भोगवाद - Consumerism
भोगवादी जीवन शैली पर वेदोपदेश
अथर्व वेद 5.7
Consumerism AV 5.7 भोगवादि जीवन शैलि
अदानशीलता अथर्व 5/7
1.आ नो भर मा परिष्ठा अराते मा नो रक्षीर्दक्षिणां नीयनाम् !
नमो वीत्सार्या असमृद्धये न्मो अस्त्वरातये !!अथर्व 5.7.1
Say good bye to Prosperity that causes resentment & intolerance in others. Say good bye to our tendency of not sharing our wealth with others (in charity). May we share our wealth with all. All the riches that we are endowed with are not to be kept for our selfish purpose.
Marketing gimmicks
यमराते पुरोधत्से पुरुषं परिरापिणम् !
नमस्ते तस्मै कृण्मो मा वनि व्यथमीर्मम !! अथर्व 5.7.2
Distance yourself with the smooth talks that either exaggerate or make tall claims and such sales men. Stay away from that which aggrieves our conscience
प्र णो वनिर्देवकृता दिवा नक्तं च कल्पताम !
अरातिमनुप्रेमो वयं नमो अस्त्वरातये !!अथर्व 5.7.3
Taking guidance from nature’s bounties like day and night, our resources to equally shared with every body & may be inexhaustible. May we chase and smash the temperament of not sharing.
Role of Education
स्वरस्वतीमनुमतिं भगं यंतो हवामहे !
वाचं जुष्टां मधुमतीमवादिषं देवानां देवहूतिष !! अथर्व 5.7.4
May we celebrate and inculcate such education and knowledge that enhances the spirit of mutual cooperation for welfare of all. May our leadership expound such virtuous behavior.
Leadership Role
यं याचाम्यहं वाचा सरस्वत्या मनोयुजा !
श्रद्धा तमद्य विदंतु दत्ता सोमेन बभ्रुणा !! अथर्व 5.7.5
May we develop such articulate skills that would induce resourceful persons to develop the wisdom to share their wealth with community.
Community Service
मा वनिं मा वाचं नो वीत्सीरुभाविधिन्द्राग्नी आ भरतां नो वसूनि !
सर्वे नो अद्य दित्संतोSरातिं प्रति हर्यत !! अथर्व 5.7.6
Our desire for public service, our voice for public interest may never be smothered. May the enterprising energetic wealth creators in the community, provide material resources for the community that promote spirit of public cooperation.
Cause of public unrest
परोSपेह्यसमृद्धे वि ते हेति नयामसि !
वेद त्वाहं निमीवन्तीमराते !! अथर्व 5.7.7
May we understand well that uncharitable attitudes promote poverty that leads to violence and pain.
Vulgar display of Wealth
उत नग्ना बोभुवति स्वप्नया सचसे जनम् !
अराते चित्तं वीर्त्सन्त्याकूति पुरुषस्य च !! अथर्व 5.7.8
Wealthy individuals live in dream lands of pleasing their flesh with self-aggrandizement. This desensitizes their spirit for awareness towards community
Opulence misguides
यामहती महोन्माना विश्वा आशा व्यानशे !
तस्यै हिरण्यकेश्यै निरृत्या अकरं नमा !! अथर्व 5.7.9
Opulent wealth envelopes the individual with an environment as if smitten by a golden haired maiden and causes total decline in wisdom of his duty towards community. Such stupor may be smashed.
living in Golden cage
, हिरण्यवर्णा सुभगा हिरण्यक्शिपुर्मही !
तस्यै हिरण्यद्रापयेSरत्या अकरं नम !! अथर्व 9.7.10
Smash the temperament that leads to gilded life style that makes an individual totally immune to community suffering.
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