Rig Veda Book 1 Hymn 86
(Masaru Emoto of Japan has succeeded in proving that when clean pure water is offered music, prayers and good thoughts, the water gets altered physically. Japanese like us, also have a tradition of singing and praying before water bodies lakes, rivers, and holy water is formed in vessels containing good pure water for holy purposes. Emoto has taken beautiful pictures of crystals of such blessed water, which we in India call abhimantrit waters. This memory phenomenon seems to be caused by response of the Maruts the microorganisms present in this water like the rain water. These phenomena have since been validated in laboratories in Austria and other countries) Rig Vedic Rishi, seems to be pointing to the same.
Devta –Maruto, Rishi- Rahugano Gotamah
Subodh Kumar(surmil2000@gmail.com) 13th Aug 2006-09-20
1.मरुतो यस्य हि क्षये पाथा दिवो विमहसः | स सुगोपातमो जनः ||
The dwelling place, where Maruts descend with day light from Sun, is well protected by the probiotics, against disease germs.
2.यज्ञैर्वा यज्ञवाहसो विप्रस्य वा मतीनाम | मरुतः शृणुता हवम ||
The Probiotic Microorganisms, respond favorably to the sonic mantras chanted and the Agnihotra which is performed, by the wise men with intelligent efforts.
3.उत वा यस्य वाजिनोSनु विप्रमतक्षत | स गन्ता गोमतिव्रजे ||
These Probiotic microorganisms promote physically strong men and healthy cattle herds.
4.अस्य वीरस्य बर्हिषि सुतः सोमो दिविष्टिषु | उक्थं मदश्च शस्यते ||
On their fields, the daily dutifully performed photo synthetic action of day light, is gratefully appreciated by the whole community.
5.अस्य श्रोषन्त्वा भुवो विश्वा यश्चर्षणीरभि | सूरं चित सस्रुषीरिषः ||
All germs of disease are overpowered by the Probiotics, which derive their strength from the Sun.
6.पूर्वीभिर्हि ददाशिम शरद्भिर्मरुतो वयम | अवोभिश्चर्षणीनाम ||
Every year we contribute the best seeds with the blessings of the Probiotic Microorganisms, to bring bounties for the entire community.
7.सुभगः स प्रयज्यवो मरुतो अस्तु मर्त्यः | यस्य प्रयांसिपर्षथ ||
They are indeed the fortunate blessed ones whose offerings are appreciated and accepted by the Probiotic Microorganisms.
8.शशमानस्य वा नरः स्वेदस्य सत्यशवसः | विदा कामस्यवेनतः ||
The hard work by the sweat of their brow in their fields is blessed and rewarded by rich harvest.
9.यूयं तत सत्यशवस आविष कर्त महित्वना | विध्यता विद्युता रक्षः ||
O Probiotics, bless him by your protection from all calamities by your thunder bolts.
10.गूहता गुह्यं तमो वि यात विश्वमत्रिणम | ज्योतिष कर्ता यदुश्मसि ||
Destroy the pests and diseases the harbingers of darkness to bring brightness and sunshine in our lives.
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