Sunday, July 31, 2011

Probiotic Microbes Rig Ved 1.64


Rig Ved 1.64 Marut- Devta , Rishi -Nodha Gotamah
By Subodh Kumar ( 17.09.2006

वृष्णे शर्धाय सुमखाय वेधसे नोधः सुवृक्तिं प्र भरा मरुद्भ्यः
अपो न धीरो मनसा सुहस्त्यो गिरः समञ्जे विदथेष्वाभुवः RV1.64.1

O Nodhas, ( this was a lineage of wise men trained in multidiscipline and highly motivated to engage public service projects) engage in projects to overcome the enormous social problems of disease and hunger like bringing about rains with Yajyas .

ते जज्ञिरे दिव ऋष्वास उक्षणो रुद्रस्य मर्या असुरा अरेपसः |
पावकासः शुचयः सूर्या इव सत्वानो न द्रप्सिनो घोरवर्पसः || RV1.64.2
The prolife or probiotics are Maruts which descend from higher regions , they are free from diseases-pathogens- having gone through the purifying effects of sunshine, and bring to the earth life positive elements through rain water

युवानो रुद्रा अजरा अभोग्घनो ववक्षुरध्रिगावः पर्वता इव |
दृह्ळा चिद विश्वा भुवनानि पार्थिवा प्र च्यावयन्ति दिव्यानि मज्मना || RV1.64.3
These microorganisms as individuals are endowed with youthful vigor, never slowing down due to old age, they are generous and very powerful in consuming the negative forces which bring misery and sufferings-disease carrying microorganisms.

चित्रैरञ्जिभिर्वपुषे वयञ्जते वक्षस्सु रुकमाँ अधि येतिरे शुभे |
अंसेष्वेषां नि मिमृक्षुरृष्टयः साकं जज्ञिरे स्वधया दिवो नरः || RV1.64.4
The life positive army of these soldiers come decked in resplendent golden jewelry and medallions carrying their weapons. These Maruts-the micro organisms are born simultaneously with all life .
( The probiotic – healthy- microorganisms are reported to be seen in laboratories as bright decorated ornament like formations, and are believed to have taken birth at the beginning and simultaneous with all creation)

ईशानकृतो धुनयो रिशादसो वातान विद्युतस्तविषीभिरक्रत |
दुहन्त्यूधर्दिव्यानि धूतयो भूमिं पिन्वन्ति पयसापरिज्रयः ||RV1.64.5
These Maruts- microbes- help the wise men – the scientists and researchers- to lead the fight against disease and hunger, create thunder and bring down natures’ bounties through rains.

पिन्वन्त्यपो मरुतः सुदानवः पयो घृतवद विदथेष्वाभुवः |
अत्यं न मिहे वि नयन्ति वाजिनमुत्सं दुहन्ति सतनयन्तमक्षितम ||RV1.64.6
The Maruts- microbes-as benevolent change agents, provide with life giving water, milk which reduces obesity, and provide health giving nutrition through unfailing actions of rains rivers and streams. They also organize the movements of the clouds.
( The latest researches at Wisconsin and affirmed at NIH Bethesda USA have established that the milk from pasture fed cows due to its CLA- Conjugated linoleic acid content, and Omega 3 enrichment prevents and cure all human body self degenerating disease such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and so on.)

महिषासो मायिनश्चित्रभानवो गिरयो न स्वतवसो रघुष्यदः |
मृगा इव हस्तिनः खादथा वना यदारुणीषु तविषीरयुग्ध्वम || RV1.64.7
Red Fire colored Maruts-microorganisms are the most active organisms to engage in large scale of activities.

सिंहा इव नानदति प्रचेतसः पिशा इव सुपिशो विश्ववेदसः |
क्षपो जिन्वन्तः पृषतीभिर रष्टिभिः समित सबाधः शवसाहिमन्यवः || RV1.64.8
The Red Fire colored one’s are the most voracious eaters of all organic matter to consume waste products to bring about bioprotection and healing the sick.

रोदसी आ वदता गणश्रियो नृषाचः शूराः शवसाहिमन्यवः |
आ वन्धुरेष्वमतिर्न दर्शता विद्युन न तस्थौ मरुतो रथेषु वः || RV1.64.9
Because of their strength in numbers, and continuous vigorous positive action oriented attitude, these life positive microorganisms rule the entire universe to serve the life here on this planet .

विश्ववेदसो रयिभिः समोकसः सम्मिश्लासस्तविषीभिर्विरप्शिनः |
अस्तार इषुं दधिरे गभस्त्योरनन्तशुष्मा वर्षखादयो नरः || RV1.64.10
These Maruts –Microorganisms- are residents of healthy and prosperous communities. They are make loud music and are very vigorous in providing life positive protection.

हिरण्ययेभिः पविभिः पयोवृध उज्जिघ्नन्त आपथ्यो न पर्वतान I
मखा अयासः सवसृतो ध्रुवच्युतो दुधकृतो मरुतो भ्राजदृष्टयः || RV1.64.11
The powerful microorganisms with their golden chariots bring about cloud formations.

धृषुं पावकं वनिनं विचर्षणिं रुद्रस्य सूनुं हवसा गृणीमसि |
रजस्तुरं तवसं मारुतं गणं रजीषिणं वृषणं सश्चत श्रिये || RV.1.64.12
These life protecting microbes in respond to musical prayers to bring happiness to life, by causing destruction of disease carrying microorganisms

प्र नू स मर्तः शवसा जनाँ अति तस्थौ व ऊती मरुतो यमावत |
अर्वद्भिरर्वाजं भरते धना नृभिरापृच्छयंक्रतुमा क्षेति पुष्यति ||RV1.64.13
Those societies which are helped by the microorganisms, they gain strength through their men and animals and earn honor and prosperity.

चर्कृत्यं मरुतः पृत्सु दुष्टरं द्युमन्तं शुष्मं मघवत्सु धत्तन |
धनस्पृतमुक्थ्यं विश्वचर्षणिं तोकं पुष्येम तनयं शतं हिमः || RV1.64.14
Those men become invincible in battles and are endowed with great riches and long life.

नू ष्ठिरं मरुतो वीरवन्त मृतीषाहं रयिमस्मासु धत्त |
सहस्रिणं शतिनं शूशुवांसं प्रातर्मुक्षू धियावसुर्जगम्यात ||RV1.64.15
O Maruts- the microorganisms- grant us riches, durable, rich in men, defying onslaught .A hundred, thousand fold, ever increasing? May these Maruts enriched with prayers visit us soon and early.
(The Sanskrit Script has been down loaded from internet & is slightly inaccurate at some places. For this limitation sincere regret is expressed)

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