यजु17/1 Yajurved 17.1 ( Maruts here correspond to what modern science calls MICROBES)
अश्मन्नूर्जं पर्वते शिश्रियाणामद्भ्यsओषधीभ्यो वनस्पतिभ्यो S अधि सम्भृतं पय:!तां न Sइषमूर्जं धत्त मरुत: सॅरराणा Sअश्मॅस्ते क्षुन्मयि तSऊर्ग्यं द्विष्मस्तं ते शुगृच्छतु !!यजु17/1
मरुत: संरराणा : O Maruts, providers of bounties of food etc in plenty मरुत जो सब पौष्टिक आहार आदि का प्रबन्ध कराते हैं
अश्मन्नूर्जं पर्वते : Minerals held by cohesive forces in rocks on the mountains. आंतरिक आकर्षण शक्ति से आपस में बन्ध कर पत्थर जो चट्टानो के रूप मे पर्वतों पर विद्यमान हैं
शिश्रियाणामद्भ्य: Disintegrate them in to constituting particles ( to chelate them in to liquids)
ओषधीभ्य: वनस्पतिभ्य: For herbs and vegetation ( medicines and food) ओषधि वनस्पति आहार
अधि सम्भ्रतं पय: The liquids and waters to provide nourishment like cow's milk अधिकता से सम्यकता से समान रूप से सब को पोषन देने वाला पय(गोदुग्ध जैसा पान करने हेतु)
तां इषं ऊर्जं न: धत्त: Provide for our food and energy हमें अधिकता से अन्न, बल, पराक्रम की ऊर्जा प्रदान करने वाले पदार्थ
अश्मन् ऊर्कं मयि ते क्षुत् All consuming fire may satisfy its hunger so मेघॉं से भी वर्षा के (वनस्पतियो की उन्नति के लिए जो रस मिलताहै) हमारी भूख मिटाएं
ते शुक् तं यं द्विष्म: your wrath may consume the enemies, the pathogens तुम्हारा रोष हमारे शत्रुओं को नष्ट करे. ( हमारे आहार के विष तत्व रूपि हमारे शत्रुओं से सुरक्षा)
O Maruts disintegrate the rocks on the mountains in to their particles( which are held to gather by cohesive energy in the stones) to 'chelate them in to liquids for the enrichment of waters, vegetation and herbs, like the nutrient providing milk from a cow. The 'havi' provided is for the fire to consume, to provide its essence through Maruts to us, and for destroying the 'germs' inimical to us, ie desease and pests of the crops.
Disintegration of rocks on the mountains is known to be caused by the microorganisms by their penetrating the rocks. The broken down 'dust' of the rocks forms the alluvial soil, which is brought down by the streams and rivers from the mountains in to the plains as ever replenished fertile new soil, in which all the vegetation grows.
The mineral particles in the soil are further acted upon by the microorganisms present in the soil and the water particularly the rain waters, when used for irrigation, 'chelates' converts the mineral particles of soil in to liquid for for the root system of the vegetation to receive the nutrition for the growth of vegetation. All organically grown product is immune to pests and desease. This also incidently applies to those who consume organic products.
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