Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bounties of Domesticated Cows in Vedas

1.4 In praise of domesticated cow, वशा - गौ सूक्त, ऋषि-कश्यप
AV 10.10.1
नमस्ते जायमानायै जाताया उत ते नमः ।
बालेभ्यः शफेभ्यो रूपायाघ्न्ये ते नमः ॥ अथर्व 10-10-1
Homage to cow while it is being born, and homage to cow after it is born, homage all your beautiful physical form including hair in the tail and the hoofs.
प्रसवकाल में गौ को प्रणाम।
गौ के सुन्दर रूपवान शरीर, सुन्दर पून्छ, सुन्दर खुरों,को प्रणाम॥
10.10.2 Qualities of a Goshala incharge/ Veterinary expert गौशाला अद्यक्ष / गौ चिकित्सक विशेषज्ञ के गुण
यो विद्यात्‌ सप्त प्रवतः सप्त विद्यात्‌ परावतः ।
शिरो यज्ञयस्य यो विद्यत्‌ स वशां प्रति गृह्णीयात्‌ ॥ अथर्व 10-10-2
Those who have the knowledge about functioning of the seven parts of the physical body ( two hands, two feet, anus/urethra, vulva and rumen systems that relate to internal functions , and the seven parts (two ears, two nasal openings, two eyes and one mouth) which are related to the bounties that are bestowed by cows, those who can relate intellectually in their mind the role cow plays in the everyday life, only such learned persons are fit to take complete charge of cows.
AV 10-10-3
वेदाहं सप्त प्रवतः सप्त वेद परावतः।
शिरो यज्ञयस्याहं वेडा सों चास्यां विचक्षणम्‌ ॥ अथर्व 10-10-3
The competent person to take charge of matters connected with cows is skilled with cow care functions, is also aware the role that cow plays in performance of various yagyas, and thus in promoting virtuous intellectual ecological qualities of society
यया द्यौर्यया पृथिवी ययापो गुपिता इमाः ।
वशां सहस्रधारां ब्रह्मणाच्छावदामसि ॥ अथर्व 10-10-4
The domesticated cows provide thousands of bounties for protecting the environments impacting the soil, water and the atmosphere. It is for learned people to intelligently make use of all these possibilities in reality.
गौ समस्त द्यौ,पृथ्वी, जलों को संरक्षण प्रदान करती है। परमेश्वर की वेद वाणी से दिए सह्स्रों विद्याओं का उपदेश बुद्धि मान जन ग्रहण कर के लाभान्वित हों।

शतं कंसाः शतं दोग्धारः शतं गोप्तारो अधि पृष्ठे अस्याः।
ये देवास्तस्यां प्राणन्ति ते वशां विदुरेकधा ॥ अथर्व 10-10-5
Hundreds of persons engage in welfare of the cows, hundreds of persons engaging in care of cows like milking, protecting and providing for the cows and the learned persons who devote themselves to matters connected with cows, (for the welfare of the entire community and environments) serve the society.
गो सेवा से जुड़े सेंकड़ों लोग, उत्तम पात्रों में दुग्ध दोहन, गोसेवा, गोरक्षा से समाज को जीवन दे कर गौ के महत्व को समझते हैं।
AV 10-10-6
यज्ञपदीराक्षीरा स्वधाप्राणा महीलुकाः ।
वशा पर्जन्यपत्नी देवाँ अप्येति ब्रह्मणा ॥ अथर्व 10-10-6
By Milk and making possible organic agriculture, cow by her presence, truly governs the entire physical and human ecology.
अपने आस्तित्व, दुग्ध और अन्न (जैविक कृषि) द्वारा भौतिक पर्यावरण, सामाजिक वातावरण को देवताओं के वश में उप्लब्ध होते हैं।
AV 10-10-7
अनु त्वाग्निः प्राविशदनु सोमो वशे त्वा ।
ऊधस्ते भद्गे पर्जन्यो विद्युतस्ते स्तना वशे ॥ अथर्व 10-10-7
Cow is the embodiment of energy and intellectual motivation, the udders represent clouds harbingers of virtue and the teats the lightening of the clods of virtue.
गौ प्रबल ऊर्जा व तेज और चैतन्यता का भंडार है। ऊधनि कल्याणका मेघ और थन उन मेघों की विद्युत है ।

अपस्त्वं धुक्षे प्रथमा उर्वरा अपरा वशे ।
तृतीयं राष्ट्रं धुक्षे ऽन्नं क्षीरं वशे त्वम्‌ ॥ अथर्व 10-10-8
Cow firstly provides milk, next fertile soil, thirdly nutritive sustenance and virility for the nation.
गौ दुग्ध, उर्वरकता के द्वारा राष्ट्र को अन्न और ओज प्रदान करती है।
AV 10-10-9
यदादित्यैर्हूयमानोपातिष्ठ ऋतावरि ।
इन्द्गः सहस्रं पात्रान्त्सोमं त्वापाययद्‌ वशे ॥ अथर्व 10-10-9
When Cow receives Sun's rays, and brings milk to us , this milk is full of vitality of Sun.
ग़ौ दुग्ध में सूर्य की किरणों से एकत्र किया सोम रस सहस्रों पात्रों में इन्द्ग द्वारा हमें प्रदान होता है।
AV 10-10-10
यदनूचीन्द्गमैरात्‌ त्व ऋषभो ऽह्वयत्‌ ।
तस्मात्‌ ते वृत्रहा पयः क्षीरं क्रुद्धो हरद्‌ वशे ॥ अथर्व 10-10-10
When natural body functions act for a cow to desire a bull, the reservoirs of milk start drying up (during pregnancy)
शारीरिक विकास जब वृषभ का सम्पर्क स्थापित करता है, दुग्ध का हरण होने लगता है।

