Thursday, July 28, 2011

Consumer Protection in Vedas

Consumer Protection
Y-33-59, RV 10-108
Vedic Terminology:
Sarmaa सरमा: - Sayan and accordingly MW (Monier Williams) calls Sarma the four eyed watch dog of Indra. This becomes watch dog endowed with deep vision of four eyes- being able to see that which is visible and sense that also which is intended-not visible to sight.
ऋग्वेद मे आया भी है.
अति द्रव सरमेयौ श्वानौ चतुरक्षौ साधुना पथा !
अथा पितृऋन्‌ त्सुविदत्राँ उपेहि यमेन ये सधमादं मदन्ति!!ऋ10.14.10
यौ ते श्वानौ यम रक्षितरौ चतुरक्षौ पथिरक्षी नृचक्षसौ !
ताभ्यामेनं परि देहि राजनं‌ त्वस्ति चास्मा अनमीवं च धेहि !! ऋ10.14.11

यागति मानं पदार्थं मिनाति सा सरमा . जो गतिमान पदार्थों के बदलते स्वरूप को नापती है वह सरमा है.-Inspectors
वेग से ध्वनि करने वाली – Whistle Blowers
यमाविद्या धर्म बोधं मिमीते – धर्माचार का बोध और व्यवहार बताते हैं – Media Reporters
इस प्रकार वेदवाणी को भी सरमा कहा जाता है, जो हर परिस्थिति मे धर्माचार का बोध कराती है. स्वामी भक्त कुत्ते की तरह वेद वाणी भी देवों की रक्षा करती है.
इस प्रकार आधुनिक परिपेक्ष में समाज के लिए हर स्थिति का सतर्कता से परवेक्षण निरीक्षण करने का कार्य सरमा द्वारा होता है. Sarma represents watch dogs of society- the inspectors enforcing quality controls and taking measure of works and quality, the Media reporters and Whistle blowers.
ऋग्वेद में यह सूक्त सरमा और पणियों के बीच मे एक संवाद के रूप मे मिलता है.

Vedas on Substandard products, hoarders, adulteration, black-marketers

Sarmaa सरमा:
- Taking guidance from Sayan MW (Monier Williams) calls Sarma a four eyed dog of Indra.
विद्वत् जन सरमा की व्युत्पत्ति ,या गतिमान पदार्थं मिनाति सा सरमा से बताते हैं.
Sarma is One who takes measure of a variable item. Vaidic Sarma is thus a watch dog of society,and is said to have four eyes. Inspectors enforcing quality controls, media and whistle blowers are the class of men that can be called vaidic Sarma.

Panis in Vedas
Panis represent a class of people who receive praise in Vedas for their ability to collect and store any surplus commodity produced in the society.
Panis in Vedas also come in for lot of criticism, when motivated by greed they indulge in unethical practices to create artificial shortages, flood the markets with adulterated commodities, and get rich at the expense of society.

Rig Ved 10.108 Sookt takes the form of a dialogue between such a commercial operator, supplier/ manufacturer the पणि and the enforcement agencies / quality watch dogs- having four eyes सरमा - the checking inspector.

Pani Receives Sarma
1.किमिच्छ्न्ती सरमा प्रेदमानड् दूरे ह्यध्वा जगुरि: पराचै: !
कास्मेहिति: का परितक्म्यासीत् कथं रसाया अतर: पयांसि !! ऋ10/108/1
What brings you - Sarma here? The way is long , on taking on such a mission, one can not turn back. What are you looking for here ? What is your personal interest in coming here? Have you not passed through hardships in life? Are you well fed? Are you not here looking for warmth and comforts?
Sarma Replies
2.इन्द्रस्य दूतीरिषिता चरामि मह इच्छंती पणयो निधीन् व:!
अतिष्कदो भियसा तन्ना आवत् तथा रसाया अतरं पयांसि !! ऋ10/108/2
O Panis, I am here as a representative of Indra – the Nation builder- What you have concealed and hoarded, I want to explore that. Yes I have passed through difficult times, but I have learned how to get over difficult situations.

Pani Says
3.कीदृङ्ङिन्द्र: सरमे का दृशीका यस्येदं दूतीरसर: पराकात् !
आ च गच्छान्मित्रमेना दधामाSथा गवां गोपतिर्नो भवाति !! ऋ10/108/3
O Sarma- How rich and powerful is your employer this Indra? We want to make friends with him. He can take over our activities and be their owner.

