Thursday, July 28, 2011

Good Nutrition in Vedas

Rishi: Gritasamad, Devta SomaPushano
ऋ 2-40
ऋषिः गृत्समद् भार्गवः शौनकः देवताः सोमापूषणौः
( Note: The Rishi of this Sukta-Chapter- is Gritsamad- The Intelligent one who wants to bring cheerfulness around. The Devta- Topic- is SomaPushna- intelligent Nutritional Strategies i.e. the science of Nutrition )

सोमापूषणा जनना रयीणां जनना दिवो जनना पृथिव्याः।
जातौ विश्वस्य भुवनस्य गोपौ देवा अकृण्वन्नमृतस्य नाभिः ।। ऋ 2-40-1
Nutritionists are the generators of 'wealth' through Nutritive food. From good food comes intellect that generate riches and activities on the earth and outer space. From its very inception they are the guardians of sustainability of this earth.
अथ सौम्यम् ।अन्नं वै सोमोऽन्नेनैव तत्प्रजापतिः पुनरात्मानमाप्याययतान्नमेनमुपसमावर्ततान्नमनुक्रमात्मनोऽकुरुतान्नेनोऽ एवैष एतदाप्यायते ऽन्नमेनमुपसमावर्तते ऽन्नमनुकमात्मनः कुरुते। शतपथ 3।9।1।8

तद्यत्सारस्वतमनु भवति । वाग्वै सरस्वत्यन्नं सोमस्तस्माद्यो वाचा पसाम्यन्नादो हैव भवति। शतपथ 3।9।1।9

इमाव देवौ जायमानौ जुषन्ते -मौ तमांसि गूहतामजुष्टा ।
आभ्यामिन्द्रः पक्वामामास्वन्तः सोमापूषभ्यां जनदुस्रियासु ।। ऋ 2-40-2
In their very beginning the gloom of lack of nutrition is dispelled by emergence of milk in young immature females. (Mothers, Cows, and rains from clouds)

सोमापूस्हाणा रजसो विमानं सप्तचक्रं रथमविश्वमिन्वम् ।
विषूवृतं मनसा युज्यमानं तं जिन्वमथो वृषणा पञ्चरश्मिम् ।। ऋ 2-40-3
( Human body is likened to a chariot with five controlling reins- the five PrAAnas पञ्च प्राण- अपान,व्यान,उदान, समान और मन) Nutrition makes a strong performing creative person ( likened to a वृषभ a performing bull), who manages the available resources to enable movements on this earth and beyond ( Outer Space) ( There is reference to a possible space vehicle equipped with seven wheels or perhaps booster rockets?

दिव्यन्यः सदनं चक्र उच्चा पृथिव्यामन्यो अध्यन्तरिक्षे ।
तावस्मभ्यं पुरुवारं पुरुक्षं रायस्पोषं वि ष्यतां नाभिमस्मे ।। ऋ 2-40-4
The resulting activities from good nutrition give rise to desirable and much sought after health, wealth , fame and progeny on this earth and for control over outer space.

विश्वान्यन्यो भुवना जजान विश्वमन्यो अभिचक्षाण एति ।
सोमापूषणाववतं धियं मे युवाभ्यां विश्वाः पृतनः जयेम ।। ऋ2-40-5
While on one hand it has a role in creating the existing situations in life, on the other hand it is guided by its wisdom to take measures for correcting any unbalances, to defeat destructive forces.

धियं पूषा जिन्वतु विश्वमिन्वो रयि सोमो रयिपतिर्दधातु ।
अवतु देव्यदितिरनर्वा बृहद् वदेम विदथे सुवीरः ।। ऋ 2-40-6
May the supreme nutrition provider पूषा-†ÖפüŸµÖ- Sun, feed our intellects ( Can we see a link with Omega3 and solar radiation for brain development ?), and give us wisdom to have health wealth, wisdom, progeny and shun unsustainable activities to bring welfare to the entire society.

1 comment:

  1. Good Nutrition in Vedas by Soma and Pushan Devatas - is well elaborated. Can some other specific references be available in RV. - Shashi Tiwari
