Thursday, July 28, 2011

Probiotics in Vedas 1

RV1.87 Probiotics
Devta-Maruto, Rishi-RahuganPutro Gotamah
1.प्रत्वक्षसः प्रतवसो विरप्शिनोनाSनता अविथुरा ऋजीषिणः|
जुष्टतमासो नृतमासो अञ्जिभिर्व्यानज्रे के चिदुस्रा इव स्तृभि: || RV1.87.1
प्रत्वक्षसः-विरुद्ध शक्तियों को क्षीण करने वाले,प्रतवसो-प्रबल,विरप्शिनः-प्रभावशाली अथवा विविध प्रकार से शब्द करने वाले,अनानता- किसी के सामने न झुकने वाले,
अविथुरा- साथ साथ रह कर न बिछुडने वाले,ऋजीषिणः -शीघ्र चलने वाले,जुष्ट-तमासः –जनता की अतीवसेवा करने वाले, नृतमासः – व्यवहार कुशल, केचित्‌ उस्राः इव – सूर्य की किरणों जैसे , वि आनज्रे- शत्रुओं के बल को अलग करते हैं - अथवा प्रकट होते हैं, स्तृभिः – तारों की तरह

2.उपह्वरेषु यदचिध्वं ययिं वय इव मरुतः केन चित्पथा |
श्चोतन्ति कोशा उप वो रथेष्वा घृतमुक्षता मधुवर्णमर्चते || RV1.87.2
May good airborne bacteria come like birds and settle like rains on sweet and clean water to enhance nutritive functions.
3.प्रैषामज्मेषु विथुरेव रेजते भूमिर्यामेषु यद्ध युञ्जते शुभे |
ते क्रीळयो धुनयो भराजद्दृषृयः स्वयं महित्वं पनयन्त धूतयः || RV1.87.3
When these powerful organisms get activated to perform their beneficial functions, even earth trembles as helpless person before them. They are by their very nature playful, fast moving and by their shining weapons establish their reputation and superiority.

4.स हि स्व्सृत्पृषदश्वो युवा गणोयाS ईशानस्तविषीभिरावृत:
असि सत्य ऋणयावाSनेद्यो Sस्या धियः प्राविताथा वृषा गणः || RV1.87.4
The army of these organisms by their qualities of being always ready for action with youthful vigor, self motivation, and mobility provided by spotted horses are indeed fit to be rulers of this universe. They are also fair and transparent in their seemingly powerful capability to lend us protection by motivating our minds to perform actions for our self-preservation. (Modern Molecular biologists may like to ponder over this.)

5. पितुः प्रत्नस्य जन्मना वदामसि सोमस्य जिह्वा प्र जिगाति चक्षसा |
यदीमिन्द्रं शम्यृक्वाण आशतादिन्नामानि यज्ञियानि दधिरे || RV1.87.5
In us humans, our speech faculty is motivated by wisdom inherited from our parents. We follow our community traditions in our routine behavior and various Yagyas to seek help of these microorganisms for protecting us. (The actual routines followed by individual societies to observe cleanliness and protection against disease is guide by their traditions)

6.श्रियसे कं भानुभिः सं मिमिक्षिरे ते रश्मिभिस्त ऋक्वभिः सुखादयः |
ते वाशीमन्त इष्मिणो अभीरवो विद्रे परियस्य मारुतस्य धाम्नः ||ऋ1.87.6

These microorganisms as Probiotics are our well-wishers and go everywhere like rains to provide Probiotics for excellent food.

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