Sunday, July 31, 2011

Microbiology / Biotechnology Rig Ved 1.37

ऋग्वेद 1.37 on Maruts Rigveda 1.37

Rig Veda 1.37.1
CNG/ Methane for transport ?
क्रीळं वः शर्धो मारुतमनर्वाणं रथेशुभम | कण्वा अभि प्र गायत || ऋ1.37.1
क्रीळं – the playful ones, not fighting among themselves
शर्धो – having physical force like pressures
अनर्वाणं – inert like methane gas
रथेशुभम - as good modes of transport
कण्वा – the intellectual people paying attention to minute particles –Researchers
अभि प्र गायत- should play around with.
Let the researchers investigate the ‘shargho’ the forceful i.e. high pressure cryogenic techniques involving inert methane like gases ‘Apan Vayu’ waste gases and microorganisms which are known to be very poisonous –non supportive of organic life- but collectively work in confined enclosed spaces without fighting among themselves, and pursue researches in to engineless travel vehicles.

Rigveda Mantra 1.37.2

ये पृषतीभिऋष्टिभिः साकं वाशीभिरञ्जिभिः |अजायन्त स्वभानवः || ऋ1./37.2
पृषतीभि- multi spotted bearing clouds
ऋष्टिभिः- physical action resulting
साकं – together
वाशीभि- making loud war like noises
अरञ्जिभिः- resplendent In their armors
अजायन्त- get involved in action
स्वभानवः- by their inherent temperament/ luminosity

Team of researchers and technologists with proficiency in materials and languages should pursue studies about self luminosity aspects of the Maruts (Microbes) acting through loud noise making multihued clouds .

इहेव शृण्वं एषां कशा हस्तेषु यद वदान | नि यामञ्चित्रमृञ्जते || ऋ1.37.3
Inherently the Maruts/Microbes families have distinctive colors/appearances, and have distinctive armory to wage wars. The technologies involving microbiology and inert gas high pressure art by their chain of events and actions can provide great benefits for sustainability of all living and nonliving alike.

RigVeda Mantra 1.37.4

प्र वः शर्धाय धृष्वये त्वेषद्युम्नाय शुष्मिणे |देवत्तं ब्रह्म गायत || ऋ1.37.4
Research after regular study and work on the energy, electromagnetic and optical phenomenon involving Microbiology and cryogenic technologies can bring comfort and welfare of all.

RigVeda Mantra 1.37.5

प्र शंसा गोष्वघ्न्यं क्रीळं यच्छर्धो मारुतम | जम्भे रसस्य वावृधे || ऋ1.37.5
Let the wise and famous persons study and learn from the phenomenon of the cows chewing on their cud mixing of microorganisms in their mouth and processing that in their rumens to provide nourishing health giving milk, methane carbon dioxide inert gases .

RigVedaMantra 1.37.6

को वो वर्षिष्ठ आ नरो दिवश्च गमश्च धूतयः | यत सीमन्तं न धूनुथ || ऋ1.37.6

The microbes have the strength to shake not only the earth but entire space. Hence identify the microbes which render useful service of welfare.

Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.7
नि वो यामाय मानुषो दध्र उग्राय मन्यवे |जिहीत पर्वतो गिरिः || ऋ1.37.7

It is not only the humans who have to survive the wrath of microbes, Even the big mountains shake and disintegrate at their hands.

Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.8
येषामज्मेषु पृथिवी जुजुर्वां इव विश्पतिः |भिया यामेषु रेजते || ऋ1.37.8
By inviting the wrath of the micrograms,(spread of pollution and destruction of probiotics) the earth suffers utters desolation and loss of life and acquires the looks of a destroyed territory of a tired, defeated King.

Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.9
स्थिरं हि जानम एषां वयो मातुर निरेतवे | यत सीम अनु द्विता शवः!! RV1.37.9

From the soil which is not mobile and is the birth place of these microbes, they take flight like birds. Their theater of action is spread over both this earth and the space above.

Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.10

उदु त्ये सूनवो गिरः काष्ठा अज्मेष्वत्नत |वाश्रा अभिज्ञु यातवे || ऋ1.37.10
Extensive rains on the mountains should be managed by the king and the community to prevent floods by ensuring spread of knee deep water in waste lands.

Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.11

त्यं चिद् घा दीर्घम पृथुं मिहो नपाममृध्रम् |प्र च्यावयान्ति यामभिः || ऋ1.37.11

These micro organisms by their influence cause even the non raining clouds to make rain. ( this is clear directive on artificial rain making, by inoculation and seeding of the clouds by microorganisms)

Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.12
मरुतो यद्ध वो बलं जनां अचुच्यवीतन | गिरींरचुच्यवीतन || ऋ1.37.12

These microorganisms by their strength not only shake the earth and the people on it but cause metamorphoses of even the mountains.

यद्ध यान्ति मरुतः सं ह बरुवते ऽधवन्न आ | शृणोति कश्चिद एषाम || ऋ1.37.13
Only very learned and devoted students can fathom the secrets involving hearing of the conversations these Maruts (Microbes) make among themselves when they move about .

प्र यात शीभमाशुभिः सन्ति कण्वेषु वो दुवः | तत्रो षु मादयाध्वै || ऋ1.37.14
Traveling vehicles based on these technologies bring great welfare and prosperity in their wake.

Rig Veda Mantra 1.37.15
अस्ति हि ष्मा मदाय वः स्मसि ष्मा वयम एषाम | विश्वं चिद आयुर जीवसे!! ऋ1.37.15
For the welfare of all it is necessary to study these technologies and be devoted to learning and research.

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