ऋग्वेद 1.39 मरुत: देवता
प्र यद इत्था परावतः शोचिर्न मानमस्यथ |
कस्य क्रत्वा मरुतः कस्य वर्पसा कं याथ कं ह धूतयः || ऋ1.39.1
O Maruts when you launch your assault from far off distances through the solar and wind energies, to shake and disperse the disease carrying enemies, what guides you to decide the targets, the direction and the purpose of your actions?
स्थिरा वः सन्त्वायुधा पराणुदे वीळू उत प्रतिष्कभे |
युष्माकम अस्तु तविषी पनीयसी मा मर्त्यस्य मायिनः || ऋ1.39.2
Your strength, & weapons, in restricting the development and growth of enemies,( the germs and infections affecting life) may always have the highest competence.
परा ह यत स्थिरं हथ नरो वर्तयथा गुरु |
वि याथन वनिनः पृथिव्या व्याशाः पर्वतानाम || ऋ1.39.3
When Maruts are engaged in destroying the very deep rooted well entrenched harmful organisms they can go around the obstacles and completely feed on to destroy all affected growing vegetation on earth.
नहि वः शत्रुर्विविदे अधि द्यवि न भूम्यां रिशादसः |
युष्माकम अस्तु तविषी तना युजा रुद्रासो नू चिदाधृषे||ऋ1.39.4
While the outer space is free from disease carrying organisms, with your support, we may grow very fast, in our capability to make this earth also free of disease carrying organisms.
प्र वेपयन्ति पर्वतान वि विञ्चन्ति वनस्पतीन |
प्रो आरत मरुतो दुर्मदा इव देवासः सर्वया विशा || ऋ1.39.5
You have the strength to move and shake the mountains and forests, let us involve you in the welfare of all with your cooperation.
उपो रथेषु पृषतीरयुग्ध्वम प्रष्टिर्वहति रोहितः |
आ वो यामाय पृथिवी चिद अश्रोदबीभयन्त मानुषाः || ऋ1.39.6
Multicolored moving with water particles your sound of movement is heard by the earth, and people get very scared on hearing that sound
आ वो मक्षू तनाय कं रुद्रा अवो वृणीमहे |
गन्ता नूनं नो ऽवसा यथा पुरेत्था कण्वाय बिभ्युषे || ऋ1.39.7
You have the capability to give protection against life annihilating forces , like the of wise counsel of concerned learned persons , please make haste to come to us for the welfare of our community.
युष्मेषितो मरुतो मर्त्येषित आ यो नो अभ्व ईषते |
वि तं युयोत शवसा व्योजसा वि युष्माकाभिरूतिभिः || ऋ1.39.8
Destroy the pollution caused by negligence, by our members by your vigor.
असामि हि प्रयज्यवः कण्वं दद प्रचेतसः |
असामिभिर्मरुत आ न ऊतिभिर्गन्ता वृष्टिं न विद्युतः || ऋ1.39.8
Intelligent planning can employ the Maruts in community welfare by providing excellent rains etc.
असाम्योजो बिभृथा सुदानवोSसामि धूतयः शवः |
ऋषिद्विषे मरुतः परिमन्यव इषुं न सृजत द्विषम || ऋ1.39.10
Effectiveness of Maruts in destroying pollutants is supreme.
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