When did life originate
ते Sवदन् प्रथमा ब्रह्मकिल्विषे Sकूपार: सलिलो मातरिश्वा ! ऋग्वेद 10.109.1 और अथर्व वेद 5.17.1
सब से प्रथम सृष्टि के सृजनहार तत्वों अकूपार सलिल (primordial soup)और मातरिश्वा अन्तरिक्षीय वायु मे उपस्थित सूक्ष्माणु (मरुतों) ( microbe laden atmosphere) ने मन्त्रणा की.......से वेदों द्वारा सृष्टि के आरम्भ का विवरण आधुनिक विज्ञान के विचारों से मेल खाता है.
इस विषय की पुष्टि मे यजुर्वेद का मरुत देवता को सम्बोधित मन्त्र
“ अश्मन्नूर्जं पर्वते शिश्रियाणामद्भ्यSओषधीभ्यो वनस्पतिभ्योSअधिसम्भृतं पय:! तां नSइष्मूर्जं धत्त मरुत: सँरराणाSअश्मँस्ते क्षुन्मयि तSऊर्ग् यं द्विष्मतंते शुगृच्छतु” यजु17.1 कहता है कि हे मरुतो प्रवतों पर स्थित जो चट्टानें हंो उन को चकनाचूर करके वनस्पति तथा वनओषधीयों के लिए पोषन के लिए उर्वरक मृदा बनावो.
आधुनिक विज्ञान के माइक्रोब हमारे वैदिक भाषा के मरुत जिन से सारा ब्रह्मांड अच्छादित रहता है इसी प्रकार सिद्ध होते हैं.
When did life originate?
Evidence suggests that life first evolved around 3.5 billion years ago. This evidence takes the form of microfossils (fossils too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope) and ancient rock structures in South Africa and Australia called stromatolites. Stromatolites are produced by microbes (mainly photosynthesizing cyanobacteria) that form thin microbial films which trap mud; over time, layers of these mud/microbe mats can build up into a layered rock structure — the stromatolite.
Stromatolites are still produced by microbes today. These modern stromatolites are remarkably similar to the ancient stromatolites which provide evidence of some of the earliest life on Earth. Modern and ancient stromatolites have similar shapes and, when seen in cross section, both show the same fine layering produced by thin bacterial sheets. Microfossils of ancient cyanobacteria can sometimes be identified within these layers.
Modern stromatolites in Shark Bay, Australia
Cross sections of 1.8 billion year old fossil stromatolites at Great Slave Lake, Canada
Where did life originate?
A hydrothermal vent at the bottom of the ocean
Scientists are exploring several possible locations for the origin of life, including tide pools and hot springs. However, recently some scientists have narrowed in on the hypothesis that life originated near a deep sea hydrothermal vent. The chemicals found in these vents and the energy they provide could have fueled many of the chemical reactions necessary for the evolution of life. Furthermore, using the DNA sequences of modern organisms, biologists have tentatively traced the most recent common ancestor of all life to an aquatic microorganism that lived in extremely high temperatures — a likely candidate for a hydrothermal vent inhabitant! Although several lines of evidence are consistent with the hypothesis that life began near deep sea vents, it is far from certain: the investigation continues and may eventually point towards a different site for the origin of life.
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