AV 10-10-11
यत ते क्रुद्धो धनपतिरा क्षीर महरद्‌वशे ।
इदं तदद्य नाकस्त्रिषु पात्रेण रक्षति ॥ अथर्व 10-10-11
When the cow turns dry it is as if the gods providing us with bounties are angry, but understand that it is the nature's way of conserving the bounties of heavens in the three rumens of the cow.
AV 10-10-12
त्रिषु पात्रेण तं सोममा देव्य हरद्‌ वशा ।
अथर्वा यत्र दीक्षितो बर्हिष्यास्टा हिरण्यये ॥ अथर्व 10-10-12
Where the intelligent veterinary manager arranges for greenery and golden sunshine to be offered as support to her the cow, it conserves all the wealth and virtues of the gods in milk through her three rumens . (Atherwa is said to be a lineage of rishis well versed in the sciences of solar and biochemical disciplines)
AV 10-10-13
सं हि सोमेनागत समु सर्वेण पद्वता।
वशा समुद्गमध्यष्ठाद्‌ गन्धर्वैः कलिभिः ॥ अथर्व 10-10-13
This milk brings about the best intellectual qualities for all human beings through the domesticated cow, to promote artistic, cultural and commercial acumen.

AV 10-10-14
सं हि वातेनागत समु सर्वैः पतत्रिभिः ।
वशा समुद्गे प्रानृत्यदृचः सामनि बिभ्रती ॥ अथर्व 10-10-14
By integration with Rik and Sam through Yagnas, cow spreads the brilliance of wellbeing equally to all the creation, in all directions to all the universe through atmospheric route.

AV 10-10-15
सं हि सूर्येणागतह समु सर्वेण चक्षुषा ।
वशा समुद्गमत्यख्यद्‌ भद्गा ज्योतीष बिभ्रती ॥ अथर्व 10-10-15
By gathering from Sun the faculties of visual perception Cow spreads it for the welfare of all.
AV 10-10-16
अभीवृता हिरण्येन यदतिष्ठ ऋतावरि ।
अश्वः समुद्गो भूत्वाध्यस्कन्दद्‌ वशे त्वा ॥ अथर्व 10-10-16
By providing victuals through (organic) agriculture cow indeed assumes the role of providing energy like that of a horse to earn material wealth of gold for the society.

AV 10-10-17
तद्‌ भद्रा: समगच्छन्त वशा देष्ट्र्यथो स्वधा ।
अथर्वा यत्र दीक्षितो बर्हिष्यास्त हिरण्यये ॥ अथर्व 10-10-17
When well meaning individuals (भद्रा:) get to gather with intellectually competent men (अथर्वा-scientists) by integrating cow in their activities, Cow indeed gives food and wealth in charity to the society.
AV 10-10-18
वशा माता राजन्यस्य वशा माता स्वधे तवः ।
वशाय यज्ञ आयुधं ततश्चित्त्म जायत ॥ अथर्व 10-10-18
This domesticated Cow through being provider of nutrition is indeed mother of providing a temperament that makes an individual self propelled and equipped with strength to achieve his goals in life.

ऊर्ध्वो बिन्दुरुदचरद्‌ ब्रह्मणः ककुदादधि ।
ततस्त्वं जज्ञिषे वशे ततो होताजायत ॥ अथर्व 10-10-19
Domesticated Cow endows that society high idealistic thinking intellects.