Sarma Replies
4. नाहं तं वेद दभ्यं दभत् स यस्येदं दूतीरसरं पराकात् !
ना तं गूहन्ति स्रवतो गभीरा हता इन्द्रेण पणय: शयध्वे !! ऋ10/108/4
Indra whom I represent is very unapproachable, incorruptible and invincible. He is not swept away by strong currents of misguiding torrents. He has the capacity to take your measure.

Pani Says
5. इमा गाव: सरमे या ऐच्छ: परि दिवो अन्तान् सुभगे पतन्ती !
कस्त एना अव सृजादयुध्व्यु तास्माकमायुधा संति तिग्मा !! ऋ 10/108/5
O Sarma, with us, you are at the threshold of prosperity. We can provide you with all the riches that you may like. Who parts with his riches without any fight? We are also very powerful with our resources and strength.
Sarma replies

6.असेन्या वः पणयो वचांस्यनिषव्यास्तन्वः सन्तु पापीः |
अधृष्टो व एतवा अस्तु पन्था बृहस्पतिर्व उभया न मृळत्‌ || ऋ10.108.6
O Pani- Your suggestions are not appreciated by upright professionals. Your conduct is evil. Save yourself from punitive rath of Indra. Wise men will take appropriate actions to close your routes. And if you do not surrender, you will find yourself in great trouble.

Pani Says
7. अयं निधिः सरमे अद्रिबुध्नो गोभिरश्वेभिर्वसुभिर्न्यृष्टः |
रक्षन्ति तं पणयो ये सुगोपा रेकु पदमलकमा जगन्थ ||ऋ10.108.7
O Sarma- Our riches are secured in underground stone vaults. Our assets are very rich in resources, and are protected by very competent security force. You have come here in vain

Sarma Says
8. एह गमन्नृषयः सोमशिता अयास्यो अङगिरसो नवग्वाः |
त एतमूर्वं वि भजन्त गोनामथैतद्वचः पणयोवमन्नित्‌ || ऋ10.108.8
आङ्गिरस, अयास्य, नवग्वा- These divine powers represent , omnipresent, untiring, smoothly acting ability to achieve their objectives. They are fully empowered with intelligence and motivated by knowledge, and will relieve you of your misdeeds.

Pani Says
9. एवा च त्वं सरम आजगन्थ प्रबाधिता सहसा दैव्येन |
स्वसारं त्वा कृणवै मा पुनर्गा अप ते गवां सुभगे भजाम ||ऋ 10.108.9
O Sarma- Even your employers are afraid of our powers. We like you very much and would offer you to stay here as our dear sister, and partake your share in our riches.

Sarma Says
10. नाहं वेद भ्रातृत्वं नो स्वसृत्वमिन्द्रो विदुरङगिरसश्च घोराः |
गोकामा मे अच्छदयन यदायमपात इत पणयो वरीयः || ऋ10.108.10
I refuse to be enticed by your sweet talk. My powerful brave employers have deputed me to this task of investigation. I am working under their protection. You better leave this place.
Sarma Finally Says
11. दूरमित पणयो वरीय उद्गावो यन्तु मिनतीरृतेन |
बृहस्पतिर्या अविन्दन्निगूळाः सोमो ग्रावाण ऋषयश्च विप्राः ||ऋ10.108.11
O panis- You must abandon your ways and quit your ways. People are suffering due to your black deeds. Administration has now learned about your secret methods of working and you will no longer be able to operate like this.

1 comment:

  1. This interpretation and discussion of the Pani and Sarama dialogue as a possible allusion to an instance of corruption in ancient India is insightful. Are there others allusions to corruption in the Vedas? I came across the following write up on the internet on corruption in the Vedas.

    (1) "Corruption in Vedas is Hydra headed with nine Heads. It enters human body through ninety nine sources. (Later it was depicted in 9 corrupt heads of Ravana and 99 corrupt sons of blind Kaurva king Dhritrashtra. Ramayna and Mahabharta are Vedas re-told as Epics.) Hydra headed vices include bribery, sloth, doubt, attachment, gambling, deception, food adulteration, miss-appropriation of public funds etc (Sam Veda 179 and 913)
    (2) Rulers should not allow corrupt people to mix with others to avoid spread of evil in society. Such corrupt people face gloom through their children (Rig Veda 2-2-12)

    Unfortunately, upon checking these references in the Rigveda and the Samveda, I did not see any connection or allusion to corruption. Further research showed that the same references are cited verbatim in many more writings. Please let me know if you have any other, reliable references to corruption in the Hindu texts. Thanks
