Thursday, July 28, 2011

national Planning in Vedas

National Planning RV 2/11
ऋषि:- गृत्समद: आंगिरस: शौनहोत्र:, पश्चाद्‌ भार्गव: शौनक:
गृत्समद: -(गृणाति इति गृत्स:, माद्यतीति मद:) गृणाति अर्चति- प्रभु की स्तुति करता है और सदा प्रसन्न रहता है- is close to Divine thus is never depressed- always in good cheer.)
आंगिरस: - अंगों से शक्ति सम्पन्न है- is physically strong and empowered
शौनहोत्र:- (शुनं सुखं जुहोति) लोक सुख के लिए अपने सुख की आहुति देता है.- He is dedicated to public welfare.
पश्चाद्‌ भार्गव: शौनक: -One achieves this character after one is भार्गव:- भृगु पुत्र अर्थात पहले अत्यन्त तपस्वी जीवन तथा शौनक (शुन्‌ गतौ) खूब क्रियाशील कर्मठ जीवन- ब्रह्मचर्याश्रम के पश्चात वर्तमान गृहस्थ जीवन में इस परिस्थिति को प्राप्त

Addressed to Indra
the Line function Head
(राजधर्म) National Planning
Plan for higher levels of Prosperity
श्रुधी हवमिन्द्र मा रिशण्यः स्याम ते दावने वसूनाम |
इमा हि त्वामूर्जो वर्धयन्ति वसूयवः सिन्धवो न क्षरन्तः || ऋ2/11/1
O Indra listen to our planning for achieving much higher production levels of energy, food stuff, wealth generation and achieving much higher levels of strength. Financial outlay has been earmarked to attain levels as vast as Oceans. Do not panic at the enormity of the plans.

Develop excellent Communication and publicity
for public involvement in your plans
Top priority is water resource conservation
सृजो महीरिन्द्र या अपिन्वः परिष्ठिता अहिना शूर पूर्वीः |
अमर्त्यं चिद्दासं मन्यमानमवाभिनदुक्थैर्वावृधानः ||
First priority is managing Water resources. Action proceeds on three levels.
i. Taking stock of total water situation (Water Foot Print)- Wherever water source is not potable and useful or water is not utilized in most sustainable manner, bring about public awareness and involvement by communication / education/ research and technology.
ii. Explore potential /hidden water sources.
iii. Meet the requirements of all for appropriate quality and needs of water.

Transparency and Public acceptance of all plans

उक्थेष्विन्नु शूर येषु चाकन्स्तोमेष्विन्द्र रुद्रियेषु च |
तुभ्येदेता यासु मन्दसानः प्र वायवे सिस्रते न शुभ्राः ||
All initiatives should be for enlightenment by spreading and sharing knowledge of community , and made freely available like sunshine, which dispels darkness and provides healthy life without discrimination, at all times.
Community participation in Forest resource

शुभ्रं नु ते शुष्मं वर्धयन्तः शुभ्रं वज्रं बाह्वोर्दधानाः |
शुभ्रस्त्वमिन्द्र वावृनो अस्मे दासीर्विशः सूर्येण सह्याः || ऋ2/11/4
(Having developed water resource management) Proceed on a fast pace, to expand the wealth of the forests and make it free of criminal activities, by using bright and effective administration.

Locate Hidden Water Resources & Rain Making

गुहा हितं गुह्यं गूळ्हमप्स्वपीवृतं मायिनं क्षियन्तम् |
उतो अपो द्यां तस्तभ्वांसमहन्नहिं शूर वीर्येण ||ऋ2/11/5
Locate hidden underground water sources and establish aggressive systems/technology of extracting water from clouds.
Develop Solar technologies

स्त्वा नु त इन्द्र पूर्व्या महान्युत सतवाम नूतना कृतानि |
स्त्वा वज्रं बाह्वोरुशन्तं स्त्वा हरी सूर्यस्य केतू ||ऋ2/11/6
Record of the excellent works executed by you in past has guided us in formulation of the present projects.
Develop Hydroelectric Power/Irrigation Systems

हरी नु त इन्द्र वाजयन्ता घृतश्चुतं सवारमस्वार्ष्टाम |
वि समना भूमिरप्रथिष्टारंस्त पर्वतश्चित सरिष्यन् || ऋ2/11/7
Work has to proceed on fast pace to make the soil fertile and prevent inundation of forests by ensuring timely and proper release of water by rain bearing clouds.
Constant Education R&D efforts

नि पर्वतः साद्यप्रयुच्छन्त्सं मातृभिर्वावशानो अक्रान् |
दूरे पारे वाणीं वर्धयन्त इन्द्रेषितां धमनिं पप्रथन्नि || ऋ2/11/8
Clouds keep roaming aimlessly in the sky. People only hear those making loud sounds. The impact of these rain bearing clouds has to be made more widespread and useful.
Make Nation Feel Secure