आस्नस्ते गाथा अभवन्नुष्णिहभ्यो बलं वशे ॥
पाजस्याज्जज्ञे यज्ञ स्तनेभो रश्मयस्तव ॥ अथर्व 10-10-20
Poetically stated, the narrative (story telling) ability of man is born out of Cow's mouth, the physical strength is brought forth by the shoulders of the cow, and from the bright ray like shower of milk from udder of the cow the entire worldly activity(यज्ञः) has become possible.
AV 10-10-21
ईर्माभ्या मयनं जातं साक्थिभां च वशे तव ।
आन्त्रेभो जज्ञिरे अत्रा उदरादधि वीरुधः ॥ अथर्व 10-10-21
From the movement possible by front two hands and hind two legs and the intestinal products of the cow agriculture comes forth. (Reference here is to cow based agricultural activities of spreading of cow fertilizers in the farm lands)
AV 10-10-22
यदुदरं वरुणस्यानुप्राविशथा वशे ।
ततस्त्वा ब्रह्मोदह्वयत्‌ स हि नेत्रमवेत्‌ तव ॥ अथर्व 10-10-22
O mother of all, when you entered the belly of rain bearing clouds (through life supporting microbes), Brahma-God recognized this and announced your presence by thundering of clouds. He knows about your leadership in this universe.
AV 10-10-23
सर्वे गर्भादवेपन्त जायमानादसूस्वः ।
ससूव हि तामाहुर्वशेति ब्रह्मभिः क्लृप्तः स ह्यस्या बन्धुः ॥ अथर्व 10-10-23
Seeing an infertile cow, common –(unwise) men feel very unfortunate. But intelligent persons (Brahmans) see her to be our keeper.
AV 10-10-24
युध एकः सं सृजति यो अस्या एक इद्‌ वशी ।
तरांसि यज्ञा अभवन्‌ तरसां चक्षुरभवद्‌ वशा ॥ अथर्व 10-10-24
Social Activists on a war footing establish the domestic cow in households. This creates the community actions for welfare of the humanity. Through cows one gets the insight that helps to overcome all miseries and poverty.
AV 10-10-25
वशा यज्ञं पत्यगृह्णाद्‌ वशा सूर्यमधारयत्‌ ।
वशायामन्तराविशदोदुनो बृह्मणा सह ॥ अथर्व 10-10-25
Domesticated cow blesses all our actions.(Yajnyas) Cow bestows Sun with her blessings. Cow enters our food and enhances our intellect. This is the basis on which cow ensures success of all our efforts (Yajnyas), and protects our food and wisdom. (Modern Science calls this linkage of Vitamin D and greenery by Photosynthesis to provide the life and brain building essential fatty acid Omega 3, with cow enabled organic vegetarian food)
AV 10-10-26
वशामेवामृतमाहुर्वशां मृत्युमुपासते ।
वशेदं सर्वमभवद्‌ देवा मनुष्या3 असुराः न्पितर ऋषयः ॥ अथर्व 10-10-
Wise men call Cow IMMORTAL. We worship her in her mortal body. Cow embodies every thing and every one- Devataa, Human, Asur, Pitar, and Rishis.
AV 10-10-27
य एवं विद्यात्‌ स वशां प्रति गृह्णीयात्‌ ।
तथा हि यज्ञः सर्वपाद्‌ दुहे दात्रेऽपस्फुरन्‌ ॥ अथर्व 10-10-27
One who understands this wisdom, takes the care of cow as his duty. He performs all his actions without getting discouraged and is always successful in his mission of life.
AV 10-10-28
तिस्रो जिह्वा वरुणस्यान्तर्दीद्यत्यासनि ।
तासाम या मध्ये राजति सा वशा दुष्प्रतिग्रहा ॥ अथर्व 10-10-28
Varun’s three tongues represent the speech of the worshipper- Referring to Rik, Yaju and Sam. Yaju the Yagnya is the middle tongue and Cow manifests herself in Yagnyas. The path to achieve success on this road is hard but essential.

AV 10-10-29
चतुर्धा रेतो अभवद्‌ वशायाः ।
आपस्तुरीयममृतं तुरीयं यज्ञस्तुरीयम्‌ ॥ अथर्व 10-10-29
Cow the Immortal manifests in four forms, water, all food, Yagnya and mortal beings.
AV 10-10-30
वशा द्यौर्वशा पृथिवी वशा विष्णुः प्रजपतिः ।
वशाया दुग्धमपिबन्त्साध्या वसवश्च ये ।अथर्व 10-10-30
Vasha- Mother Cow in your house is the heavens-द्यौ,the earth-पृथ्वी, Keeper of the life-विष्णु:,. Those who take cow’s milk are blessed with all-round success and prosperity.
AV 10-10-31
वशाया दुग्धं पीत्वा सध्या वसवश्च ये ॥
ते वै ब्रघ्नस्य विष्टपि पयो अस्या उपासते ॥ अथर्व 10-10-31
On partaking Cow’s milk the successful prosperous persons find their abode in heaven- (Heaven on earth) –पृथ्वी पर स्वर्ग.
AV 10-10-32
सोममेनमेके दुह्रे घृतमेक उपासते ।
य एवं विदुषे वशां ददुस्ते गतास्त्रिदिवं दिवः ॥ अथर्व 10-10-32
This wisdom is earned by some. Some only extract Ghee- fats from Cow’s milk. Only the wise men who derive total wisdom from cows earn their abode in Heaves.
AV 10-10-33
ब्राह्मनेभ्यो वशां दत्त्वा सर्वांल्लोकान्त्समश्नुते।
ऋतंह्यस्यामार्पितमपि ब्रह्माथो तपः ॥ अथर्व 10-10-33
By assigning cows to the care of wise men ( Brahmins) one achieves every thing in this life, for all Rit - ऋत Knowledge, wisdom and ability to perform reside in cows.
AV 10-10-34
वशां देवा उपं जीवन्ति वशा मनुष्या उत ।
वशेदं सर्वमभवद्‌ यावत्‌ सूर्यो विपश्यति ॥ अथर्व 10-10-34
Cow farms the basis for existence of all Devtas. Humans owe their survival to cows. Thus cow extends herself to all the space up to where Sun light is visible.

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