच नीच के भाव से एक परवार के सदस्यों की तरह भाग लें. सब का अन्नादि से एक परिवार की तरह पोषण हो.
Be the best in the World
इमा ब्रह्म बृहद्दिवो विवक्तीन्द्राय शूषमग्रियःस्वर्षाः |
महो गोत्रस्य क्षयति स्वराजो दुरश्च अविश्वावृणोदप सवाः ||ऋ10.120.8 अथर्व 5.2.8
अपने क्षेत्र में उत्तम ज्ञान और उत्साह से स्वप्रेरित हो कर कर्म मे प्रवृत्त हो कर अपने तेज से प्रकाशमान हो कर विश्व मे अपना स्थान बनायें.
Do Not be Workaholic – work & Relax
एवा महान बृहद्दिवो अथर्वा Sवोचत स्वां तन्वमिन्द्रमेव |
स्वसारो मातरिभ्वरीररिप्रा हिन्वन्ति च शवसावर्धयन्ति च ||ऋ10.120.9 अथर्व5.2.9
अपने इन कार्यों मे व्यस्त रह्ने वालों को अपने ध्यान में रखना चाहिये कि निर्मल स्वच्छ आकाश रूप माता मे दिन और रात्री दो बहनों के समान रहती हैं, जो अपनी शक्ति से विश्राम और उद्यम दोनों के साधन प्रदान कर बके आनन्द की वृद्धि करती हैं.
ऋषि:- आथर्वणो बृहद्दिव: , आथर्वण is one who never disheartens, बृहद्दिव is one who attains to great heights
By देवता- इन्द्र: tireless entrepreneurship
Stable Infrastructure
Growth Oriented Policy
Vocational Training R&D
Disruptors – corrupt officials
ऋ10/120, अथर्व 5/2
Importance of Sun
तदिदास भुवनेषु ज्येष्ठं यतो जज्ञ उग्रस्त्वेषनृम्ण: !
सद्यो जज्ञानो नि रिणाति शत्रुननु यं विश्वे मदंत्यूमा: !! ऋ10/120/1, अथर्व 5/2/1
उसी समस्त लोक मे सब से बडे पराक्रमी (ब्रह्म द्वारा) द्वारा , सब से उग्र तेजोबलशाली सूर्य उत्पन्न हुव, जिस ने तत्काल से ही सारे (भौतिक मानसिक)अंधकार तथा हानिकारक (नकारात्मक विशादमयी मानसिकता, भौतिक कीटाणु रूप )शत्रुओं को नष्ट कर के प्रगति से आनंद प्रदान किया
Sun provides Leadership Inspiration
वावृधान: शएअसा भूर्योजा:शत्रुर्दासाय भियसं दधाति !
अव्यनश्च व्यनश्च सस्नि सं ते नवन्तु प्रभृता मदेषु !!
ऋ10/120/2, अथर्व 5/2/2
बल बढाता हुआ,महा ओजस्वी,(सूर्य) नकारात्मकता और आलस्य का शत्रु है, स्थावर जंगम सब में वृद्धि को प्राप्त कराता है. वही सब की पुष्टि को धारण कराता है.
Entrepreneurs Enrich Society
त्वे क्रतुमपि वृञ्जन्ति विश्वे द्विर्यदेते त्रिर्भवंत्यूमा: !
स्वादे स्वादीय:स्वादुना सृजा समद:सु मधु मधुनाभि योधी: !! ऋ 10/120/3, अथर्व 5/2/3
जब ये उद्यमशील प्रजाजन, अनेक अपने को प्रकार के यज्ञों के प्रति समर्पित हो जाते हैं , तब वे दो से तीन हो उत्पादन में वृद्धि कर के समाज की प्रगति द्वारा प्राणिमात्र के रक्षक हो जाते हैं,
Stable Entrepreneur friendly Policy
इति चिद्धि त्वा धना जयन्तं मदेमदे अनुमदन्ति विप्रा:!ओजीयो धृष्णो स्थिरमा तनुष्व मा त्वा दभन् यातुधाना दुरेवा: !! ऋ10/120/4
जब (विप्राः) प्रतिभावान जन (रणे रणे)अपने संघर्षों ( उद्योगों इत्यादि ) के द्वारा (धना जयंतं त्वा) समाज को समृधि प्राप्त कराते हैं (नु अनुमदंति) तब निश्चय ही सब आनंद पाते हैं . तब उन्हें (स्थिरम् ओजीय) स्थिर बल प्रदान करो. (दुरेवासः) दुष्ट दुराचारी (कशोकाः) सुख मे दुःख उत्पन्न करने वाले (त्वा)समाज को उन को (मा दभन्) व्यथित न करे.