इन्द्रो महां सिन्धुमाशयानं मायाविनं वृत्रमस्फुरन्नि: |
अरेजेतां रोदसी भियाने कनिक्रदतो वृष्णो अस्य वज्रात ||ऋ2/11/9
Sleeping treacherous clouds (Dark evil forces) have to be made fearful of our strength to make them part with the waters imprisoned by them.
Dispel Negative thoughts

अरोरवीदवृष्णो अस्य वज्रोSमानुषं यन मानुषो निजूर्वात |
नि मायिनो दानवस्य माया अपादयत पपिवान सुतस्य ||ऋ2/11/10
It is in the interest of public welfare that forces like dark clouds that only scare by their loud noises (avoid negative thinking), and are inimical to good rains have to be dealt with on the strength of good research and technology.
Develop Natural Herbal Health Care

पिबा-पिबेदिन्द्र शूर सोमं मन्दन्तु त्वा मन्दिनः सुतासः |
पृणन्तस्ते कुक्षी वर्धयन्त्वित्था सुतः पौर इन्द्रमाव ||ऋ2/11/11
It is of utmost importance to undertake research and implementation of the technology in this area.

Provide excellent health Care

त्वे इन्द्राप्यभूम विप्रा धियं वनेम ऋतया सपन्तः |
अवस्यवो धीमहि प्रशस्तिं सद्यस्ते रायो दावने स्याम || ऋ2/11/12
All intellectuals in the community should be attracted to this effort. And there shall be no shortage of support by finance also for such projects.
Make Budgetary allocations

स्याम ते त इन्द्र ये त ऊती अवस्यव ऊर्जं वर्द्धयन्तः |
शुष्मिन्तमं यं चाकनाम देवास्मे रयिं रासि वीरवन्तम् || ऋ2/11/13
To build up our welfare state in perpetuity, take up projects to enhance the enthusiasm and strength of participants by providing strong financial backing.
Enlist support of Probiotic Microbial Forces

रासि क्षयं रासि मित्रमस्मे रासि शर्द्ध इन्द्र मारुतं नः |
सजोषसो ये च मन्दसानाः प्रवायवः पान्त्यग्रणीतिम ||ऋ2/11/14
Build an ecosystem rich in life promoting microbes (pollution free) environment that ensure healthy living conditions for all.
Promote Knowledge based Entrepreneurships

व्यन्त्विन्नु येषु मन्दसानस्तृपत्सोमं पाहि द्रह्यदिन्द्र |
अस्मान सु पृत्स्वा तरुत्रावर्धयो द्यां बृहद्भिरर्कैः || ऋ2/11/15
Just as bright sunshine dispels darkness, take up researches to remove gaps in knowledge to enhance welfare and prosperity for all.
Provide Excellent Infrastructure/Housing

बृहन्त इन्नु ये ते तरुत्रोक्थेभिर्वा सुम्नमाविवासान् |
स्तृणानासो बर्हिः पस्त्यावत्वोता इदिन्द्र वाजमग्मन् ||ऋ2/11/16
Take up planning for building huge infrastructure to provide comfortable housing and good food supply chain for comforts of all.
Ensure good Happiness
उग्रेष्विन्नु शूर मन्दसानस्त्रिकद्रुकेषु पाहि सोममिन्द्र |
प्रदोधुवच्छ्मश्रुषु प्रीणानो याहि हरिभ्यां सुतस्य पीतिम् ||ऋ2/11/17
Provide knowledge and education base for people to achieve health, positive attitudes and peace of mind, devote good energy and resources to achieve these .
Destroy Forces of Darkness and Evil

धिष्वा शवः शूर येन वृत्रमवाभिनद्दानुमौर्णवाभम् |
अपावृणोर्ज्योतिरार्य्याय नि सव्यतः सादि दस्युरिन्द्र ||ऋ2/11/18
Like Sun that dispels darkness and despair, provide strength to the deprived and needy to get them justice and hope .
Strengthen the Positive Forces

सनेम ये त ऊतिभिस्तरन्तो विश्वा स्पृध आर्येण दस्यून् |
अस्मभ्यं तत्त्वाष्ट्रं विश्वरूपमरन्धयः साख्यस्य त्रिताय ||ऋ2/11/19
Strengthen Positive forces to provide happiness at the three levels Physical , intellectual and moral
Full Resource employment in all dimensions

अस्य सुवानस्य मन्दिनस्त्रितस्य न्यर्बुदं वावृधानो अस्तः |
अवर्तयत्सूर्यो न चक्रं भिनद् बलमिन्द्रो अङगिरस्वान् ||ऋ2/11/20
Resources should be employed in all the three dimensions
Provide finances for good schemes
नूनं सा ते प्रति वरं जरित्रे दुहीयदिन्द्र दक्षिणा मघोनी |
शिक्षा सतोतृभ्यो माति धग्भगो नो बृहद्वदेम विदथे सुवीरा:!!
Finances spent on good schemes bear excellent returns

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