यजु 25।07 Yajurved 25.07
पूषणं वनिष्ठुनाऽन्धाहीन्त्स्थूलगुदया सर्पान्गुदाभिर्विह्रुत आन्त्रैरपो वस्तिना वृषणमाण्डाभ्यां वाजिनं शेपेन प्रजां रेतसा चाषान् पित्तेन प्रदरान् पायुना कूश्माञ्छकपिण्डे:।।यजु 25.07
पूषणं ---------------The healthy digestive system
वनिष्ठुना स्थूल गुदया----intestine work to produce well formed stools
अन्धाहीन सर्पान गुदाभिर्विह्वत आन्त्रैरपोवस्तिना----from intestines producing watery stools, exit blind snake like creatures
वृषणमाण्डाभ्यां वाजिनं शेपेन रेतसा प्रजां------From well formed healthy testicles through male organ the sperms produce good progeny
चाषान---------- from various foods
प्रदरान----------in the stomachs
पायुना-----------intestinal digestive processes
शकपिण्डै: कूश्मान---------produce a healthy body which should be a continuous subject of study and research.
The mantra extolls the role played by the microorganisms in processing our food and how healthy body is reflected in the proper functioning of our digestive system, and its role in maintaining the sperm counts to ensure good healthy progeny, and the healthy body to provide the frame work for a mind to devote itself to study and research.
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