यहां वेद राष्ट्रीय योजनाओं उद्योगों इत्यादि के लिए एक स्थिर सहयोग नीति और इन आयोजनों की सफलता मे हानि करने वाले तत्वों से सुरक्षा का वातावरण बनाने का उपदेश दे रहा है.
Technology training R&D
त्वया वयं शाशद्महे रणेषु प्रपश्यन्तो युधेन्यानि भूरि |
चोदयामि त आयुधा वचोभिः सं ते शिशामिब्रह्मणा वयांसि || ऋ10.120.5 अथर्व 5.2.5
इन आयोजनों के समृद्धिदायक परिणामों से उत्साहित हो कर अपनी कौशलता और ज्ञान में वृद्धि से और अधिक उन्नति के लिए अपने शस्तास्त्रों ( मशीनों इत्यादि) को और अधिक उन्नत बनावें.
Standardize all work and Technology
स्तुषेय्यं पुरुवर्पसमृभ्वमिनतममाप्त्यमाप्त्यानाम् |
आ दर्षते शवसा सप्त दानून् प्र साक्षते प्रतिमानानिभूरि ||ऋ10.120.6
स्तुष्व वर्ष्मन् पुरुवर्त्मानंसमृभ्वमिनतममाप्त्यमाप्त्यानाम् !
आ दर्शति भूर्योजाः प्र सक्षति प्रतिमानं पृथिव्याः !! अथर्व 5.2,7
ज्ञान और कार्यकुशलता से हम अपने अपने क्षेत्रों में समृद्धि प्राप्त करने के सफल साधनों को जान कर उत्साहित हो कर, उन के द्वारा सप्त दानव जो समाज की प्रगति में बाधक बनते हैं उन पर विजय पाएं. और उत्तम कार्य शैलि के मानक बना कर चलें.
All to work like a family
नि तद दद्दिषेSवरं परं च यस्मिन्नाविथावसा दुरोणे |
आ मातरा स्थापयसे जिगत्नू अत इनोषि कर्वरा पुरूणि || ऋ10.120.7अथर्व 5.2.6
हमारे सब आयोजनों (उद्योगों में) भाग लेने वाले बिना ऊंच नीच के भाव से एक परवार के सदस्यों की तरह भाग लें. सब का अन्नादि से एक परिवार की तरह पोषण हो.
Be the best in the World
इमा ब्रह्म बृहद्दिवो विवक्तीन्द्राय शूषमग्रियःस्वर्षाः |
महो गोत्रस्य क्षयति स्वराजो दुरश्च अविश्वावृणोदप सवाः ||ऋ10.120.8 अथर्व 5.2.8
अपने क्षेत्र में उत्तम ज्ञान और उत्साह से स्वप्रेरित हो कर कर्म मे प्रवृत्त हो कर अपने तेज से प्रकाशमान हो कर विश्व मे अपना स्थान बनायें.
Do Not be Workaholic – work & Relax
एवा महान बृहद्दिवो अथर्वा Sवोचत स्वां तन्वमिन्द्रमेव |
स्वसारो मातरिभ्वरीररिप्रा हिन्वन्ति च शवसावर्धयन्ति च ||ऋ10.120.9 अथर्व5.2.9
अपने इन कार्यों मे व्यस्त रह्ने वालों को अपने ध्यान में रखना चाहिये कि निर्मल स्वच्छ आकाश रूप माता मे दिन और रात्री दो बहनों के समान रहती हैं, जो अपनी शक्ति से विश्राम और उद्यम दोनों के साधन प्रदान कर बके आनन्द की वृद्धि करती हैं.
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